Mac sat in the broken down shack he called a home, sweat dripped down his face as he swallowed down another gulp of whiskey. It was getting dark out, he should turn on the generator, get the lights in his house on, but really, what the fuck for? He lit a cigarette and watched a roach slowly make it's way across his cluttered floor. It had been a long hot day.

At 23 Mac looked worn but handsome, an attractive face, sharp cheek bones, blue eyes, light hair, it wasn't until you made your way down his face and body, that signs of his heavy drug use became more and more apparent, blackened Meth teeth, collar bone and arms littered with sores and scratches. His physic was surprisingly fit for a dug addict, strong arms and shoulders, and a broad chest. The clothes covering his body where a different matter, they were in bad shape, he had on dirty blue jeans, a filthy, sweat stained, grey t-shirt with an equally filthy blue button up on top, he had a red flannel tied around his waist, his boot clad feet propped up on the scratched and scuffed coffee table of his living house around him was in shambles, not one surface remained that wasn't covered in trash and clutter. Everything around him was trash, he was trash and it didn't matter, nothing here mattered, nobody cared, including Mac himself.

"Fuck," he got up with a groan, he forgot his Meth tin in the bedroom. He waded through the empty cigarette cases, fast food wrappers and various other papers that littered his bed until he found the little tin rectangle that held his drug of choice.

"I'm up might as well light up the fuckin' place." he mumbled to himself, before rubbing the crystal on his rotting gums.

He walked outside, took a deep breath and finished his smoke. The canyons were quiet, it was always quiet, nothing fucking happened here unless he made it happen. He fought, he did drugs, he fucked, anything to stave off the boredom. This place was a soul sucking shit hole but what else was he gonna do? Go play college boy like his dumbass brother Devon? No fuckin' thank you, a waste of fuckin' time, he'd rather be here, bored out of his fucking mind, than out there trying to play it straight.

He let out a sigh, all that was fine and good but goddamn this place was still fucking boring. Maybe he'd call some of the guys and go to the Luna Mesa, find a bitch to fuck. He walked over to the generator and started it up. He shook his head, was so fucking lazy today, going anywhere seemed like too much of a hassle, maybe he'd get one of the guys to bring a drunk bitch over.

"Pussy delivery." he snorted at his own joke, now that was a business he could get behind, someone should get on that shit and fast.

He light up another cigarette, squinting his eyes as he caught something out in the distance, he walked further away from his house and onto the small dirt road that passed his property, a small figure was walking quickly toward him.

"Well shit, maybe somethin's happenin' after all." he smiled as the figure became clearer, a girl, he finished his smoke and flicked it away as the girl closed the distance between them.

"Hi," the girl said breathlessly, "I'm sorry to bother you. I was in a panic, my car broke down a ways down the road and until I saw your lights I thought I was going to be trapped in the middle of the dark desert all night. I was praying I'd find someone before it got really dark." she smiled at him with relief, unaware that she was about to become the fly to his spider.

Mac kept his eyes on her face, he needed just a little bit of time and information before he made

his move, he didn't want to scare the twat before he got what he needed.

"Whatcha doin' out here by yourself? It's a long way from anywhere out here?" he asked her softly, careful to keep his meth teeth hidden.

"I'm on my way to Vegas, I got a new job." she answered excitedly, "Do you have a phone I can borrow?"

Mac let out a small snort and gestured towards his shack, "Does it look like it?" he didn't bother to tell her about the cell he kept in his pocket.

"Damn," she pouted. "I don't know what happened, I had the car checked before I left, they said everything was alright. I even had the oil changed."

Mac smirked, he bet he knew what had happened. "I work at the shop in town, I'll give you a ride to the car and tow it to town." He pointed over to his truck.

"Really? Thank you!" She grinned at him. He nodded pulling his keys out of the pocket of his dirty jeans, he even walked over to the passengers side and opened the door for her.

"Thanks," she said again, smiling as she got into the truck. "Yep," he answered.

He'd get her car, he'd tow it but he sure as hell wouldn't be taking her anywhere but back to his house, maybe the cave. He turned and looked at her, she was small but not a girl, she was a woman around his age. He looked back out the front windshield and started up the truck. Nah, not the cave, he'd bring her home, closer and easier that way.

"It's just down this road here, I don't remember the name of the larger road." she bit her lip.

"Only one major road in Cainsville, don't know how you ended up on it." He looked her up and down.

"I tried a short cut, I'm suppose to start a new job in a couple of days and I started the trip a day late. Packing up my small apartment turned out to be a bigger job than I thought."

"Shoulda asked for help." he subtly fished for more info about her.

"No one to ask really." she looked at him a little wide eyed. "I mean, I have friends and everything, we just aren't that close, ya know, work friends."

"No family? I'd get my dad and brother to help if I needed to move." Mac smiled a little at his lie.

"No, no family. I coulda asked some friends, I just don't like to bother people...unless it's an now." she finished lamely.

Mac let out a genuine laugh then, "Alright, why you moving?"

"Just, nothing happens where I'm from and Las Vegas is exciting right? Something should happen there." she looked out the window.

Bitch won't be bored soon, he thought, neither of us will be. "Wouldnf't know, never been." he answered turning in to the main road.

He could make out a small car with a bunch of crap pilled haphazardly on the roof. He pulled in front of the small sedan and backed up.

front of the small sedan and backed up.

"I'll get this hitched, can't see what's wrong till the morning."

"OK, thanks again." Mac didn't bother answering, bitch was constantly thanking him, he wondered if she'd be thanking him when he had his cock shoved so far up that polite pussy she could taste it.

"Stay here, it shouldn't take me long." he tells her before hopping out of the truck and slamming the door closed.

He is glad the woman seemed to be doing as she was told and staying put. He ducked down to peek under the car as he hooked it up to his truck. Sure enough, he found a puddle of oil under the vehicle, he'd bet money that the dumbness that changed her oil forgot to put the cap back on correctly, the damn car probably just overheated. He hooked everything up and got up, walking around the car taking in all the boxes she had stuffed into the small car. She didn't have much from what he could tell, he saw few boxes of clothes, too many boxes of books, the crap on top of the car looked like it could be pots and pans, some other odds and ends, woman wasn't taking much to start her new life. The sound of his truck door opening pulled him out of his musing.

"Hey, I need to get my purse out of the car." she told him as he walked up to her. "How much for the tow? Do they have a motel or something in town."

Mac grinned at her. "You wanna pay me for the tow?" she nodded her eyes darted down to his rotted teeth and then back up to his eyes quickly. He could see her body tense up at the sight, fear finally making it's appearance.

"Yes, of course." she stuttered out.

Mac took another step closer to her, getting into her space. "How 'bout you let me bend you over the hood there and take a ride? A ride for a ride." He chuckled.

She gasped and backed away. "No, no I uh..." she looked around nervously. "I have money."

Mac's arm darts out quick as a snake, grabbing hold of her upper arm before she can make it back three steps. The woman screams in surprise as he yanks her forward and around, holding her against him, her back flushed with his chest, his strong arm clamped over her chest pinning her in place. "Now, here's the part in the movies where they tell you not to scream, where they tell you to keep your mouth shut and you wont get hurt." he rubs his face in her hair, sniffing the shiny locks deeply. "This ain't a movie, scream if you want, nobody will hear you out here." before she can react he turns her to the left and slamms her top half onto the hood of the car.

She lets out a pained yelp and starts sobbing, "Please, it's hot. Please let me go." she cries.

Mac hadn't thought about the heat, placing his calloused hand on the car hood, it was pretty hot, it would be uncomfortable but it wouldn't burn her - not too bad.

"Don't worry." he leans over her and whispering in her ear. "I won't be too long the first time."

He places his hand on her neck to keep her in place as he works the buttons on her jeans with the other. The woman tries to squirm but he's too strong for her, she was just a tiny little thing, now that he was up close, he judges she's maybe 5ft and he wouldn't put her at more than 105 Lb. She never stood a chance. Mac makes quick work of her jeans, pulling them and her underwear down her thighs roughly. He smiles appreciatively at the sight. She's small but she has a nice round perky ass and some meaty thighs, not that he wouldn't rut away just as eagerly against some skinny legs and a flat ass but it was a pleasant surprise. He grabs a handful of her bottom giving it a hard squeeze. Her ass is firm and smooth.

"Nice." he murmurs to himself as the woman lets out another strangled scream. He gives her cheek a hard slap and takes a moment to watch the red hand print form on her smooth skin.

"I like a good ass." he tells her as he unbuttons his own jeans. "You did good sweet cheeks." he praises her as if she had been made solely for his pleasure. Her only answer is a choked sob.

Mac leans over to spit on her entrance, he was in no mood for chafing tonight, she jerked slightly at the sensation and he pressed down harder on her neck. "Don't move." he growls as he pushes two fingers in to her warm pussy, spreading the saliva all along her entrance.

"Please." she whispered. He looks up from what he was doing.

"Please? Please what?" The woman has tears running down her face, "Du.." she gasps, trying to get enough air to speak again, "Don.." more tears.

"Shhhhhh," he replaces his fingers with his dick. "This is happening, but hey, least we're not bored." he pushed into her hard and fast, groaning with pleasure.

"Damn baby that's some good pussy." she whimpers piteously in response.

Mac leans over her, placing his forearm on the hood of the car as he begins ramming into her hot channel mercilessly. It doesn't take long for him to start sweating, the hood really is hot, he'd have to wrap this up quickly. A few thrusts later he spends himself inside her with a low grunt, Slapping her ass one more time before he pulls out letting the woman fall to ground by the front tire of her car.

"Get dressed, we gotta go." he zips himself up, watching her carefully as she slowly pulls up her jeans. He'd be surprised if she didn't make a run for it as soon as she's able.

Sure enough as soon as she stands she bolts out into the desert, but Mac is quick and he was waiting for her, he catches up to her in three long strides grabbing her by her long dark hair and pulling her back hard so that she lands on her back, knocking the air out of her lungs.

"Shouldn't have done that." he shakes his head at her a small smile on his lips. The woman chokes and coughs on the ground gasping for air. He lets her get her lungs full again before he lifts her up by the neck of her shirt and punches her hard, right on the sweet spot at her temple knocking her out cold. He picks her up easily and throws her into the passengers side of his truck. Running around the front of the truck he gets in with a grin. This night was shaping up to be a good one, it took a little effort, but hey, pussy all night, he coulda done worse. He's grinning as he heads back home, nobody would be looking for this chick, he could have fun all night.