This whole thing is gonna be an author's note. So I'll skip the formatting for now.

What I'm about to say is important and not a joke, so keep that in mind.

I am unfortunately gonna cancel this fic. It's been sitting around doing nothing for quite a long time and I'm frankly done with this.

Why, exactly? Well it's for a number of reasons:

1. I'm just not interested in Persona anymore.

I kinda lost my interest in this series a long time ago. Of course I still remember it, and I still think it's a good game...but it's just not my thing anymore. I'm just not much of a JRPG type of guy (major exception to Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts). Sure, I like other RPGs, but sometimes it gets kinda old and samey. And especially with some, it just drags on and on gets boring (looking at Xenoblade X rn; huge waste imo).

At least with something like Deus Ex, it has interesting gameplay. It's just the type of gamer I am. I like action-y stuff. Something to keep me alert and on my toes and doesn't require me to sit there for half an hour to deal with a single enemy because of the battle system.

So while I may like the series and its animes, it just doesn't really catch my eye anymore.

2. I've also lost interest in anime and mecha in general.

I haven't watched any anime or seen anything mecha related in a while. And it's for a reason. It's different from the last one, but it's hard to explain why.

3. This story has strayed too far from its original purpose.

This fic was supposed to be about Yu and the gang piloting robots. But I ended up spending too much time on the exposition to a point where sub plots that I need to keep up with have been created. Sure, to you, the reader, it may be fine and you'll actually enjoy that added sense of depth. But for me, the writer, it adds to the hassle.

Like I said before, I never intended it to get so deep and woven that it didn't even become about giant robots fighting other giant robots. I even had this cool scenario planned where the USSR was revived and they were becoming a major threat to the world and so on and so on. But no, I wasted time on backstories, side stories, and expositions.

I didn't want it to get so intricate. I wanted the story to end at some point. But with all that I added, and after looking further into it recently, I realized this story would probably never end and be up to 50 or so chapters. I'm not trying to write a book here. I'm just trying to write a simple fanfiction about an alternate scenario.

And that's one of my quirks. If I start a story, I want to finish it at some point. But with this, I feel like I wouldn't be able to. It'd probably take a long while to even get it done, especially considering the above reasons and my abandonment of the story. So I'm gonna end it like I should.

I know some stories that are that long. Like 100 chapters or so. Saw a Mass Effect one that was exactly that huge. I enjoyed it from what I read (even though I skipped through a lot), but I don't wanna invest too much time into something like this. I'd rather be writing stories that are 100% original. I feel that's where my efforts should be directed at.

And that's pretty much it. Sorry about it all.

Do read my Ringtail story that's been put up. It's going nicely and I know for a fact it won't get super long and that it WILL end.

I hope you guys understand. Cheers, and thanks for reading!