The Bucket List, How To Get Noticed.

My name is Ludwig Van Beilschmidt. And that's mostly all. All I am is a name with a face and body who walks around and has a few friends. The kid that constantly gets bullied for being a total complete nerd, the kid who has a crush on the hottest and nicest kid in the school, the kid who has practically no friends, the kid who hasn't even tasted beer nor been to a real high school party, yeah, now you get it. I'm that kid.

I'm Ludwig Van Beilschmidt, or Ludwig, or Luddy, or Arnold Schwarzenegger, or Üter Zörker, but most of those names are tease names, so who am I kidding when I say I have friends. I'm the kid who spends way to much time on homework, but does a equal amount of time playing video games with my best friend Kiku. I also have the largest crush on Feliciano Vargas, the hottest and nicest kid in school. He is majorly popular with girls practically humping his leg as he walks down the hallway with his hand perfectly sliding down his older brother's shoulder and while he laughs that laugh that can make a dying man breath. BUT, He has a boyfriend. Why do I even say boyfriend. His boyfriend is Antonio Fernadaz, who is only Feliciano's boyfriend to get into Feliciano's brother's pants.

I know this true, because Antonio is a friend of my brother, Gilbert, and Antonio has said it to Gilbert's face. He wants Lovino, not Feliciano. And I heard Lovino is all drive with this idea, even if he is Feliciano DUFF (Designated Ugly Fat Friend). Like Lovino would run me over with his car if Antonio asked. But, Lovino hates me and he would run me over anyways.

Lovino is a mean kid who hates everyone, but Antonio and his best friend Matthew Williams who is DUFFed by his own older brother and it's sad. Like all DUFF kids should just get together and have a party and be sad together, because who wants to be called Ugly and Fat. Nobody.

BUT (oh god, more buts.) Let's get back to Feliciano Vargas. He is skilled at anything, like this kid can cook, clean, paint, and I heard from the football team that he gives a pretty good handjob. So if straight boys get orgasm on his amazing handjobs, and he is a hot, beautiful, talented, amazing, stunning, can pull off anything, of course he would be anybody's crush.

That's why he is my idol, but the bad part is that I can't get 4 words out to him...

I want to stand out, I don't want to be bullied or constantly have someone scream down the hallway 'LOOK IT'S ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGAR!' I want Feliciano Vargas to notice me, have him hanging off my arm and giggling at my bad jokes,


So this year I made a pact with myself. I would try to look nicer, be more awesomer (How my brother puts everything) I want to be myself and get noticed because of that. So I made myself a bucket list of things I would never do.

So this my story, or the perferly the story you are reading right this very moment by me!

Called: The Bucket List, How To Get Noticed

"I mean it Kiku, I'm going to be different this year." I sighed into the headset shooting down a couple aliens and Kiku, my Japanese friend, just laughed loudly. "Ludwig, you are fine the way you are. So what if Feliciano walks by you everyday, and Alfred likes to throw a couple punches your way, and-" "No stop it!" I cut him off shooting his character, killing him. "Not cool, Lud, your amazing." Kiku murmured respawing. "No you aren't getting it Kiku, this is something for myself. Maybe I'll get Feli on the way." I blushed and Kiku laughed loudly, again. He was rude.

"Man, Feliciano Vargas is so over your league. But if you want we can meet at the library tomorrow morning, I need to study for the upcoming Chemistry test. You know I suck in that subject and you can help!" Kiku explained and I just grunted and looked at my watch. 11: 09 was the time, I really didn't care, Mondays already sucked. Even for the smart kids.

I looked over at the mirror and looked at the bucket list taped with bright blue duck tape with little birds on them (My brother's duck tape) with words I wrote for myself. I got off the beanbag in front of the television and looked at the words closely.

Day One: Slick back your hair

It read and I touched my bangs lightly. I always wanted to do this, I tried it before and I just looked so much stronger, more approachable, everything I was aiming for... "Yeah Kiku, I will meet you there." I smiled speaking into the speaker of the headphones. Kiku said some kind of Japanese goodbye hanging up the call and logging off and I took out a blue white board marker and prompt myself up on the mirror as I drew a long line through the Day One, because I'll do it.

I laughed, almost evilly as he capped the marker and threw it behind my head listening to the sound of it hitting the wood of the floor and I took off the headset and jumped onto my bed that was leveled high off the floor and laid down letting out a loud and happy sigh.

'Maybe I didn't think this through very much.' I thought bitterly as I walked through the hall with people staring at me with wide eyes. I lowered my head as I hiked my backpack up higher and stood in front of my locker setting my backpack down and started loading the rusty white locker with my books. My thoughts were stopped when I looked over and saw Feliciano's group come in. Of course he walked in with grace flipping his short hair perfectly, like I could see the glitter in those animes Kiku watches fly off. He was holding Antonio's hand, the dumbass football player was looking at Lovino with hopeless romantic's eyes.

Feliciano stopped in front of me, and I felt everything come crashing down. 'ABORT LUDWIG, ABBBBBBBBBBBBBBORT!' My mind screamed. "You look different." Feliciano purred and I swallowed hard. "I-I-I-I." I stutter through, my face going blank and Feliciano looked back tilting his head. I turned around grabbing my books quickly and walking away with Feliciano in my dust. "I'm such a dumbass, more than Antonio." I whispered to myself speed walking to library.

I found Kiku rather quickly and sat down with a huge thump. Kiku was the kid who wore anime shirts, with anime bracelets, and wore an anime beanie of a cat, with the ears popping out, and had gauges, but this dork was more popular than me. It gave me hope that this kid was more popular than me. I was his DUFF, and I wasn't at all, proud.

I was nothing without Kiku, and that's how I have been surviving high school all the way through elementary school.

"You look different today." Kiku mused as laughed covering his smile with his finger. "Good or bad?" I questioned pushing back my hair. "Like someone from Grease." Kiku laughed and I blushed angrily. "I-I- That is probably why Feliciano laughed at me." I sighed and Kiku stopped me from laying my face down on the table. "No! It's a good Greaser, you actually look really hot, man!" Kiku assured, breaking into to more laughter.

"You're lying you dick! You're laughing!" I shouted, but I got an aggressive shush from a Librarian and I lowered my head. "No, I'm laughing because It's something the Ludwig Beilschmidt I know would never do!" Kiku smirked and I just frowned deeply. "I don't find you funny." I deadpanned and he just smirked on opening the Chemistry book and reading down the Periotic table.

"Feliciano probably thought, oh goddamn, who's that hottie." Kiku whispered passive aggressively and I chocked on my water from my water bottle. "Kiku!" I hissed and he snickered.

The bell rung after an hour and we got up walking to our first class. I sat down my seat licking the water from my lips and Kiku just sat next to me and looked over at the board. "Hey Arnold." Alfred, the school bully, laughed and sat behind us. Alfred was a total dick, he wasn't smart, he wasn't big, as in muscle, not dick you pervert, that's just his personality. and most of all he was mean and liked to pick fun on me. "My name is Ludwig." I growled and he laughed. "Stop that." Feliciano scared both me and Alfred as he appeared out of no where with a look to fight and he sat down with a huff.

This startled both me and Alfred. Feliciano was very passive, but he could kick both of our asses. He was Lovino Vargas's brother. But he never stood up for me. Even Kiku looked scared. "Alright." Alfred sighed sitting down and looked over at Feliciano who looked down at his hands with a frown. "Hey... Thanks." I stuttered out and Feliciano looked up with his adorable innocence and my heart practically skipped a beat.

"Oh, your welcome Ludwig." Feliciano smiled and I smiled back looking down at the floor shyly and he giggled. "Welcome to class, eyes forward and no talking!" The Austrian teacher, Mr. Eldstein, yelled and everyone sat up straight.

Mr. Eldstein was mean to everyone, he refused to help Kiku with Chemistry last year making Kiku freak out and I had to calm him down and help him through all of Chemistry. "Hey, Alfred, what does the board say?" I heard Feliciano ask quietly as he looked over at the board and Alfred looked over. "Hmm, nothing important." He mused going back to staring Arthur Kirkland. Who was in a deep relationship with Francis Bonnefoy, but Alfred wouldn't stop trying to get into Arthur's pants.

"No, I mean it, what does it say!" Feliciano shouted quietly, he seemed very upset today. "As I said like two seconds ago, nothing important." Alfred hissed back and Feliciano sighed angrily. "Luddy, what does the board say?" He asked angrily and I jolted from my ease dropping stage. "Er, the Chem test is going to be on Friday!" I responded quickly and quietly and Feliciano sighed desperately. "Shit." He murmured and I turned around.

"You know, I could help you with Chemistry if you need help." I offered and Feliciano's eyes lite up. "Really?! You would help me?" He smiled brightly and I nodded. "Thanks Luddy, that's so sweet of you! Wednesday works for me!" Feliciano grinned and I wanted to see that smile more often.

"Cool... Cool cool, so y-yeah." I stuttered turning back around with wide eyes.

I'm screwed.


Day 2: Ask Feliciano to hang out, is going to be crossed off.

[Authors Note: So this story is different for me. Writing in first person is new for me, but I'll get used to it. Every character seems to be really OC, but I have very good plans, (Kiku turned out to be a dick, so IDK about him) So Review, Follow, and Like for awkward Ludwig!

PS: This story is suppose to sound like a typical white high school movie and longer chapters in the future! (Hopefully) -Sad laughter-]