Chapter 12: The End of the Tour
Miles away from the collapsed fortress at the Vanhoover trainstation, Daring Do, Golden Cakes, Skate Trick, and Skater Girl have made it, and are very exhausted. After their long break the train to Fillydelphia pulls into the station, and they head inside with their ticket that they have bought to get back to the tour. As they wait to get to their station, they all can see that they finally out of this crazy and yet, dangerous adventure.
Daring Do sighs for feeling tired as she asks, "You all alright?"
"I'm fine," Skate Trick answers.
"I think so, despite the fact we were running for our lives," Skater Girl bluntly replies.
"I'm okay, and thank you all for helping me," Golden Cakes says with a calm and tired smile.
"I should be the one thanking you, and should be apologizing," DAring Do corrects the statement, while showing a little sad look on her face.
"How come?" Golden Cakes asks, looking confused.
"I never meant for you to get involved in this to begin with and I shouldn't let your friends get involved in this," Daring Do explains.
Golden Cakes can understand what Daring Do is talking about. Everything that has happened, every detail has been on her watch, and couldn't do anything about it.
Golden Cakes calmly put her hand on her shoulder comforting her, and says, "It wasn't your fault Daring, it just happened that way."
"Yeah, and we also get to join you on your adventure," Skater Girl agrees, and happy for the adventure she has experienced.
"And take out Ahuizotl to boot," Skate Trick says with pride.
Daring Do thinks about what the three friends are saying, and she has to agree, even though the trouble they've been put through, they have an incredible time, and no one has any injuries whatsoever.
Daring Do smiles, and says,"I guess in a way, everything turned out fine."
Golden Cakes sighs, and says, "I'm also feeling bat that we were unable to get The Ring of Scorchero back, and I don't know how we're going to explains to the museum curator about it,"
"Actually we did," Daring Do says with a smirk on her face.
Golden Cakes and the others are a bit confused about what Daring Do is saying. Daring Do then takes something out from under her shirt and shows it to the three teens. They are shocked to see that Daring Do has the ring tucked away so no one will see it.
Skate Trick shockley asks, "Woah, where you get that?!"
"I manage to get it back after Ahuizotl dropped it, and I hid it away until we get to the train back to Fillydelphia," Daring Do explains.
"That sounds like a smart idea," Golden Cakes complements.
"You can say that again," Skater Girl agrees.
The four then start laughing a bit and agree that it's a good way to get the ring back to the museum without raising any suspicions.
"Then Golen Cakes asks, "So what should we do when we get back?"
"Well first we need to let the police know that you're okay. Then we need to get the ring back to the museum," Daring explains.
"I'm guessing we will be going our separate ways after that," Skater Girl guesses.
"Guess so," Daring Do agrees.
Then Golden Cakes smiles, and says, "Don't worry Daring, we promise to keep this whole experience to yourself, and about your secret identity."
"Thanks, I really appreciate it. You wouldn't believe how crazy some fans can get," Daring Do says with glee.
The three teens and Daring Do start laughing and knowing that some people can be crazy when it comes to their favorites in different things. Hours later, Golden Cakes, Skater Girl, and Skate Trick are having a fun time at the last day of the tour. Daring Do is also at the tour in her disguise. Everyone at the tour are having a great time, and have a fun time at the food festival. In fact, everyone has a wonderful time at the tour and the festival.
The next day, after saying goodbye to her friends, Golden Cakes takes the train back to Manehatten to her hometown. Golden Cakes spends her time reading her books, and manages to get an autograph from A.K Yearling as well. She can remember the wonderful time she has at the tour and ends up with an unexpected Daring Do adventure that is most likely to never have again.
Hours later Golden Cakes' train stops at the train station, and everyone are getting off. Golden Cakes exists the train too with her suitcase and purse. Golden Cakes looks around until she sees Cream Filling sitting on one of the benches.
Golden Cakes happily calls out, "Cream, I'm over here."
Cream Filling smiles, and asks, "Welcome home Golden Cakes, how was your trip."
"My trip is not only fun, but it's also the most unforgettable tour I've ever been on," Golden Cakes says with glee.
"I must say, you must have had a wonderful time," Cream Filling replies.
Just then Golden Cakes takes something from her bag, and says, "Oh yeah, I got these for you from the festival."
Golden Cakes takes two books from her bag. One of them is a cookbook while the other one is a book that teaches you how to make sculptures and little decorations out of food. She passes them to Cream Filling with a smile on her face.
"Oh thank you. I'm sure these books will come in handy at the store." Cream happily says.
Then she says, "Now let's get you home, I'm sure you must be starving after your train ride."
"You could say that," Golden Cakes remarks.
With that, Golden Cakes and Cream Filling start to head back home where they can have some fun and relaxation for the summer. Of course, they are going to do some work until school starts. Golden Cakes sure share her time for adventures and excitement, but thinks it will be best to keep this one to herself. She hope that she'll get to see Daring Do someday, and her other friends very soon.