A/N: This was written in response to a post on Tumblr...I can't really say what the post was without spoiling the story, so message me if you would like a link. Shout outs to angel-with-a-pipette/Alja and tanaka-saeko for the original idea. Enjoy the smut. Enjoy the ridiculous. I own nothing.

Roy lifted Riza up, her legs wrapping around him as her backside hit the top of his desk. It had been a long, horrible day, both of them having stayed at the office late in order to fix some upper bureaucrat's mess. Roy remembered he had looked over at her, she was so beautiful with pieces of her hair falling out of her clip as she focused on the work and then their eyes met and suddenly she was in his arms and they were kissing passionately, lips seeking each other out with an intense wanting. It had been too long for both of them to steal a moment together, and neither could resist the other any longer.

He ran his hand under the back of her shirt, untucking the fabric. Their jackets had already been discarded and Riza had made quick work of his undershirt. He needed to feel her, he needed there to be no barrier between them. Riza lifted a hand and took her clip out of her hair, shaking her head and letting her tresses fall loose. Now that clip was out of the way, Roy pulled her shirt off and threw it behind him. "Much better," he grinned and she responded by kissing his smile. He deepened the kiss, wishing he could pull her even closer to him when they were already a tangle of limbs as it was.

He gently unwound himself from her legs and began to take off his uniform pants, the thick fabric hindering his process just a bit. She hopped off the desk and walked over to him, slipping a hand into his boxers. Roy groaned. "Oh come on that's not -ahhhh" he responded as she began to stroke him. "What was that?" Riza grinned. Roy blinked rapidly, trying to ignore her movements and focused on relieving her of the incredibly rude pants she was wearing as well.

"Why do they make these so hard to take off?" he muttered under his breath as he worked on her belt, hands attempting to stop shaking. Riza was not going to go easy on him. She laughed.

"I don't know, it's almost like we're not supposed to have sex at work."

Roy didn't have an argument. Instead of responding, he simply bit his lip and tried to focus. There! Finally the stupid pants were unbuttoned and unzipped. Ahhh, damnit! He hadn't even noticed that between her...ministrations in his boxers and him becoming preoccupied with removing her own pants that he hadn't even finished taking his off.

"Okay, break. Each attend to his own pants and shoes." Riza grinned and gave him a peck on the lips. "Yes, sir." She pulled away from him (Roy immediately regretting the order) and slipped out of her boots and pants.

"How did you do that so quickly?" Roy asked.

"I already had my boots untied."

"Uniform infraction. I'll have to write you up." She laughed and turned away, walking back to his desk and sitting on it.

"Yeah, you do that." After a moment, he struggled out of his boots and pants and nearly tripped over himself to get back to her. Roy took her in his arms. His hands ran down her back from where her bra remained clasped to her buttocks where her underwear remained in place.

"Lieutenant, you still have far too much clothing on."

"Well, I don't want a uniform infraction." Roy looked at her, smiling at him and felt his heart do flips. He would kill for that smile. He returned it with one of his own, a devilish grin set only on making her squirm.

"I'm going to need to remove these articles."

"I figured you would." He leaned in and kissed her along her jaw line, lightly tracing his lips down her neck as he unclasped her bra. She yanked it off and dropped it on the desk next to her. Riza leaned back and placed her hands on the desk, lifting her hips so that Roy could remove the last offending garment. He pulled off her underwear and she dropped her hips back down. He stepped back, admiring her position.

"Don't move," he said, and leaned down, gently trailing kisses along the inside of her left thigh. Riza closed her eyes and groaned, the noise sending shivers down his spine. She was extremely sensitive on her inner thighs, a fact Roy had learned long ago and continued to enjoy to this day. He placed one kiss between her legs and began working up her stomach, leaving kisses all the way up to her breasts (where he paused for special attention paid to the both of them) and then resumed up to her neck.

Roy pulled himself on top of the desk and on top of her, his hands finding the inside of her legs again. His fingers began to work in her, and her eyes opened again, a gasp escaping her mouth. Riza threw her head back, moaning, and Roy bent down, kissing her neck and collarbone.

She closed her eyes as pleasure coursed through her, enjoying the sensation of his fingers and his lips and the way his body curved over her. Riza opened her eyes again, gasping for air. Then she tilted her head, her eyes catching something on the ceiling. Something bright yellow. She knitted her forehead and stared. 'Are those...post-it notes?' She narrowed her eyes, focusing her sight on them. Suddenly she realized what was written there and her eyes widened. At the same moment, Roy lighted upon a particularly sensitive area with his fingers and she exhaled sharply at the pleasure while the surprise of what was written above their heads took hold.

"Havoc?!" which of course came out as a gasp and a moan due to Roy's dealings. Roy's fingers halted and he pulled his head away from its teasing at her neck, a wild look in his eyes.

"Excuse me?!" He couldn't believe it. Riza, HIS Riza had been - she looked pissed.

"Look at the ceiling!" That was new. He turned his head and glanced up at the ceiling. There, in post-it notes, bearing Havoc's distinct lettering, lay a message.


Roy felt all of the blood rush out of his face. His eyes widened. Then the blood rushed back, turning into hot rage.

"I'm gonna KILL HIM." Roy pulled himself off of her and back to standing. Blood was pounding in his ears. He couldn't believe it. It had been over a month since they had been able to be together and his second lieutenant had managed to completely ruin the mood with his antics. And he wasn't even here! "I'm gonna kill him."

Roy picked up his pants and began to get dressed, white hot rage rushing through his veins. He was going to find Havoc, and he was going to light him on fire. No, no, he wouldn't, he was going to punch him and THEN light him on fire, starting with - he felt Riza's hand touch his arm, stopping his forceful clothes changing. He turned and saw her grinning, a devilish gleam in her that he remembered had been there all too often when they were teenagers, pranking her neighbor's kids. He loved that gleam.

"No, we're not going to kill him. We're going to do something much worse." She turned and walked to her purse, picking up her pants along the way. She had put both articles of underwear back on while Roy had rage changed.

"Being lit on fire is pretty terrible, Riza." She shook her head, rummaging through her purse.

"No. Havoc's out with Rebecca tonight. Dancing at a club near where she lives." Roy frowned.

"I won't light Rebecca on fire, I promise." Riza shook her head again. She turned back, a triumphant smile on her face.

"I have a spare key to Rebecca's apartment." Said object dangled from her hand. He stepped over to her, working out her logic.

"And they'll definitely go back to her place since it's closer..." Riza nodded. A grin spread across Roy's face. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up as she laughed.

"I love you," he said, looking into her gleaming eyes.

"I know." He set her back down and cupped her chin in one hand, kissing her lips. They stayed for a moment, enjoying and deepening the kiss. Finally he broke away from her.

"Payback time?" She nodded.

"I hear it's a bitch." He paused.

"Just...promise me we'll finish this afterwards." His undershirt hitting his face and the sound of her laugh was her only reply.

A/N There will be a part 2. It will probably be posted either sometime late (LATE) tonight or late tomorrow. Yup, y'all get to see the payback. Please favorite and review!