This will be the second to last chapter. I've loved writing this story. Please read and review! Carlisle's point of view:
"Hello, Grandpa!" Ness said as soon as I opened the door, her hand resting on her pregnant stomach.
"Hello, Renesmee," I replied, smiling at her and held out my arms for her. With a huge smile on her face, she stepped into my arms, returning my hug.
"I'm so glad to see you," she said, her voice muffled as she talked into my shirt.
"I am too, my dear," I said, pulling away from her. "How are you feeling?"
"Good, but tired," she said, putting her hand on her stomach again. "I'm ready to meet my children."
"We've had a long drive, honey, maybe you should go take a shower and go to bed soon?" Bella asked, giving her daughter a concerned look as she stood by her elbow.
"I will, Mom, but I was hoping I'd have something to eat before then?" Renesmee asked.
"Of course; your Aunt Rosalie made extra dinner for you too," I said. "Let's get you settled and you can eat, okay?"
"Alright, Grandpa."
"Renesmee," Rosalie said, and as I turned, she came bustling toward us, Ava held in her arms.
"Oh, Aunt Rosalie! I'm so glad to see you." Renesmee gave Rosalie a one armed hug as she grinned widely. "Oh, and this must be Ava. Hello, Ava. I'm Auntie Renesmee. Boy, she's a tiny thing, Grandpa."
"Can you imagine you and Grandpa are having babies a few weeks apart," Rosalie teased, making Renesmee laugh.
"I hadn't thought about it, but I guess we should've expected that when you married Aunt Leah," Renesmee said, smiling at me.
"Oh, another little sister," Bella said, stepping up to take Ava in her arms. "She is tiny."
I grinned as my daughters and granddaughter cooed over my little girl. "She is very small. We thought Leah might have a longer pregnancy this time, but Ava is just little. Your babies will be a little smaller than she is, Renesmee."
"I really can't wait to meet them," Renesmee said, placing her hand on her stomach.
"I don't think we brought enough," Jacob said dryly as Edward followed him. Both of them were carrying two suitcases as well as large backpacks on their backs.
"I wasn't sure what to bring with having two babies," Ness said, sheepishly. "I hope it's alright that I brought a lot of things."
"That's fine, honey," I said. "We brought two suitcases for just our kids, plus extra medical supplies for you."
"You have four little ones, and we're only having two though," Ness replied.
"It's fine, Renesmee. I'd rather you be over prepared that underprepared," Edward told his daughter before looking at me. "Where do you want me to put these?"
"I'll show you; we put the four of you in two rooms that share a bathroom in between them, and we have an extra room right across from the two rooms for Renesmee's labor and delivery," I said, reaching out my hand for one of the suitcases.
"And I need to use the restroom, again," Ness mumbled.
"I can show you the one down here," Rosalie said. "And dinner is almost ready too."
"How was the ride up?" I asked my son as we started up the stairs.
"Good, good. We made sure Ness has plenty of water," Edward said.
"And had to stop every half an hour for her to use the bathroom," Jacob muttered.
"That was pretty much true," Edward agreed. "Until she slept for about an hour and a half. When will you check her?"
"After dinner," I replied. "Rosalie made quite a bit of food."
"We can't stay up too late. Ness says she's fine, but her thoughts are exhausted," Edward said.
"We'll be quick, and I've already got my medical supplies set up," I replied. "Noah says he wants to help out."
"Of course he does," Edward said with amusement as he put his suitcases down in the spare rooms.
"Just as long as he isn't as helpful when I broke my arm a few months ago," Jacob said dryly. "I still can't eat applesauce."
Edward and I chuckled as I said, "He even bought you all that applesauce with his own money," I said. "He kept telling me that your arm will be super strong because of it when we went to the store."
Jacob snorted as we got to the bottom of the stairs. "Man, something smells good. I'm so hungry."
"The kids are eager to tell us about their day," Edward said. "And they went sledding today, too?"
"Yes, but I'll let them tell you about it," I said before we stepped into the large kitchen, where Bella and Ness talked with Alice as Rosalie stood at the stove with Jayden as she helped her stir pasta sauce.
"Edward!" Noah and Madison yelled as soon as they saw their big brother, their legs running as fast as they could go.
"Hi, you two," Edward said, squatting down to pick up his little brother and sister, and the two children launched into their day. "And I am going to be Daddy's helper when he gives Auntie Ness a check-up," Noah finished.
"That sounds really great," Edward replied. "You'll have to eat all of your dinner first, okay?"
"I'm going to, Edward, because we made sugar cookies with sister, and Mommy said I could have more after dinner," Noah said.
"Man, it sounds like sister is spoiling you too much," Edward teased his brother.
"No, sister is fun!" Noah protested before his voice dropped into a whisper. "But sometimes she's stricter than Mommy is."
Laughter burst out of the rooms as Leah and I exchanged amused looks.
"Am I strict?" Rosalie asked, approaching Edward, tickling Noah's sides, making him laugh and squeal before she took him in her arms.
"Sister, I love you," Noah said, hugging Rosalie's neck.
"I love you too," Rosalie said with a huge smile on her face.
"I don't think you've had a chance to meet our new little sister," Bella said, approaching Edward with Ava.
"Oh, hello, Ava. I'm Edward," Edward said, smiling down at my youngest daughter. He paused a moment, as a smile crossed his face. "Oh, is that so? You helped Rosalie and Jayden with dinner? You made spaghetti?" He paused again. "I'm sure they'll like it."
"What's she thinking?" I asked him.
"She's telling me about her day, and she wants to know when we come here next here if she can try the sleds," Edwards said.
"Of course we can, my dear," I said. "Of course we can. I'd love to take you sledding when you're big enough."
"She'd really like that," Edward said, making my smile widen.
"So would I, baby girl," I said, leaning forward and giving her a kiss on the head.
"She's quite the 'talker', and she reminds me of Ness when she was born," Edward explained.
"Do you like talking to your big brother?" I asked Ava.
"She does." Edward smiled. "I'll sit with you at dinner. Would you like a bottle?" Edward paused in his talking. "Yes, I'll feed you. I'd like that too, Ava."
"Dinner is ready, everyone," Rosalie said as she held Jayden. "And I have a bottle for you, Ava."
"She says 'thank you'," Edward said as he took the bottle of blood from his sister.
"You're welcome," Rosalie said, leaning forward and kissing her little sister's forehead.
"I made spaghetti, Uncle Jacob," Jayden said loudly.
"I see that, Jayden," Jacob said, nodding to the table. "Did you help Rosalie?"
"Yes, and I made some of the garlic bread," Jayden said as we headed for the kitchen.
"Daddy, can I sit with you?" Madison asked.
I took her from Edward's arms and replied, "I'd like that honey."
"Will you sit next to me, Edward?" Madison asked. "I missed you."
"Sure, and I missed you too, sweetie." Edward smiled at my daughter.
"Daddy, can I show Edward our sleds when we're done with dinner?" Madison asked.
"How about tomorrow? It's dark out," I replied.
"Okay, Daddy," Madison grumbled.
"If you wait until tomorrow, we'll even use them," Edward suggested.
"Okay, Edward!" Madison said, her eyes lighting up.
Over the next hour, we ate at the large table as Madison sat on my lap. There was much laughter and talking as the children, Ness, Jacob, and Leah ate.
"You're looking tired, Ness," Jacob said to her gently. "How about Carlisle checks you now."
"Is that okay?" Ness asked, looking at me. "I am tired, and I'd like to shower and go to bed."
"I'm ready now, dear," I replied.
"I feel like I should help with dishes though." Ness looked guilty at Rosalie and then her parents.
"Honey, you need to go to bed," Edward said gently. "We'll be okay in cleaning up while your grandfather checks you, okay?"
Ness nodded, as I stood, handing off Madison to her mother.
"Daddy, don't forget I'm a helper!" Noah said, loudly.
"Come on, Noah" I said, holding out my arms for him. As soon as he was close enough, I picked up my son.
"Make sure you print pictures of my grandchildren, Carlisle," Bella called.
"I will," I said, smiling at her before turning to go upstairs to turn on the equipment.
"Boy, Grandpa," Ness' voice came from behind me. "I don't think you have enough."
I turned as smiled at her and Jacob. "I did bring a lot. I had to make sure the delivers we do here are prepared for, especially since you're having twins."
"And Leah was okay with her labor, right?" Jacob asked.
"She was," I reassured him. "Luckily, Ness is having a healthy pregnancy like Leah did, and I am glad with the progress I've been getting from Kim."
"She's been a huge help," Ness admitted as she sat on my examination table.
"Alright, let's get started, my dear," I said. "Noah, would you like to give pictures to Bella?"
"I'd like that! I am getting pictures of your babies, Ness! I will be very good at that," Noah said, making us laugh.
Within a few moments, I had the sonogram up as I found pictures of the babies for Noah to bring downstairs.
"Tell Bella that baby A is the girl, and baby B is the boy, okay?" I asked Noah as handed him the pictures.
"Okay, Daddy! Thank you for letting me be your helper!" Noah said as I set him down.
"You're welcome," I replied as I watched him leave the room quickly. "Now, for the work," I said, turning back to Jacob and Ness.
Over the next twenty minutes, I checked the babies' and Ness' health as I answered their questions of the birth, but they both seemed to be prepared of what to look for.
"Do you have any other questions?" I asked, handing them two pictures of the twins I had printed up.
"Well, one I wanted to ask you," Ness said quietly, looking nervous as she bit her lip.
"I'll see you downstairs, Ness," Jacob said, kissing her gently.
"Okay." Ness started to ring her hands as Jacob left.
"Ness, what's going on?" I asked.
She took a deep breath. "Well, I wanted to get your blessing to name the baby girl Esme." Tears filled her eyes as she looked up at me. "I know you miss her still, and I don't want to make it more painful for you."
"Oh, Ness." I wrapped my granddaughter in a hug. "You have my blessing, and you didn't even need to ask that."
Ness started to sob as I held her. I closed my eyes. I did miss Esme, but things had gotten easier with Leah and our children being in my life now.
"Are you okay?" I asked as I pulled away.
She nodded and looking up at me with a teary smile. "I just miss Grandma so much. I can only imagine how excited for me she'd be for me, you know?"
"And she would have been," I replied, squeezing her hands. "She's smiling down on us now, and she'd be thrilled you'd want to remember her in this way."
"I hope so, Grandpa, I hope so. Thank you for giving me your blessing," she said, hugging me again.
"You're welcome, honey." I gave her a gentle squeeze. "Are you ready for some cookies?"
"I'd love some, and then I am going to bed," she said as she held my hand as we walked downstairs. "I am so tired, but I'd love a hot shower."
"It's a good thing your dad has a plate ready," I teased as we got to the landing.
"He's so worried, Grandpa," she said, rolling her eyes.
"Did you expect anything less?" I asked.
She snorted. "Not really," Ness replied.
"Auntie Renesmee, we got you a big glass of milk," Noah said from Edward's arms as they stood in the entrance of our kitchen. "Daddy said to me all the time that I need calcium to be nice and big and strong, and you need that too."
I chuckled as Ness smiled at Noah. "And I'll make sure I'll drink it all, Noah," Ness said.
"And we made some really yummy cookies," Noah said. "It was so fun making them!"
"That's what I heard," Ness replied. "I'm excited to try them."
"Me too! They are very Christmasy," Noah said. "Sit by me, okay, Auntie Ness. Edward and I saved you a seat. I have to be your helper because you are having babies."
"Thank you for taking care of me," Ness said as we entered the kitchen.
I met Leah's eye, and was drawn to her as her chocolaty brown eyes at me looked at me with such love as she nursed Ava. I sat on the stool next to her and wrapped my arm around her, pulling her close. "I love you."
"Love you too," she said, smiling up at me.
Please review! One more chapter to go, friends.