I Can Hear You: CoLu Week 2015

Day One: Language

It was an unusually quiet day at Fairy Tail, Natsu was on a mission with Lisanna and Happy while Gray had been dragged on a mission himself by a very drunk Cana; with the noisiest of the guild gone it left the hall to a near state of peace. The members of Crime Sorcière had come to visit the newly opened Fairy Tail, word that Erza was named the Seventh Master had spread quick, and most of the other members found themselves watching from the shadows while the other members of the guild just did what they normally did.

"Are you flippin' kidding me right now? That moron, I can't believe he went and burned down an entire effing orchard." The blond girl, Lucy, was sitting at the bar with a mini communications lacrima in hand; Erik chuckled to himself, while she seemed all sunshine and bubbles to the others he could hear the words she was truly thinking and honestly she had a dirtier mouth than himself or the Iron Dragon.

"What happened Lucy?" Mirajane asked as the blond hung up the phone, earning a sigh, and the former aristocrat took one of the forms for damages to be filled out; Erza had named her the adviser since Lucy was known as the 'Light of Fairy Tail' to everyone.

"That (fucking) effing moron Natsu got too hyper on his job when the client mentioned the planned festival. So our lovable Fire Dragon Slayer used a Houko far to (god damn) flippin' strong and took out an entire (mother fucking) orchard." Erik was snickering, he knew he was getting looks from the others but it was far too cute to hear the angry foul language in her mind censored for the ears of the others around him.

"Hey Goldilocks, watch it with the language." He called, earning a pair of glaring brown eyes, and her quill was shaking with her knuckles turning white from how tightly she was gripping it.

"What the (fuck) flip are you talkin' about, Erik?" He grinned.

"Did you forget? I can hear you." Her face went from a pale pink to a dark red in moments and the blond began to stream a long and foul string of curses at him without uttering a word out loud as her eyes narrowed, the rest of the guild blinked at their exchange.

"Oh, that was a creative one. I think the others deserve to hear that." He opened his mouth and found in moments that her hand was clamped over his parted lips while her small body was now sitting in his lap, her eyes blazing.

"There are children here Erik, which is why I don't just say everything that comes to my mind, I refuse to be the one that teaches them those words." He couldn't help the shiver of delight that ran through him as she spoke in a softer, harsher, tone as she glared into his single indigo eye.

"Now stop listening in my god damn mind or I'll make you regret it." That threat, literally unspoken, made him cock an eyebrow in challenge; then it happened, the inner monologue of one of the most annoying songs he'd ever heard, in Gajeel's voice, and Erik pushed her off him.

"Fuck, Goldilocks that is twisted and sick!" He snapped.

"Language, Erik." She teased in reply, flipping her hair over her shoulder in victory as she went back to her papers, and the Poison Dragon had to give it to the little spitfire that she delivered good on her threat. Though with that song came the memory she hated associating with it and now the image of her in a bunny suit was stuck with him.

Decided to do a pairings week for Fairy Tail, my favorite anime of all time, and this is day one. This whole story is dedicated to the lovely gemNika who got me started on this pairing =)