Chapter 10

As she emerged from the floo Draco and Blaise having arrived before her as she'd ushered them through the floo first Narcissa glared at her son and his best friend.

"What do you think you were doing?" she demanded hands on her hips as she surveyed the intoxicated wizards.

Draco started to answer but Narcissa held up her hand stopping his flow of words as she summoned an elf.

"Blinky would you please fetch me two vials of sober-up potion, and also inform the other elves they are not to get either Draco or Blaise any pepperup potion, pain potion, food or drink until they return from Miss Granger's this afternoon. If they want anything before that they can get it themselves."

Then she gestured for Draco to go on. Blaise was looking at the floor as if trying to disappear from the room but didn't quite dare to attempt to slip out of the living room. Draco on the other hand was still furious.

"I was trying to get an answer from my fiance as to why she lied to me, left me, and hasn't talked to me since!" he exploded letting out all of his hurt and anger in his explanation.

Narcissa sighed pinching the bridge of her nose as she motioned for Blinky who had just appeared to give the sober up potion to Draco and Blaise.

"So what did she lie to you about?" she asked Draco patiently.

"She knew about the matches, somehow before they were announced, she knew and she didn't tell me."

"So you asked her directly if she knew her matches and she said, 'No Draco not the faintest'?"

"Well no but," Draco started to answer as the potion was clearing his and Blaise's minds leaving behind a vicious hangover which it was not designed to treat.

"So she didn't lie she just didn't tell you all she knew for some reason you don't know yet."

"Well I would know if she told me," Draco said still holding onto the edge of his anger.

"Right and when you said she left you I am assuming that was after the little tryst you two had Thursday night?" Narcissa asked with a raised brow.

Draco and Blaise gaped at his mother.

"Draco I would think you know by now that I know everything that happens in my house, occasionally to my detriment," all three winced remembering the atrocities that happened during the war at Malfoy Manor.

Narcissa continued, "And you did receive her invitation to come to 12 Grimmauld place today to discuss the match?"

"Of course but," Draco started and was again cut off by his mother.

"So when was she supposed to answer your questions in the one day since he matches were announced if not the time she specifically arranged to do so for all of you?"

"But she and Harry…"

"Yes Hermione and Mr. Potter had clearly been having intercourse when you interrupted them. Didn't your father properly explain how babies are made? I thought I could leave at least that job to him."

"Mother, I know how children are conceived."

"Alright so knowing Miss Granger with be required by law to have children with all four of you. Would you explain to me why it is acceptable to choose to sleep with you before the wedding but not to make the same decision in regards to Mr. Potter or any of her other matches?" Narcissa asked looking at Draco expectantly for an answer.

Draco stood there gaping at his mother.

"I'll help you out son, there is not correct answer here," then she turns to encompass Blaise in her look, "Now I am going to explain to you boys for the second time today because Kingsley needed this speech as well and Salazar help me if I have to have this discussion with Harry too."

Narcissa pauses to ensure they are both paying sufficient attention to her, "Miss Granger is an intelligent, kind, brave, and remarkable young woman, who I consider myself fortunate to call a friend. However she is just as young as you, she is getting not one but four spouses, being told her primary and urgent purpose it to become a mother, and promoted to the deputy head of the MLE in a week. One of her matches is the only family she has left, you told me that yourself Draco, one is her friend and boss, one she has hardly seen but is best friends with her other fiance, with whom she already has a complex relationship and none of you share well. So before you let your pride destroy a relationship with in my opinion possibly the best woman you will ever meet. Perhaps just take a moment to think about what it means for her not just you. And Blaise dear I understand you two drinking your troubles away but as a friend you are suppose to help take care of my son not encourage his foolishness."

Narcissa starts to walk away from the young men before pausing, "I expect you two to both be down here showered and changed fifteen minutes before we need to be back at Miss Granger's residence."

As Hermione disappeared up the stairs Harry gave Kingsley a slightly awkward smile, "So let's take those boxes to the kitchen the kitchen. Can I get you a cup of tea or coffee?"

Kingsley followed placing the take out boxes on the worn wooden top of the small kitchen table, "Coffee please, you know I acquired a taste for it in my younger days."

That comment made Harry chuckle as he turned to make it, "Kings we've been friends for what six years or so. It's hardly like you are ancient Kings. So would you like to yell at me about what Hermione and I were doing when you got here too?"

Harry filled to mugs with hot coffee and set the kettle to boil for Hermione before turning to handing one mug to Kingsley.

"I don't know that it is really any of my business," Kingsley replied taking a sip of the hot liquid, "not unless it affects the future relationship between Hermione and myself."

"So we don't need to talk about it, or the scene with Draco, or how this is going to work?" Harry asked rubbing the back of his neck while he waited for Kingsley's answer.

"I think we will just have to deal with it. I am sure Narcissa has Draco well in hand, and I think the discussion of how this is going to work can wait until everyone is here for the meeting Hermione arranged."

Harry nods in acquiescence padding forward to open a takeout box as his face lights up, "Oh you brought falafel."

As just Harry picked up the ball of fried chickpeas out of the box and put it in his mouth, Hermione walked into the kitchen her hair still wildingly curling in an untamable mane around her head, a t-shirt and jeans now covering her.

"Good morning Kings," Hermione said with a smile walking over to the kettle Harry had already boiled and pouring the steaming water into mug with a tea bag. It struck Kingsley how well she and Harry already functioned as a unit. She hadn't even checked that the pot was hot, she simply knew Harry would have it ready for her by the time she came down stairs.

"Good morning Hermione, Narcissa thought you would like leftover shawarma for breakfast, we were having dinner at some muggle place you recommended and I thought it would be a nice surprise. I didn't realize we'd be interrupting."

Hermione snorted, "You don't have to worry on that account I think Blaise and Draco already thoroughly interrupted."

Hermione took a long swallow of tea as they lapsed into silence.

"If I am not being presumptuous could I maybe talk to you alone for a few minutes, no offence Harry."

Hermione and Harry exchanged a look having a wordless conversation. Harry grabbed a his mug and one of the takeout boxes, starting to walk out of the kitchen, "I guess that is my queue, see you later Kings."

After Harry left the silence stretched awkwardly between Hermione and Kingsley.


"I was…"

They both started speaking at the same time and stopped blushing.

"No please Kingsley you first," Hermione said before he could say the same thing to her.

"Well I wanted to talk to you about our upcoming nuptials."

"That is why we are all meeting today Kings," Hermione pointed out a small smile curling her lips.

"I know but I meant ours as in you and mean not all five of us, Merlin that sounds odd even to my ears. I know I am too old for you, and we haven't had that type of relationship, and I have no idea if you find me even remotely attractive like I do you, but regardless of all that we are going to be married so before we discuss how all of us are going to handle this I would like to discuss us," Kingsley said in a bit of a rush opting to follow Narcissa's advice.

Hermione grinned at him, "You think I'm attractive?", she asked scooting closer to him.

"No well yes, what I mean is I think you are beautiful."

Hermione reached across the table and took his hand, "Then I think we'll start with that and friendship as our base."

"I Narcissa is right you are clearly going to be the mature on in our relationship."

Hermione laughed, "Perhaps, now I am independent woman so I think I'll ask. Kingsley before we get married would you like to go on a date with me?"

"Yes Hermione I would love that. Though I will have to check with my assistant to see when we can schedule it for we don't have much time."

"I know I'll have my people call your people."

It was Kingsleys turn to chuckle, "I'll warn Andrew to expect a call from Mildred."

A/N: Hey lovelies sorry this is short I'll have the next chapter up soon.

3 Scarlett