Goku waltzed right into the room as if he owned it and Vegeta just groaned, following behind him. He watched as the clown folded his fingers together behind his head, as if at complete ease. Vegeta slammed the door so hard the sound echoed through the room and down the hall in response.
Vegeta crossed his arms over his chest as the smiling imbecile began to look around. To the prince's surprise, Goku walked up to the window and pulled the curtains closed. A frown momentarily on his face as well as a look of deep thought. Both uncommon expressions for the Earth-Raised Saiyan.
"Vegeta?" He asked as he rolled the fabric between his fingers, his frown drawing down his brows.
"What is it now, Kakarot?"
He turned around, giving Vegeta a worried look, his dark eyes wide as he dropped the thin fabric. "I don't think these curtains are thick enough."
Vegeta sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head. How was he going to deal with this fool?
"The curtains are fine. I want to sleep, so just get on the floor-"
To Vegeta's surprise Goku pulled his fingers through his own spiky locks, as if irritated at being misunderstood. With frown, the taller interrupted him. "No, Vegeta, the sun will get to you."
Vegeta growled at the interruption, before it dawned on him that the other was right. His hands loosely pulled on the hem of the Gi shirt that he was still wearing, as he thought. He was at a loss for words. Somehow he had forgotten about his reaction to the sun and Kakarot had remembered. As well as already trying to think of a way to protect him from the forgotten threat.
A rumble started low in his chest as he spun around. He had a bathroom, that would work well enough to keep him from the sun. He refused to admit that he had forgotten and if he acknowledged it in anyway, even to solve the problem, that would be the same as admitting it.
Yes, the bathroom would work fine. He needed to clean himself anyway.
"Wait here," Goku told him and left the room, just like that.
Vegeta stared, slightly stunned. He sighed deeply at his situation before pulling a suitcase out from under the bed. He unzipped it and pulled out a fresh tank top and a pair of loose fitting shorts. These would do.
He turned to walk into the bathroom, eyes widening when he saw the sheer size of the bathtub. That was definitely fit for his title. A princely tub. A rare smile settled on his face as he went over and turned the knobs that would allow the water to flow.
He turned the heat all the way on, wanting it to be as hot as possible to wash away this entire terrible day. His fist clenched at his side, his hardened nails digging into his palms. A few drops of blood fell, but he refused to respond to it.
He didn't understand any of this. What was happening to him?
With that thought, the prince stepped into the tub. He sank down slowly, a contented sigh blowing the steam. This was nice and with this, maybe he could start forgetting this terrible day.
Goku, meanwhile ran down the hall to his own room. He opened the door silently and glanced around seeing his wife and son sleeping on the two beds this room had, side by side. His face softened and a lump lodged in his throat.
Slowly, Goku walked over to his wife and ran his hand down the side of her cheek. She made a small sound and leaned into the touch, his name on her lips. Guilt flooded Goku.
Chichi had always been good to him. Yeah, she yelled and threw things sometimes, but none of it ever hurt and he deserved it for the most part. He left her alone for so long, took their child from her and was out more often than he was home. She deserved to act out occasionally.
She was a wonderful mother to Gohan. Goku trusted that completely. He loved this strong, confident woman. His Chichi.
Strong, soft hands fumbled to grab at the hand touching her face as her dark, kind eyes blinked blearily. "Goku?"
He smiled down at her, "Hey, Chi. I found Vegeta." He told her.
She smiled up at him and went to sit up, but Goku pushed her back and gently down. "I have a few more things to do before I come back, just sleep, okay?" The guilt flooded him just as strongly as before and he couldn't keep eye contact with his kind and understanding wife.
"Oh…" She sounded disappointed and of course she did. Goku slowly withdrew and went to his suitcase. She watched him for a moment before flipping on the lamp beside her.
The silence stretched as her husband dug around, finding a small box of nails and forcing a small "Ah ha!"
Chichi's eyes blinked burily. "Nails?" she asked when she saw what he had. "Why did you bring nails?"
Goku shrugged and rooted briefly for a hammer. Why did he have nails? Why had he remembered he had nails? Why didn't he have a hammer?
She sighed and pulled the cover up around her. "Okay, well then, be safe Dear."
Goku's chest hurt with those words, but he turned around with his normal smile. "I always am, Chi. I'll see you and Gohan later." And with that he left the room, running back to Vegeta. Running away from his loving, faithful wife.
Vegeta was in the tub still, basking in the wonderful heat. When he heard the door open the smile on his face disappeared.
"Vegeta, I'm back."
Vegeta grunted in response and sunk further in the tub, letting the water weigh his hair down.
His hair fell down onto his shoulders and down a short ways on his back. Pieces hung in his face, acting like the bangs that he had long ago.
Of course, Goku just walked right in and Vegeta's eyes widened.
"IDIOT! You can't just walk in when I'm taking a bath! Knock!"
Goku blushed deeply and turned away as quick as he could.
"Sorry, so sorry!" Goku cried out before quickly exiting the bathroom, door slamming behind him.
The prince heard a thud as something slid down the door. Probably the fool sitting down on the other side.
"What was so important it couldn't wait for me to finish?" he called through the door.
"Oh, um, I got nails."
"... nails?" Vegeta asked, as he stood up. The water flowed right off before he shook his hair dry the best he could.
After he reached for his Ki to dry himself the rest of the way. He did not need these hotel towels.
"Yeah, I wanted to nail a blanket up over the window. It won't let the light in that way."
Vegeta scoffed when he heard this. He didn't need the fool's help. He was just fine on his own. Though, since he already had them with him, he might as well humor his final subject. "Really now?"
"Y-yeah. I thought it was a good idea. I was glad I had brought them with me."
Vegeta sighed to himself before reaching for his clothes and pulling them on. It was far too quiet on the other side of the door and as the minutes dragged on, he demanded, "Well?"
There was another thud and a cry of ow before Goku replied, "Well what?"
"Go do it then. The sun's going to rise in…" The Prince's head tilted to the side. His eyes closed a moment before he said, "3 hours and 47 minutes."
Goku was silent as Vegeta began to question himself once again. He seemed to be doing that more often than before las of late. He himself didn't understand how he knew this. Why would he know the amount of time until this mudball of a planet's sun rose? It didn't make sense to him at all.
"How do you know that, Vegeta?"
Vegeta floundered only for a second before he replied. "I looked at a clock, idiot."
Goku chuckled at himself. "Oh yeah! Sorry, Vegeta. Forgot there was one in there." He followed up by grabbing the nails from his pocket. Oh, he had forgotten a hammer. He shrugged once more as he walked over. Hands grabbing a large blanket from the closet. It was the spare that every room had. There was one in his own room.
He walked over to the window and pulled out a nail. He placed it and the blanket in the right spot and punched the nail as lightly as he could. He didn't need a hole clear through the wall.
It worked well enough and Goku continued this with each corner before standing back and admiring his work. He viewed it from a few different sides before adding a few more nails just in case.
Vegeta walked out of the bathroom during this, in his tank top and shorts. His cheeks were red as he walked up behind Goku. He cleared his throat and Goku responded through a mouth full of nails. "What do you think?" He asked, pulling a nail from his lips and punching it in.
"It's fine, here, take this." He said, holding out the Gi shirt, head turned away in his embarrassment.
Goku only seemed to realize he wasn't wearing his shirt then and took it back. He held it close to his face and sniffed it before thinking. It smelled like that weird decaying smell, but underneath was still Vegeta's same old smell.
He pulled it over his head and smiled. "Thanks, Vegeta."
"Yeah yeah." Vegeta said before walking over to the bed. He glanced at Goku before slipping under the covers. He threw one of the extra pillows off the bed and right into the clown's face.
Goku laughed a bit as he caught the pillow effortlessly. He made a sport for himself at the foot of Vegeta's bed, setting down the rest of the nails on the dresser.
"Are you going to sleep now, Vegeta?" He asked with a smile.
Vegeta grunted an affirmative as sleep spilled over him. He yawned and pulled one of the three remaining pillows close to his chest.
As silence filled the room, Goku started to go over his options. He had an idea and wondered if he should talk to Vegeta about it first or if he should surprise him.
His plan was simple enough. He would find the man that bit Vegeta and make him explain what was going on. The only hard part would be finding him. He couldn't track the ki and that made thoughts quite a bit harder then they should be.
Goku would have to find him the old fashioned way, by using his nose. The smell was fairly familiar now. Decay, death, salt, those things and a weird cold was what the man had smelled like and what Vegeta now smelled like.
Goku stretched and curled up on the floor beside the window. He pulled the pillow to his chest.
That could wait until tomorrow. For now, he had been up for a whole day straight. That wasn't common for the gentle saiyan and he needed his sleep after his adventures today.
Tomorrow he would find the man. Tomorrow he would fix this.
- I redid this chapter a bit. A kind reviewer pointed out a few thing and I agreed with them. I can't have Goku get up and go through another day without sleep! That would be ridiculous. I also slowed down Goku reactions to Vegeta. Their relationship will take a while to build and i want it that way. Sorry anyone who wanted another chapter. Review? I take each one to heart. Thanks so much to BringingYaoiBack, who kindly pointed out what was wrong.-