I own nothing

Tears poured down Cat's face as she made her way into the post. A few people stopped and looked at her for a moment. She ignored the looks. She purchased a piece of parchment, quill, and ink. She walked over to a little table. She started to compose her letter to her grandfather. So much for her plan to tell Charlie first before his family found out. That plan went right out the window with her big mouth. But she could not stand anyone using that word. And she would be damned if would allow any wizard or witch use that word and represent her family school. She knew many Muggleborn witches and wizards that had twice the magical talent than most purebloods. Hell, her new cousins were Muggleborn. Noah and Alyssa were family now regardless of their blood status and Draco Malfoy would just as easily call them by that term. If Draco Malfoy thinks he could buy his way into Moonlight Academy and use such words in the open air he had another thing coming. She wrote feverishly tears still falling hit the parchment in places. She pulled away reading the letter.

"Dearest Grandfather,

You wanted me to be more involved in Moonlight Academy. And I have decided to use my right as Moonstone. Draco Malfoy, son of Lucius Malfoy will never attend our school. If you still want me to have anything to do with it. After meeting him, I feel he is not what we look for in Moonlight student. He thinks he is better than everyone because he was born a powerful family.

I also want to tell you about our newest student. A Miss Hermione Granger soon to Weasley, she is a war hero. She is muggle born and by many standards one of brightest witch of her age. She embodies everything that Moonlight Academy was base on. She will be given a full ride to school. To study any major she desires.

It would be the wrong turn away such brilliant witch or wizard just because they do not have the funds to attend. I am starting this as of today the money that my father and mother set aside for me before his untimely death will be used to fund a new grant program. That will be called the Moonstone Shooting Star grant. It will be given to select individuals that meet O level in almost every class in their N.E.W.T.s and O.W.L.S. It will be given to individuals regardless of Blood Status. The first individual that will receive this grant is Miss Hermione Granger.

Love always

Catriona Belle Moonstone–Martin

Hermione and Ginny found her right when Cat gave the letter to the postman. He smiled at her giving the letter to a great horned owl. Who took it in its beck and took off. Cat gave him a small smile. She turned and looked at Hermione and Ginny. They noticed the tear tracks on her face.

"Cat are you alright," Hermione asked.

"I'm fine, can I ask something of you both," Catriona asked.

"Anything," Ginny and Hermione answered.

"Can you not tell anyone about this, at least until I can tell Charlie," Cat asked.

"Charlie does not know," Ginny yelled.

"At first I want to be judged for me and my last name or my family. My boss knows my full name. But I my coworkers know me at Catriona or Cat Martin. This is my real name, just not my full name. Then with war, Charlie and I felt it was better not to know much about each other's family. I knew he had a younger sister, and brothers but names no. So he kept that from me and I kept my family name from him. I have tried to tell him but every time I do I picture having a huge fight and I don't want to lose your brother. I love Charlie with all my heart. He is my soul bond my soul mate. He what my mother found in my father. That she was willing to discard her family to be with him," Cat said.

"What is your full name anyway," Ginny asked angrily

"Catriona Belle Moonstone Martin, but if you ask my grandfather it is Catriona Belle Martin Moonstone," Cat answered.

"Ginny, this is not going change anything. She can tell him tonight. And if she does not then you can take your anger on her and tell your mum," Hermione said.

Charlie was in the back room of his brother's joke shop. He was looking at the ring he bought for Cat. Bill was in there with him along with George. Fleur was at Schell cottage she was pregnant with their first child.

"You got it bad," Bill joked.

"You should have seen them in the garden they were snogging," George laughed.

"I love Catriona with all my heart. I would give up dragons to be with her. She would never make me because she knows how much I love them and she loves them. I never met anyone quite like her. But she is afraid to tell me about her family. Can they really be that bad," Charlie asked.

"Will it matter if they are," Bill asked.

"No, she is nothing like them if they are that bad," Charlie answered within a second.

"Then propose to her before she tells you. Do something romantic Angelina knows this fancy restaurant new in Diagon Alley. She knows the owner if you want she could get you a table tonight," George said seriously for once.

"No, that not us," Charlie trailed off.

Bill and George looked at each other as Charlie trail off. They had seen that look on their brother face a time or two. It was normal when he was coming up with some crazy scheme. But something told them that this was going be beyond the romantic purpose for his girl that Charlie was thinking about.

"I will see you guys later," Charlie said

He floo backed to the Barrow. Bill and George looked at each other. Bill had not met this Catriona but if she had Charlie like this. He was bound to love her. George shook his head looking at the floo.

"You know she went to Beauxbatons Academy for magic like Fleur did. And she was invited to your wedding but was not able to attend," George said.

"Really," Bill said.

Later that evening, Ginny, Hermione and Catriona made their way into the Barrow. Charlie greeted them he came over to Cat kissing her softly. He was dressed very causally but still a little classy. Ginny gave Cat a look that said it all.

"Charlie, we need to talk," Cat started.

"Whatever it is kitten it can wait, go get changed I laid an outfit I want you to wear out on the bed," Charlie told her.

A few moments later Catriona came down the stairs dressed in cream color sweater and jeans, boots that were cognac colored and came up to her knees. She also had on a cognac colored jacket and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Making her look more like his girl that he knew back at the reserve. She eyed him as he stood near a broom. She knew he was up to something.

"You are up to something Charles I know it," Cat teased.

"Only for you, kitten, now come on," Charlie replied mounting the broom patting behind him.

Cat eyed him but got on behind him. She held on tightly around his waist. Before, he laughed took off causing her to let a high-pitched squeak. Molly came out watching second oldest fly off with his girlfriend. Ginny eyed the pair with distaste. George laughed coming over to pat Ginny on the back.

"You will have a new sister soon," George laughed.

"What are you talking about?" Ginny asked.

"My bet Charlie is going propose to his lovely girl tonight," George joked

"Charlie would never do that with knowing who she is, really" Ginny argued.

"I saw the ring Gin, he planned on proposing to her this trip," George said seriously.

Molly looked at Ginny and George with a hopeful look on her face. She heard the word that Charlie was proposing to Cat. She had come to like Catriona. She had taken care of her boy in Romania.

Charlie and Catriona arrived high in the mountain in Wales. They were greeted by a dragon trainer. He looked at the pair before nodding his head. Charlie leaned down kissing the top of Cat's head as she looked around realizing where they were at. It was the dragon reserve that was the home of Common Welsh Green Dragon in the mountains. It was a place that they talked about visiting when they talked about their homes, years ago when they just started dating. She laughed leaning up kissing him with passion. He smiled down at her linking arms with her as they were lead to where a picnic was set up with fairy lights. It was on the buff that was just outside of the main reserve. It was a safe place for them to be. But at the same time, they could still see the dragons flying over the mountains. The sun had just begun to set. Charlie moved over to the picnic waving his wand as the blanket unfolded itself. Cat and Charlie sat next each other watching the sunset as they ate their supper.

"So how was shopping with the girls?" Charlie asked.

"It went well as came be expected. I bought some Christmas presents for your family knowing more about them now. About that, Charlie there is something I have to tell you," Catriona started.

"And your meeting with your grandfather?" Charlie asked.

"He wants to meet you tomorrow for supper" Cat answered.

Cat took a deep breath. They fell back into the comfortable silence as they watch the dragons flying back to their roosts for the night. She bit her bottom lip. Charlie brought his hand to her chin turning it to look at him. Their eyes met. He leaned in kissing her. He pulled her bottom lip into his own teeth. They pulled away resting their foreheads against one another forehead.

"So, what did you want to tell me, love?" Charlie asked.

"I have not completely honest with you about my family," Cat said in rush.

"Slow down, Kitty Cat," Charlie teased.

"My last name is not completely Martin," Cat repeated

"It does not matter Kitten," Charlie told her with a serious look on his face.

"It does Charles. My parents as I told you eloped. What I did not tell you is my grandfather did not accept their marriage until after I was born. He didn't accept me as his granddaughter until they died. Then he saw me as a way to have, his Aileen, his little girl again. My full name is," Cat explained.

She was caught off by Charlie kissing her. She closed her eyes leaning into the kiss. It was likely the last kiss she would share with him. She closed her eyes. When she opened them again Charlie was standing up. He pulled her to her feet. He pulled her tightly into his arms as the stars started to wink in the twilight.

"Cat stop, I have something to say. I love you. You the smart, caring, and mothering woman I have come to know better than anyone. The woman that makes the long cold winters in Romania bearable for me. That helped me through Fred death and nursed me back to health after the incident with the Ironbelly. I don't care what your last name is, as long it's you. Hell you could be related to Voldemort for all I care and I would still want to do this," Charlie started. He took a deep breath. He pulled away from Catriona. He looked deeply into her loving eyes. He dropped down to knelt in front of her. He pulled out the ring he bought her months ago. Catriona's eyes teared up. "So, Catriona Belle Martin whatever the rest of your last is, will you do me the honor of being my wife? Will you marry me?" Charlie asked.

Catriona had happy tears pouring down her face. She nodded her head throwing her arms around his neck. She started to pepper kisses around his face. She started to giggle at as she did so.

"I take that as a yes," Charlie laughed as he slipped the ring on her finger.

"Yes, Charlie it is yes. And my last name is Moonstone-Martin," Catriona told him.

"You are related to Moonstone don't let Hermione know she will try to get you to get her into the school," Charlie joked.

"She already knows," Cat said.

"You told her before me,"Charlie teased.

"It slipped out when my temper got the better of me. Draco Malfoy called her an ugly term and I just couldn't let him get away with it and think he was going attend my family school," Cat said.

"So you told him off, I love you kitten," Charlie laughed then he kissed her.

"I love you to Charlie bear," Cat whispered