A/N: I'm not really sure what's going on with my account, but I am unable to view anything going on (or it could just mean my stories are getting worse, which is a possibility). I can't tell if anyone is reading my stories, or even reviewing. If you've read A Little Roar (or even if you haven't), I'm begging you to go click on Chapter 14 and write down a review (I don't even care if it's gibberish) because this is scaring me and no matter how much I try to get help from support, they won't send an e-mail back. Honestly, if the story is terrible, I'm fine with just not writing anymore. I'm pretty sure my writing has gotten terrible. So, once again, I'm begging, go write down something because this is terrifying me. Although, if you don't do a thing, I won't be surprised. It's not like I'm much of a writer anyway.