"Everybody sit around the table now, and just shut up."

"Why are we even doing this? I came here to relax, not play some game invented by mundanes."

"I'll have you know that this is one of the best games in creation," Clary defended, shuffling the cards in her hands. "And don't think I know exactly what you came over for Jace. I can read it all over your smug face."

"Keep it PG-rated Clary," Simon interrupted, shifting his chair at the table. "There's a kid in the room, and the last thing I want is to traumatize him."

"Don't talk like I'm not here," Max retorted, placing his manga book on the table and scratching behind his ears. "I'm nine, not five. And I already know that Jace wanted to 'hang out' with Clary," he stated with air quotes. "Jace isn't one to keep things quiet when it comes to Clary."

The artist and fellow shadowhunter tried her best to keep neutral as she felt Jace's gaze rest on her. There's no way she was going to fold here, especially with all these people present.

On this warm summer night, New York was lit up like a beacon; the streets were overflowing with attendees heading off to the latest rave, and downtown New York was thriving with vitality and life. There was a certain peace that fell over the city, one that could be felt by both Shadowhunters and Downworld folk.

Almost everyone had gone to the apartment where Simon and Jordan lived for a getaway night. The Lightwood siblings, including both their baby brother and adopted brother Jace, were gathered at Simon and Jordan's apartment, piling in for the night for a bit of fun away from the seriousness of their world at the Institute. Maia dropped in for a visit to try and mend the relationship between her and Jordan, while Magnus simply wanted to join in all the fun and spend some quality time with his boyfriend.

Clary held the cards in her hands as everyone settled down around the table. She tucked a stray red lock out of her eyes as she eyed up everyone present in this room. This was going to be a very interesting night.

"Here are the rules," she said as she moved around the table. "No peeking at other people's cards, no stealing cards, no using magic to try and cheat and see who's lying, no powers of any kind, no using super-hearing or any super senses to determine who's lying. And don't even think about pulling out a knife and threatening people. Yes, I'm talking to you two in particular, Isabelle and Jace."

"Wha… I'm a complete angel," Isabelle said innocently, holding her hand to her chest. "As if I would pull such a dirty trick in this game."

"Knowing you guys, you'll try and do something sneaky," Clary said suspiciously. "Hands out."

All the people present in the room held out their hands as Clary dished out the cards face-down, keeping an eye on who had who for future references.

"You may look at your cards," she said ominously, grabbing her i-phone in the corner and setting up the timer. "Don't show them to anybody. At the bottom you will see a word stating your role in the game. There should be two mafia members, one cop, one nurse, and four civilians."

"What's the aim of the game?" Alec questioned.

"You want to kill off the mafia guys before they kill off the cop and nurse," Maia answered, pulling her hair back in a lopsided ponytail. "Mafia can only kill one person at a time per round, and cops have to guess who the mafia are."

"What does the nurse do?" Isabelle queried as she looked at the card in her hand before slipping it into her pocket.

"The nurse can choose one person to save. Civilians can't do squat."

"Well this should be easy then," Alec said. "Obviously we'll all see who's doing the killing so it won't exactly be hard to find the mafia."

"Uh-uh," Simon interrupted. "This is more like detective work. Everyone will have their eyes closed, while the mafia, nurse, and cop make their move."

"And at the end, we have to deduced who's the mafia and then kill them off at the end of each round," Jordan ended. "But you have to try and not let anyone know what your role is while the investigation is going on."

"How the heck do you know so much, downworlder?" Jace asked curiously.

"They had lives before they were bitten, imbecile," Magnus said with a sneer, flicking his fingers and watching as a spark of blue bit at Jace's nose. "Honestly, you're so insensitive at the worst of times. Don't know how your family managed to put up with you all these years."

The girls chuckled as Jace did his best to nurse his wounded ego. Clary smiled and stood at the head of the table, looking over everyone in the room. "Okay, everybody close your eyes. And no peeking."

Surprisingly, everybody did so. She kept quiet as she went around the table, looking at everyone around her. "Will-" she ducked her head between Maia and Isabelle, "-the mafia-" she moved around the room, waving her hand in front of Jace's face, "-please wake up and recognize each other."

Two heads arose and they cast their eyes at each other from their positions at the table. "Now. Choose who you want to kill."

One of the mafia members looked at each at those present and – after playing the 'nod for yes, shake for no' game with their partner, finally settled a finger on a target that they both agreed on. Clary pointed to their victim to confirm their choice, and nodded back at them.

"Mafia, close your eyes and sleep." Clary nodded and waltzed around the table, tapping the heads as she did so. "Will the nurse—" she stopped right by Magnus and bent down low by the side of his face, "please wake up."

The nurse quirked one eye open and looked around the room. "Mafia just shot someone on their midnight tour. Choose who you want to save." They held their fingers to their lips before pointing to a person. Clary took note of their move and nodded for confirmation. "Okay Nurse – go back to sleep.'

The nurse closed their eyes while Isabelle slumped in her chair. Clearly she was restless from having to wait, but at least she wasn't cheating. "Cop, get up – it's patrol time."

The cop opened up their eyes, a sneaky grin evident on their face. They narrowed their eyes as they looked around the room, eying up the potential killers. "Who do you think is the Mafia?" The cop pointed their hand at the person by their side, looking up at Clary with a questioning gaze. She shook her head her head and the cop pouted miserably, quickly recovering with a look of suspicion as they eyed up the rest of potential suspects. "Cop, go back to sleep."

Clary strode over to the head of the table and rapped her knuckles against the wood. "City of New York, wake up." Everybody raised their heads as they looked around the room, eyeing up those around them.

"So, once upon a time, Jace was going out in town, seraph blades in hand as he went off to Taki's. It was a nice night and he was happy as a kid on his birthday, since he was bored as hell and someone happened to call in an attack from a horde of Ravener demons, and just by coincidence he was the only one available."

"Where the heck is my parabatai?" Jace said accusingly, looking at Alec with betrayal and anger.

"Off snuggling with me," Magnus teased, watching the older shadowhunter blush at his words.

"Shut up, I'm telling the story here," Clary chastised.

The golden blonde leaned back in his chair with a cold spark in his eyes. "If I end up dying, I will slaughter the one responsible for my death."

"Jace walks into Taki's, blades in hand and he's about to jump in and save the faerie waitress Kaelie from being mauled to piece's. Unfortunately, the mafia drove past and shot our angel boy with a poison dart, tipped with Ravener demon venom, and he struggled to kill the remainder of the group. Fortunately, there was someone passing by who managed to help our dying angel and save him from the brink of death. In the end, Jace was saved and went home without any sever wounds, wearing a satisfied smirk on his face."

The blonde smirked as he looked around the room at the faces around him. Isabelle whipped her head up to face Clary. "So no one died, then?"

"No, someone did die," Clary reaffirmed. "While the nurse was distracted saving Jace, Isabelle was shot in the back while she was out on her way back to the Institute, having just finished a heavy make-out session with dear old Simon here."

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!" Isabelle howled as the room burst out in a fit of laughter. Simon blushed heavily at Clary's words, pulling at the collar of his shirt. "I didn't even get to do anything! What the hell!"

"I'm so sorry Izzy," Clary said apologetically. "Please reveal your card and show everyone who you are before you leave the game."

Izzy stood up from between Maia and Jordan and slammed her card on the table. It showcased a seven of hearts, indicating that she was a civilian.

"You're a civilian?" Alec asked with mock surprise. "I thought for sure you would be the mafia."

"Screw you all," she sneered, pulling her chair away over by the island in the kitchen. "You guys are useless, the whole lot of you."

"Alright, city of New York," Clary called out. "You have seven minutes to discuss amongst yourselves to determine who the mafia is. Your time starts now."

Jace was the first to start the volley of accusations, setting the fire ablaze by pointing his finger squarely at Maia. "Maia's mafia."

"Why the heck are you accusing me first, Wayland?"

"It's simple. When Clary called out for the Mafia to wake up, I heard movement from your zone."

"And Simon was treating you as his side-chick while he was kinda with Isabelle for that brief point in history," Magnus supported. "So there's motive to get rid of Isabelle."

"No way am I mafia," Maia defended. "And besides, that has nothing to do with the game at hand. And if you think noise will indicate who the mafia is, then you need to take a look in the mirror, blondie."

"You know what, I think that these two—" Simon gestured to Magnus and Jace who were sitting to his left, "—are Mafia."

"What makes you think I'm the mafia, huh?" Magnus said in a deceptively calm tone. "Pray tell your story."

"Well look at you," Simon gestured to the whole of the blonde shadowhunter. "You're practically jumping at the first person you see, and you're getting all agitated as hell. And you, Magnus, are jumping up at his defense. In my experience, when you do that then that means that you're both mafia, because you're trying not to out each other."

"That's because I nearly died genius," Jace pointed out. "Remember? Besides, I'm a civilian, so I can do jack."

"Well I'm a civilian too," Maia defended. "So that cancel's me out as mafia."

"I don't think Jace is innocent."

"I'm just gonna put it out here you guys," Jordan said with his hands raised. "Here's my useless piece of information – I'm a civilian, so there's no way that I would've killed Isabelle."

"He's telling the truth," Max said with an honest expression on his face.

"Liar," Isabelle called out from the kitchen. "You're probably the one who killed me."

"Izzy, don't talk. You're dead."

Isabelle arose from the stool at the island, her eyebrows narrowed in a dangerous glare. Before she could say something smart back to the blonde at the table, Clary quickly wrapped one hand around her mouth whilst pushing her back in the chair.

"Just wait," she chided peacefully. The group continued to argue amongst each other, trying to determine whom among them was a member of the guilty party.

"I definitely think Jace is one of the mafia members," Jordan accused, sitting back in his chair as he looked over at Jace with wary eyes.

"What the – how can he be mafia?" Magnus challenged. "That would just contradict everything that just happened."

"Jace is innocent," Max's voice piped up.

"Thank you for believing me, you two," Jace said gratefully. "And yes, referring to before, why would I kill Izzy, huh?"

"To distract us from the fact that you're the mafia," Jordan stated obliviously. "I've seen this strategy many times before when I've played this game. The sibling kills off their sibling to distract the others from them, and people don't suspect them because they think 'aw geez, there's no way he'd kill of his girlfriend or sibling or whatever'. It's a classic trick play that's been used countless times."

"You are wrong for multiple reasons and I'm going to list why," Jace countered, raising his hands and counting off each finger as he explained. "For one, this is the first time I've played this so how the heck would I even know that pathetic strategy. Two, that's pathetic because there's no way I would risk my life sacrificing my sister, okay? And three, if I'm going to kill someone in this game, the first will be Simon because he serves no purpose and it'll save the heartache when Isabelle breaks up with him."

Both Isabelle and Simon cried out in outrage at Jace's comment, and he grinned as he looked at the both of them. "Trust me, I'm doing you a favor, ratface."

"You do remember that my having vampire strength means I can break you in half whenever I want – you know that right?"

"Yeah, but then both Alec, Izzy, and Clary will be busting your behind for ridding the earth of my brilliant self."

"You're not that brilliant," Simon mumbled beneath his breath.

"And I certainly won't stop him from doing so," Isabelle hissed vehemently from her corner.

"Is that the wind I hear?" Alec said curiously.

Isabelle snarled and tightened her hands into a fist, itching to snap her whip around both her brother's faces.

"Alexander, you've been awfully quiet for a while," Magnus observed as he turned his yellow gaze to the blue-eyed shadowhunter. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

The older Lightwood had a calm innocent look on his face. "Because I'm the cop," he stated, "And I know that either Maia or Jace are mafia."

"Oh really?" Jace said hotly. He was about to lash out at the man when realization crossed his face and he leaned back away from the elder Lightwood, a slight smile appearing on his face. "Hello, someone's deciding to play the game, huh?"

Alec held his hands up in confusion. "What are you talking about, Jace?"

"I know you," he began in a confident voice, "and I know your tells when you're hiding something—"

"I'm not hiding anything," Alec replied in the same calm manner. "But you're certainly trying your hardest to deflect the attention from you."

"Three minutes left before voting," Clary called out from the kitchen island, dishing out some ice-cream for her and Isabelle. Both girls watched as the argument broke out between the existing players in the game.

"No, he's definitely hiding something," Jace said assuredly. "I've known Alec my whole life, so I know how he acts under pressure."

Jordan slammed his hands on the table. "I'm still convinced that you're mafia," he addressed Jace with a suspicious glint in his eyes. "You're trying too hard to deflect the attention-

"Shush!" Maia threw her hands in the air and yelled out to grab the guys' attention. "I think I've cracked it. I think—" she pointed to Simon and Alec, "that those two are mafia—"

"Why would you even think that?" Simon said in a flustered manner. "I'm a civilian."

"Simon isn't mafia," Magnus defended. "Even he's not stupid enough to shoot off his girlfriend out of the game zone. Alec on the other-hand," he said thoughtfully, running his fingers through his hair. "I think Alec's definitely mafia. He's too calm to be a civilian, and he's not exactly putting up much of a fight—

"That's because I'm the cop," Alec retorted, pulling up the sleeves of his navy sweater to his elbows as he laid his arms across the table. "I'm, I'm trying to read everybody's reaction to see who the real mafia is he—"

"Nah uh, you're mafia," Magnus said with a growing smile. "Darling, I can tell when you're lying."

"I'm not lying," Alec argued.

"Yes you are," Jace replied forcefully. "You are mafia, because one, you cannot tell a lie, and two, you keep diverting your eyes every time I try to make eye contact.'

"I'm not mafia," Alec said promptly. "I can wholeheartedly tell you that there is no way that I am maf—"

"Can I say something?" Max said politely, his voice cutting through the ruckus. All heads turned to face the youngest person in the room, watching him as he pushed his prescription glasses up his nose. "I've known Jace and Alec for all my life," he began, "And if there's one thing I know, it's that they would never sacrifice a family member half-heartedly. Alec is my big brother, and he cares a lot for his family. He always tells me that he'll always protect Isabelle and me from anything that comes our way. And Jace on the other hand, he's the best fighter ever. And he never backs down from anything that threatens his family and friends."

The whole room had fallen silent as Max shared his beliefs in his siblings, bringing his older sister to tears in the corner. Maia and Jordan smiled sweetly at Max's innocence, while Jace and Magnus looked down at the youngest Lightwood with fondness.

'Thanks little bro," the blonde said, ruffling the young boy's head with a callused hand.

"That was quite moving," Magnus admitted.

"You must look up to your older brothers' a lot, huh?" Simon said fondly, thinking back on his older sister and how she was his shield, anchor and sword.

Max switched grinned as he alternated his gaze between the dark-haired and blonde big brothers. "I know who the mafia is now," he sang, a wicked grin replacing the sweet one on his face.

Jordan arched one eyebrow as he looked at the short kid. "Okay, hit me. Who do you think it is?"

"He is." Max pointed his hand squarely at Alec, who recoiled back in shock from the intensity of his younger brother's gaze.

"That's a pretty big accusation," Simon stated, backing out of Max's view. "Especially after you just said that Alec will always protect you and everything."

"I know," Max said cheekily, tilting his head as he said so. "But I bet big brother Alec is probably feeling guilty now. He won't look me in the eyes properly, and he always looks at me square-on when he's talking to me about anything."

Jace placed one finger on his lips as he contemplated the younger Lightwoods words. "That is true," he confirmed. "No one can lie to baby Max."

"I'm not the mafia," Alec stated again half-heartedly.

"Well it's either you or Jace," Jordan said, re-stating his position on the matter at the hand. "I wouldn't put it past Jace to try and get rid of the people who could read him easily."

"Time's up!" Clary called out. "Time to vote. Players, point at who you think the culprit is."

Magnus, Max, and Jace pointed their hands at Alec who stared back at them with villainous intent as he pointed at Jace along with Jordan and Simon. Maia had her sights set squarely on Simon, making sure her finger was right up in his face.

"I still think Simon is the other mafia," she accused.

"Please tell me why I would kill my girlfriend," Simon pointed out blatantly.

Clary rapped her knuckles against the table, calling everybody back to attention. "The votes have been counted, and the council of New York have spoken. Alexander Lightwood has been executed. Please reveal your card and leave the table."

Alec stood up, wearing a grim smirk on his face. He pulled his card out and showed to Max, watching his face light up with glee. "You're dangerous," he said with a smile, revealing the word 'mafia' scribbled over the king of hearts.

Isabelle was stunned as her brother showcased the card. "Why the hell did you kill me? I'm your sister! I never thought you'd do this to me, you traitor!"

"Well, I thought the nurse was going to save you!" Alec replied as he made his way over to where her sister was, flipping off Jace and Jordan who were whooping and howling with laughter. "And you seemed like the likely candidate for cop."

"The cards are given out randomly genius," she stated, digging into her sundae ice cream with too much force than necessary.

"Okay shut up, shut up!" Maia called over the noise. "So now we have one mafia left, the cop, the nurse, and three civilians. This next round should be pretty easy now."

"We'll see,' Clary said ominously. "Round two coming up."

Game on guys. Let's see how this thing goes, shall we?

Don't worry fellow Clace fans. I am still working on Art of War, so fear not.

- Violentkitsune