A/N: "Wait, Garrett," you say, "but you marked the story, 'Complete'." I LIED.

The hastily prepared dinner was a smashing success, with everyone rallying behind the happy couple. Joyce fussed over Tara and her stutter (as well as Tara's constant use of "Mrs. Summers"), Xander made inappropriate jokes, Willow bounced around excitedly, Giles muttered and flustered his entire way through the evening, and Anya….was Anya (and boy was telling Joyce about her and Giles ever awkward). But for Buffy and Tara, it was mostly a night to bask in the love of their friends and family and for each other.

After everyone left, Buffy and Tara snuggled upstairs on Buffy's bed, watching TV and sharing the occasional kiss. However, at one point, Tara asked a question of her new girlfriend: "Buffy, I was wondering something."

"Hmm?" replied Buffy as she idly stroked Tara's hair.

"I-is it just me, or do you also think we should set up Willow and Xander? You know, as a couple?"

Buffy grinned eagerly at the idea.

A/N II: Yes, that's a sequel hook. For an unwritten, untitled string of sequels for which I do have an ending planned, as well as a few character beats planned. These include: Buffy and Tara as match makers, the Initiative and Riley, Oz returning, Faith, and enough Buffy/Tara sweetness to make your teeth rot.