Okay so this is starting to run away from me XD its changing a bit from what I had written but I think its going to work out, its not completely different, I just added stuff to help it flow better. So I hope that everyone is enjoying this. I also want to thank y'all for reading so far and thank y'all for the reviews, makes me happy.

I also think that I need to post the warnings again so here they are ('.')V

Warnings: Bondage, language, dirty talk, oral sex, slightly forced sex (no rape, so it's clear), camera, ball/gag, surprise toy, domination and submission

It is plenty safe to say that this is for a MATURE audience and MINORS should not read please and thank you.

If you don't like don't read.

Last warning!


Chapter Six: The Execution

Naruto sat up slowly and looked down at the man that had once been his Seme, but was now writhing against the bed in pleasure from just a few touches and words. It was almost eerie with the changes that were showing through his lover, but then Sasuke was probably thinking the same about Naruto, he had never seen him like this before. Yeah, Naruto could a bit... commanding with his actions, but nothing compared to this.

Naruto looked over his lover's body and saw that his breathing was rapid but as his gaze slid down, blazing blue eyes widened in stunned surprise as he saw what his boyfriend was doing. He had figured that Sasuke would try and scoot away from him when he sat up; but he wasn't, instead Sasuke was grinding his hips up against Naruto's trying to get any type of relief that he could.

Naruto wasn't going to make it that easy for Sasuke get.

He smirked even though Sasuke couldn't see it and reached into his pocket to grab the bands that were tucked there, the buckles clicked together softly as he put them in his hand before he slid off the bed to stand at the edge, hearing Sasuke groan at the loss of contact.

It was time.

"Hey Sasuke, what would you say to receiving a present?" Naruto asked as he played with the holes in the bands making them jingle again with the movement and it caught Sasuke's attention, his head jerking in the direction of the noise though he still couldn't see what it was. "I got one for both of us." he added as he separated the silicone bands making the buckles click again.

"Mmn dnm(What's that)?" Sasuke muffled through the gag and a shiver raked his body, making Naruto grin.

Gods this was going to be amazing.

"Well you see..." Naruto started as he set the bands down on the sheets and placed his hands on Sasuke's calf's while trailing his fingers up the black fabric and feeling the muscles jerk under his touch as he slid them up to the edge, dipping his fingers under the material to feel the heated pale skin that was starting to flush a light pink. "I don't want this little exercise to end so fast, or us for that matter." Naruto added as he quickly pulled off Sasuke's bottom layers when he arched up to get off his hands, baring everything for his sapphire eyes to feast on and he shivered at the sight.

Sasuke was so hard that Naruto could have sworn he it pulsing and the pre-cum that had escaped from the tip had completely soaked his undergarments, the sticky liquid now sliding down between those pale quivering thighs to make his lover a dripping mess and he licked his lips wanting a taste.

"Holy Hell Sasuke..." Naruto breathed out and reached out with his left hand to grasp at his lovers engorged cock, gaining a sharp gasp through the gag and began to pump the hardened flesh with smooth, languid strokes and it wasn't hard with all pre-cum that kept flowing out. "You should see yourself Sasuke... your so hard and wet and I've barely done anything to you yet." he said as he sped up his strokes, licking his lips again as he bent down and licked the tip of that erection, gaining a jerk of Sasuke's hips and a strangled moan. "You really do like this Sasuke, your mouth tells me no but your body..." Naruto removed his pre-cum covered hand, lifting it to Sasuke's face before trailing his wet fingers along a flushed cheek, leaving pale white streaks against the flesh. "That is all you Sasuke, your so fucking excited by this that your completely soaked down here."

Sasuke shook his head in denial which caused more fluid to spread on that cheek as Naruto's hand was still pressed there and he couldn't help but chuckle at the feeble attempt. He leaned his head back down to lick again at that hard pulsing member before swallowing it whole and swallowing.

"Ghnph!" Sasuke moaned out as his whole body jolted up, tensing and then he was cumming down Naruto's throat, the sweet juices sliding down easily into his stomach.

"That was quick Sasuke." Naruto said as he pulled away and placed his hand back around Sasuke's still hard cock, giving it feathery light touches.

"Mnph gha!" Sasuke muffled around the gag while trying to wiggle his hips away from the too gentle touch but Naruto wasn't done, not even close.

"I'd stay still if I were you, I don't want to hurt you." Naruto said honestly as he picked up one of the bands off the bed and opened the clasp. He stopped moving his hand and was amused when Sasuke thrust his hips up for the blond to continue but Naruto growled and the movement slowed. "I said to hold still, do you want me to pinch it?" he said and tapped the piece against Sasuke's cock, letting him know what he was putting on without telling him out right.

Sasuke pulsed in Naruto's grip and it made the blond eager to finish out his plans with his lover, but he knew that this would extend his fun a bit longer. Sasuke was after all a virgin in this department and he had already cum once.

Once Sasuke stilled completely Naruto smirked. Even if Sasuke was 'Iffy' about the situation he was in he was still going to listen what he was told when it came to this because you really could get and neither of them wanted to hurt the other. That's not what this was about, it was about pleasure and making your partner feel it all.

"Good boy." Naruto praised as he stroked at that hardened heated flesh a few more times. He wrapped the warmed silicone band around the thickness of the base before he put the strap through the buckle and tightened it just enough to block any orgasms that might want to come out. Naruto watched Sasuke closely as he made sure it wasn't too tight and then he buckled it so it wouldn't come undone.

Sasuke shuddered and released a moan that made Naruto start to regret the gag but it had been necessary at the time, his lover could be so damned mouthy at times.

"Do you like that?" Naruto asked wickedly and he ran a finger up the reddening hardness before he flipped it off the tip and watched Sasuke's cock bounce a bit at the touch. Naruto loved watching the reactions that he was getting from Sasuke and wanted so desperately to see more.

It was so amazingly erotic that Naruto pulled Sasuke down some on the bed before pushing his legs apart and kneeling between the pale thighs, fitting between them perfectly.

They really were made for each other.

Sasuke began to panicked at the new action, thinking the worst and attempted to squeeze his legs closed but Naruto knew what he was thinking and held his legs wide open with little effort, he couldn't close them with the blond still between his legs anyway.

"Would you relax Sasuke? You like this part, you always ask me to do this for you." he said, his hot breath ghosting over the sensitive organ before he licked at the tip of Sasuke's erection, gaining a smothered gasp when his tongue traveled down the length.

Sasuke loved blow-jobs period. Whenever they had the opportunity, Sasuke would pull him aside and shove Naruto to his knees in an instant; it didn't matter where they might happen to be, they would just find the most secluded area and have it.

Sasuke was such a pervert and he knew it as long as he was on top, but Naruto loved everything that the raven did to him so didn't that make him an even pervert than Sasuke? Naruto shrugged and decided that he didn't care what they were labeled as. They were each others perverts, knowing what the liked and wanted and that turned them on more than anything.

Smirking, Naruto nuzzled the dark patch of hair at the base, inhaling the smell of Sasuke. Naruto loved how his lover smelled, a deep musk with a hint of something almost tropical, probably his body wash though the raven didn't have time to wash when had gotten home today and something that was just purely Sasuke and it made Naruto go wild.

With his nose still pressed into the fine, trimmed hair, Naruto opened his mouth wide enough to lick at the crease between the silicone edge and the pulsing flesh; teasing Sasuke even further as he dragged his tongue up the length and then dipped the pink, wet tip into the little slit before wriggling it and closing his mouth around the head. Naruto knew that it drove Sasuke crazy when he played with his cock like it was a sucker.

Shivering, Naruto bit at the head of Sasuke's cock, gaining a pained groan to escape past bound lips but at the same time Sasuke was thrusting his hips back and forth trying to get more contact and Naruto was more than happy to oblige as he bobbed his head and licked at veins. He wanted Sasuke to be a writhing mess even after the blond was done with him. Naruto wanted so much for Sasuke to never forget this night and hopefully, come back to him for more, and not just for the blonde's ass.

Before Sasuke could get too into the stimulation though, Naruto removed himself from his lover's body completely and watched as he writhed there with the loss of contact then he smirked as Sasuke turned his body so that his front was now pressed into sheets. Though weather it was for contact (even if from the sheets) or to get away or even to off his bound hands, Naruto neither knew or cared at the moment. Sasuke was going to find out exactly how serious Naruto was about always being pushed around and making the raven his tonight.

Even if only for tonight...

Naruto caught hold of sweaty, pale calf's and pinned them down, though Sasuke wasn't really trying to go anywhere, only his upper half was mobile now and even that was limited.

Naruto slid gracefully up the lithe legs of his boyfriend until his chest was lined up with Sasuke's back and then he pressed his chapped lips to a hyper sensitive ear, nibbling the lobe and gaining another groan from the raven.

"Well well Sasuke, I never would have figured that you would be this eager for me already. Even going so far as to turn your back on me..."Naruto husked out deeply, his voice almost unrecognizable even to his own ears.

"Mmnnm!" Sasuke groaned out as if just realizing the position that he had put himself in and shook his head but it was like Naruto hadn't seen or heard the raven because he was soon rubbing his clothed erection into the crease of Sasuke's exposed ass a bit roughly and they both moaned at the feelings that welled up. Sasuke unconsciously thrust his hips back into Naruto's thrusts causing even more friction.

"Fuuck... yeah, I know you want this Sasuke, probably almost as much as I do." Naruto said distractedly as he massaged his fingers over a pale and scarred back (proof of their previous exertions before now) relishing in the sweet noises that came from his boyfriends bound mouth. "That's it, keep pushing back against me." He then slid his hands further down the toned back until his hands gripped at creamy cheeks, pulling them apart and showcasing a beautiful pink hole before he thrust again, able to press more firmly against Sasuke's entrance now.

The rough fabric of Naruto's jeans was beginning to get to Sasuke and he angled his hips higher as he started rocking his hips with more vigor.

Naruto kept moving like this for a few minutes, not realizing that he was starting to piss Sasuke off with the infuriating pace and matching friction. The blond dobe was losing to his own pleasure and forgetting about Sasuke's, so the raven decided to remind him that there were two people here in the room, it's not like he was doll, that he could have bought.

Huffing angrily, Sasuke planted himself as firmly as he could before he suddenly slammed himself back against Naruto restrained cock and moved himself in a way that clearly said to hurry the fuck up.

Naruto halted in his movements and blinked his eyes open to look down at Sasuke's quivering body that was still grinding against him desperately and smirked.

"Sorry, I got distracted." Naruto said gaining a growl from the man beneath him while Naruto just smiled he leaned forward to kiss along his lovers back, leaving bite marks as he went gaining a muffled moan. Naruto looked up at the small noise and his brows knitted together in disappointment. It was about time for the blindfold and gag to be taken off of his lover. Sasuke was making some pretty good noises even through the restraint but Naruto wanted to hear the noises unbound and to see those lovely dark eyes brighten with lust. "I'm removing your facial gear Sasuke." Naruto said in a hushed tone but as he said it he realized that he hadn't taken a photo for Sakura so grabbed the camera that was laying on the nightstand and pointed it at Sasuke. "Hey Sasuke, look at me real quick and then I'll take everything off." he said and was surprised that the raven actually listened to him and as soon as his was turned Naruto snapped the picture and heard Sasuke growl though he would get over it.

He kept the camera in his hand as he reached his hands out to slip the cloth off that was tucked just above the ravens ears and then he did the same with the gag that was latched onto the collar around his neck.

Once it slipped away, Naruto heard Sasuke take in a couple gasps of air while turning his head to the side to get more of it. Naruto reached under Sasuke's body to grab the discarded pieces so that he wouldn't have to lay on them and tossed them onto the side table, out of the way. They wouldn't be needed anymore right now.

When Naruto looked back at Sasuke after tossing the items he was met with a burning black eye that was flecked with red; showing that the raven was either highly aroused or highly pissed and he snapped another picture before setting the camera down. Since he wasn't being yelled at yet he was assuming that it was the first. At least that's what he wanted to believe, he didn't want to get his ass handed to him yet, but he knew that it would be coming sooner or later. He hoped for the latter.

"Are you ready for me Sasuke? I want to hear your voice now." Naruto husked out as he lie his body over the ravens; moaning when their burning flesh scorched the other. "I want to hear you moaning out my name in the throws of pleasure. I want to see you writhing on our bed where you normally have me." Naruto said as licked at the sensitive skin of the raven's neck before licking up to his ear and pulling on the lobe with his teeth, gaining a violent shiver and breathy moan from Sasuke. "And you want to know what else Sasuke? I want to see you in total submission under me tonight, with you fully enjoying it and you will enjoy it, you already are." Naruto said hotly as he started to inch his way down the pale body, making brief contact with some of Sasuke's sweet spots just to hear the wonderful sounds that his lovers made.

Sasuke didn't normally let Naruto touch his sensitive spots. He feared that it made him unmanly but Naruto begged to differ.

Naruto was an Uke after all, and fuck, he loved it up the ass just as much as he loved kicking it on the field. If being an Uke and being sensitive made him unmanly and weak then he would be as useless as Sakura had been before she quit and went into the retail business with Ino, and that definitely wasn't the case.

Sasuke was going to find out just how manly he could be, because a man had needs and when his lover was denying him from those certain moves it tends to make him a bit... cranky.

Naruto smirked wildly, his fangs baring as he swiftly pushed Sasuke up onto his knees, forcing the ravens cheek further into the silk sheets as his hands were still behind his back and not able to support him.

The blond licked his lips, loving the sight of Sasuke's pale ass hoisted up in the air and waiting for whatever Naruto wanted to do with it.


Ookay now. I'm hoping that everyone is liking this. Please please please review and let me know what y'all think and I'll give out cookies. Yes I'm bribing for reviews but I really like them so if you do any flavor and I'll pass it out.

Please stayed tuned for the next exciting episode it should be the last if not there will be one more so not much longer till the end.

Thank y'all for reading.