A/N: This is my first fic, so constructive criticism is much appreciated! This was planned as a one shot, but I might continue if you guys want it. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I unfortunately own nothing.



"Beca, are you awake?"

A small groan makes its way from the heap of blankets covering my roommate. I slowly tiptoe over, knowing how grumpy she gets when she's woken up before it's absolutely necessary. Giving her a shake, I try again,

"Becs, please, I need you."

On hearing this, the DJ emerges from her cocoon, squinting in the dim light given out by the small lamp I switched on so that I didn't fall flat on my face whilst trying to navigate the small minefield of obstacles which is Beca's bedroom floor.

"Chlo? What's happened?" she asks, shuffling over to give me room to crawl into the bed alongside her.

It's only then that I allow the floodgates to open, tears streaming down my face as the small girl cradles me into her. Despite how awkward Beca can be, she does her best to try and comfort me. It makes me sob harder when I think about how willing this girl is to take a blind leap out of her comfort zone for me no matter what time of day or night it may be. We stay in this position until I start to calm down and am ready to talk.

"It's over." I manage to croak out.

"Okay...you know I'm not too great with social cues Chlo, you'll have to give me something to work with," she pauses, "don't worry, it's just me, and you don't have to rush, I've got all night," she smiles softly, and in that moment, a sense of calm washes over me, knowing that this small, awkward, alternative girl actually gives a damn about me is the best feeling I've had in a long time.

"We broke up...me and Tom...it's over," I stutter out, my voice still raw from all the crying, "I ended it, and I shouldn't be upset about it because it's my fault, but I can't help it because we were together for three years, y'know?"

"Hey, it's gonna be alright," she whispers, stroking my hair, "you have the right to be upset, you have the right to be happy when all of this passes, however you feel is absolutely fine, please never think that your feelings are invalid. If anyone ever tells you any different, send them to me and I'll show them just how invalid their opinions are."

I chuckle at the thought of the pint size brunette taking someone on for me, and feel that familiar flutter in my stomach, one I know all too well.

"Thanks Becs, you always make me feel better," I say, snuggling further into her as she turns the lamp off, the events of the night finally catching up with me, making me suddenly exhausted. After a few minutes of silence, just the quiet sound of breathing filling the room, Beca whispers softly,


"Yeah?" I mumble sleepily.

"You don't have to tell me if you're not ready to discuss it, but why did you break up with him?"

I sigh, knowing that I would have to answer this eventually,

"I didn't...couldn't love him like I used to, I know it's a massive cliche, but someone else stole my heart. It wasn't fair on either of us to carry on pretending, I just didn't feel that spark anymore."

"Oh...okay, night Chlo."

"Night Becs."

I drift off to sleep a few minutes later, wondering if I was just imagining the change in the tone of Beca's voice, but feeling too safe and comfortable in her arms to worry about it too much.

I wake up to something tickling my nose, opening one eye, I'm met with a mass of brown hair. As I slowly turn my head, I notice the position we must have gotten ourselves into at some point in the night and start to blush. I'm laid half on top of the small DJ, one of my legs trapped between both of hers. I suddenly become hyper aware of her arms tightly squeezing my waist as she begins to stir awake, the groan she lets out vibrating through my body.

As her eyes flutter open adorably, I watch as a look of confusion flashes across her face before she must realise the position that we're in and attempts to untangle herself so fast that she ends up falling off the other side of the bed, pulling me with her as I attempt to catch her. Once I'm over the shock of the early morning tumble, I register exactly why I didn't have a hard landing.

Looking down, I'm directly on top of Beca, who seems to have temporarily lost the ability to breathe, much like myself. Subconsciously, I feel myself slowly moving my head further down towards her. Just as my lips are about to reach hers, she tilts her head up to close the gap.

In that moment, I feel the spark that I've waited so long to feel, and as her lips move against mine, my body feels on fire. All good things must come to an end, however, and just as I feel her tongue swipe lazily across my bottom lip, asking to deepen the kiss, I hear a squeal and we jump away from each other.

Looking up, I see Stacie jumping on Beca's bed laughing and screaming excitedly, before she runs out of the room shouting,

"Bechloe is canon! I repeat, Bechloe is canon, this is not a drill!"

Beca and I turn to look at each other, still in a daze, the same confused look spread across both of our faces. Later, we find out that she had heard the thud and had come up to the room to make sure that everything was alright. Judging by her reaction, I think it's safe to say that everything was more than alright.

We continue to stare at each other for a while, neither of us quite knowing what to say, before her walls seemingly come back up and she walks quietly out of the room. This was the worst thing that could have happened. I could have dealt with it if she had rejected me, it would have been hard, but I'd eventually get there. I could have dealt with shouting, hell, I could have even dealt with her slapping me. This though, the silence, is what Beca does best. The Beca that walked out of the room just now is the closed off Beca that I first met at the activities fair, not the soft, caring Beca that comforted me last night.

The Beca that just walked out of the room has all of the walls that took years for me to break down firmly back in place with added reinforcements, and that...that is something that I can't deal with.

Slowly, I get up, determined to make things right, walking down the stairs, I see the rest of the Bellas sat in the kitchen talking in hushed tones.

"What happened Chlo?" Stacie asks quietly.

"I'll tell you later, I need to find Beca, do you know where she went?" I ask desperately.

"She just rushed straight out of the door without saying anything to us," Emily says worriedly, "Chlo, is everything alright?"

Before she finishes, I'm heading towards the door, thankful that I was too upset to change into pyjamas last night. I know from experience that the longer Beca is left alone with her thoughts, the worse it will be for everyone involved. I walk hurriedly to the auditorium, knowing that it's Beca's sanctuary, where she feels most at home surrounded by music and happy memories.

As I approach, I hear the soft notes of piano music, followed by that soulful voice I love so much, although this time it has a haunted quality to it which sends shivers down my spine, but also makes me worry even more about the small brunette. As I get closer, I hear more clearly exactly what it is that she is so beautifully singing, and feel tears start to cloud my eyes as I recognise the end of the song that she's singing.

Whatever makes you happy,

Whatever you want,

You're so fucking special,

I wish I was special...

But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo,

What the hell am I doing here?

I don't belong here,

I don't belong here.

I'm now halfway across the auditorium, and as she reaches the end of the song, she bows her head, clearly not noticing me.

"You're unbelievably special to me Becs," I whisper, just loudly enough for it to carry across the rest of the distance between us as I continue to walk slowly towards her. I see her jump slightly at the sudden disturbance, though she stays where she is and doesn't turn to look at me. I take this as a sign to carry on, oh well, I think, it's now or never.

"Beca, last night, you asked me why I broke up with Tom. Do you remember what I said?" she gives a small nod, still not turning around, "Becs, the person that stole my heart is you. I first saw you at the activities fair, and quite honestly, you've been taking my breath away ever since."

It's now that she turns, and my heart breaks a little at the sad look on her face. The fact that I caused that expression of the pain she must be feeling kills me.

"Chlo…I can't process this…I can't handle emotions, and I really don't want to hurt you so you should probably lea-"

"No," I interrupt her, not allowing her to raise her walls again, "Beca, I know you're not gonna hurt me, we've been best friends for years, and in that time, the longest we've been mad at each other for is about 8 hours when you caved because I bought you Taco Bell," this elicits a small chuckle from the DJ, "Becs, I need you in my life forever, and this morning, the connection that I felt with you got ten times stronger. I'm tired of hiding it and fighting it…please Becs, I need to know if you feel the sa-"

I'm cut off as I feel arms wrapped tightly around my neck and lips crushed against mine. This kiss has more passion than the one this morning, more meaning behind it. This time, I get the chance to allow her to deepen the kiss, our tongues touching for the first time. There is no fight for dominance as such, just a dance in which the participants move smoothly against each other, leisurely exploring and testing new limits.

When oxygen becomes a problem, we reluctantly break apart,

"I feel the same," she says, donning the smirk which is so typically Beca.

"No shit Sherlock," I reply, smirking in the same way, as she leans in for another kiss.

A/N: The song used is Creep by Radiohead. Let me know if I should carry on or not, and follow me on Tumblr if you like: narwhalsarecooltoo. :)