Bonus Chapter

Inside Out

No One's POV

Bright lights soon disappeared off the consciences of the girls as they noticed they were back inside their rightful place inside the minds of Momoko, Miyako, Kaoru, and Chika. But, they weren't going to just sit in their assigned heads for long because they wanted to see the consciences of the boys. They easily knew where they were going to be, so they walked out of their home of the brain to go to the Mental Workspace. "Well, that was fun, right ladies?" C.C. asked while walking in front of them.

"Yes, it was an interesting experiment." Com said.

"I'm just happy to be away from those boys." M.C. huffed as she crossed her arms and C.C. giggled.

"But, wasn't the main reason we came back was because of our boys?" K.C. asked getting a blush to come on M.C.'s cheeks.

"No! I just needed to test something."

"Sure." the girls giggled while reaching the door of the Mental Workspace. They all thought it was strange that they could go to this place since it was only thought of people have that piece of the brain in each head, but here this Mental Workspace connected all of them including the boys. Com could never figure it out, but Cuk would often think it was because of the white light and gray light that was in the group's body.

"So, who wants to go in first?" M.C. asked nervously as the girls became silence. Sure they were thrilled to see their boys, but they didn't know how to react since their boys could easily see what they were doing even if their real selves couldn't.

"Ugh, I will go! I'm sure my R.C. wouldn't be too mad I mean I flirt with all the other consciences all the time and it only builds our fun times." C.C. said feeling herself drool a little already imagination it.

"Just keep your images to yourself C.C.; I really don't want to see your little fantasies when we enter there." blushed K.C.

"Ok, ok." C.C. said as she touched the door making it open up. They walked into the area where everything was glowing different shades of colors as they noticed their boys doing what they normal do. R.C. has summoned up at T.V. which was about antibodies fighting some germs, I.C. was writing on a notepad, E.C. had summoned punching bag and was beating the crap out of it, and Cuk was reading a book. "Hello boys!"

"K.C.!" I.C. shouted while making his way to her and picked her up in a tight hug. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, I.C." smiled K.C. as she kissed his cheek while the consciences looked at their boys who hadn't moved from their spots.

"K.C., I'm so sorry that I made you feel like you didn't get enough attention!" I.C. pouted while brushing his shoulder length hair off his face. "I will shower you in gifts and love letters everyday!"

"I.C.-" started K.C. while he holding out his hand and a bunch of buttercups and lilies appeared. "Aww, I.C. you don't have to do that."

"I will and shall! I already wrote one." I.C. blushed while ripping the page off the notepad giving it to her. The girls circled around her as they read the letter and each of them sighed in awe.

"Damn, I.C. you really love your poems." M.C. smirked as she punched his arm making him whimper a little.

"Thank you, M.C." he said while playing with his nicely pressed button down shirt.

"If only someone else could be like that!" C.C. yelled at R.C. as he looked at her blankly then went back to the T.V.

"You aren't really the love letter type." Com said.

"I know that, but I was hoping R.C. would say something to me. I.C. is he mad at me?"

"Um you have to ask him yourself." I.C. said quickly moving away scared that she might glare at him.

"Fine, guess it's time for the old womanly charm." she huffed while wiggling her bra top up and walking over to him.

"How well do you think this is going to go?" K.C. asked mainly to I.C.

"I don't know, I don't care." M.C. said making her way to E.C.

"I'm sure it will be fine K.C., for now I'm going to see why Cuk has not admired my presents." Com said while making her way to him as K.C. looked at I.C.

"Well um they aren't mad if that's what you are wondering, so you shouldn't worry too much."

"If you say so." pouted K.C. as I.C. smiled and kissed her cheek softly as she looked up to him.

"I'm not mad at you either if you had just told me, you were feeling like that I would have done anything to make you happy."

"I.C." K.C. blushed while getting on her tippy toes and placing a loving kiss on her boyfriend who gladly returned it.

With C.C. and R.C.

"R.C." C.C. said while standing in front of the T.V., but R.C. just summoned the T.V. to go in front of her. "Really? Come on, say something."


"Please." C.C. pouted while wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her chest on to his arm. R.C. still didn't say anything and took no mind to the gesture as he stared at the screen. C.C. frown as she got up about to leave him alone when walls came around area and in a second she was pinned on the ground.

"So, have fun in the outside world?" R.C. smirked down at her as he pinned her arms with one hand and having her legs in between his. C.C. could already feel the heat rising to her cheeks seeing he picked the right moment to get control of the situation.

"Oh yeah it was fun, did a lot of things." C.C. smiled trying to act innocent as she felt him tile her chin with his free hand and started getting closer to her lips, but stopped an inch away.

"Like kissing other guys." he whispered pulling back before C.C. could get closer. She pouted knowing he was teasing her, but gosh she couldn't say she didn't like it.

"Oh that…well I was just testing out a few things."

"Testing things?" R.C. stared while C.C. nodded then jerked up a bit feeling his hand on her side. "So, you wanted others to test your body; I thought that was my job?"

Yup, only R.C. can make me melt. she thought feeling his fingers run against any exposed skin that was on her. "It is mm sorry I couldn't help it."

R.C. sighed, "I know..that's why you are getting punishment later on."

Ah hell yeah! C.C. moaned feeling herself shiver at the thought.

"Don't get too excited now." R.C. chuckled while going down and biting her shoulder as she bit her lip to stop the gasp from coming out. "If you imagine it you know this area will display it for the others to see."

"I c-can't" C.C. purred causing R.C. to chuckle as he lowered the walls making everyone look over, but look away from their sexual leaders.

"Well, you have to." R.C. smiled while getting off her and sitting down. "Come on, let's watch T.V."

"Ok." C.C. smiled and quickly sat in his lap feeling something poke her. "R.C. is that-"

"If you say it I will make punishment shorter." R.C. blushed while hugging her waist and she giggled wiggling in her seat.

With M.C. and E.C.

He is seriously getting on my nerves. M.C. growled while watching E.C. punching the punching bag. "E.C."

"What?" he asked still continuing his beat down on the stuffed bag only causing M.C. to become angrier.

"You didn't greet me."

"Pffh, you wanted me to greet you?" E.C. chuckled to himself destroying the bag. "Nuts…speed punching time!" E.C. grinned about to summon it, but M.C. pulled him down by his shoulders since he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Heh, you usually don't like me being all touchy feely on you, so I decided to stop." E.C. said while removing her hand then turning around to summon the speed bag.

I said I didn't like it doesn't mean I don't want you to do it. M.C. groaned while hating that he was baiting her to say something that embarrassing.

"Heh, did you like Eiji touchy nature I'm sure you loved that."

You know I hate that soft crap! growled M.C. as she summoning a few papers to rip to keep her calm.

"Or did you like all your admires loving on you." E.C. said while wiping the sweat of his forehead then running his hand through his wild, shaggy hair.

I'm going to fucking kill you. she hissed while punching him in the stomach making him bend over.

"What the f-!"

"You are the only one allowed to touch me, romance me, and shit like that! So, fucking kiss me, you dumbass!"

E.C. chuckled and said, "Gladly Bubble Butt."

"Rea-" started M.C. while E.C. kissed her deeply easily slipping his tongue into her mouth. M.C. could feel the sparks running in her mouth as she fought his tongue while E.C. grabbed her ass to keep her from falling. When they pulled away, they were both panting hard, but M.C. had the daze look on her almost looking like she wanted more.

"Heh, that face says you want more, but I don't know if I should give it to you."

"Why..the hell…not!" panted M.C. trying to sound intimidating, but E.C. just grinned liking he could only get her like this.

"Because I like seeing you all flushed."

"Shut up!" M.C. blushed while pulling him down for another make out as E.C. chuckled gladly returning it and squeezing her butt.

With Com and Cuk

Seriously Cuk? Com sighed while continuing staring at the braid wearing hipster who at the moment was still reading his book not even bothering to look at her. She had been sitting in front of him the whole time and was hoping for him to show sign that he knew she was there, but nothing. "That's it!" Com said while pulling the book away from him.

"I was reading that, love." Cuk said while stretching his arms then straighten out his scarf.

"Don't love me! You didn't say anything to me when I got in."

"You seemed like you were scared of me, so I choose not to piss you off." Cuk sighed as Com groaned knowing he was right.

"You could have still said I missed you or something." Com whispered while looking away from him.

Cuk smiled then kissed her forehead and said, "I really missed you love."

"It doesn't count now." blushed Com quickly hiding it as Cuk tiled his head.

"Why not?"

"Just because."

"That's a bad reason, love." chuckled Cuk while wrapping her in a backward hug. "You really needed to stop overthinking things."

"Shut up." Com pouted stubbornly as Cuk pressed his face into her bun, but nodded to her request. They sat in silence for a couple of minutes until Com turned her head to look at him a little. "Do I really overthink things a lot?"

"Hmm about 75% of the time, but I don't mind it…it makes you, you."

"Hehe, thanks." Com said while Cuk turning her around and hugging her tightly.

"Did you know I love having you in my arms, love?"

"Yes, you have told me that 30,671 times now." Com said rolling her eyes, but enjoying the hug a lot.

"Really…I thought it was more than that." he smiled while kissing her cheeks.

"Sorry, that's the number I counted ever since you said it to me." Com said then blushed seeing a look from Cuk.

"Ooh, so you like me back then?"

"No, I just did it for the sake of doing it. Be quiet or I will leave right now."

"Aww so cold, love but ok..if you say so."

"Hey, guys!" shouted C.C. while getting everyone's attention. "I was wondering if we were out in the real world what happened to the girls?"

"Oh we lead them here." E.C. said.

"They were quite fun to be around, Chika and I talked about all the books she read." Cuk smiled remembering all their little conversations while Com seemed to look a bit mad.

"Momoko was a funny girl; we enjoyed playing hero and villain." R.C. grinned while C.C.'s face turned sour at the thought of another girl near R.C.

"I like fighting Kaoru; boy that girl can punch!" laughed E.C. while M.C. growled a little under her breath.

"Miyako was very sweet and she helped me a lot with my unfinished poems." said I.C. as K.C. looked a bit annoyed at him.

"Hey, maybe you girls could go outside your minds again." the boys said more in a joking matter, but that caused a dark look to come to the girls.

"Ladies." hissed C.C. while they went over to each other and the boys looked at them confused. "Want to give some headaches, memory loss, and muscle accidents to our outside selves?"

"Totally." they smirked evilly as they took off to go back into their heads of the girls.

"Oh my gosh, they seriously can't be jealous, right?" R.C. sighed while the boys got up knowing things might get ugly for the boys in the real world.

"You know how the opposite thing goes boss…if the boys are the jealous ones in the relationship then the girls' consciences will be the jealous ones." Cuk said while the boys groaned.

"Guess that time of the month is coming early, boys…let's go."

"Right, boss!"

M.B.: And there's the little bonus chapter for you guys! So, here's some little info. on this chapter: the Mental Workspace is the part of the brain that is your imagination from what I read online; that's why it changes colors and you can summon random things in it. Bubble Butt is an actually song I was listening to when I was writing this chapter. The next thing is I see the boys being more of the jealous ones in the relationship which you will see more of in the up coming chapters of "Love is My Game" hehee. Another thing is I believe consciences are the causes of girls' crazy mood swings and stuff like that since girls like to not listen to those inner voices, so the consciences mess with the outside body to punishment them. And yes this title of the bonus chapter is because I watched "Inside Out" this summer XD That's all folk!