"No.." A slightly deep voice whined. A older teens body was balled up on the bed, his bottom in the air. The teens hair was in knots, sticking up in all directions. The dark locks were almost in the shape of his much loved microbots, looking like an old base design that he would have used when his big brother was around.

He reached his arm out of robot printed covers, tapping at the wooden side table that he had. He groaned a little as the ringing continued to abuse his hearing, putting him in a slightly bad mood, since Hiro really wasn't the most angelic person in the morning. He managed to finally hit the snooze button, dropping his arm off the side of the bed, peaking out of a small hole that he had made himself between the mattress and the duvet, so he was able to breath cold air.

He knew he had to get up, however he continued to lay in the same position, sighing. His body felt too heavy, like it did every morning. If it was anyone else, he would have felt like it was a normal things, however, his heaviness was always because he didn't have the one person he wanted already there. The brother he loved so much that would always be up and awake, hours before he needed to.

When he looked to the other side of the room, just past the two wall dividers, he could just see it. Tadashi standing there in his goofy looking cardigan that the younger had teased him for buying. His hat on his head, instead of placed in the middle of the perfectly tidy bed sheets that hadn't been moved by the owner for two years.

Hiro dropped his head a little, rubbing his lips together as he looked away, deciding to try and force himself out of bed.

There was still half an uneaten donut on the side of his desk, where he had originally fallen asleep. His last memory was him waking up, a bundle of sprinkles of all different shapes and sizes, stuck to his slightly flushed cheeks. He didn't want to admit it, though he had fallen asleep during a porn movie. It said a lot about sex drive, and worried him a little bit since he was a healthy, 16 year old who still hadn't taken much interest in the opposite sex.

He sat down on his comfy, spin chair, turning his laptop on. He picked the now slightly stale donut back up, taking a bite out of it. It wasn't a great flavour anymore, and the texture was rather rough and hard to bite into, though he continued to eat it as he wasn't in the mood to go and cook himself something proper.

He soon span around, looking over at Tadashi's side of the spacious bedroom, frowning a little. "Help me.. What do I do?" He asked the room, dropping his head back. Baymax had always said Tadashi was there, and so he decided to continue speaking like he was.

He grabbed his laptop, putting it on his lap, clicking around until he was on the page of his browsing history. He went into the settings, quickly clearing his history from the porn that he was watching. He knew Tadashi would be creeping over his shoulder, lingering until he got to see what Hiro had been doing. Once he had known what he was watching, he would have spun him around, grabbing his lanky body until his legs were over his shoulders, continuously being shaken until the explicit images had been erased from the Youngers mind. Hiro just smiled at the memories, wishing that they were ones that could still be made.

His thoughts were soon suppressed by the sound of a video message from that was flashing with Fred's ID. Hiro put the donut back on the side, licking the tips of his fingers, sucking off the icing as he pressed the accept call button.

"Hiro! Hiro! Thank god you're alive!" Fred said, a huge grin on his face. It was an expression that really didn't match with the sentence that was coming from his mouth.

"What? Why would I be dead?"

"There's a crazy guy in your neighbourhood! Like, f'real!" Fred said, placing the laptop he was using on some sort of stand, running off so that Hiro was able to see his entire body. "He was all like, boom! And then, BAM!"

Fred continued to ramble, making Hiro frown a little, raising his hands as he tried to slow the male down. "You need to talk in sentences, alright? When was this?"

"Now! It's happening right now! Look outside your window, dude! The fiery villian has finally come to Sanfransokyo! Hell yeah, baby!"

The boy ended up leaving Fred his incoherent babbling, as it was something Hiro didn't full understand himself, thinking that he was clearly loosing his mind again. His love for superheroes would continue on day to say, and Hiro always thought that maybe his love for the comic characters had originated from a family member, maybe.

He just smiled at his excitement, picking the snack back up, placing it back against my lips. Before he was able to take another bite, he watched a small chat box pop up with unread messages from Honey-Lemon that read, 'Hiro, are you safe? Please reply as soon as you can'. He blinks as he read the message over and over, frowning in confusing.

The prodigy shoved his laptop back on the side, as soon as messages from Gogo and Wasabi also came streaming though with the same kind of subject and questions.

"Just go look!" Fred says again, his face up closed to the camera, his big nose now blocking the lens, preventing Hiro from seeing what was going on his side any longer.

The older teen removed himself from his comforable position, promptly making his way to the window. He pulled back the dark curtains, covering his eyes with his forearm, not wanting the light to interfere with his eyes adjusting carefully. When they did fix on the street, he could see people of all ages running west, horrified expression of fear on their features. Hiro watched in complete shock, his heart rate picking up as he watched in horror. "I.. Don't understand what has happened."

"No one does! But it's definitely not a terrorist attack, or some small budget criminals. I'm sure that it is caused by a super natural being. I can sense it, I really can!" Fred has moved back now, watching the boys back that was now a silhouette outline because of the light from the window. "Just stay inside for now, you have Baymax in the garage if it gets too much out there."

He nods in response, though suddenly the crowds lit up. There was a light that was only slightly dimmer than the sun, pouring in from a direction that the half Japanese boy couldn't detect. His body froze, before he moved his hand down to the bigger window, stretching his arm right out so that he was able to open it wide, sticking his body out a little. He wanted to make sure he was able to catch every detail and memories it. He was a superhero, he needed to know these things so he could draw what he had witness later.

His blood turned cold once he remembered what Fred had mention about the man, an important detail that Hiro hadn't full taken into consideration until the moment it could have been too late. The moment the street had lit up.

A sea of flames came towards the exact area he was standing. He could have been aiming for the cafe or just the house, but no. This particular element came swarming in the solid direction of his actual body. Hiro quickly pulled back, crouching down right under the window, cowering in fear of the flames.

"Hiro!" Fred screamed out, running back to his laptop to contact more members as the small screen showed the youngest in his worst moments. The boy could see the change in the teen, the way he trembled as flames swirling just above his head, destroying a couple of posters on the wall, and singed some of the wallpaper that he and Tadashi had put up though their childhood, when they had first moved in. "We're coming, just stay safe, kid!"

Hiro was the left balled up, alone and screaming, not noticing that his video chat was now flickering and shutting off. Fred had gone, and now he was left to fight the memories off. A couple of the flames burnt though the plastic that supported the window, burning the tops of his knuckles that he used to protect his head.

His hair dipped to the end of his nose, hiding his expression enough while Flashes of his best friend, the man that raised him came back, causing him to scream out due to the reminder with the flames around him.

"Tadashi, no!"