A/N: I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting, my brain took a little detour… I blame the heat wave we've been having. I'm afraid this last bit probably wasn't worth waiting for, but at least I didn't leave you on a cliff hanger! Consider this last chapter an added extra ;)

Thank you all again for the reviews, and thanks to Becks for being a sounding board and sending inspiration now and then!

Chapter Ten – Epilogue

"Close your eyes." Wheeler said softly, sliding his arms around his girlfriend's waist and holding her close.

Linka did as she was bid, smiling as a light breeze caressed her cheek. The lovely Russian couldn't help marvelling again at the gentle warmth of her lover's lips as they brushed against hers in a gesture both innocent yet intimate.

Without releasing her from the circle of his arms, Wheeler moved around so that her back rested comfortably against his chest and pressed another kiss to her ear, whispering, "Ready?"

"For what?" She asked, "You have not told me what we are going to do."

Since he could undress her with a thought, and she was still in her usual trousers and planeteer shirt, it was a safe bet that what he had in mind wasn't what they usually did.

"This." The American replied, nuzzling her gently. Then he lifted her off the floor... Or she thought that was what he was doing but the sensation continued.

Opening her eyes Linka looked down at the ground, which was rushing away from them, and gasped. She clasped his arms tightly, "Wheeler! What are you doing?!"

"Flying Babe, like a real superhero!" Their speed increased and they went into a slow roll. "Woot!"

Linka yelped, "Bozhe 'moy!"

Wheeler straightened up and slowed to a stop but didn't return them to the ground, "Don't you trust me? I wouldn't let anything happen to you, even in a dream."

Turning her head to look at him over her shoulder she placed a light kiss on his jaw, "Of course I trust you, but what do you know about flying? How are you even doing this?"

The fire planeteer gave her a disapproving look and reminded her that it was a dream, "We can do anything we want."

"Da but..."

Rolling his eyes, "I've seen it in the movies ok? And besides, Cap's taken us up before, I just thought it would be fun."

He sounded disappointed and she wasn't proof against that. "It is... It will be. I just need to adjust to being in the air without my power, but I do trust you Lyubov, I promise."

"Sure?" He asked warily, still wondering if he should forget the whole idea.

"Da, now get us moving before your arms get tired of my weight." She teased.

He didn't bother to point out that that wasn't possible, and they soared together until Linka was laughing with pleasure, her arms outstretched, literally in her element.

Finally, Wheeler brought them down to land on a quiet stretch of beach. As soon as her feet touched the sand Linka spun round and, throwing her arms around his neck, kissed him deeply.

Despite her enthusiasm it was a slow leisurely kiss that neither wanted to end, and when they did finally part they kept their heads together, the picture of a young couple in love.

Words didn't seem necessary as they began to undress each other, this being the one thing they always agreed on.

"Lay down." Linka requested when they were finally naked in each-other's arms, punctuating the command with a kiss.

Her boyfriend quickly obeyed, stretching back in the sand and pillowing his head with his arms. The American's eyes took in every inch of her as she stood revealed to him against the sunset.

Her skin flushed with desire as well as the slight embarrassment she couldn't shake even after all the weeks they'd been together, Linka let herself spend equal time admiring his body before moving to stand astride his waist.

She knelt down and bent to bring their lips together again briefly, before shifting her hips back over his, her fingers trailing the lines of his chest muscles. "I will never get tired of this."

"My smoking hot bod?" he teased, "I should hope not."

Linka smiled and nodded but placed a finger over his lips to silence him, "Just being with you, whatever we are doing, you make me happy."

Wheeler kissed her finger but then took her hand in his and pulled her down for another, longer kiss resuming their love-making. It wasn't long however before Linka sat up, once more taking control.

The American loved watching her like that, dancing for him alone and completely caught up in the moment, with her emotions as open to him as her body. It was perhaps the one thing that was hard for them to achieve in the waking world, though not impossible.

"Are you sure you haven't done this before?" he croaked making her laugh.

"Only with you Lyubov. You know how you said I over think things?" she teased, "Well I've been overthinking this a lot lately."

It was Wheeler's turn to laugh and he assured her that he would never complain about her attention to detail ever again, but their need was becoming too great to talk and soon everything else was forgotten.

When the Russian finally collapsed into her lover's arms, he held her tightly, trying to convey his feelings while words failed him. They lay there some time - though time was meaningless in the dreamscape – in no rush to become separate entities again.

It was the incoming tide that roused them, though they'd ignored it as it crept up over their legs, the cool water refreshing their heated limbs. Linka chuckled softly as it lapped over them, like a third lover. "That is, interesting."

Wheeler laughed, "You want me to move us?"

She hesitated, "Nyet…"

He chucked again and rolled over so that she was beneath him, then moved with the ebb and flow of the water, kissing her tenderly while his hands joined the sea in caressing her.

Neither were in a rush for completion but it was the inevitable result and Linka just had time enough to realise that Wheeler had moved them somewhere warm and dry to snuggle down together, before the blackness that signalled the deeper sleep that always claimed them prior to their rise to consciousness, took her.

Linka woke up first and leant down to press a tender kiss to her lover's lips. Her shoulder length blond hair brushed the side of his face and he smiled.

"Good morning Beautiful." He murmured against her lips, his smile widening as she ran her fingers through the short downy orange covering over his head.

Wheeler could hardly believe they'd been a couple for over two months. It hadn't all been smooth sailing, they'd had to learn to live together, but it still seemed like no time at all since that first night.

"Good morning Yankee, did you sleep well?" She always asked him that, but she already knew the answer.

"I had the best dream," he told her anyway, "I dreamt the most wonderful girl in the world agreed to be my wife."

Linka's eyes widened looking a little hurt. If he had dreamed that, she hadn't been there. "You did? Who was she?"

The American grinned and reached over to pull open her bedside cabinet drawer and retrieve the box he'd hidden there the night before, "No actually I didn't, but you've made all my other dreams come true so I'm kinda hoping you'll make that one happen too."

He opened the box and showed her the neat diamond solitaire, "I love you Linka. We've shared nearly every moment these last few weeks, both waking and sleeping and it's still not enough. I want to make this permanent, not just all the days of our lives, but forever. We belong together."

The smile on Linka's face was as radiant as the sun and tears sparkled in her eyes as she nodded in agreement. "I love you Jason Wheeler, my Yankee. It might have taken me a long while to admit that but now I cannot imagine ever being without you, you make me happy just knowing you are there for me. Da, I will marry you and we will spend forever making each other's dreams come true."