A/N: The stories I'll be posting in this collection are all based on the "kiss prompts" I saw on tumblr. There's 25 of them, and I'll try to write all, considering I'm now on summer vacation (yay!). Updates won't be regular, but I'll post a story when I write it. Lengths of the stories will also vary, depending on the inspiration.

I'll be posting these stories on my tumblr account too, which is thegreatprocrastinatorme, if anyone's wondering. :) I tried making a link in my profile description, but for some reason it won't work... I'll try to fix it.

Now, onto the first story of the collection! I hope you enjoy! :)

Pairing: Jerza

Prompt: Last kiss

-He lived a lifetime of happiness.-

Word count: 649

Lying on a bed in a small room was a man, his white hair and wrinkled face the signs of his old age. Next to his bed sat an elderly woman, whose hair was tied in a bun – her once vibrant scarlet tresses were now a faded red, but they were still as beautiful as ever to her lover. Erza watched over Jellal with worried eyes, knowing that his end was nearing. She spent the last few weeks taking care of him, but in vain – his state was worsening, and the doctors and healers all confirmed her fears.

He was dying.

Jellal stirred, waking up from his sleep, and as soon as his eyes opened up, they focused on the woman in front of him. His lips automatically spread into a gentle smile, and Erza returned the smile as well. He slowly reached out his hand, and she grabbed it with both of hers, securing it between them.

"Erza…", he croaked, and a cough escaped his mouth. She worriedly frowned.

"Yes, Jellal? Do you need something? Should I get you anything?", Erza asked, but as soon as she saw his solemn expression and his sad smile, she knew. He was saying his goodbye. Erza willed the tears away, knowing that in his last moments, Jellal would rather see her smile. She gently squeezed his hand, letting him know that she was ready.

"Erza… I can't say that I lead a life with no regrets.", he slowly said, his weakness evident in his voice. "There are… many things… I wish I'd done differently. Or not at all. But-", he said, but was interrupted by a coughing fit. Erza quickly took a glass of water and offered it to Jellal, who gratefully accepted it. After drinking the water, Jellal continued.

"…But I had, the incredible luck of meeting you, and… Falling in love."

At this, Erza chuckled a bit, and Jellal smiled, caressing the back of her hand with his thumb.

"Our love… was a tough one, but we made it. I never believed that I would die old, with you by my side, but here I am.", he said, his voice shaking, and Erza could no longer fight the tears. "I thank whichever higher force, which led me to you, and kept me by your side. You… have given me so much… I can only hope I gave you at least half of it."

"You gave me more than you think.", Erza answered, unable to stop sobbing. "Jellal, you had given me everything I wished for. Love, happiness, family… Yes, we had some bad times, but whenever I look at our children, our grandchildren, I know, everything was worth it. We were worth the sacrifice.", she said, and Jellal started crying as well. With his free, shaking hand, he reached out to wipe the tears from his wife's face.

"Tell them… I love them all.", he whispered, and Erza nodded. "Tell our friends and family, how much they all meant to me, and that I… I… I'm so grateful for them. Each and every one.", he finished, and Erza kissed the hand he brought to her cheek. Jellal's breathing had become heavy and forced, and they both knew what was coming. With the remains of strength he had, Jellal whispered:

"I love you, Erza."

She choked out an "I know" and "Me too", before finally collecting herself enough for her to utter those words back to him.

"I love you, Jellal."

They both smiled at each other, wide, radiating smiles full of happiness in this bittersweet moment they shared, and slowly, Erza lowered herself to steal one last kiss from Jellal.

When she pulled away, she saw him smiling contently with his eyes closed.

An hour later, Jellal Fernandez passed away in his sleep, in his own house, with the woman he loved more than the world by his side.