Writing is extremely new to me so go easy with me

Disclaimer: This Idea was better in my head. I do not own Tokyo Ghoul or Death Note. Or the cover image

The date was May 5th, a cloudy day that threatened to rain with its grey atmosphere. Despite the weather people still walked on the city's streets. All of them seemingly ignoring the sky's threats. Some held umbrellas, prepared for the clouds downfall. Couples could be seen, holding hands and enjoying themselves. The city seemed calm to say the least. But it wasn't. All the people were scarred for their own safety. A killer had been running lose in Japan. They had killed hundreds.

Victims were found everywhere, in jails, the streets, or their own homes. Those dead all had two things in common. They were all criminals, convicted or suspected, it didn't matter. And they all died from a heart attack. Someone found them guilty and killed them. Some of the crazier people started even praising the killer. The killer was ridding the world of its filth in their eyes. Even with all the killings the murderer's identity remained secret. Or murderers. Some thought that it was a group that committed the murders. A secret organization maybe. People sometimes fought over the circumstances and numbers of the group. Was it a group of vigilantes killing criminals or just people who enjoyed the thrill of murder? And how far did their power reach?

The people had called upon the government to find those responsible. But the government had dismissed the murders as freak coincidences. After a month of waiting and panic, the people had formed riots. They were a mix of peaceful and full out violent. It took another month for the police to be tasked with finding the killer(s). They had started with a few suspects. All of them had means and power. But they either had an alibi for most killings or died the day after they were questioned. The police had kept the investigation's details from the public's eyes. What they had found was lacking in evidence. The only thing they knew was that all the killings were caused by a heart attack. And every examination of the bodies showed that the heart attacks were all natural.

Police Headquarters looked peaceful today. Cops walked in and out of the building minding their own time. Only one thing was abnormal about it. It was the man running from the building at top speed. His name was Soichiro Yagami and he was the police commissioner. May 5th may have been a normal date to the public, but it was a date of importance to him, and his wife. It was their anniversary. The day they had gotten married in a beautiful garden surrounded by friends and family. Today they would be meeting and enjoying dinner at a fancy diner. The reservation was set to be at 7:15. And right now it was 7:45.

Soichiro had lost time as he was questioning a suspect. The suspect had pulled out his phone to give an alibi when he had saw the time. He had instantly ran out the room and gotten his things. His suitcase, jacket and fedora. He rocketed out of the door of his building and ran to the streets. He tried to hail a cab with no luck. They all whizzed past him with customers already inside. He sighed trying to calm himself and looked at his watch. It was 7:50 now and he was miles away from the diner. Looking up he saw a cab, and the driver was eating a sub, probably having his dinner. But what caught his eye was the lack of a passenger.

Now was his chance. If he got this cab he would be able to dinner by 8:00. An acceptable time considering he was at least two hours late to all his other anniversary dates. Waiting till traffic was clear he walked on the road to the car. As he was nearing the car he saw another potential customer. It was a young lady and her baby. The girl didn't look any older than 18. She was just as far as he was from the car. Thoughts of pushing her out of the way came to his mind. Disgusted with the idea, he slowed down and let her get in as he walked behind the car and stood patiently on the curb of the sidewalk.

The cab pulled out of its parking space in no time at all. Time passed and the investigator debated whether or not to walk to the diner. It would be a twenty minute walk on the crowded streets. As he thought on his decision a loud crack was heard. It was like someone had snapped a whip. Rain poured down from the sky. The crowds of people pulled out their umbrellas and he continued to search for a ride in the downpour. Another cab was coming down the street and he waved his hand to get his attention. It zoomed past like all the others.

He was losing hope of getting there at all. He was past soaked now. He was brooding to himself when someone knocked into him. Continuing on, they mumbled a small "Excuse me" and went to their car. The one that had been in front of the cab he missed. Still annoyed at the man, an idea came to him. The car started up and he knocked on the glass. The driver ignored him. Soichiro sighed and pulled out his badge and knocked again. The driver was irritated and looked to the window. Only for his face to pale.

The cop wondered why the man's facial expression had changed when he looked down to his passenger seat. There was at least six baggies full of marijuana, just sitting there. The car window slowly rolled down.

"Yes Officer?"

"Look son, I'm tired, wet and late for a date. I'll overlook these drugs if you give me a ride." Normally he would arrest a guy carrying illegal drugs but today was different. And this guy was simple lucky that he didn't have the time to arrest him. The man hesitated for a second before giving him an answer.

"Of course Officer. I'd be glad to help." The sound of the car door unlocking reached his ears and he opened the back door. He climbed into the older car that smelt like pure drugs and alcohol. "Where to sir?"

Soichiro gave him the address and they were off. The driver was a kid probably in his twenties. He had blond hair will several black streaks. He wore a blood red and yellow jacket. He wore dark blue ripped jeans as well. The car stopped abruptly.

"Kid –."

"My name's Ihso sir."

"Alright Ihso. What the hell are we doing stopped?"

"It's a red light sir." Ihso looked into his mirror and saw the stare the older man was giving him. "Aaaaand you want me to ignore it in order to get there faster." The man's head gave a slow nod yes. Ihso looked out both ways, and upon seeing no one coming he gunned the car through the light. A few minutes passed and they were at the dinner by 8:15. Ihso had speed and ran every light till they had reached the destination.

"Thank you Ihso. Have a nice night." As Soichiro reached for the door handle he heard the sound of the door locking. He turned to see Ihso smiling.

"Not yet officer. I would just like to make it clear that you owe me here, not the other way around as you may be thinking." Soichiro glared at the boy. He knew where this was going. "If word happens to reach the police that the commissioner let a drug dealer get away Scott free they might just fire you." He was right. If word got out that he might be corrupt he would lose his job instantly. This whole plan had relied on the fact that he wasn't recognized. "I want one favor no questions asked and your phone number." Soichiro pulled out a notebook from a pocket in his jacket, which was noticeable less wet, and wrote down his number. "I'll call you for the favor on a later date." The car unlocked and the two parted ways. Ihso smiled to himself for a hastily well done job. He put the number in his phone under the new contact "Boss Man" and drove off. As Soichiro entered the diner, Ihso put his hand in his pocket and took out a wallet. Upon opening it, Soichiro's driver's license could be seen along with his credit card and a lot of money.

Kaneki had failed. He failed to protect the manager. He had been bested and defeated by the CCG's finest. What would happen to Hinami or Touka? Anyone for that matter. He wondered where he'd go. Heaven? Hell? Did God even exist or was it another deity that ruled? His mind was foggy, and with his injuries he couldn't move. His body was just there. Limp and unmoving. He was helpless to anything that would finish him off. He waited for the final blow to come but it never did. Maybe he would be taken prisoner and tested on.

He sat there contemplating what was happening, when he felt light all of a sudden. Like gravity no longer affected him. He remained like that for what seemed for days on end when he suddenly felt like he was falling. He could almost feel the ground coming closer and clos~~~…..

After dropping the detective off Ihso started his trek home. He made a turn off the main road and went into the shadier part of town. Most of the Kira Riots had happened here as they were now called. Several people had died civilian and Officers. He passed several houses then arrived at his own, and parked in his dilapidated drive way. Just as he exited his car his phone rang and he answered it with an agitated sigh.

"What is it Karune?" The driver leaned on his car and looked at his house. While it wasn't pretty it did suit its purpose of keeping him warm and sheltered, and away from the cops prying eyes. It was a small two story house with a basement. Some windows were boarded up with cardboard and tape and others had cracks or chunks missing. The white door was thick and fire proof to keep people out and the balcony was where all the partying happened. And the original price was cheap not only because of the condition but because it was in front of the cemetery that was supposedly cursed with bad luck.

A middle aged man's voice came from the phone, "Ihsoyedih do you think you can make it to the docks in the morning? We need you to help with a shipment." Ihsoyedih walked toward his house door and unlocked it. He plopped down onto his couch and turned on the TV.

"Yea I should be able to be there around nine." His partner grunted and hung up leaving him to watch re-runs of a boring Japanese parody of SpongeBob. He was about to change the channel when he heard something big break. He grabbed for his gun in the backside of his pants, getting ready to whip it out. He walked to his back door, "I'll give you to the count of five to get the hell out of my back yard. One." He put his hand on the knob. "Two. Three." No noises of someone hoping the fence. "Four" The knob began to turn. "Five" He slammed the door open and scanned the area with his gun out. The body of what appeared to be a young college student was laid face up was in a shallow grave not yet covered. The shovel that dug the hole planted in the ground.

While he didn't mind death, being exposed to it so much in gang wars, he still didn't like a body being unburied. Holstering his gun he walked toward the boy. He had white hair and what appeared to be a costume from an anime or something. The most disturbing part about the boy was that his eyes had been pulled and the two holes showed all the way through his head. Not to mention he was still breathing.



Please leave a review. No flames, although constructive criticism is appreciated and wanted. I hope you all enjoyed this.