I've had this story in my head for a while now and I finally have time to write it! Let me know what you all think! Remember to review/fav/follow!

Chris McLean knew that Total Drama Island was going to be awesome. It already had the most amazing, talented, and handsome host in reality television... at least in Chris's mind. The crew wasn't that bad either. Almost everything was set up. The island, the challenges, the hair and makeup trailer... all they needed were the campers.

At the moment, Chris and Chef Hatchet were narrowing down potential contestants. "So that's a yes for the hot blonde? Good. Next applicant." Chris put away the application and picked up the next one on the table. "So it looks like our next applicant is Erin Hoffman." Chris looked down and inspected the application. In the upper right corner was a picture of a girl with long, black hair and light skin. Her bangs hung over her green, glasses-covered eyes. "Name: Erin Renee Hoffman. Age is eighteen... kind of pushing it with the age cap, Erin..."

"When's her birthday?" Chef asked.

"Looks like it'd be during filming," Chris said. "She's from Toronto and just started a program in videogame design and animation at Toronto Film School... Her hobbies include video games, cosplay, and art. I'm getting a stereotypical nerd vibe here. Here we go. Internet alias is ErinysArt. I swear I've heard that username before."

"Google it," Chef said. Chris bit his lower lip and nodded. He took out his laptop and opened up his internet browser. "Please tell me you've stopped using Internet Explorer."

"I used it one time to get Firefox," Chris replied. "And search." The results immediately popped up on the screen, several videos included at the top. "Wow. I got a DeviantArt profile, a Twitch account, Tumblr, Facebook, YouTube, Livestream... Chef, any preference to what I check out first?"

"YouTube," he said. Chris clicked on the link to Erin Hoffman's YouTube channel. When he saw her subscribers, his eyes widened.

"Holy shit. She has two million subscribers," Chris said. "That's probably why I've heard of her. I see a lot of Let's Plays and cosplay tutorials. Shall I pull up the "Best of ErinysArt" Montage?"

"It better be good," Chef said as he walked around to the chair next to Chris.

"Hi and welcome again to ErinysArt," the voice of a teenage girl said.

"So no face cam," Chris said. The screen showed a game in which the player was a surgeon performing a heart replacement.

"Who do you think you are? Running round leaving scars... collecting your jar of hearts..." Suddenly the hand holding the detached heart twitched and the heart flew across the screen. "Or tearing them out and throwing them across the room. That works too. That baby flew though..." The screen cut to a different run of that same game. "I think I got this. Whoa... whoa." The screen suddenly filled with blurs and colors. "So I'm pretty sure I just got high. Yet I continue to operate on this man. He can't sue me for malpractice if he's dead... or unconscious. Either one works. You will never understand the stress of being a doctor! I need to get high to feel alive!" Chef and Chris started to chuckle at the hyperactive girl. "Wait, did I just get killed by hawks? I just got killed by hawks. What the hell kind of dating sim is this? I didn't choose a bird to seduce fast enough and I got killed by hawks. Well damn... I guess I'm done with this stream since I freaking got killed by hawks. Um... yeah. Fucking hawks..."

"There's actually a pigeon dating sim game?" Chris asked between laughs.

"Apparently," Chef replied, laughing along. The video cut to an image of Sims 3. There, a redheaded sim was gardening without clothes on.

"WHOA! WHY ARE YOU NAKED!? WHY ARE YOU GARDENING NAKED!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING SHAE!? HOLY SHIT! WHY!?" Erin's voice shouted. The screen cut to what was obviously Skyrim. Her Dragonborn was soaring through the sky. "Soaring! Flying! There's not a star in heaven that we can't-" She was cut off when her Dragonborn hit a rock and died. Immediately, Jason Derulo's "Whatcha say" started playing. Erin burst into laughter, as well as Chris and Chef. "Oh my god! I completely forgot I installed that mod! Holy shit... I gotta die more often in this game." The video cut to a scene of the Dragonborn fighting what appeared to be Thomas the Tank Engine. "Choo choo motherfucker. It's your motherfucking birthday." The next part of the video seemed to be a compilation of Erin reacting to jump-scares in various horror games. The only one Chris recognized was Slender. Chris paused the video, still laughing.

"Her gameplay videos are pretty good. And her fanbase could give us more viewers," Chris said. "I want her in."

"Ditto," Chef said. "Plus, think about her commentary for challenges."

"True," Chris agreed. "Welcome to Total Drama Island, Erin." He set aside her application, but made a note to check out more of her videos later. After all, he wanted to see what this girl was all about.

Erin Hoffman sat in her room, equipped with her dual monitors as she worked on livestream commissions. She had enough time in her schedule to do marathon sketching, so she was currently on hour seven of at least eight or nine, depending on her mood. The music of Halestorm filled her ears through her gaming headset. At the moment, she was working on a commission of Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka for some user named IEatMuffins2019. She had no idea what the hell kind of a username that is, but she didn't really care so long as she got paid.

She was adding the final touches of coloring and shading to the piece at the moment. She sang along to "Love Bites [So Do I]," knowing that her viewers couldn't hear her crappy singing. She heard the door open and took her headset off her ears.

"Hey Erin!" her twin Andrea greeted. She walked into the room and sat down on Erin's bed. "You haven't moved, I see. How many commissions today."

"I'm at about ten," Erin said. "Eleven when this one is done."

"That's my art-addicted sister." Erin rolled her eyes at her sister's antics and laughed. "So guess what came in the mail today?"

"More spam letters asking me to donate to the SPA or World Wildlife Fund?" Erin asked.

"Nope," Andrea responded, popping the 'p' very obviously. "It's a letter from the producers of Total Drama Island." Erin dropped her jaw and her tablet pen and turned around with wide eyes. She dropped her jaw as she silently gasped. Andrea sat there, smirking while holding the letter tauntingly.

"Give me the letter," Erin said. "Give it, give it, give it." Andrea laughed, stood up and handed Erin the letter. She ripped open the envelope and yanked out the letter. She gasped and squealed as she read the contents. "OH MY GOD!"

"Read it out loud!" Andrea squealed.

"Dear Erin Hoffman," Erin started. "You have been selected as one of the contestants for Total Drama Island! Be ready to leave by noon of June 29th for your ride to TDI! Below are the following contracts that need to be signed and mailed back. Signed Chris McLean! I'm in!" The twins squealed and hugged each other. "Oh my god. I'll need to pack my laptop and tablet. Not to mention my sketchbook, my phone, probably sunscreen because summer, and-"

"Slow down there," Andrea said. "Finish your commission stream. Then worry about packing."

"Shit!" Erin shouted. She turned to her screen and typed a message on the livestream chatbox.

ErinysArt: Sorry guys! I just found out I got accepted into Total Drama Island! As a celebration treat, I'll do one commission on the house. Any characters, any style. Just let me finish with Gene Wilder Wonka first.

The requests came almost immediately. In the end, Erin went for the one that interested her the most. She was asked for team RWBY in the promo background. She couldn't say no to RWBY, after all.

Chris McLean heard his phone go off and immediately checked it. Just as he thought, ErinysArt had posted a new video on YouTube. He clicked on the link and the video appeared on his screen. In front of the camera was Erin Hoffman. She wore a grey Hogwarts t-shirt that probably came from Hot Topic. "Hi guys! ErinysArt here! So this is actually going to be my last update for a while. Why do you ask? Well..." The music that plays in Legend of Zelda when Link opens up a treasure chest played and Erin bobbed her head to the song. "I got accepted onto Total Drama Island!" A little box on the bottom of the screen popped up saying Achievement Unlocked: Total Drama Island Contestant. "Some of you that follow my Tumblr and Livestream already knew about this, and you guys already sent me a ton of questions about what I'll be doing and how that will affect my videos.

"So, question one: What does this mean for my commission? Well, you'll have to wait until I'm back from TDI. I'm trying to get as many done as I possibly can before I leave, but I can only draw so fast. Question two: What does this mean for your videos? Like I said, I won't be able to make videos while I'm gone. I need to keep my head in the game. But I will post a video about my thoughts of TDI when I am legally allowed to." A bit of subtext popped up saying, "goddamn contracts." Erin smiled and shrugged. "Finally, I got a lot of questions about my upcoming Thorin Oakenshield cosplay. I'm not finished enough to show you all, but I promise that this cosplay, plus commissions, plus my continuation of the Mass Effect 3 Let's Play with Cinder will happen when I get back. Wow that's a lot. But hopefully it'll be worth. Do I think I'll win? Not really. But do I hope I will? Hell yes. So goodbye internets! See you when I am back from Total! Drama! Island!" Chris smirked and put his phone away. He definitely knew that she would bring in some major ratings.

"Chris! We're ready for you to film the intro!" an intern called out.

"I need a few more minutes on my hair!" Chris shouted back. He sprayed some more hairspray onto his luscious black locks and then got up. This was going to be fun.