Hi! Okay I had this idea of a Fifty Shades story a while ago and never really had the chance to write it up, but here is my prologue/first chapter. The first few chapters wont be M rated, however I have decided that later on it may change due to the nature of the original books. Hope you enjoy. All rights/characters/everything belongs to E.L James who wrote Fifty Shades.


Ana PoV:

"Sawyer, I'm fine. Just please take me home." Even to my own ears, I can hear how miserable I sound, but despite my stubborn husband's belief's, I know how to take care of myself, which in this case means going home to take a bath and then read awhile.

I have not slept properly in nearly 3 days, memories from the conversation I had with Christian flood my mind whenever I close my eyes. The look of fear consuming his grey irises when I told him that I was pregnant, his cruel words struck like venom to my heart, the consuming sadness that was evoked through his words when he said that I would choose the baby over him.

I don't know how much longer I can do this. The avoiding, the pretending, the hiding. We haven't had a proper conversation with each other since that day, he has been short with me and despite my attempts to offer the olive branch, he never reciprocates. I stare out of the SUV's windows, Seattle's dreary and cloudy weather reflecting my inner turmoil. If Christian truly needs Elena, where to I come into the equation, I should have known that I would never have been enough. Years of memories are hard to forget, maybe that is why he spoke to Elena on that night, or maybe he is finally sick of me and vanilla and my apparent constant refusal to succumb to his demands about security and my independence.

Maybe our only way out of this situation is to escape it, end it, stop the thing that caused the problems in the first place, the same thought enters my head as it did on the way back from the hospital. At that point, I didn't think that Christian would reject me and the baby, so maybe it would be for the best. However, as soon as I think this, a pain wreaks my heart at the thought of ending the life that we have created together through our love. I would never forgive myself or Christian if I did that, I would live in regret of what could have been. No, we have to get through this, we will get through this. It's just a bump in the road, nothing could break us apart, nothing.

Sawyer drives into Escala's underground carpark and pulls into one of Christians spaces, before he can open my door, I jump out of the car and walk over to the elevator, completely disregarding security protocol, no wonder Christian is sick of me. Sawyer catches up to me and walks into the elevator first, I try to block him out but it's no use as I hear my name.

"Yes sir, I have taken her home as Mrs Grey stated that she didn't feel too well." I roll my eyes at the one sided conversation that I can hear, clearly I have to have every single of one my movements reported to Taylor due to my husband's wishes, my subconscious shakes her head at me clearly irritated that I have not come to terms with the fact that I will probably never have any freedom in my life again.

"Is Mr Grey with you right now sir? Please let him know that I have everything under control." Sawyer looks over at me with the corner of his eye, apprehension is evident in his face. Clearly, he is worried about me as I have never been ill in his company before, this makes me roll my eyes at him again. Honestly.

"What time are you expected back? An hour, okay sir, thank you." The elevator finally arrives at the penthouse, the flowers on the table still blooming brightly in the foyer, slightly distracting me from the troubles that plague my mind. The tired and ill feeling that I felt earlier has worsened slightly, making it difficult for me to disguise the discomfort on my face.

"Sawyer, I'm going to take a bath. There is really no need for you to check on me or even stay but I know your orders from my control freak husband, so don't worry about me. I'll probably just read in the library afterwards." I say with as much strength as I can muster and walk slowly to the bathroom in the spare room upstairs. I refuse to look next to me as I walk past the playroom door, restricting images of Christian and his subs to enter my mind and tempt me further into despair.

I look over to the bed that I have slept in over the last few days, a bed is cold without Christian sleeping next to you, a feeling that sweeps discomfort into my mind. We have to get through this, I love him too much to not get through this. With this last thought in my mind, I stalk slowly into the bathroom.

Filled with excessive amounts of bath oils, the aroma from the steaming bathtub welcomes me forward into its warm arms. I slowly take off each item of my clothing, each movement seeming more difficult than the last and I stare into the mirror next to the bathtub, the woman in the reflection is miserable, I rub my stomach that I know will expand over the next few months and turn away. Sluggishly, I lower myself into my temporary safe haven. My secluded luxury succumbs me, my restless thoughts momentarily forgotten, and tiredness floods over me in waves and I slowly drift off into slumber.