"What happened to the both of them?!" Hyuuga screamed very loudly.

"It was because of the powder that Furi brought!" Kagami said.

"It was given to me by this old woman. I didn't know that the effects would be like this!" Furi said, shaking a little due to being scared.

"Now now, guys. Screaming won't help. And you're scaring these two." Kiyoshi said, smiling at the two little two year olds.

Hyuuga went to his bestfriend who turned into a two year old kid. Said two year old looked back at him, then smiled brightly as he stretched his little arms, demanding to be carried.

"Izuki wants you to pick him up and carry him Hyuuga," Koganei said as he looked at the other two year old with interest.

Hyuuga carefully lifted Izuki and noted how small and fragile the baby was.

"Who knew that a two year old Kuroko could be this small and cute and cuddly and-" Riko was cut off by Kagami.

"Coach, you're blabbering." Kagami said. Then he voiced out the most obvious question. "How are we going to turn them back to their original selves?"

Taking care of the two won't be a problem. The team can always stay at Kagami's apartment until they will know how to revert back Izuki and Kuroko to their original selves.

...But not every one of them knows how to handle a kid, much less two, fragile but hyper active babies.

Izuki started whining on Hyuuga's arms, alerting the bespectacled man.

"Oh no, don't cry," Hyuuga said as he rocked the baby back and forth and baby Izuki started to giggle, stretching out a tiny arm to reach for Hyuuga's glasses.

"Don't give Hyuuga any trouble," Kiyoshi said as he took the baby on Hyuuga's arms after sensing the slight discomfort of the teen.

Kuroko was sitting on Riko's lap, playing with the basketball keychain Koganei had lent him.

They were currently distracted with the cuteness the two babies were doing to dwell on the main problem when Kagami remembered ANOTHER problem.

"And what will we tell the Generation of Freaks about Kuroko?" Kagami asked as he remembered the five over protective 'freaks'.

Everyone except the two cute little gurgling babies froze about the last question.

How will they explain this to the Generation of Miracles?

And so, the Seirin Basketball Team's adorable but not so little crisis began.

How did it start anyway?

Here is the teaser of this fanfic. Please review, I need your opnions if I will continue this story or not.

Two questions:

Pairing for Kuroko? (Kise? Akashi? Kagami?)

Pairing for Izuki? (Hyuuga? Moriyama? Takao?)