Hey guys, so its my first fanfic, read and enjoy!

Non betaed story so if you want, do it!

Disclaimer : Obviously I'm not JK Rowling and I don't own Harry Potter (wish that I could XD) nor any character and place that JKR created and all the normal stuff blah blah so yeah READ AND REVIEW!


Prologue : A different Halloween night

Halloween night 1981

James looked at Harry and smiled. His boy was growing up and he was proud that he was the father of Harry. Lily walked in on James sitting on the floor playing with a toy broomstick Harry had gotten for his first birthday.

"James, are you the one year old or Harry?", Lily asked questioningly at her husband. James grinned sheepishly and let go of the toy broom.

James pouted, "Can't a man have his fun with his son?"

"Certainly can't act like he is the son." Lily retorted and turned back to the kitchen, "Padfoot and Wormtail are coming soon, you should get ready." James's face brightened at the thought of his fellow Marauders coming.

"Can't wait till they come!", said James as he hurried to grab some decent clothes from his wardrobe upstairs. Lily sighed and went back to the kitchen, James never grew up completely. DING DONG! The doorbell rang and Lily hurried to greet their guests, as she threw open the door she was confused. There was no one in sight.

"Sirius? Peter?" She stepped out tentatively onto the porch. She scanned the neighborhood and her porch but no one was in sight. That's when she heard a low growl and two pairs glowing eyes staring at her from the near forest. Lily grabbed her wand and pointed it in that direction.

"Lumos!" As the light beam streamed towards the eyes, a huge dog with a rat on its back bounded out of the forest straight onto the porch.

"Surprise!", Sirius yelled as both Peter he transformed back into a human with a goofy grin on his mouth.

"I'm gonna kill you Sirius Black!" Lily screeched.


"Hey, you guys settle down, let me get dinner ready for you guys" Lily directed them towards the living room.

She patted Peter on the shoulder and said " Be right back, I'm calling James down." Peter flinched at contact and Lily wondered what was wrong, her friend was acting real jumpy today.

"James, your friends are here if you are done changing into thousands of different outfits!"

"Alright! Jeez!" James came bounding down the steps and ran straight for the living room.

"Wormtail, Padfoot!" he greeted them heartily along with playful punches. Peter was looking positively sick at James greeting. James looked carefully at his friend.

"What's wrong Peter? You sick?" he asked worriedly.

"No no, I'm fine." Peter squirmed under James' stare, "Just feeling a bit tired recently."

"Oh that's alright, a bit off Firewhiskey should wake you up eh?" James winked at Peter.

"Talking about Firewhiskey, I brought a gift for you guys." Peter brought up a bottle of Firewhiskey.

"No way Wormtail, that's a really good bottle of Ogden's! Let's drink!" Sirius grabbed the bottle and popped the cap. As Sirius poured three cups of Firewhiskey he looked up and called out to Lily.

"Want a cup of Firewhiskey?"

"I'll pass, going up stairs to bring Harry down!" Lily yelled back.

At the name of Harry, Peter gulped loudly causing James and Sirius to look at him.

"What in the name of Merlin is wrong with you today Peter?" James looked at his friend then at Sirius.

"Erm...", Peter squirmed in his chair, "Nothing?"

"Well this is definitely the part when I toast to Harry's health!" Sirius said to get rid of the akwardness. The three friends toasted and drain the cup, all except Peter.

"Why didn't you finish it Peter?" Sirius hiccuped.

"Well….." Before Peter could finish, both James and Sirius passed out immediately on the sofa. "That worked well," Peter finished the sentence. He looked at his long time friends one last time with sadness in his eyes, but he feared the Dark Lord too much to help them.

As Lily approached Harry's room she remembered about the cookies in the oven.

"James, get the cookies out of the oven or it'll be burnt!" Lily yelled downstairs but there was no reply.

"James?" She walked downstairs quietly. Was this another prank? As Lily rounded the corner into the living room, she saw Peter standing in the doorway. "Hey Peter, what's wrong?"

Peter replied sadly, " Everything." He raised the bottle of Firewhiskey and smashed it onto Lily Potter's head. He dropped the broken bottle and ran for Harry's room. So far everything went smoothly and if all was well, he could be away from Voldemort unharmed by morning. That spurred Peter into running into Harry's room and scooping the child up and jogging to the Apparition point. He let a single tear slide out when he saw a toy broomstick zooming around on the floor.

"Sorry I'm ruining your childhood….."


Across magical England, dozens of homes were broken into by Death Eaters and young children kidnapped by the minions of Lord Voldemort. If they resisted, they would be killed. Most of the children were stolen, rather than forced abduction. It was the start of the new terror. The Death Legion.

Thank you for reading my first fanfic ever!

Please review, please give constructive reviews!

I will churn out chapter 1 soon!