Disclaimer: teen wolf is not mine - just a few cute/fluffy/angsty/whatever one shots I felt like writing to tie in with my stories I'm no werewolf and deadly intentions, hope you like x

Kayla had only seen or heard Stiles drunk a handful of times, maybe even less, in her months of knowing him. But there was one thing she knew for certain - Stiles was a clingy drunk, and clingy was putting it lightly.

"So..." She bit back a smirk at the scene unfolding in front of her, "I can see lacrosse practice went well"

It was well after eleven, the darkening sky overhead settling like a heavy blanket over the school pitch where most of the team - including Scott and Isaac - were lounging about on the grass, drunken slurs being passed between them.

Scott looked up, fully sober, his brown eyes amused, "you understood Stiles' drunken call then?"

"At first I thought it was some Scottish salesman but I was pleasantly surprised" she quipped with a small smile, slowly shaking her head in amusement, "where is he anyway? Not doing something stupid like breaking into the school and photocopying his ass is he?"

"No that was the hour before this" Scott jutted his head behind him and Kayla followed the movement, "he's occupying himself"

Kayla let out a burst of laughter, zipping up her teal hoody as she located Stiles sprawled out on the grass a good fifteen feet away, "by making a daisy chain?"

Isaac turned around, sending her a lopsided smirk, "yeah but it gets better" and she just shook her head because how could it get any better than this? This was frigging golden, "he's making it for you" and Kayla snorted at that while Scott sniggered behind his hand.

"Yeah, Stiles is a sweet drunk... And by sweet I mean totally cliche in anything and everything romantic"

"Last time he was like this he ordered two hundred red roses to be sent next day delivery" Scott told Isaac who just gaped at the two of them, like he wasn't sure if they were telling the truth.

"Only he paid with an expired credit card and I was left to pay for them" Kayla chipped in, "nice thought? Sure, but they cost me five hundred dollars"

"No way"

"Yes way" she told Isaac, nodding her head, "though he gave me that pout and I couldn't be mad at him for long-"

"Kaaaaaaaylaaaaaa" and all three of them turned around to see Stiles kneeling on the ground, his brown eyes wide as he stared up at her with this dopey smile spread across his face, his posture slumping forward before he caught himself from falling over, "hellllllllo"

She smirked at him, sharing an amused glance with Scott and Isaac, "hey Stilinski, what ya doing over there?"

His grin was lopsided, his honey brown eyes glazed over, "I'm making you a presenté" he said with a funny French accent, his speech slurred, "for you" he added.

She held back a chuckle, biting down on her bottom lip, "Stiles, say the alphabet backwards" she requested as he stumbled to his feet, almost face planting the ground but managing to stabilise himself.

"Uh... Um... Z..." He told her, his face screwing up, "um... Then Z... And... Uh... Z-"

"Okay, very good" she smirked, "you got the Z, what comes after that?"

His forehead crinkled, like he didn't understand what she was asking, "... Z?"

A laugh burst free from her throat, her cheeks turning red from a combination between the chilled night air and the exhilaration, "you're so totally wasted Stilinski"

"Nooooooo, you're so totally wasted" he replied, his feet tripping over each other as he made his way towards her in a zig zagged line, his eyes droopy, "Kaaaaaaaylaaaaa..." He mumbled, pitching forward into her waiting arms as she grabbed him, holding him up as Scott and Isaac looked on in amusement.

"Yes Stiles?" She asked, pressing her hands firm against his chest to hold him up, "what's going on in that drunk mind of yours?"

"I made you this" he said innocently, raising his arms and draping something around her neck - a sloppily made, but still solid hand crafted daisy chain that reached down to her diaphragm and she had to smile at that. He was watching her with these excited puppy dog eyes, like he was a small kid waiting for approval from his parents over a painting.

"Its beautiful Stiles" she told him softly, "how about we get you home Huh?"

"Nu Uh you'reeeeee beautiful" he slurred and she had to grab his sides as his legs gave way, "you're so pretty Kay, why are you so pretty?"

"Good genes" she laughed lightly, "come on-"

"I see it Kaylz... I see you" he mumbled, "your soul it's... It's shiny and floaty" his hand dropped down and splayed across her chest, directly over her heart.

"Oh my god" Isaac laughed, shaking his head at the two of them, "get a room you two"

She shot him a playful glare, still struggling to hold a squirming Stiles up, "Stiles, baby, souls are invisible"

"Nu Uh" he muttered, shaking his head like a dog drying off, "I have always seen your soul"

She bit back another laugh, her eyes gleaming with amusement as his head dropped down onto her shoulder and she was now supporting all of his weight, "okay Stiles you're turning all gushy now"

"Gushy mushy" he mumbled against her hair, "I love you Kaylz"

"I know Stiles, I love you too" she laughed, manoeuvring them slightly so his head started lolling, "wanna go home and sleep it off?"

"Noooooo... Don't goooooo" he slurred, pulling his head up so fast they banged foreheads and she blinked as black spots danced across her vision, "don't leave me Kaylz"

"Stiles" she chuckled, raising a free hand to run it through his hair, "relax, I won't"

"Yay" he muttered, his hands landing down on her hips, "me happy now" and then he stumbled, his knees giving way and because of the grip he had on her she tumbled down on top of him in a mix of limbs, a small "oomph" breaking free from her lips.

And what did Stiles do? He giggled. Loudly. A drunk feminine high pitched giggle of gleefulness escaped his lips, his drunken breath washing over her face and blowing her hair out from her face.

"Hehehe... You fell" Stiles laughed, "you fell Kaylz"

"I fell" she decided to just agree with his drunkenness, a smile etching its way to her lips, "silly me huh?"

"You're not silly" he disagreed, "you're my silly" he completely contradicted himself with an amused laugh, "Kay... Can I pretty please with a cherry on top kiss you right now?" He stuck his bottom lip out, pouting up at her with his cheeks flushed and red, forehead sweaty and clammy, "I weally weally weally want my lips on yours" his voice was childlike and bright and she smirked at him, hair tumbling down around her shoulders.

"Weally weally Huh?" She chuckled as his fingers played with the daisy chain around her neck, "you are so a clingy drunk"

"Me no drunk" he mumbled, "the only thing I'm drunk on is you"

"Smooth Stilinski" she laughed lightly, slowly leaning down, "but just F.Y.I, your breath stinks" her nose crinkled lightly as the smell of gin and vodka coating his breath, hell she felt drunk just leaning over him but she had to smile as he sent to her this cute look, gently pulling her down by the collar of her shirt.

... But he sure was a good kisser, drunk or not.

A)n just a bunch of shirt cute one shots I'm writing, hope you liked and please let me know if you like it and if you would like to see more x