So if any of you read Past Memories and Roots, then you will recognize this story. It was originally a short story but I felt that it could be made into a much longer story. If this is your first time reading it, I hope you enjoy it. If you already know this story I hope you enjoy the next chapters of this story.

There might be a few changes but not too much. I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

The dull atmosphere of the meeting had many nations on the brink of sleep along with many not paying attention to the speaker. Germany diligently gave his speech trying to show his points on the problems of global warming.

America's eyes drooped slightly as he tried to contain a yawn. His blue eyes scanned the room to see the other looks of the nations before his gaze lands on his twin. Canada's tired posture was obvious as he was fighting to stay awake. The North American twins were currently sitting at the end of the table where they were in perfect vision of the speaker, unfortunately. Which meant they couldn't t fall asleep without getting reprimanded by Germany.

That's the last time we have a movie marathon and go the whole night without sleep before a meeting. Right Mattie?

The electric shock that passes through their barrier is enough to jolt them slightly awake as Canada discreetly looks over to America, giving a tired smirk.

AND whose idea was it? ...Man I just want to sleep.

Hey! We BOTH came up with the idea, so you're as much to blame as I am.

Both chuckle softly at their fun, if only to keep their minds from falling asleep. They move their gazes back towards Germany. Soon though, their eyes become dull and void of life, like a trance has been put on them.

Hey Matt?

Yeah Al?

We should go and visit mom soon.

Hmm… It has been a long time… Hey Al, remember that one time we got stuck in a tree and we were too scared to get down?

Hehe. Yeah. Mom had to climb up and carry us back down. I miss when life used to be much simpler.

Me too.

America and Canada hum quietly as the distant memories of their mother are flowing freely between their links. So many memories, soon they become lost within the deep recesses of their minds.

The noise is disappearing as the twins become lost into their memories. Neither minding the escape from reality to just see their mother awake and healthy again. The meeting room is becoming distorted and changing to the vast land of their countries. One of the many memories they hold dear.

Footsteps can barely be heard amongst the grass, giving the hunter an advantage of stalking their target. Trees and bushes provide cover for both hunter and target. The targets are carefully watching their predator, trying to be still and quiet so as not to be caught. The figure moves closer into the vision of their hiding spot.

A quick look at the hunter shows that it is a woman. Her long black hair is flowing wildly and freely in the wind and brown eyes are quick and focused on the surrounding area. She quietly moves around the large trees and crouches down among the bushes to hide her form. Now is the time to hunt her targets.

"Maska. Kanata. Where are my two boys?" she coos.

No sounds are made but the wind has brought the sound of giggling to her, letting her know that she is close to them. Quickly but soundlessly, she makes her way to a large tree to scout the area.

"Maska. Kanata. Where are you? Do you wish to make your mother worry?"

More giggling is heard but not from the ground but in the large tree where she is hiding. Smirking slightly, she knows she has found them and now it is time to get them. Slowly as not to completely surprise them, she raises her head to look onto the branches of the tree.

And there on a large branch, high up into the tree, are her two sons. They are clutching onto each other and failing to keep the giggles at bay.

"There you two are! I found my children!"

"Mama! You found us!" they shout.

"Of course, I will always find you, no matter where you hide. Alright, now come down you two."

"Alright Mama!"

Minutes passed and Native America was still waiting for her children to come down. She looked back up onto the branch that they were sitting on and saw that they haven't moved an inch.

"My children, why haven't you come down?"

The curiosity in her voice has the children hesitate to answer back. "We're scared…"

Her eyes widen slightly in surprise before she smiles and laughs happily at her children. They pout but are more embarrassed than anything.

"It's alright, I will come up and get you down. Stay where you are."

Native America expertly climbs up the tree, the twins watching in awe at their mother's gracefulness. Her calm face relaxes and distracts the twins from the fear of how high up they are. Moments later, she has reached the branch with her children.

"Mama! You made it!" Maska happily exclaims.

"You're the greatest!" Kanata praises.

"You think so? I just have more experience than you two in climbing trees."

The bright smiles from her children made her heart swell with love. Neither moved from the branch, just enjoying the beauty and quiet of the sky. White fluffy clouds partially blocked the sun, giving shade from the heat during midday.

Birds fly in their patterns looking for food for their young, animals are roaming around for food or scouting the area for danger and the family of three watches amusedly at the life on the ground and sky. Native America holds her children close, making sure that they won't fall.

Everything is calm until two growling noises disturb the peace. Native America smiles amusedly at her embarrassed twins, who are clutching their stomachs, trying to make them stop.

"It's alright Maska, Kanata. It is time for lunch. Climb on my back and I will carry you both down." Her gentle smile dispels the growing anxiety and doubt. They trust her.

Slowly and carefully, Maska and Kanata climb onto their mother's back and hold on tightly to her dress. When she feels that her children are secure, Native America starts to cautiously climb down as to not scare her children.

The climb down seemed to take forever before their mother's feet touched the ground.

Native America crouched down, letting her children touch the ground. Soon after, the three went to go hunt and gather food. Maska and Kanata gathered as many berries that their little pouches could hold while Native America kept a look out for any game nearby.

"Look Mama! Look how many berries we gathered!"

Maska's loud voice startled her slightly but enough that it wasn't noticed by the twins. They were currently running to her, carrying their pouches full of berries in their hands.

"I helped too, Mama! Maska didn't do ALL the work!"

The twins were currently racing each other to see who would reach their mother first. Native America's amused smile shown on her face as the twins were trying to push each other out of the way to reach her first. Shaking her head slightly, she crouched down and opened her arms wide to catch her two bundles of boundless energy.

"I'm going to win!"

"No! I am!"

"Don't cry when I win Kanata!"

"I'm not the one who is going to cry when I win Maska!"

This pushed each other to run faster than the other, both barreling into their mother, knocking her down from their momentum.

"I won!" they cried together. "No! I did! Stop copying me!"

"Boys, you both won. It was a tie, so no more fighting. You two are brothers and must be there for each other."

"Yes, Mama."

The three of them got up, inspecting the berries, making sure that they weren't squished and still edible. The berries made it through the collision and native America decided it was time to go hunting for more food.

They walked for a few minutes until they spotted a doe by a creek drinking water. She hadn't noticed them and the wind was blowing their scent away from her, giving Native America the advantage. Silently, she moved closer, her bow and arrow in her hands ready to be fired. The twins knew to stay back so they wouldn't get hurt.

The doe quickly looked up listening for any sounds but none were heard, allowing her to go back to drinking from the creek. Just as Native America was about to shoot, a loud BANG was heard all throughout the forest. Startling all the birds and animals around, even the doe who immediately ran off to safety.

The noise scared the twins, making them cry out and native America immediately went to their side. Soon, voices could be heard, loud and in a language that was unfamiliar to them. Out of the trees came three men, wearing strange clothes and sticks that shoot fire.

Native America recognized them as the new settlers who had come from the East and come to her lands. They were pale, wheat colored hair and eyes the color of the sky, just like her children but she knew that they were dangerous to her and her people.

Maska and Kanata had heard of the strange new people but have never seen them before. Their eyes held awe and fear. Others that looked just like them.

"Maska, Kanata, these people are dangerous. Quick we must leave and be very quiet."

The serious and hushed tone from their mother made the twins nod and hurry and leave. Just when they were almost out of the area, one of the men spotted them.

"Look! Over there!"

Soon another loud Bang was heard and a cry of pain from their mother. The cry caused the twins to run towards their mother, crying to her.

"Mama! Mama!"

"Hurry! We must go!"

Native America struggled to keep her balance, ignoring her pain to make sure they were all safe. The voices of the strange people were behind them, making them run faster. And faster. And faster, until they could not be heard anymore. Native America collapsed from fatigue and pain, blood oozing from a wound on her leg. The twins watched fearfully as she ripped part of her dress to wrap the wound.

"I'm alright my children," she assured.

Tears fell heavily from their blue eyes along with small sobs.









"Alfred! Matthew!"

The sound of their names being called jolted them away from their memory. Their eyes refocusing on the faces in front of them. England and France were closer with their faces full of worry and confusion. They scanned the room to see that the others were watching them carefully as well, many with confusion.

Their vision was slightly blurred, realizing that they both were crying. America gently lifted a hand to his face now wet with tears.


Everyone present looked even more confused at the language that was unfamiliar to them.

"America, we can't understand you. Can you speak in English?" England's voice wavering a little at the sight of his distressed sons.

"What? Aren't we speaking English?" Canada thoroughly confused.

"Mon Petites, can you understand us?" Frances asks slowly just in case.

Both nod in agreement. Soon they realize that they were speaking in a language that only their mother and they knew of. A language that combined all the languages of the tribes, a forgotten and lost language to all except to those older who knew of it.

"W-w-we di-did-dn't m-me-an t-to w-wor-ry y-you."

The unsmooth sounds of the consonants rolling off of America's tongue had the others shocked and even more worried. America and Canada hadn't spoken English like that since they were first learning it as colonies. This worried England and France even more.

"Y-yea-h w-w-we j-j-jus-st di-did-dn't ge-et an-y s-s-sl-eep l-la-as-st nig-ht." Canada tries to convince the others.

The others gave the twins suspicious glances trying to see if it was true. They did look really tired but many still questioned the crying and language change. However, no matter how much they pried, America and Canada wouldn't talk and even resorted to using the language that nobody understood, leaving everyone clueless.

Deciding that they weren't going to farther into the situation, Germany allowed the two younger nations to leave early. After they left, the others were quiet. None knew what to say about the bizarre scene that had happened moments ago, surprising many, England and France more so.

"You two wouldn't happen to know anything about…what just…happened, would you?" Germany's curious tone breaking the silence. Everyone's thoughts were stopped and turned expectantly to England and France. Unfortunately, they both shook their heads, disappointing many.

"Unfortunately, America and Canada have refused to share anything about the time before we took care of them." Distraught clearly heard in the Englishman's voice.

This lead many questions about the mysterious pasts of the two younger nations to form throughout everyone's minds.

"Alright listen up everyone! We will NOT ask OR Talk about what happened today with America and Canada. If they wish to tell us, we will listen. If not, we will NOT pry into their business. Understood!?" Germany's command rang through the room, earning nods and a few grumbled agreements.

But everyone was determined to find out about the pasts of said missing nations. Even if they must stalk them to find the answers.

Did you enjoy it? I hope so! If your new to this story, PLEASE REVIEW!

Until next chapter! ;)