Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own "The Outsiders" or any of the Curtis' Gang. Sigh. The real owner of "The Outsiders" is my favorite author, the fabulous S.E. Hinton. I also do not make a profit from the stories that I write here on this site.

A/N: If you like it, love it, or even if you hate it, you know what to do. Tell me in a review. I would love it if you favorited, followed, and/or if you gave me (a) suggestion(s). Thank you. :)

Ponyboy woke up feeling sweat laced on his skin, yet he was shivering, freezing cold. Even after going to bed early last night he would love nothing more than to snuggle back under the covers and sleep for eternity.

Soda woke up about the same time and turned to face his youngest brother. "You hungry?" He questioned, his voice way too perky for the early hour, at least to Pony, who was NOT a morning person.

"Not really," Ponyboy admitted, and then Soda heard it. Pony's voice has always been husky, especially after years of smoking and after he hit puberty, by his voice was even more so today, even cracking slightly once.

"You feelin' okay Pone?" Soda questioned, trying to leave the concern out of his voice in attempts not to smother his youngest brother.

"I'm fine, Soda," Pony assured him and Soda noticed his voice was slightly congested, but when Soda placed a hand on Pony's head he discovered that his brother was slightly warm, but didn't have a high fever or anything.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, jumping to conclusions like usual, Soda thought, brushing off his previous concern. Maybe just spring allergies or something, Pony always got a little stuffed-up at this time of year, Soda assured himself and got up in order to get ready for work, possibly on time for once, he hoped.


Pony was basically a zombie. His head was pounding so hard and loud, it felt as if someone took a mallet to his skull. He resisted the urge to vomit all day and his nose was is stuffed he could barely hear through his ears.

"Mr. Curtis?" Mr. Syme questioned, in a second attempt to get Ponyboy to answer the question. Pony's head jolted up from its position on the desk.

"Pronoun?" He guessed weakly and then kicked himself, they hadn't learned pronouns since grade school.

"No, the answer to number seven is C. Class dismissed. Can you stay a minute, Ponyboy." It was a command, not a question. Pony slumped in his seat, his head pounding full-force as he attempted to ignore the Socs snickers.

"Are you feel in' okay, Ponyboy?" Mr. Syme questioned in the same words as Soda had asked earlier, placing a hand on the younger boy's forehead.

"I'm fine, Sir. Can I please go now? I'll be late for gym," Pony admitted in a worried tone.

His teacher sighed, knowing the boy wouldn't admit anything. "Alright, Curtis. I'll right you a note. Take care, okay?"

Ponyboy nodded. "Thanks, Sir." He took the note from his favorite teacher's hand and raced off, as fast as he could without upsetting his queasy stomach, and made it to gym only a few minutes late, but his headache didn't leave.

**A/N: I need you guys to vote please. Should I build up to Pony's diagnosis (getting sick, getting better, etc) or should he get diagnosed within the next few chapters? I've never read a fic that goes back far, but I don't want it to get boring, so I'm letting y'all decide. Please vote :)Stay Gold,
