Yo yo! I shouldn't be happy… This is the last chapter… So… sad! Waaaaaaaaa! Sorry I'm being dramatic. But it's sad that this is the last chapter! Thank you for everyone who has stuck by my side the whole way and put up with my retardness and typos. And don't worry, I won't get sentimental, but all I wanted to say is thank you and I hope you liked my story! And sorry that it's hella depressing or that you didn't like it…

Special thanks to all the people who have read this and especially these peeps:

Shiranai Atsune




XxyoshixanimexX (omg… I'm so sorry! I never knew that there was an 'x' in the middle of your name! After all this time… Sorry! Thanks for always revewing though!)

Hime Jigoku












angela . deweese2


The Last Fairy


TitanFanLove101 (You requested the pictures right? Check your private messages!)





winter snow14


violet tsubaki


elyse . afsana

zaphod Scotsman

MOD Game Master

Courtney The Fangirl

pika . cutie93


indayia . foster



Dragon's Touch

ilft . natsu


Lady Anime Cat


Lucy Goddess

I'm sorry if I misspelled your username, or left you out! And also thank you to all those who haven't said yet! (As in the peeps who just read the story)

For the last time in this fanfic… Enjoy!

Disclaimer- After 20 or so chapters of me saying this, I don't own Fairy Tail and all the rights and credit go to Hiro Mashima.

~ This is around 2 months later ~

"Ok! Bye Sting! Bye Ryuu!" Lucy called out from the front door.

"Where are you going honey?" Sting asked.

"I told you last night! I'm going to Magnolia, to visit the boys and then we're going to see Gramps in the hospital."

"Oh right… yea. Take care." Sting kissed her lightly on the cheek.

"Bye Mama!"

Lucy waved and closed the door. Now I can jam out and blast the stereos for 2 hours!

She hopped into her car and played her music full volume as she drove off.

~ 3 Hours Later ~

"Where's Luce? She should be here by now!" Natsu whined.

"She has always been one to be late though…" Jellal shrugged.

"But not this late." Gray looked at his watch for the fiftieth time.

"It's been an hour already. Maybe Bunny-Girl forgot to meet us here. She's probably already there. Plus, I'm too lazy to wait any longer." Gajeel stood up and grabbed his keys to his car.

"Yea… Maybe you're right. Let's get going." They all nodded and headed out.

As they parked in the hospital's carpark, many ambulances with their sirens bleeping (A/N is that the right word?) passed them.

"Wow… They're busy today."

"That's not a good thing." Gray shook his head.

They walked through the automatic doors and waited for Jellal to finish talking to the receptionist, asking where Makarov was.

"He's on the 8th floor, room 14."

The group arrived in the room and spoke with the old and sick man, laughed and had fun. Lucy still hadn't arrived yet and the boys came to the conclusion that something had come up and she couldn't make it. After 3 hours, Natsu went outside to find a vending machine.

"Hey… uh do you guys have a vending machine here?" Natsu asked a nurse.

"Oh of course. Just head down that hallway and turn left, you should find it next to a doctor's desk." The nurse bowed as Natsu thanked her.

He headed off, following the directions given to him. Natsu then overheard a few nurses as he walked past.

"So who was it? Such a tragedy don't you think?"

"Hm… Definitely. The doctor said she might not make it. I checked through her purse to get some ID and her name was Lucy Heartifilia, well that's her maiden name. It's actually Lucy Eucliffe… Poor thing really…" The nurses shook their heads.

"Heartifilia? Eucliffe? Sounds familiar…"

Natsu stopped in his tracks. He ran in front of the women and stopped them.

"Where is she?!" He demanded.

"Sir! Please quiet down! You are in a hospital!"

"Who are you looking for?"

"Lucy! Lucy Heartfilia! I heard you talking… Where can I find her?"

"Lucy Eucliffe you mean? She's in room 21, down there. She just came out of surgery and you might be too late." The nurse put her hand on his shoulder.

"No… No way! Can you please go into room 14 and tell the men in there the same thing? Thanks!" Natsu ran off, his eyes searching for the number 21.

He was running so fast he almost missed it. Falling over, Natsu quickly got up and burst into the room. There, a sleeping figure lay.

"Lucy! Lucy… Oh God… Please tell me you're ok…" Natsu sat next to her and held her hands in his.

His friends soon filled the room, worried expressions plastered on their faces.

"Natsu… What… What happened…?" Lucy slurred before opening her eyes.

"Oh my God! Lucy!" Natsu dropped his head and sighed in relief.

Jellal reached to the end of the bed and grabbed the clipboard.

"It says she was in a car accident, severely injured and to put it in simpler words, a piece of metal stuck into your stomach and you barely lived. You also had major brain damage/injuries from the impact." Jellal almost let the clipboard slip out of his hands.

"Yea? I could've sworn that the lights were green. Maybe the person that hit me ran a red light." Lucy winced.

"Yea… Now get some rest… I'll go call Sting." Natsu got up.

"Don't worry, I called him when we ran here. He's on his way but he's still in Crocus." Gray explained.

"Oh great… He's going to be… worried…" The blonde began coughing hysterically, clutching her stomach. She squeezed her eyes shut, clearly in pain. "Oh my God… My head…"

"Lucy! What's the matter?"

"My head hurts so much… Everything is blurry and I could've sworn I saw dragons just now." Lucy squinted her eyes.

Jellal ran to the head of the bed and pushed the emergency red button, telling the nurses and doctors that they needed assistance.

"Maybe it's the drugs they put her on." Gray suggested.

"But then why would she have such a big headache?"

"Side effects?" They tried to find a reasonable answer, anything.

"Natsu…" Lucy puffed.


"In my 3rd drawer, there's a safe. The code is our music room when we were teenagers and then the age I met you… I need… I need you to get the envelope out of it… And give it to Ryuu in 2 years… when he's 12…" Lucy could feel her eyes begin to droop and the life draining from her. "My head hurts so badly… Where did you go Natsu?" Her voice sounded weak and her eyes were blank.

Nurses and doctors burst into the room, telling everyone to get out.

"Lucy! I'm right here!"

"Natsu… I can't believe Ryuu's going to go through what I went through… without a mother I mean… Ne Natsu? If I don't make it… Thank you for everything… I… I love you… rememb-" Her hand dropped from his face.

There was a loud and long beep, the machine showing a long green line. Her body became limp. The doctor lifted up the sheet and blood coated it.

"She's bleeding from where we stitched up and the brain injuries are worse than we first thought. There's major internal brain damage." The doctor exclaimed.

Natsu began to feel his heart beat race as thoughts spun around his head.

"Get him out!" The doctor shouted to the nurses.

"Please sir, you need to leave."



His friends held him back and literally dragged him out of the room.


"Get the defibrillator ready!"

"1! 2! 3!" There was a strange zapping noise afterwards.

Once the guys had managed to get Natsu out, they chucked him on one of the waiting room chairs and sat down next to him.

"She… loved me… and now… I don't even know if I'll hear her voice again…" Natsu broke down into tears.

None of his friends knew what to do. They all just sat there, motionless.

2 hours later, Sting arrived and the operation still hadn't finished. Erza, Levy and the crew (the members from the other band) arrived as well.

"How's Lucy?!" Sting exclaimed upon seeing their solemn faces.

"Uncle?" Ryuu looked at Natsu expectantly.

"We don't know yet… She was awake after her operation and then she started bleeding and she went back into surgery…They said her brain damage was worse than they first thought." Jellal skipped the fact that she her heart stopped beating somewhere in the middle of all that.

"So Mama will be ok for now?"


Levy burst into tears, falling into her husband's arms. (A/N that would be Gajeel… Hehe)

They all sat down in the seats, Ryuu sitting on Natsu's lap. He played with the child's hair, suddenly, noticing the pink hair that was starting to show. His shoulders slouched down.

Suddenly, the door to her room opened up.

"Is she ok?!" They all asked.

The doctor shook his head. "It just depends on how you take it."

"What do you mean?" Wakana asked.

"She's stable-"

"YES!" They all cheered.

"Go on doctor." Erza nodded.

"But Lucy is… in simpler terms, brain dead and she's on life support. Her life support will be turned off but it's your choice to decide when. She might never wake up."

Everyone either had their hands to their mouth or let their jaw drop.

"No… no… NO! NO!" Natsu cried as he backed up a few steps.

"Natsu! It's going to be ok! Calm down!" Levy couldn't even believe herself.

"No! It's not!"

"She'll wake up! Don't worry… She's a fighter." Wakana smiled.

"No… She told me… Lucy told me to pull the plug if she was ever in this situation… She put her life in my hands…" Natsu looked down at his trembling hands.

~ 9 years ago ~

"Natsu… Did you hear about what happened to Wakaba?" Lucy asked.

"No… I didn't."

"He got into an accident and he was on life support. He didn't wake up for a whole month and Macao was forced to pull the plug… To kill his best friend."

"Wow… That's horrible."

"Natsu… If I was ever… if I was ever in that situation, could you turn my life support off?"

"What?! What got you thinking about that?!" Natsu's eyes went wide.

"It's just that life's so short so anything can happen."

"But…but why me? What about Sting?"

"You're my best friend."

"But why don't you want us to wait for you to wake up? What if you woke up?" Natsu shook her.

"I wouldn't want you to go through all that pain, waiting for me to wake up. It would either take ages or never! But that doesn't matter! I'm just taking precautions just in case it does happen! Now let's eat!" Lucy laughed.

~ End ~

"When did she tell you this?" Sting asked.

"Around a decade ago… We were talking about Wakaba and Macao and she said if she was ever in that situation that she wanted me to do the same…"

"But… What if she does wake up?"

"I don't know…"

Ryuu went inside the room and lay down next to Lucy on the bed.

"Mama… Please wake up…" He begged.

"What… what do we do?" Takeshi never felt this helpless before, having someone's life in her hands.

Natsu put his head into his hands and had a mental battle.

"How about we wait for a week and if she doesn't wake up… we'll worry about it then." Sting suggested. He didn't want to think about 'then'.

"That sounds like a good idea. Now let's get something to eat. Come on Ryuu." Gray picked up the child and walked out. "Are you coming Natsu?"

The pink-haired male shook his head. "I'm… I'm going to stay here for a bit."

They all walked out, Sting praying to God that his wife will wake up. Natsu stood up and walked into the room, closing his eyes and thinking about the old times. Letting his tears fall, Natsu sat down in the chair next to the bed. He held her hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Lucy… Please wake up. I don't want to have to do it…" His bottom lip quivered as he sobbed. "I don't want to lose you forever…"

A week rolled past slowly and painfully and Lucy still hadn't woken up. Natsu stayed in the hospital with her the whole time, sleeping there, eating there and crying there.

"Today's the day…" Natsu murmured when he noticed that his friends were behind him.

"Let's wait until midnight…" Sting hugged the crying Ryuu.

No one knew what to do. There was no chance. Suddenly, the doctor walked in.

"Hi… How are you guys going?" He sympathetically asked. No one answered. "Don't worry everyone… It'll be alright…"

"But what if she doesn't wake up?" Everyone broke down at that question.

"Then Lucy would've passed away peacefully and with all her friends by her side." The doctor smiled at them softly and left the room.

As the clock struck midnight, everyone held in their cries.

"Who's… who-" Levy couldn't finish her sentence.

"Natsu. Natsu will do it." Sting sternly said even though he was crying.

One by one, everyone said their goodbyes and shed their tears. Sting and Ryuu kissed Lucy and said their farewells and left Natsu alone.

"Luce… I… I don't know how I'll be able to live without you. How will I be happy? How will I know you are safe and happy yourself?" Natsu rubbed circles on the back of her hand as he felt tears begin to fall again. "I love you too Lucy… Thank you for everything you've done for me. I love you so much! Have fun and don't worry about Ryuu… I'll watch over him… Say hi to Wendy for me. Take care and I'll see you on the other side… I love you Lucy." Natsu kissed her forehead. Crying, he walked out and nodded to the doctor. "I think it's time…" Looking back into the room, Natsu fell to his knees and wept.

The doctor nodded, placing a hand on Natsu's shoulder. He walked into the room, Natsu trudging behind, looking at the alive Lucy for the last time.

~ Later on ~

Every night from then on, Natsu cried himself to sleep. Every day he would watch the recordings from the Fiore Band Battles and watch their performances, crying and feeling more and more miserable.

Natsu didn't come out of his house for 2 weeks, telling his boss that he was sick. None of his friends asked about him or checked up on him. They knew that it would only make Natsu break down into tears. The last time Natsu felt like this was when Wendy had passed, and that was over 10 years ago.

Sting was the same. Ryuu took time off of school and Sting with work. Sting knew he had to be strong for his son so he always acted happy and tried cheering up the solemn boy. It was no use though.

~ A Few Months Later ~

"Natsu! Natsu!" The blonde shouted from afar.

"Hey Luce – oof!" Lucy tackled him.

"I've got something exciting to tell you!"

"Uh huh… can you please get off me first? You're so fat Luce…" Natsu chuckled.

"Oh sorry… it's not my fault my best friend always goes eating every 5 minutes and takes me along." She still sat on top of him.

"So, what was that exciting news you wanted to tell me?"

"I'm happy. I'm happy where I am now and I'm having fun. Thank you for all that you've done for me and no need to grieve any longer you sad sack! Don't be so depressed! Smile for me and get out there and have some fun! I'll be watching over you Natsu. Oh! Wendy says hi. She misses you dearly and still worries about you. And one more thing, don't forget about my favour… ok?" Lucy giggled. "I love you and I'll will always be with you… In here." The female pointed to her heart and smiled, tears falling from her eyes.

Natsu sat up in his bed, breathing heavily. A… a dream?

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and stood up, walking to his window. Natsu opened the glass and looked at the stars in the night sky, remembering how much she loved to stare at them for hours.

"It's good to know that you're happy Luce. I miss you so much… Don't worry about me anymore, thanks for the boost of happiness. It was good to hear your voice again." Natsu smiled as he noticed the brightest star in the sky was right above him. "Don't worry Luce, I can feel you with me." He sadly smiled.

~ The next day ~

"Ryuu… Come on, eat your breakfast." Sting urged.

"I don't feel like it."

He sighed. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Can you please get it honey?"

"Whatever…" Ryuu stood up and trudged to the door. When he opened it, his eyes widened. "Uncle!" The blonde haired boy hugged him.

"Ryuu… Hey!" Ryuu smiled for the first time in weeks.

"Natsu… thank God you're here. Come and eat breakfast with us."

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a hassle."

"Come on Uncle! Sit down with us!" Ryuu dragged him to the breakfast table.

After breakfast, they talked about… I don't know… life? Then they decided to play video games. Ryuu, Sting and Natsu all felt happier and lighter being around other people.

"Um… Could you tell me where your bathroom is? I always seem to forget…" Natsu asked as he stood up, leaving his controller on the ground.

"Yea… Upstairs, down the hallway and the 2nd door on the right- GO! GO! GO!" Sting exclaimed at the TV.

"Ok thanks."

Natsu cautiously walked up the stairs and looked around, searching for Lucy and Sting's bedroom. Opening a door, he noticed pictures around the room and a queen sized bed in the middle. Natsu walked in and found the drawer. He opened the 3rd one and there was a safe like Lucy had said. It asked for 4 numbers.

"Our Music Room… 22…" Natsu typed in 22. "Now the age I met her… 13" He then typed in the 2 numbers. There was a click and Natsu opened it. Inside was an envelope with her beautiful writing on the front. Grabbing it, Natsu then returned everything back to normal and shoved the paper into his pocket. He ran down the stairs and smiled at the males.

"Took you long enough! What were you doing? Taking a dump?" Sting laughed.

"Uh… yea." Natsu nervously laughed.

"NO! NO!" Ryuu wailed. "I died… Dammit! Papa!"

They all laughed.

You don't need to worry about them Luce, they'll be fine…

~ 2 years later ~

Ryuu sat on his bed, touching the photo in his hands. A photo of Lucy. A photo of his mother.

"Hey Mama… How are you? It's my 12th birthday remember? I miss you Mama… I hope you're happy where you are." The young boy smiled at the photo as tears pooled in his eyes.

"Ryuu… Happy Birthday little man." Natsu smiled from the door.

"Uncle…" He quickly wiped his tears.

"It's ok to cry. Here, this was left for you by your mother. Open it and read it." Natsu handed him an envelope.

"From Mama?" Ryuu breathed in and out deeply. The front read: For my dear Ryuu

He opened it.

Dear Ryuu,

I'm watching you sleep in your crib while I'm writing this. (No matter how creepy that sounds) You're so cute, you know that? If you're reading this, then that should mean that you're 12 now. Happy Birthday darling. The only reason I'm writing to you instead of actually telling you in person is most likely because I'll break down in front of you. That's not something I want you to see.

Before I tell you the purpose of this letter, always know that I love you. Your father and I kept this from you for your own good so please don't feel angry with us. We wanted to tell you that Sting isn't your real father. You are not Ryuu Eucliffe. You are Ryuu Dragneel. You're real father is Natsu. I was in a relationship with Sting and I spent a night with Natsu even though I knew it was a bad idea. Before I knew it, Sting asked me to marry him and I was pregnant with you. It's funny how one mistake could make life confusing and frustrating.

I'm sorry I never told you and hid it from you for all these 12 years. I truly am. But it was for your own good. Now you know everything, hopefully nothing will change and life will carry on. Natsu has always looked out for you, even when you hadn't been born yet. He was the first face you saw when you were born. He was there holding my hand.

Now Ryuu, just remember that I will always love you and I will always be there for you. You will always continue to surprise me and put a smile on my face... Just like your father.


Your mother Lucy Dragneel

(A/N Lucy was supposed to give Ryuu this letter herself, but you know, she's not here.)

Ryuu burst into tears.

"Ryuu…? Are you ok?" Natsu asked as he didn't know what the letter was about.

The boy turned around. "P-P-Papa?"

Natsu nodded and smiled. Don't worry Luce… I'll take good care of him. I promise.

Well… That's that. It's a wrap on this story! I hope you guys liked it! It was sad but I think it ends on a happy note. Kind of bitter sweet. Now don't go asking about Sting ok? Sting will still be the father but since Ryuu knows the truth, that's all. He just knows the truth and nothing will change besides the fact Natsu will be visiting more and possibly spending more 'father' and son time. I don't know why, but I love it how in the end I tied it together with the 'I promise' as promises were always made throughout the fanfic… I just really like it. And like I said, it's bitter sweet so it's not sad or happy. And I'm sorry for making you guys cry...

Now I would like to thank all of you guys for always being here to read my fanfic! Even if most of you live across the world. Anyone that read my story made me happy and smile, anyways, enjoy yourselves and treasure the life and friends you have.

Love you and Timothynvb out!