Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

A special thanks to The Lonely God With a Box for beta'ing my story.

A/N: Well, after five years, the story is finally finished. I hope you enjoyed this story. I had fun writing it.

I hope you enjoy this last chapter.

Chapter 23

The visit with his friends was better than Harry thought. They talked about anything and everything. Harry was grateful that neither one asked nor brought up the two weeks he was held captive in the hands of that bastard. But what they did talk about was Draco.

"I don't want to bring up what you've been through," Hermione said. "But I just can't believe that Draco would condemn you to that."

"Don't be too harsh with Draco," Harry said.

"What?!" Ron raged. "Why the bloody hell not? If he didn't do that you would have been okay."

"Trust me," Harry said. "It wasn't Draco's fault."

"I can't believe you forgive him for this," Ron said, leaning against the back of the sofa. "You're better than me."

"It's not a fact of forgiving him," Harry said. "It just wasn't his fault."

After that they didn't talk about Draco anymore. They stayed for another hour until they saw Harry yawn. Hermione saw Harry was getting tired and suggested that they leave and let him rest.

Professor Snape came back into the room when he heard them talk about leaving. He stayed in his office so that they could have a semblance of privacy. Not that he wanted to eavesdrop on the trio, he just wanted to stay close just in case Harry needed him.

"Thank you for letting us come, Professor," Hermione said when she saw Professor walk into the room.

"You are always welcome to visit Mr. Potter," Severus said. "As long as he is up to it."

Hermione elbowed Ron.

"Yeah," Ron said. "Thanks Professor."

The two teens went to the fireplace and floo'ed back to the Burrow.

"Thanks, Professor," Harry said when he's friends left.

"You're very welcome, Harry," Severus said, walking over to the boy. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"I did," Harry said, smiling.

"Do you feel up to eating, or do you want to rest first?" Severus asked.

"I want to rest."

"Well, lets get you upstairs," Severus said, walking over to the boy.

"Can I stay down here?" Harry asked. "We're going to eat when I get up, so I'd rather stay here."

"Okay," Severus said, waving his hand. A pillow and thin blanket appeared on the sofa.

Harry situated the pillow and lowered himself while Severus draped the blanket over the child.

"I'll be in my office if you need me," Severus said. "Do you want the lights dimmed?"


Severus turned and left the room, waving his hands, dimming the lights.


Harry's nap was refreshing. He didn't have a nightmare. Actually, it was the first time he dreamed of some of his late-night talks with Hermione and Ron. Their walks together. Happy times.

Severus and Harry were sitting in the kitchen eating lunch. There was silence between the two of them, but it wasn't awkward. Their relationship has gotten so much better than it was last year.

Harry stopped eating and looked up at Severus. Severus didn't stop eating or looked up from the Daily Planet he was reading.

"What's on your mind, Harry?" Severus asked.

"I wanted to ask if I could go see Draco," Harry said.

That caught Severus off guard. He looked up at the boy sitting across from him.

"You want to see Draco?" Severus asked. "Why?"

"He's scared," Harry said. "If he didn't know what he was doing because he was cursed, he's probably scared being arrested for something that he didn't do of his own will."

"I'm not sure if that will be wise," Severus said. "There could be a risk."

"There is risk everywhere," Harry said. "I appreciate that you want to protect me, but I can't stay locked up here forever."

Severus thought about what Harry said. Was he really keeping Harry locked up? Then he remembered when Poppy returned back to Hogwarts after her rape. She was afraid of being alone and she called for him to come and her magic kept him in her chambers for two weeks. Though, he didn't mind being there for Poppy, he was still locked in her chambers.

"Harry," Severus said, softly. "Do you feel like a prisoner here?"

Harry's brow furrowed. "No," he said, quickly. "Never. You have been the best thing in the world for me."

Severus nodded.

"I didn't mean to imply that you were keeping me against my will. I chose to stay here even after you confessed to me. Madam Pomphrey and I talked once. And she told me that you have a comforting personality. A person can feel safe around you. I do. I feel safe with you.

"I'm not a nice person, Harry," Severus said. "I don't know why you trust me so blindly.

"Maybe because you fought for me," Harry said, forcefully. "You rescued me. I don't care that it was two weeks after. You didn't give up on me."

Severus didn't know how to respond to that.

"And you may not believe this, but you were there for me even before you came," Harry said. "It was your voice and what you taught me that kept me sane. Control your emotions. Discipline your mind. Those words mean so much more to me that I can ever describe. When that bastard broke through my mind, and I thought he was going to win, that's when you and Mr. Weasley came for me."

Severus saw the determination in the child's face. He didn't want Harry to feel trapped here, but he wanted to make sure that anywhere he went he would feel safe.

"If I arrange for you to see Malfoy," Severus said. "I want to make sure that you are safe. I will go first and make sure that Malfoy doesn't hurt you. Your safety is very important."

Harry felt that this was going to be the only way it was going to happen, so he nodded.

"While I'm gone," Severus said, folding his paper, "would you like to spend time at the Weasleys' or ask Molly or Poppy to come here?"

Harry thought about that question. Yes, he wanted to see if he can handle everything on his own, but he knew it was still hard for him to get up and down the stairs. Though he was getting stronger in walking in general, he was still getting tired easier.

"Can you see if Madam Pomphrey could come?" Harry asked.

"I'll make the arrangements."


Severus was walking down the long corridor that headed towards the detention center. He has spoke with Kingsley to make sure it was alright. Severus was surprised to learn that Draco was asking for him since the boy arrived.

When he walked in the doors at the end of the corridor, Severus saw that Narcissa was sitting with Draco. There was a long table in the middle of the room. Draco was sitting at one end of it his hands were shackled to the table. Narcissa was sitting next to her son.

"Uncle Sev," Draco called out when he saw Severus walk though the door.

The look on Severus' face made Draco change his tune.

"Professor Snape," Draco said, lowing his head.

"I'm glad that you're here," Narcissa said.

Severus sat down in the chair that was across from Draco.

"Professor Snape," Draco said. His head was still lowered. Draco didn't try to attempt to look at Severus. "I wanted…"

"Mr. Malfoy," Severus said, coolly. "You of all people know that I require anyone that speaks to me to look me in the eyes."

Draco sighed and raised his head, looking at his Potions Professor.

"Now," Severus said. "Your mother has come to me and explained a few things. I learned that what you did…"

"Uncle Sev," Draco said in a rush, cutting Severus off. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. You have to believe me. I could see myself doing these things, but I couldn't stop myself. I may have hated Potter, but I would never be that cruel to sell him into slavery like that."

Severus raised his hand stopping Draco's rant. Narcissa put her hand over her son's hand to show her support.

"Draco," Severus said, softly. "I am aware that your father put a curse on you. I am pleased to hear that you are remorseful for what happened to Potter. I am here for two reasons. I heard that you have been calling for me. I'm here. What is it?"

"I…I don't remember," Draco stuttered, lowering his head. "I just knew I had to see you."

"What do you remember?" Severus asked.

"You asking me that I was going to be staying with you," Draco said. "I was so excited about spending the summer with you. But it never happened."

Severus raised an eyebrow.

"You were with me for two weeks," Severus said.

"No," Draco said, shaking his head. "After you asked me, the next thing I remember was Father coming and he was yelling at me and everything was hurting." Tears blurred his eyes. Narcissa squeezed her son's hands.

Severus looked at Narcissa.

"It was detected," Narcissa started. "The Imperious curse wasn't the only Unforgivable Lucius cast on my Dragon."

"He used the Crucio curse on you?" Severus asked.

Draco nodded. "He was mad at me. He said I didn't do what I was supposed to. I woke up, or returned to myself, everything hurt. I wasn't sure what I did wrong. But it wasn't the first time Father was angry with me."

Severus looked at Narcissa and back to Draco.

"I would like to apologize to you," Severus said.

That surprised Draco. His head shot up so fast that the adults were worried Draco hurt himself.

"I should have known something was different with you," Severus said.

"It's not your fault," Draco said. "I know you can never see me like when I was younger, but I don't want lose you."

"You won't lose me, Dragon," Severus said.

Hearing his nickname from his godfather made the tears spill from the teen's eyes.

"The other reason I'm here is because Harry wants to see you," Severus said.

Draco didn't know what to say to that. His mouth hung open, looking like a fish out of water. The last thing he ever thought he would hear was that Potter wanted to see him. His mother told him just a small bit of what Harry went through, and what he heard was horrific.

"Really?" Draco asked.

"Yes," Severus said. "I'm here to see if you can talk with him respectfully. Harry is still healing from his ordeal. Know that this was his decision not mine.

"I don't know," Draco said. "I don't know what I can say to him. I may not know what all I did fully, but I saw the paper. I saw the picture. I know I was there. I've been racking my brain trying to remember what happened during those weeks."

Looking at Narcissa, "When is a right time for Harry to come?" Severus asked.

"It's up to Harry," Narcissa said.

Severus nodded.


Severus walked through the hearth. Poppy and Harry were sitting on the sofa playing chess.

"Well," Severus said. "I never seen a scene like this."

"Yeah, well," Poppy said, her attention on the chess board. "There are a lot of things you don't know about me."

"I knew you played chess," Severus said, walking over to the chair across from the other two. "I'm surprised the two of you are playing. I didn't think you liked chess, Potter."

"It's okay," Harry said, shrugging his shoulder. "Ron taught me, but I still can't beat him."

"If you want," Severus said. "I can show you some tips to win against Mr. Weasley."

Harry looked over at Severus. "Thanks," he said smiling.

"So," Harry said, making another move. "How did it go?"

"When do you want to go?" Severus asked.

Poppy looked at Harry.

"I want to go as soon as I can," Harry said. "I want to see him."

"Do you think you'll feel up to going tomorrow?" Severus asked.

"Yeah," Harry said, nodding.

"Would you be okay with you if Poppy and I are with you while you are there?"

"That's fine."

"Poppy?" Severus asked.

"I'll be here tomorrow," Poppy said.


Harry meant what he said when he said that he wanted to talk to Draco. Just right now, he was nervous. His hands were sweating. He felt nauseous.

Severus walked into Harry's room. He could see that the boy was nervous.

"Are you ready?" Severus asked.

"Yeah," Harry said, rubbing his hands on his pants legs.

"Let's go," Severus said.

Harry stood up and walked over to Severus. Harry's been exercising getting up and down on the bed along with walking.

Harry made his way over to Severus.

"Are you ready to do this?" Severus asked.

"Yeah," Harry said, nodding. "I want to do this now."

"Well, Poppy is going to meet us at the Ministry."


Draco and Harry were sitting across from each other. Severus figured that the boys would like to speak alone, so he and Narcissa and Poppy sat at the other end of the room.

For a while neither boy spoke. Draco had his head down, staring at the table; Harry was looking at Draco.

"I have a reason on why I wanted to see you," Harry said.

Harry speaking surprised Draco. After sitting in silence, the sound of Harry's voice made him jump.

"I don't know why you would want to see me," Draco said. "I'm the reason you were taken for those weeks."

"No," Harry said. "In the beginning, I didn't know why I was taken. Honestly, I thought my luck was just so rotten that this was nature telling me that I deserved this."

"From the little I heard," Draco said, looking at Harry, "no one deserves what you went through."

Harry smirked. "Your mother came over to Severus' place and said that you weren't yourself. This was not your fault."

"Yes, it was," Draco insisted. "Even if it comes out that my father put a curse on me, it will still be like before."

"Before?" Harry asked.

"When He Who Must Not Be Named first disappeared," Draco said. "When he was at your parent's house. A lot of people were suspected of being Death Eaters. My father was one of them."

"So," Harry said. "What happened?"

"His excuse was that he was under the Imperious curse. That's why he did what he did before the Dark Lord fell. The reason there was a certain way I should act was to prove that I was a proper child with great upbringing. I had to be poised."

"And you think that's what's going to happen to you?" Harry asked.

"I will always be looked at as a pariah," Draco said. "I was responsible for the kidnapping and torture of The Boy Who Lived."

"You're under the impression that you're alone," Harry said.

"What are you talking about?" Draco asked. "I am alone."

"No," Harry said, shaking his head. "You're not."

Draco looked at Harry as if he lost his mind.

"You have me," Harry said. "And with the two of us, we are going to get the person who is truly responsible for what happened to you and me."

"What happened to me doesn't come close to what happened to you," Draco said, lowering his head. "Nothing in this world could compare to that."

"You're not seeing this right," Harry said. "This. All this. It was an elaborate plan to ruin Professor Snape."

Draco looked up at Harry. His brow knitted together in confusion.

"What?" Draco said after a moment of wrapping his head around what Harry just said.

"The lie that your mother was dead. Me being sold and kidnapped. You getting blamed. It was all to destroy Professor Snape," Harry said. "Didn't your mother tell you?"

Draco was completely dumbfounded. The only thing he could do was shake his head. To set up Uncle Sev. Why would father want to set up Uncle Sev? They were friends.

"I don't understand," Draco said. "My father and Uncle Sev were friends. My father named Sev to be my godfather."

"That's where you're wrong," Narcissa said for the first time. Draco and Harry turned to look at her. "Your father didn't name Severus your godfather. I did."

"But father and Uncle Sev were friends," Draco said. "I saw them together."

"Yes," Severus said. "I thought we were friends as well."

Draco looked from Harry to Severus to his mother. This was just too much. Was his whole life a lie?

Severus could read the expression on his godson's face. As much as Draco tried to be like his father before, he could never not hide his emotions from his Severus.

"Know this, Dragon," Severus said. "Your mother loves you. And I believe at one time your father loved you as well. I don't know when this hair-brained idea came into his mind but know that when you were young and you saw us together, all he would talk about was you."

"Me?" Draco was dumbfounded. "Then why do this? Why frame me for orchestrating the kidnap of Harry?"

"Your father," Narcissa said, walking over to the table and sitting next to Draco. "Your father believed that you were not his. But you are." Narcissa said the last part fast so the dreadful seed wouldn't be planted that Lucius wasn't his father.

"That's why I'm here," Harry said.

"Why?" Draco said.

"One, to tell you that I forgive you," Harry said. "Though, there is nothing to forgive. You were a victim just like me. But I think you needed to hear those words."

Draco couldn't breathe. A lump grew in his throat that made it hard to breathe. Never in his life did he think he was this emotional. But Harry was right, he needed to hear those words. Harry said he, Draco, was a victim as well.

"You believe I'm a victim?" Draco said. His voice was no louder than a whisper.

"You were under an Unforgivable," Harry said. "You had no control over yourself."

"Your father was arrested," Narcissa said. "Severus and Harry are here to see to your release."

"I don't know what to say," Draco said. A tear escaped, streaming down his cheek.

"You don't have to say anything," Harry said.

"You know," Draco said. "When mother told me that you wanted to see me, I thought…"

"Yeah," Harry said. "I figured. A lot has changed in the past few months. I'll be honest with you. For a while, I did blame you. I didn't know what I could have done that would possess you to sell me to those men. But the instant I learned that it wasn't truly you, I forgave you, Draco."

Kingsley walked into the room.

Severus looked over at the man. "Is it done?"

Kingsley nodded, "Yes. He's being processed now. Sorry it took so long. Madam Malfoy, the curse you put on him was difficult to break."

"He wasn't going to run from this," Narcissa said.

"Well," Kingsley said, walking over to the table. Waving his wand over Draco's shackles. They vanished. "You can go home with your mother."

Draco looked down at his wrists. Hearing that he could leave with his mother, he got up and rushed into her arms. He knew it wasn't the Malfoy way to show emotion, but right now, he didn't care. And it seems that his mother didn't care as well as she embraced her son just as tightly.

Harry struggled a little to get up. Severus was right beside the boy. Harry had planned to leave before Draco would notice. But he was still healing, and it took him a longer moment to get his feet under him.

Draco walked over to Harry and held out his hand.

Harry looked at the other boy's hand and then up at him.

"I want to do this properly this time," Draco said.

Harry smiled and reached out and grasped Draco's hand.

"I'll see you around, Draco." Harry said has he walked towards the door.

Poppy was waiting for Severus and Harry.

"Not if I see you first," Draco said as the three visitors left the room.

Once Severus, Harry, and Poppy were out of the Ministry, Poppy turned to the men.

"I'm going to head back to school. There's a list I have to make." She disappeared.

"How do you feel?" Severus asked.

"I'm okay," Harry said. "Tired, but okay."

"You ready to go home?" Severus asked.

Harry thought about it. Home. In the beginning of summer, Harry thought Professor Snape wouldn't like having one of his students living under his roof. Some days, Harry wondered what the summer would be like if he didn't get kidnapped. But thinking about it now, it was a home. Harry felt safe there. He wasn't treated like a slave or an infection like at his relatives' house.

"Yeah," Harry said, smiling. "I'm ready to go home."


A/N: Thank you to everyone who took the time to read and review my story. I appreciate everyone who stuck with me during this time. It feels great finishing a story.

Please leave a review letting me know what you think about this chapter.

Many hugs and kisses to you all!
