celebrity/fan au

Perry didn't know why she was so abnormally obsessed with this celebrity. She was never like this with anybody or anything else.

It wasn't like the actress – actor – LaFontaine even stood for something Perry was familiar with. All the… sense of being different, weird – Lola Perry was perfectly normal, thank you very much. So this unusual want to know more and be close to this celebrity, this actor, LaFontaine – was very disorienting to her.

But disoriented or not, she was a dedicated girl. When LaFontaine tweeted that they were going to be making a movie in Perry's hometown, she immediately went to get an internship on the company responsible for the equipment. She wasn't very handy with that sort of thing, but she would try.

LaFontaine was excited about this movie – it was about something they were actually interested in. They'd reached a point in their career where they actually could pick and choose roles instead of having to take anything offered to them, and this one was something of a dream role to them. It was a modern version of Frankenstein, where they'd be playing the transsexual Victor Frankenstein, obsessed with science and creating a monster to later plague the character forever. LaFontaine couldn't count how many times they'd read the book by now. The only problem with the adaption would be if people tried to make the creation of the monster symbolize a sex change or something, that that would haunt Frankenstein forever. That certainly was not the point.

They were on the way to the town in which they'd be making it, when their agent, Elizabeth (or as they liked to say to tease her, Betty) Spieseldorf (who they didn't really like, but she was very professional), called them. "Hey, Bets."

"Hey. You on your way?"

"Yup. Moving sickness included."

"Will you be okay in time for the shooting?"

"If I'm getting shot, I don't need to be okay, man."


"Happy to entertain. Did you want something special?"

"Yes. You know the company wants you to get romantically involved with someone?"

LaFontaine sighed. The company that employed them had been on them for years – get a girlfriend, or a boyfriend. We don't care, it's for your image. You need to, it's for your career. LaF was mighty tired of it. "Yes, I know. And you know how I feel about it. I'm not getting with someone just for the sake of it."

"They just threatened to end the contract if you're not with someone by the premier of Frankenstein."

They sucked in a sharp breath. Despite their many fans, that company was the only company they knew that was okay with hiring a genderqueer actor. If they lost this contract, they'd most likely be back to live with their parents soon. "Fuck."

"Sure, fuck someone. At this point a one-night-stand would do you good."

"Shut up."

"What about the director? She's cute. What's her name, Hollis?"

"I'm not having sex with the director, Betty."

"What about the amazon playing your monster?"

"I hate Danny Lawrence."


"I'm not gonna do it."

"Suit yourself, it's your career."


They hung up, and LaF let out a long sigh. They hadn't found anyone they'd been attracted to in years, which was disappointing in itself. Sometimes they thought they must be aromantic, but it didn't feel like it. They'd been in love before, but not for years.

They kept hearing "you just haven't met the right one." The one, whatever. It didn't feel good to think that. LaF wanted to be able to get by on their own, without feeling down because they were alone. Usually they didn't, until Betty reminded them.

But it was human nature, they reminded themselves. Everyone felt like this, even if they didn't want to.

But it still sucked.

Laura Hollis was excited to make Frankenstein. She'd loved film and media since high school, and when her girlfriend got her a job at the family business Karnstein Moving Pictures, founded in 1898 – she couldn't be happier. She had Carmilla, a job she loved, and she was going to be working with S. LaFontaine (who she actually knew vaguely since college. Awesome) and Danny Lawrence. Best movie ever.

She arrived at the location a few days before the actors were due. She needed to set up the place where she'd be working, she needed to work out the placements of everything – and she wanted to check out the cameras. She loved cameras.

Reaching the spot, the only person around was a curly-haired girl hurrying around the place. She was probably not a lot younger than Laura herself. "Excuse me?" Laura called.

The girl stopped abruptly, looking up at Laura with a friendly smile. "Hello! Can I help you with something?"

"Probably. I'm Laura Hollis, the director."

"Oh!" the girl yelped. "I, uh, welcome! We weren't expecting you until tomorrow, I'm the only one here…"

"It's okay," Laura assured her. "I just wanted to check in early. It's nice to meet you, though."

The girl jumped and seemed to remember that she hadn't introduced herself. "I'm an intern at the equipment-company. Lola Perry."

"Nice to meet you, Lola." They shook hands.

"It's nice to meet you, too, miss Hollis!"

"Oh, just call me Laura."

"Well, then, nice to meet you, Laura!"

"What do I call you?"

"Perry. Perrys' fine."

LaF's first scene was one with almost all of the other castmembers – they had been scheduled to make all the flashbacks and pre-monster scenes later. They were being introduced to the actors and the crew by Laura. Thank God for Laura Hollis, who made her best to make them comfortable in every possible situation.

"Danny Lawrence. Your monster." Ginger amazon with hard eyes.

"Wilson Kirsch. Sound." Tall jock-looking dude. Brightest smile ever.

"JP Armitage. Your Eli slash Elizabeth." Happy-looking guy who brofisted them. They'd probably get along well.

"And the producers – I guess you already know them, since they're from the Karnstein Moviemaking-stuff. Will Eisen and Carmilla Karnstein. Both producers, Carmilla also Mrs. Director."

The dark-haired beauty LaF had come to know through their career rolled her eyes. "Right."

"Shut up, you love to be here."

"Whatever you say, Cupcake."

Laura stuck her tongue out and dragged LaF along. "Elsie, Danny's personal assistant."

They felt a stab of annoyance, because of course Danny Lawrence would have a personal assistant. "She needs a personal assistant?"

Laura shrugged. "Seems so. You can have one too, if you want."

"I'm cool, thanks."

"And lastly, these three are here as interns from the equipment-company. Natalie, Sarah Jane and Perry."

Most of the time, LaFontaine knew and recognized it when they met fans. Sarah Jane was ogling her and Natalie was very obviously trying to stay calm.

Perry was looking at them with curious eyes, as if she was truly seeing them for the first time – which they supposed she was, but usually people seemed a lot more awed. Which made this a nice change. Lola was the best thing they'd laid eyes upon all day anyway – just look at the hair. It was wonderful. "Nice to meet you, girls." Oh God, had they really just said that? They should know better than greeting people with assumed genders and stuff by now. Fuck, and they complained when others called them a girl.

Natalie and Sarah Jane peeped up a "Hi" in unison.

"Hello", Perry replied evenly, eyes trained on them. Looking back, they saw the incredulous blue orbs and plump lips – oh no, don't you dare, LaF. She's just a girl. They would not start staring themselves blind on a minor the first day at work, no matter how cute she was.

Laura clapped her hands. "Okay, everyone, let's get to work!"