Chapter edited by Hall1990 :)

Balls are dedicated for Blackberrymint :P

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam SEED or the clone aka Destiny.

He played his role, so let him fall

PART II: This destiny is mine




Well, he didn't expect that.

"Hello, Athrun." Lacus Clyne was standing on his doormat smiling tensely. "Haro broke and I thought maybe you could fix it… because… because…" The Pink Princess burst out crying and threw herself at him, hugging his neck tightly.

His brain stopped cooperating and he didn't know what to do with his damned hands, so he patted her shivering shoulder awkwardly.

Later, when she was sitting in his salon and Athrun fetched her a mug of tea and a cat, that was purring on her knees now (stupid animal appeared one rainy day and refused to leave), he broke apart Haro and tried to figure out what the fuck was going on. With her and with Haro.

Looking at the broken "most annoying thing he made in his life" Athrun wondered if Lacus was aware that he made so many toys for her, because he tried to unknowingly compensate the lack of romantic feelings. Knowing Lacus, she knew that since the beginning, while he was living in sweet ignorance. Probably she broke up with him only to stop the incoming flood of Haros. He couldn't blame her.

After meaningless chat about weather, nowadays political news and his vegetable garden, she finally blurted out what was wrong.

"Kira doesn't want me anymore."

Athrun almost dropped Haro on the floor.

"Kira doesn't want you." He repeated slowly and stopped the urge to roll his eyes. This was the most ridiculous idea he has heard since awhile.

"Yes. I didn't notice at first. We had so much work and didn't see each other sometimes for weeks." She sniffed, stroking the cat's fur. "He became distant, stopped saying he loves me every day."

Every day? Athrun blinked.

"He's been avoiding me for some time and doesn't smile so often. We didn't do IT for a few months."

Athrun closed his eyes and massaged his throbbing head. He would happily keep living WITHOUT this crucial information.

"I think, he… got bored with me, you know… in bed, I've learned something new but…"

Athrun turned pale.

"But I didn't have the chance to use it."

He sighed with relief.

"Athrun, I think he has a lover." Lacus big, baby blue eyes filled with tears and Athrun decided that Kira needed to suffer.

When she went rest to the guest room, Athrun sat before his dusty, rarely used videophone and called his best friend.

"We need to talk about Lacus." He growled when Kira's face appeared on the screen.

But before Athrun could continue, Kira turned "the miserable puppy" mode on and started a monologue about how Lacus didn't love him anymore, how she was avoiding him, how she stopped smiling, how they didn't do IT for months (he didn't notice Athrun growling here).

The blue head wondered if it was some kind of not funny joke or something but when deadly serious Kira announced that he was sure Lacus had a lover, Athrun had had enough.

He probably should have played the role of a good and understanding friend but he decided to be the awful, horrible human being for once.

"You should simply beat the crap out of the lover." He suggested.

"But I don't know who he is!" Kira sniffed.

"You're talking with him right know." Athrun dropped the bomb and watched with satisfaction how his friend's face expression turned from "the beaten puppy" to "the dumfounded puppy".

"What are you talking about… It's not funny Athrun, it's ridiculous."

"Oh, is it really? So, you didn't get any hints?" He knew there were no hints, but Kira didn't. And knowing perfectly how the jealous man's brain worked, Kira should have jumped to some stupid conclusions.

Kira's expressions turned from "the dumfounded puppy" to "the suspicious puppy". Bingo.

"I'm really sorry to inform you that you are the one who wasn't well, doing IT for some months." The blue head said happily and watched vindictively how Kira shifted to "the puppy with the angry SEED mode on".


Athrun ended the connection. He probably should have felt horrible but surprisingly he didn't. Instead he felt smug as fuck.

He looked at the clock. Kira should have came down there in three hours. Athrun just hoped he was going to fly there in a normal shuttle not in Freedom or things could get… explosive.

Athrun underestimated his best friend skills and anger. Yamato almost ripped off the front door two hours later.

"ATHRUN!" Kira was still in a SEED mode but the blue head managed to avoid his fist. Then he grabbed Kira's shirt and started to drag his scrambling friend.

"Yes, my name is Athrun. Yes, I'm a bastard. And yes, I know you are going to rip my spine out, so shut up." He opened the door to the guest room and showed Kira in without ceremony.

"Kira?!" Lacus gasped.

"Lacus?!" Kira cried.

"ATHRUN?!" They both shouted and looked at the blue head who growled.

"Please, do me a favor, shut up and just FUCK each other, for Haumea's sake!"

He left his speechless friends, shut the door and locked it. They were going to solve their problems or starve there to death.

There was silence, then screams, a loud slap (good one Lacus!), more screaming, then crying and silence again. And then he finally heard some M rated moans and furniture started moving.

Athrun rolled his eyes and went to eat supper.

Five minutes later he left his house rather quickly because the sounds from the guest room were rather loud and a little too enthusiastic for his liking. He spent whole night sitting and fishing in his sailboat, cold, hungry and pissed off.

Damned Coordinators and their stamina.

In the morning he had made pancakes for the pleased and happy couple and after the breakfast he kicked their asses out from his house.

Two weeks later he received a wedding invitation.

Staring grimly at the pink piece of paper with white pigeons all over it, he thought darkly that if the Coordinators were the future of humanity then humanity was doomed.

After two years, when he finished the overhaul, he realized surprised that he had nothing else to do. His house was new, with some improvements, like a super funky alarm system with cameras (thermographic cameras, night vision devices) and some motion detectors connected to the drones… Let's say he was not going to be surprised by arrival of journalists (or his friends…) never again. The lawn was moved, garden weeded, orchard clipped, chickens fed, broken glass in his head was silent.

For the first time since his diapers he had free time. He felt like his life was over. What the hell people were doing with FREE time?

He didn't need to work for money. The inheritance he got after his parents was going to be enough for the rest of his life. Plus he sold the patent for Haro toys and he just raised his brows every time he was checking his bank account, because yeah, a lot of zeros were there.

He felt a little uneasy because the Haro army was conquering the world and he was sure there were a lot of pissed off parents who were hating the damned toys and thirsty for the blood of its inventor. But his house was well-equipped with a good defense system too (nothing splendid, some machine guns and two or three mines), so whatever.

So yes, he needed a hobby. He has his fishing but it was not enough. Athrun needed something crazy, because he realized the craziest thing he has done in his whole life (aside of trying to blow his ass along with Justice, of course) was singing Shake It Off under a shower. No comments, please.

When he was a kid, he was the polite and cute mommy's boy, then the wars came and he had to save the world. Then he went mad and had the house to repair. He has never imagined that he could do something crazy and waste time for something entirely useless and not profitable. But now, why not?

So, Athrun washed curtains.

Yes, he washed the curtains, please don't judge him, he was new in the "crazy business". Also, he was sure he did something useless but there was something missing. Athrun guessed that washing curtains was not crazy, just useless and boring as fuck. He deducted that craziness needed a pinch of fun.

"I'm 22 and I'm behaving like a retard." Athrun murmured, dropped his boxers to the pier and jumped the lake. Absolutely naked, only a red stone was bouncing on his chest, in the middle of the night, under the full moon on the sky. Because, hell, why not?

In the beginning he didn't find anything special in this activity but after some minutes he spent on drifting on his back, watching the night sky and listening to frogs… yeah, he could do things like that.

He was so proud of himself, that he returned to his house still naked and wet, holding the clothes in his hand.

"Breaking the law, breaking the law." He hummed one of his favorite classic rock songs, thinking about more crazy stuff he could do.

He has spent two weeks watching 10 seasons of some stupid serial. He made 38 liters of liqueurs from fruits from his orchard (and drunk some of them…). He bought a guitar and has learnt how to play (and he was quite good at it). He smoked some… things… and might have called Cagalli (he really didn't remember). He played golf, standing on the pier and hitting balls into mannequins that were drifting on the lake (some of them were strangely looking like one, very famous Scandinavian prince). He got a tattoo. One day he just woke up and decided to climb up the nearest mountain.

He's spent a few days on building a black Haro. The toy was connected to the alarm and defense system and was working as a watch dog - it could recognize a friend or a foe. It was bouncing suddenly form the grass, in front of the guests and squawking "Herrrro!" with some creepy and dark voice (pussy intruders should have run away at this moment). If the program recognized the person as a friend, the black Haro hid, if the guest was unknown it was bouncingly leading the way, if the person was a foe – Haro would try to break intruder's nose.

One day he remembered that the only thing he really liked while operating a Gundam was flying. So he bought a hand-glider. High in the air, alone, with the landscape spread in front of him, he really was freed from everything.

Athrun knew he was coming (the security system was working perfectly). Before his guest could press the button, he opened the front door. Without a word he gave Yzak a chopper and lead him to the back of his house.

Sitting in a rocking chair (he probably looked like an old geezer, but he didn't give a shit) and sipping beer he watched as Yzak was angrily chopping wood chunks like a pro.

Athrun knew that the media in PLANT had been eating Joule's ass for some weeks, because of some unpopular decisions he had to made. The ZAFT commander literally kicked some high-ranked asses out from ZAFT, because of a big corruption affair. Too bad the assholes were sons of the well-known and powerful families whose opinions had a great influence on the media in PLANT. Not that Yzak cared of course, Athrun was sure the silver head didn't give a damn and would gladly beat the crap out of the idiots again.

The ex-Justice pilot had to admit that Yzak Joule was a far better soldier than Athrun ever was and fit perfectly in his ZAFT's commander rank. Yzak simply knew what he had to do and has never doubted his abilities. He was hot headed and his anger eruptions were famous but his subordinates would go through fire and water for him. They simply knew Yzak Joule was the right man in the right position and would never allow himself to make a wrong decision. Athrun admired him for that. And yes, he was a little jealous of him, but he would never admit that.

So yes, the shitstorm in the media was not the reason why Yzak was murdering chunks of wood with crazy passion.

The problem had womanly roots, because Yzak Joule didn't know how to deal with the only two women on this planet (and space) he talked to– his mother and his fiancée. Athrun knew the pain. After the incident with his TV set and the beer bottle he spent some days on chopping wood, and believe him, there was nothing better to clear the head of murderous intentions.

A few hours later Yzak finished and sat on a chair beside Athrun. He was tired, sweaty, his back hurt, he had blisters on his hands but he was calm.

Athrun gave him a beer and waited.

And Yzak started to talk, incoherently, about the damned women in his life. From the chaotic narration Athrun concluded that: A) Ezaria was forcing him to take the Chairman of PLANT position (and Yzak really didn't know how to say no), B) he didn't know how to ask Shiho on a date, so she got tired of waiting and asked him herself, but he refused (because of his damned pride), she got pissed off and Yzak had no fucking idea how to fix it.

Athrun would laugh, but he was sure that Dearka had teased Yzak's ass sufficiently already. Athrun on the other hand, was the silent type of ffriend who was listening patiently and trying to find solutions without stupid comments or dragging Yzak to a strip club (Dearka's style of friendship, not bad but not always welcomed).

Because yes, as strange at it seemed to be, they considered themselves as friends (though, they have never admitted that to each other, no freaking way). They just… got each other without words. Yzak was always blunt and strait-forward with him, never failed to tell him how stupid he was and Athrun was grateful for that. He had a strange impression that Joule understood him even better than Kira. After his escape, all friends were overwhelming him with calls and emails, but Yzak kept quite. Athrun suspected that the ZAFT commander simply knew that he needed time.

They were both watching the sunset, like an old married couple.

"When was the last time when you disagreed with your mother?" Athrun asked.

He was a little confused, because Ezaria was a strict parent, but she knew how Yzak loved his job and would never asked him to give up his ZAFT duties.

Yzak shifted uncomfortably. "A month ago, I refused to buy a damned suit."

Athrun was silent for a moment. "And you said a direct "NO" to her, or you just didn't buy it, without informing her?"

"What's the point of this interrogation, you bastard?!"

Athrun smirked. "So, she doesn't know. Haven't you considered the possibility that maybe she tries to make you grow some balls to finally say NO to her?"

A vein on Yzak's forehead started to throb and he opened his mouth to throw some insults but, surprisingly, he said nothing. Because, deep inside he knew that Zala was right.

"Did you just insinuate that I don't have balls?" He grumped finally.

"No, Yzak, I'm sure your balls are fine… and blue." Yzak growled. "I'm also sure Shiho is very found of them."

"Do we need to talk about that damned woman?!"

"You prefer talking about your balls?" Athrun raised his brows.

"MY BALLS ARE FINE! Better than yours, you celibate bastard!"

Athrun gasped. "You mean, you want to help me with that?" He stared seriously and deeply into Yzak's eyes.

Joule turned pale and then… Athrun burst out laughing.

"Point taken." He said happily and took a sip.

"YOU!" Yzak jumped to his feet and was ready to throw one of his famous tantrums.

"Seriously, can't you just say you are sorry, that you were a fucking idiot and want her in your bed?" Athrun said calmly before Yzak would start an insulting, never-ending monologue.

"I'm not sorry and I don't want to have sex with her!"

"Of course you don't... You should buy her flowers."

"I'm not buying this woman flowers!"

"You came for a cookie?" Athrun asked.

"I don't want a damned cookie!"

"I wasn't talking to you."

Yzak blinked confused and then heard some noises behind him. He turned around and…

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" He screamed and jumped to his chair.

"Raccoon, Yzak, raccoon." Athrun said, as he took a cookie from the plate and extended his hand to the new guest.

The animal ignored the ZAFT commander, who was standing on his chair, and slowly approached Athrun. Then it took a cookie from Athrun's hand and started to eat it.

"Yzak, Ghost, Ghost, Yzak." The blue head made an official introduction and gave another cookie to the animal. The raccoon took it gently between his teeth, turned around and slowly made its way, still ignoring the human standing on the chair.

"Was that vaccinated?" Yzak watched it leaving suspiciously.

"Of course, Joule, like all wild animals, it was vaccinated." Athrun voice was full of sarcasm.

"Thank God, I've heard wild animals spread some awful diseases." Yzak finally got down from the chair, still watching the raccoon.

Athrun didn't comment. Yzak's knowledge about the nature, like all Coordinators, was limited.

"How the hell did you befriend it?" Joule's eyes were wide when he finally looked at the blue head.

Athrun slowly took a sip of his beer.

On his second night in the house he heard some noises. Something was stomping on the roof, on the porch and under the house. There were scratching and squeaking noises and one time he was sure something was in his kitchen, but nothing was there when he checked it. Then the electricity broke down, so he just came back to his room, locked himself in and well, didn't sleep a whole night.

The next day he fixed the problem with electricity but the damned noises kept him awake again, but this time he caught a glimpse of a furry tail on his porch. Apparently, the infamous ghost was alive and kicking.

On the third night, he felt like a really pissed off zombie and was on the verge of going back to PLANT. When the noises started, he has had enough. He caught a broomstick and started hunting the damned furry bastard. He spent his night half naked, running after a freaking raccoon, screaming, cursing and informing the damned animal, that he was going to catch it, skin it, kill it and chop it to pieces.

Mission, of course, failed as fuck.

In the morning he was sitting on a porch, dirty, with bloody scratches all over him (he ran into some bushes a few times) and dead tired. He was munching on cookies – the last edible food left in his house. And then, bushes shivered and Athrun saw the reason for his misery, not so far away from him.

Without thinking he threw a cookie at the animal. The cookie landed inches away from the raccoon. The animal didn't run away just sniffed the cookie and ate it. Then looked at Athrun and sniffed the air. Athrun slowly threw another cookie, this time closer. The animal approached it and ate it. The Coordinator threw him another and slowly reached for the broomstick.

"Come here you bloody bastard, I'm going to…"

But then the raccoon sat on his back legs, sniffed the air, crinkled his black and wet nose, made an entreating sound and looked into Athrun eyes…

After 10 seconds of staring deeply into each other eyes, Athrun gave to the raccoon all his cookies and felt ashamed he didn't have more. A few days later, in the morning Athrun was drinking coffee on the porch and Ghost was sitting beside him, eating his cookies. After Athrun started to feed it, the animal stopped disturbing his nights.

But Athrun was not going to say a thing about it.

"It just came and… stayed." He said simply and a little awkwardly.

Joule looked skeptically at the blue head but said nothing. Zala looked… good. Before someone got a fucking wrong idea, because Yzak was not swinging this way!, he meant that Athrun Zala for the first time since he met him, looked relaxed, calm and at peace with himself.

Yzak always knew that Zala thought too much, tried too hard and put too much on his own plate. He was making a freaking martyr of himself. Athrun was a shitty soldier but a good man. The bastard has never seen that, always looking down on himself and it was making Yzak angry like nothing else. Nobody had the right to trash Athrun Zala, except for him. End of story.

He cleared his throat. "Are you… fine?"

Athrun, sitting on the rocking chair, with his legs leaning on the railing, was watching the sunset. He took a sip of his beer.

Broken pieces in his mind were slowly falling into their places.

"I'm getting there."

ZAFT Commander Yzak Joule officially denied the gossip he considered the possibility of becoming the next PLANT's Chairman. He also confirmed he is engaged to Shiho Hahnenfuss and the wedding…

"I think Athrun is getting weirder."

Luna shifted her eyes from the TV screen and looked at her husband. They were sitting on a coach, watching news. Shinn was furrowing his brows, staring at the laptop on his knees. Luna leaned on to him and took a glimpse of a short email.

Luna & Shinn

If you have any relationship problems, please find a marriage guidance counselor and LEAVE ME ALONE.


P.S. Tell Mey she was right about the slugs.

Before she could comment something else caught their full attention.

Breaking news from Orb. On today's press conference, Representative Cagalli Yula Athha announced that according to the plan, the reconstruction and rebuilding of Orb from the damages caused by the last two wars are going to be finished in two years, thanks to the close cooperation and union with Scandinavia.

What shocked almost everyone was her statement, that after these two years she is going to step down from her position and terminate her political career. The Orb Princess refused to explain her reasons. Some analysts speculated again about her possible marriage with Sven Eriksson…

She came with the dawn, like she always did

He was lying on the pier, with one hand under his head and his eyes closed. A fishing pole was in a holder, because he was too lazy to keep it. Some time ago he realized that an ancient Zen master was right - fishing was not about catching the fishes but about something else.

He heard her barefooted steps and his heart clenched with anticipation. Then the scent of lilies of the valley came to him, as she sat silently beside him. She made some noises but he kept his eyes shut, waiting.

There was some clattering, humming, whistling of the fly line cutting the air and a small splash when the bait hit the water. Apparently, she came with her own fishing gear.

Then she lied her head on his stomach.

"For how long are you going to stay?" He asked and entwined his fingers with her hair, caressing them gently.

She purred like a cat. "Three days. Kisaka will come for me on Monday."

Three days. So many. So little.

"So, what are we going to do now, huh?" She sighed happily.

He smiled. "Nothing. Or pray that no fish is going to bite."

She chuckled and it made him warm inside.

The first time she came, he caught her while she was digging in his fridge. He entered the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks at the view of her ass sticking out of the fridge. For few seconds he was sure he was hallucinating. But then she straightened up and shut the door.

"Yoh!" Cagalli gave him a critical look, noticing two-days of growth on his face and scruffy clothes. "You look like shit." She informed him happily and came closer. "But I'm not so surprised since you eat shit. Never heard of vegetables, you dumbass?" She stopped in front of him and caressed his cheeks.

"Said a woman who would eat nothing but kebabs if she could. What are you doing here?" Athrun blurted out.

"You know, you look good with it." She said fascinated, massaging his cheeks with her thumbs. "I came for a housewarming party, duh. I brought champagne but I'm not entirely sure if it suits your luncheon meat, instant soups and corned beef. " Cagalli grinned. "So, care to give me a tour around your kingdom?"

He gave her the tour, explaining what he needed to do in the next months. She was listening, making some suggestions about the best color of paint for the walls and watching him carefully, when he didn't pay attention to her.

And she liked what she saw.

Then they had their pathetic party. The next morning, when he woke up, her side of her bed was already cold. He sighed regretfully, trying to catch her fading scent and finally got up. In the bathroom cabinet he found her toothbrush. Dumb thing gave him more hope than anything she could say or promise.

A week later Andy visited and maybe it was not a coincidence after all.

The second time she came, she helped him with painting the rooms and gave him a heart attack when she almost fell off the ladder.

He didn't ask about the Scandinavian Prince Charming, the sounds of the broken glass in his head were too loud. She didn't comment on the broken TV set.

The third time she came, they did something wrong in the bathroom.

"I think we damaged the main pipe."

"You think?" She said sarcastically watching how the gazer of cold water was gushing from under the bathtub.

The fourth time she came, he tried to teach her fishing, but she was absentminded, tired and irritated. She stayed only for half of the day.

Sometimes he wondered, if inside of her head a broken glass was also cracking. Probably. But he never asked.

The fifth time she came, they argued and screamed at each other like never before, unleashing all things that were boiling inside of them for years. Her wedding with Yuna, returning the ring, not answering his calls. His leaving and betrayal. Why she was keeping coming back if she clearly didn't intend to stay with a loser like him? Why he had never asked anything, just kept judging her by his own, damned standards? Why the hell he had to be so selfish?!

The last straw was when he screamed what he was thinking about her and Mr. Sven Fucking Eriksson. He saw her hand coming but he let her slap his face. He deserved much more than this. Then he just left her and threw himself to the lake, with the image of her hurt eyes and pale face in his head. When he finally got out of the water she was long gone.

A few weeks later, he may or may not have, because he still wasn't sure, called her after he smoked some… things. After two days, when the unicorns and singing pineapples finally had left his room, he checked his email box. There was a short message from her.

You are an idiot.

So yeah, he called her. Damn.

The sixth time she came, he was pissed off. He was kneeling near his lettuce patch and cursing loudly. A herd of freaking deer threw a party in his garden last night and apparently the animals were really found of his poor lettuce. Now he was trying to save some half-eaten remains.

He was so occupied that he noticed her only when she stopped beside him. He swallowed his curses, ignored her and kept working.

"I didn't know you had such a nice voice and artistic soul. Singing pineapples? It would break the music charts." She said after awhile and felt satisfaction when the back of his neck turned red. "I'm sure you'll be happy as hell when you hear I recorded your whole performance."

Athrun made a strange noise. Something between a sigh and a moan, but said nothing.

"Well, I showed it to Sven and he agreed you were splendid and he really wants to meet you now." She smiled when he growled. "He also said I have a wonderful taste in men, and he knows what he's talking about…" Cagalli held her voice and Athrun felt how a vein on his forehead started to throb dangerously.

"Because he's gay." The blonde head dropped the bomb and Athrun dropped a bunch of lettuce on the ground.

"He is also a very good friend and we like to spend time together. Too bad he has to hide his preferences because of the conservatism in his country."

"Oh." Athrun finally managed to mutter something.

He WAS an idiot.

"Can you please hand me a spade?" He asked after a few humiliating minutes.

Without a word she gave him the tool and knelt beside him.

They worked silently side by side, when he finally found some guts to ask a very important question.

"Did I… say something more during that, uhm, call." He asked sheepishly, not entirely sure if he wanted to know.

"There were ten minutes of singing about unicorns, rainbows and pineapples." Athrun sighed painfully. "Five minutes of crying into your beer, oh, and you removed your shirt." Another sigh. "And well, some minutes about saying how much you love me, how sorry you are and how fucking stupid you were."

And the award for the most humiliating call in the history goes to Mr. Athrun Zala!

"By the way, I accept your, hmm, stoned apology."

He looked at her hopefully. "So you will delete the recording?"

"Not a chance." Cagalli grinned and threw a lettuce at his face.

The seventh time she came, he suggested a night swimming in the lake, without clothes of course. She agreed without a second of hesitation. When they were removing their clothes she spotted a red stone on his neck. She tugged it and looked into Athrun's eyes.

"Do you still have my ring?"

He blinked. "Um, yes."

"Good." She grinned and pushed him to the water.

The eighth time she came, he realized finally that he was dealing with his past by learning how to live his life without regrets, while Cagalli was repairing her country, so the ghost of her father along with responsibilities she inherited from him, could rest in peace. So she could be free.

"Hungry?" Athrun Zala opened his eyes and yawned.

"A little. I bought ingredients for… "

"Kebabs." He finished and rolled his eyes at her poor taste in food.

She simply chuckled, jumped to her feet and held out her hand.

Cagalli's hand was slim, warm and soft, while his was rough, cool and big. But they fit together perfectly.

One day, all of the broken pieces in his head were going to fall in place.

One day, he was going to open the door and she was going to stand on their doormat, smiling softly.

And she was going to stay with him for good.


I highly recommend you to listen to Dangerous by Within Temptation now.

I needed to deal with my "GS Destiny pain" and how beautifully they screwed up with Athrun and every damned character (ten years later I'm still pissed off), so I wrote this. I'm sure there is a special kind of hell for producers like Fukuda…

Guest reviews:

Oh la la: I have to say that Athrun in "anti-fan of himself mode on" was entertaining to write. He was a little too harsh for himself, but well, he needed that ;P Thanks for the comment, darling ^^

GloriousCreation: Yes, I still live and harass innocent people ;) So, are you satisfied with AsuCaga? I hope! A and C are strong characters but Destiny left them, ughm, fucked up. I believe they needed to fix themselves, in their own rights, and then have their happily ever after. Thanks for the comment!

Guest: Well, he was pathetic in whole Destiny, so whatever ;) I hope I resurrected some of his glory in the end xD

Thank you all for reading!