Hello everybody! I know this is kind of an overused plot, but I'm hoping I can make it unique-ish. All of my warnings didn't fit into the summary box, so I'm putting them here. This is a SLASH story. If you don't like, don't read. There will be violence in some of the chapters, and some swearing. Due to this, the story will be rated M. I hope you all enjoy reading the story, however.
Disclaimer: I am not Rick Riordan. I am a teenage girl. SO obviously, I don't own Percy Jackson. Any quotes have been cited. The only things I own are the children that will come in later.
"'I know what you will ask. The greatest gift of all. Yes, if you want it, it shall be yours. The gods have not bestowed this gift on a mortal hero in many centuries, but, Perseus Jackson- if you wish it- you shall be made a god. Immortal. Undying. You shall serve as your father's lieutenant for all time.'
I stared at him, stunned.
'Um... a god?'
Zeus rolled his eyes. 'A dimwitted god, apparently. But yes. With the consensus of the entire Council, I can make you immortal. Then I will have to put up with you forever.'
'Hmm,' Ares mused. 'That means I can smash him to a pulp as often as I want, and he'll just keep coming back for more. I like this idea.'
'I approve as well,' Athena said, though she was looking at Annabeth." The Last Olympian (Pages 350-351)
I followed the line of Athena's sight, and saw Annabeth smiling. I looked back at Zeus. "Can I have a moment?"
"I suppose," he replied, sighing.
I turned and ran to where Annabeth was standing with Thalia, who had moved away from Artemis. She slapped me across the face. The gods chuckled at that.
"Why are you hesitating?" Thalia whisper-yelled angrily.
"What about you guys?" I answered. "Not to mention they all think I'm dating Annabeth.
The gods gasped.
"They're eavesdropping," Annabeth said, dropping her voice to an even lower volume, so that Thalia and I had to lean in even closer to hear her. "Percy, remember when you told Thalia, Rachel and I that you were gay?"
More gasps. I remembered the event clearly, and realized what she was talking about, but the gods had no idea what she was insinuating.
"Oh my gods," Thalia muttered. "Can we talk about anything?" She yelled the last part at the Olympians, who looked sheepish.
"Anyway," Annabeth said. "Go get 'em tiger!"
I gave her a strange look before she shoved me back in front of the Council. I noticed that both Hades and Hestia were sitting on thrones now. They had clearly been put back during our conversation.
"I accept," I said. Annabeth and Thalia jumped up and high-fived. Zeus smiled, a rare occasion.
"Very well," he said. "Come forth Perseus Jackson."
I stepped forward, nervousness overwhelming me for the first time since the gods had come into the ruins of what had been the throne room of Olympus. Zeus studied me. "Do you all agree that Perseus shall become a god?" he asked the Council. To my surprise, everyone nodded. Zeus and the gods turned to me and I heard them chanting, before I was enveloped in gold and my world went black.
I felt nervousness. Thalia, Annabeth, and Rachel all stood in front of me, looking at me expectantly.
"I'm gay," I told them, not wanting to beat around the bush.
The three girls took me into their arms in a tight hug.
"Percy," Thalia said, forcing me to look into her eyes. "It's okay. But you do realize we're going to pester you now."
The three grinned wickedly.
"So Percy," said Rachel casually. "Who're you crushing on?"
My thoughts started to wander as I thought about the man, or god, I had realized I was in love with not long before I decided to out myself. His long, flowing blond hair and his perfectly blue eyes. The sun god. Apollo. He was just perfect, even if he told really bad haikus.
"Percy," I heard Thalia call. "Olympus to Percy!"
I jolted out of my thoughts, blushing.
"Well obviously there's someone," Rachel said. "Who?"
"Oh gods," I groaned, making the girls even more intrigued. "Fine! It's Apollo."
"Apollo?" Thalia asked. "As in the sun god?"
I nodded. She laughed. "Percy you really do enjoy making things complicated for yourself."
"Percy!" I heard a voice calling. "Percy?! Wake up."
"No, mom," I muttered. "I don't wanna go to school. I'm not feeling well..."
I trailed off at the sound of laughter. This was followed by my head being tilted back and an ear next to my lips.
"His breathing sounds fine," I recognized the voice as Apollo's, and hoped I wasn't blushing. I was in love with him, and I had just called him mom! Oh gods. Speaking of which...
I sat up quickly, knocking head first into the sun god's forehead.
"Ouch," he cried, stumbling back. "Give a guy some warning next time."
I was sure I was blushing now. The gods were standing in a half circle around me, in their human sizes.
"How do you feel, son?" Asked Poseidon.
"Like I got hit by a bus," I answered truthfully.
"Well," said Apollo. "That's to be expected."
He stood me on my feet and conjured a mirror. "Take a look," he said.
I looked at my reflection in the mirror and did a double take. I still looked like Percy, but I looked so much... different. I had grown several inches, looked a bit more toned, and my sea green eyes now had flecks of gold in them.
"Holy shit," I muttered and was rewarded with scolding looks from Hera, Artemis, and Hestia.
Zeus grinned at me, for maybe the first time ever. "There will be a party held tonight on Olympus, and you will be able to see your friends again. Now everyone else, go finish your duties, I will be speaking with Perseus."
He took me around Olympus, which I was surprised to see had already been repaired enough that the gods could have living space until Annabeth redesigned it. "Now Percy," Zeus said, as we pulled to a stop by what looked to be a newly added palace. The design was very simple, yet homey enough to look livable. "This is where you will be staying for now, but of course it will be redesigned by the daughter of Athena. The one next to it is Apollo's and the one across from yours is Artemis' but she mostly sleeps in camp with her Hunters."
I nodded, before a question popped into my head. "What exactly am I the god of, Uncle?"
Zeus chuckled. "I was getting to that. You are going to be the god of rivers, heroes, and time, since you defeated Kronos. Alright?"
I nodded again, before he continued:
"You will receive training over the next few months from Chiron and your father, but then whatever you do will be up to you. I will leave you to rest, I will have someone fetch you when it is time for the party. And, just as a warning, don't drink anything Dionysus gives you."
With that, he walked off, leaving me to explore the building in front of me. It had regular living areas: a kitchen, living room, fireplace, bathrooms, bedrooms; as well as a game room, in home theater, study, a gym, and a basement with a pool. It was amazing. I found the room which was obviously mine and collapsed onto the bed, promptly falling asleep.
A few hours later, I was awoken by a bright flash of light and opened my eyes to find Hermes standing there. "It's time to go," he said. "Come on. I get to teach you how to flash places. Focus on the throne room, and your body will appear there."
I did, and when I opened my eyes, I was there.
"Whoa," I muttered, and felt Hermes flash in beside me.
"Cool, right?" he asked, and I nodded. He grinned. "I'll leave you with your friends, then," he walked off to where Hestia and the Big Three were standing.
"Hey," Nico said. "Lord Perseus. How does it feel being a god?"
"Please just call me Percy," I replied. "And it's extremely weird."
"We were worried Percy," Annabeth said. "You've been unconscious for nearly two months."
"Two months?" I asked.
"Which means," Thalia said. "That you are a very powerful god. Zeus is considering putting you on the Olympian Council. What are you the god of anyway?"
"Gods," I muttered, trying to remember. "What did Zeus say? I'm the god of rivers, heroes, and time."
"Time?" Nico wondered aloud.
"Zeus said something about having that power due to defeating Kronos," I replied.
They nodded. I remembered what Annabeth had said earlier.
"Is he seriously going to put me on the Council?"
"By the looks of that throne," Thalia answered. "Yes. Yes he is."
I turned around, and saw a new throne standing with the other fourteen. It had crevices that appeared to be like what a river would look like on a map, as well as several hourglass shaped things engraved into the wood. My mouth dropped open.
"He can't be serious," I said.
Thalia smirked before she dragged me into the crowd of gods. "Let's party!" She yelled. Nico and Annabeth rolled their eyes before following us. After a while, I ended up getting separated from them. I looked up and saw that Artemis had pulled me away from the crowd.
"You looked overwhelmed," she said, since she was at the receiving end of my questioning look. "Have you seen your new throne?"
She led me towards a garden not far from where the other gods were. "Yeah," I answered. "It's just-wow. I never expected becoming a god, let alone an Olympian." Artemis smiled kindly at me.
"Oh dear," she said, looking in the direction of the party. "It seems your friends have been kidnapped by Aphrodite."
I looked and sure enough, Annabeth and Nico were standing there, looking slightly terrified. I noticed Thalia standing a little way off, trying to stay hidden. Annabeth glanced at me before whispering something to the love goddess.
"She's probably asking about the whole not dating Annabeth thing," I said.
"That was a shock," Artemis replied. "Even I thought you two were together. I was not expecting that you were gay."
"Yeah," I muttered sheepishly. "Most people don't."
"Don't be ashamed," she said. "You're not the only one on the Council that isn't straight."
I looked at her questioningly.
"My brother," she answered. "Is what the mortals call bisexual. You've heard of his former lovers?"
I nodded. "Wasn't one of them turned into a tree?"
"Yes," Artemis replied. "My brother has never had much luck with his mortal lovers, they were all killed. But anyway, I will leave you be now. Enjoy the rest of your party."
She stood up and walked off, leaving me to do a victory dance. Apollo was bi. I couldn't believe my luck.
I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't realize that the party had ended until I heard a fellow Council member sit down next to me and lightly slap my cheek. I turned and saw Aphrodite.
"Thinking about the one you love?" she asked. "Wait, don't answer that. I can feel the love coming off of you in waves, so the answer is obviously yes. Now, Perseus, we don't normally give gifts around here, but I've decided to help you."
I looked at her confused. She smiled and placed her hand on my head gently. I felt a wave of power run through me. Again I looked at her, now even more confused.
"I gave you my blessing," she said. "You will now be able to tell the emotions of the one you love. And though I can't tell who he is just yet, I'm sure he'll notice you sooner or later."
She stood up and walked around the corner, and I heard her talking to someone, and saw the moon goddess standing there. As I turned to get up, I heard Aphrodite say:
"Look, Artie, I have no idea what you said to him earlier, but you made him a very happy god."
I smiled again before flashing into my room and falling asleep.
I hope you all are enjoying this so far. Since it is summer break, I hope to update two to three times every week, possibly more, but even during the summer I am fairly busy, so we'll see. Please let me know if you have any suggestions, and even if they are not what I had in mind I will try to acknowledge them all in some way. Thanks for reading the first chapter! :)