"Terry!" Mac yelled as he walked in the door. "Terry!"

Mac's blood was up, he found John and beat the living shit out of him, he might even be dead, but nobody would give a fuck about John anyway, he was a junkie.

"Mac," Teresa walked out of the bed room, rubbing her eyes sleepily. "I ah….." she let out a massive yawn, " I didn't know you left." she blinked at him, her eyes still unfocused and dazed.

"I'm hungry wanna eat?" he licked his lips, the shower had done her good, she was clean, her hair shiny, the shorts she wore hung low on her waist and the tank she had on rode up a bit, leaving a juicy piece of flesh in her mid-section exposed to him.

"I'm a little hungry." she gave him a hesitant smile.

He knew she wasn't sure of her place here, or how he was going to treat her and in truth, he wasn't sure what he was going to do either. Keeping her had never been the plan, he had every intention of setting her free and he kind of had, she could have gone, or tried to, but she hadn't even made it out the front door. Now he had a live in What? Girlfriend? No, not girlfriend, they weren't anything like that. She was a live in something, and that was also new. Mac had to admit he liked it, day or night he had someone to fuck, someone to complain to, someone do get fucked up with, it wasn't boring.

He looked her up and down, fucking her the last few days had been euphoric, whatever trace of himself John had left on the girl had been erased, she was littered with his marks, thoroughly claimed. He wasn't left unscathed either, in fact his father had asked him which wild cat he'd been fucking, no doubt looking to get in on some of the action. Mac lied to him, described that bitch from the party, he wasn't quite ready to share Terry yet.

"How 'bout you give me an appetizer, then we'll go get some grub."

"We Mac? I can go?" he couldn't tell if her wide eyes meant she was excited or scared.

"Yep, ain't like you can't get the fuck out of here anytime you like." he growled out, but inside he was amused that what had once been a promise was now a threat.

"Oh" Terry bit her lip.

He turned her around and slapped her ass, "Get in there, I could use some pussy before lunch."

She scurried forward, the last few days she hadn't fought him once, she'd gone from victim to submissive, and he could get behind that. Mac was no longer the predator he was the Master. He smirked as he watched her undress before looking to him for further instruction. He motioned with his chin for her to get down on her knees in front of him. She obeyed, opening her mouth without being asked.

"Good girl." he praised her, shoving his cock into the back of her throat. "Very good girl."

It didn't take long for him to have her on all fours, his dick buried to the hilt inside her. The sex was fast and violent, he took her on the floor, his hand wrapped tightly around her throat as he pounded into her deep and hard.


They had burgers in a town not far from Cainsville because he still did not want his father knowing about Terry, she was his little toy and he didn't need questions or challenges when it came to her. They ate and it was strange. Terry ate huddled up like someone was going to hit her and take her food. Mac studied her as he ate, she never made eye contact , she rarely spoke, she glanced at him from time to time blushing when he caught her.

"Why doesn't anyone give a fuck about you?" he finally asked.

She put her burger down and shrugged. "I'm awkward, I'm not good with people."

Mac snorted at that "And family?"

"Dead, when I was 17, they died in a car accident on the way home from a movie, I was at my after school job in my high school library. My parents and brother." she answered softly.

"You got a tight ass pussy, but you're no virgin, so where are the fucking boyfriends." he ignored her obviously painful confession.

Terry wiped her nose with a paper napkin, but other than that did not mention his callous reaction to her story. "There weren't many, mostly they dumped me and disappeared, the last one said I was needy." she poked at a pickle on her plate. "I thought maybe…..Vegas has more people, strange people, people who might like me." Mac didn't answer that and didn't ask anymore questions.


Mac staggered towards the bedroom, dragging a barely coherent Terry behind him, all around them were drunks and druggies. Mac pushed aside the girl he'd had on his lap a moment ago as she tried to rub up on him. He didn't have time for her, he needed to deal with Terry, who had been making out with some asshole on the couch. He yanked her roughly into the room, slamming the flimsy plywood door behind him.

"What the fuck are you doing Terry?" he screamed at her.

Terry leaned against the broken down dresser in their room and tried to focus on him. She swayed on her feet bumping into the corner of the furniture as she tried to walk back toward him. She mumbled something he couldn't catch and fell on her ass when he shoved her away from him.

"Look at you bitch! You're a fuckin' mess. You're outta here come morning." He walked up to her pushing her onto her back with his foot.

Terry rolled over her body loose and yielding, "mmm" she moaned at him.

"Fucking worthless cunt." Mac grumbled. He considered leaving her on the floor and getting back to the party, back to that juicy piece of ass that had been grinding on him all night.

He rubbed his face, "Fuck it! We're here already." he grumbled to himself, lifting Terry and plopping her on the bed with her ass up in the air.

"Good idea girl." he grinned pulling her pants down to reveal as ass that was significantly thinner than a few months ago but was still pretty sweet. He spread open her cheeks and spit into her puckered pink hole. Terry's ass was without a doubt his favorite thing to fuck, he crawled up onto the bed behind her and pushed himself into her body. Her warmth enveloped him and she groaned at his invasion. He pumped into her without mercy, not that Terry fought him, she slurred out his name as she clawed at the sheets.

"Damn right Terry!" he growled out, "fucking you good, fucking you right up this hot ass of yours."

He punctuated with a deep stab that made her scream and bite the blanket in front of her. That scream sent him over the edge and he spilled himself inside her. After a couple more lazy pumps he let her fall onto the bed and laid down beside her. Terry scooted till she was flush with his body and he wrapped an arm around her bring her head to rest on his chest.

"Do I really have to go?" Teresa asked sounding almost sober.

"Shut up and go to sleep."

Mac was feeling weird, cold and hazy, Terry felt cold in his arms as he began to fade out into sleep Or maybe death, he thought suddenly, Dying, that's new. Terry better come with me. He blacked out soon after.


"Walter" a nervous voice asked on the other side of the line.

"Yeah, Bill." Walter sat up in bed, a cold feeling forming in the pit of his stomach.

"Mac didn't show up to the cave today….I …uh…I'm at his house..but.."

"Spit it out man!" he was already up and getting dressed.

"It's bad, I think you need to come…..and quick." the distressed voice replied.

"I'll be there in five." Walter hung up the phone, frantically looking for his keys. This wasn't good, Mac always did what he was supposed to. If Walter told him to work at the cave that is what he did. He never disobeyed and was a loyal worker from he moment Walter got him started making Meth. There could be no good reason his son did not show up today and Bill was spooked, spooked enough to call Walter and tell him to make a trip to his son's house. He tried to calm himself, perhaps Mac had lost control again, like he had nearly a year ago when he'd killed that junkie John. Yes, Walter thought, that is it. He probably fucked up another junkie and Bill is overreacting. His calming thoughts flew out the window at the sight of Bill's eyes when he opened the front door.

"Sorry man, I'm sorry Walter." he stammered.

Walter pushed passed him into the living room, there had been a party, the evidence was everywhere, on the floor where the bodies of three people a young woman and two men, clearly dead.

"He killed them?" Walter asked the fidgety man next to him. This was a significantly larger mess but he could deal with it.

"I don't think so." Bills eyes darted to the hallway.

Walter followed the mans line of sight, slowly walking to the bed room, his heart getting heavier with every step. Slowly the room came to view and as he stepped through the door way his heart shattered.

Mac was naked on the bed, his arms wrapped around a small woman, also naked, they'd clearly had sex and fallen asleep in each others arms, if it hadn't been for the pale blue tint to their skin they would have looked like resting lovers. Her head was on his chest her arm draped over his waist, one of his arms was wrapped around her shoulders while the other was placed over her arm on his middle, their legs where a tangled mess and Mac's face was buried in the girls hair.

"Who was she?" Walter choked out.

"I don't know, she just showed up one day."

"He never brought her to the Luna Mesa." Walter stated. He looked around the room, the girl had lived here, her things were everywhere.

"Naw, never saw her anywhere but here, it's been a year….I think…..just figured she was another junky." Bill was almost whispering.

Walter stared at his dead son and this woman he had kept from him. Whoever she was he blamed her for his sons death, Mac had never OD'd before, because that was the only explanation for all these deaths, a bad batch of something, he probably bought it from this cunt. He leaned down to brush a lock of hair from his sons face, only to find that Mac had died with a small smile. The expression was too much for Walter, he turned and fled.

"Call the cops, nothing here will lead them to the cave." he yelled out to Bill as he got in his car and drove off.


"The girl wasn't just some druggie." Bill was explaining what the cops had told him.

She was a librarian from some little POS town hardly bigger than Cainsville

"She was suppose to start a job in Las Vegas but never showed. People assumed she changed her plans."

"Looks like she did." Walter poured himself a shot and swallowed it down quickly before pouring another one.

"No history of drug use." Bill added.

Walter nodded, "Any family coming to get her?"


"I'll have her cremated and put with Mac." His anger at the strange woman fading. Mac probably had more to do with her downfall than she did his.

"He always did like the company of women."

"That he did." Bill agreed.

Walter poured them each another shot and they cheered to Mac's libido. At least he didn't die alone Walter was grateful for that.

Walter got up with a tired groan, "Time to call Devon, he needs to learn the family business."

I apologize if you were looking for a HEA but that was never in the cards for these two.