This is a Benten Showdown and Tales of Graces f fan fiction. Benten Showdown is a book that I wrote sooo…. I wasn't sure if I should put it in italics or not… Btw, this doesn't actually happen to the characters in my book, it's just more something I wrote for fun. Meaning this never happens to my characters! Ok, I'm done about that. But you should know that this takes place postgame which means SPOILERS, probably! Okay, enjoy.

Sophie and Asbel were taking a trip to Lhant Hill. Sure it was dangerous, but it held too many memories and was so peaceful and beautiful there. Besides, Asbel had actually caught up on all his paperwork! Who knew being the Lord of a small town like Lhant would give you so much! And…Richard hadn't responded to his letter yet… They thought it would be an enjoyable thing to do while they had the time. Actually, Sophie suggested it; she seemed to really want to go.

As they were walking, Sophie abruptly stopped. Her gaze focused in a cluster of bushes. Asbel stopped as well looking over at Sophie, the cluster of bushes and at Sophie again.

"Do you see something there, Sophie? I don't see anything." Asbel said. Sophie tilted her head, and then she nodded.

"There's someone in there." Sophie said with concern.

"W-what? There's someone in there?" Asbel concerned also. Sophie rushed over to the front of the cluster with Asbel close behind. Sophie gently made her way through the bushes. Her dress was slightly torn from her efforts but she didn't seem to care. Bending down, she picked up an unconscious, small young man in her arms. Though he was small, he appeared to be 13-16. He had short light blonde hair. His eyes were very large; never had it been seen for one's eyes to be so large in this world, though it wasn't very noticeable when his eyes were closed. His attire was white pants with black thigh-highs over them, and a grey striped shirt with an open mint green coat over it. The coat had a slight collar and two pockets with circles on the two bottom corners. Asbel quickly made his way to Sophie, giving no mind to the bottoms of his pant-legs ripping.

"Is he okay!?" Asbel concerned, examining the young man.

"I think so. He doesn't seem to have any injuries." Sophie answered.

"Let's take him back to Lhant. And if he doesn't wake up, we should find a doctor." Sophie nodded at Asbel's words. The two of them took him back to Lhant.

When they arrived at Lhant, they laid him down in one of the guest bedrooms in Asbel's manor. They both still lingered in there, concerned for him. Sophie looked over at Asbel.

"Don't you have things to do Asbel? I can stay with him." Sophie said.

"Are you sure?" Asbel asked. Sophie nodded. "If you're sure… Thanks, Sophie. I probably already have a mountain of paperwork on my desk. Make sure to call me when he wakes up." Sophie nodded in acknowledgement. Asbel left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.