Nicercy || PJatO || Biancabeth || When Reality Crumbles || Biancabeth || PJatO || Nicercy

Title: When Reality Crumbles – And Faith Prevails

Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians / Heroes of Olympus; post both/twist

Disclaimer: All rights reserved to Rick Riordan for he created the awesomeness that is Nico di Angelo. And everything else related to Percy Jackson and the Olympians / Heroes of Olympus. Aside from the Gods, they belong to the old Greeks. This fanfiction and its OCs on the other hand are entirely mine. No money is made with this, though reviews are more than welcomed.

Warnings: shounen-ai, shoujo-ai, fluff, h/c, past character deaths, parallel universes, deaging/aging, genderbend (Piper), mermen, merman sex, mpreg, explicit intercourse, anal, hetero, threesome

Main Pairing: Nico/Percy, Bianca/Annabeth

Side Pairings: Luke/Octavian, Ethan/Alabaster, Jake/Will, Tyson/Ella, Charles/Silena, Chris/Clarisse, Calypso/Piper, Jason/Reyna

Percy Jackson Characters:

Deaged: Hazel Levesque (4), Frank Zhang (6), Leo Valdez (5), Connor Stoll, Piper McLean (male; Peter), Cecil Rogers & Lou Ellen (Twin Gods; deaged)

Normal: Perseus Jackson, Nico di Angelo, Annabeth Chase, Octavian Simmons, Calypso, Thalia Grace, Clarisse la Rue, Chris Rodriguez, Will Solace, Jake Mason, Hylla Ramírez-Arellano, Jason Grace, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano

Animals: Mrs. O'Leary, Blackjack, Arion, Tempest, Scipio

From a Parallel Universe: Bianca di Angelo (Savior of Olympus), Luke Castellan (Roman Hero), Ethan Nakamura (Roman Hero), Alabaster C. Torrington (Hero), Charles Beckendorf (Hero), Silena Beauregard (Hero), Tyson (Roman Demigod), Ella (Oracle)

Own Characters: Bianca Maria di Angelo, Sethea Danah Chase, Sedanur Aykan

Summary: When reality and time crumble around them, it effects people. For some, time turns back and Percy finds himself eight years old again, not remembering anything past that age. Annabeth, unaffected from the shift in time and reality, tries to gather her friends on the Argo II. Whether they're deaged like Percy, or affected by alternate realities bleeding in, like Rachel who was now a demigod. But they're not the only ones affected by the shift and crumble of reality and time.

When their universe collides with another universe, they crash into the ship of Bianca di Angelo, Savior of Olympus. Percy had lost his brother Tyson, but when the two crews are united, the Roman demigod hero Tyson is more than delighted to take care of his cute, little brother from another reality. And this Bianca, who had lost her Nico years ago, is more than grateful to be reunited with him. And maybe Bianca will find far more than just her lost brother, when she, as the captain, unites with Annabeth and her crew to guarantee better safety for both crews and all of them...

When Reality Crumbles

And Faith Prevails

Chapter 7: New Relationships and New Reality

Annabeth was sitting on her throne, looking out of the window and onto the Fields of Punishment. She only listened absentmindedly to what was being said in the meeting before her. Meetings of the underworld council were decidedly the second most boring thing on this planet. Right after meetings on Olympus itself. She was really glad she wasn't one of the Olympians, actually. If she would have to sit through meetings on Olympus every month, she'd be banging her head against a table all the time. A hand slipped into her lap and grasped hers, squeezing softly. Blinking slowly, Annabeth turned to face her consort and queen. Bianca smiled knowingly.

"...Would our queens like for us to give you the room?", inquired Octavian unamused.

Rolling her eyes, Annabeth let her gaze wander over the gathered underworld council.

Her beloved consort Bianca, the goddess of darkness and queen of the underworld.

Octavian, the former augur turned god of fate who took over for the Moirai, next to his consort Luke, the new god of trickery, thievery and traveling.

And lastly Alabaster, the god of magic, and his consort Ethan, who was not just the god of balance but also the new judge of the souls arriving in the underworld.

Together with Annabeth, who had taken over her mother's realms, the six of them made up the council of the underworld gods. It had taken months of adjustment and figuring everything out – both, their powers, as well as the place they felt like they belonged – but by now Annabeth had grown rather comfortable in the underworld and in her role as a goddess. Many things had changed in the past two years, but all of them to the better. Only on some nights did Annabeth still remember that day, the day they had sealed the rift in reality, the day they had gained godhood...


Annabeth felt a bit shaky as she took the Scythe of Time, freshly forged by Beckendorf and Jake. It laid heavy in her hand, but it was beautiful. To equal parts Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold; one part the former scythe of Kronos from her world and the other the former scythe of Saturn from Bianca's world. It was an impressive and massive thing. Clarisse and Hylla were giving her doubtful and concerned looks, as thought they were trying to measure her up.

"Time to face the music, Wise Girl", declared Percy with a large, teasing grin.

"Tavy IMed me. He, Rachel and Ella found the location of the largest rift. The one that seems to cause all other rifts like ripples caused by a larger wave", stated Luke seriously. "Let's head out."

"Well then, time to go and close a gap", sighed Will, eyebrows knitted.


"We have no time for such nonsense. Annoyingly enough, I do have to head to Olympus with the reports of our meeting as soon as we're done here", declined Bianca, pulling Annabeth out of her thoughts. "So why don't we just get this over with now, mh?"

"I agree", sighed Alabaster bored, cheek resting against Ethan's shoulder. "Honestly, if I had known how much work goes into being gods, I would have preferred the apocalypse..."

"Don't say such things", chided Ethan with a serious glare.

"I'd still like it if we could wrap it up soon too though. I don't particularly think that leaving Con and Trav alone with the little ones for too long is a good idea", interrupted Luke annoyed.

"Agreed", grunted Octavian with the darkest look possible. "If I had known that having you as my consort would entail ending up raising the Stolls, I would have chosen differently..."

Luke snickered and rolled his eyes, knowing exactly how untrue that statement was. Regardless of how annoying and mischievous Connor and Travis were, Octavian loved being a dad. A strict and serious dad, while Luke more than willingly took over being the fun dad who spoiled them rotten.

"I don't have the feeling we're going to accomplish much more here", sighed Bianca, frowning. "Perhaps we should call it a day and I leave early. Hopefully, my brother is going to accompany his consort to the meeting on Olympus. I haven't seen him in entirely too long."

"He and Percy were over for dinner two days ago", pointed Annabeth out, teasing grin in place.

Her hand slipped out of Annabeth's to cup the blonde's thigh, running circles on the soft skin with her thumb and causing her consort to shudder. It was hard for Bianca not to have some kind of physical contact with Annabeth. Even after two years, the memory of nearly losing Annabeth was very fresh in her mind, etched there forever. Their relationship had still been so young and fresh and new back then and Bianca had feared she would never see the interesting blonde again and never get the chance to actually fall truly in love with her, to see where the feelings and attraction between them could lead. There was a single image Bianca would never forget...


Bianca stared down from the Grand Canyon. Right through it truly did go the largest rift she had seen so far. Nico was sitting on the ground, exhausted and drained from their trip to Tartarus. She knew by now though that this Nico wasn't the kind who'd just sit down and rest. That was probably the reason for the Percy Jackson sitting square on Nico's lap and pinning him on the ground while peppering his face with kisses. It was endearing and sweet to watch and part of Bianca wanted to do the same to Annabeth – just pin her to the ground and keep her from leaving. But Annabeth just stood there in front of them, clutching the scythe tightly.

"I... have to try", whispered Annabeth firmly. "It's the bet shot we got."

"I know", replied Bianca, nodding honestly and stepping closer. "Just... come back."

She rested her hand in Annabeth's neck and pulled her in for a short kiss. When they parted again, Annabeth smiled a bittersweet smile as she pushed Bianca off. She took a step back and another and another. Until she reached the edge of the cliff and they all got to watch her fall off, straight down into the rift. Bianca held her breath, not knowing what to do, because there was nothing to do. She startled as someone took her hand and eased the tightly clenched fist loose to interlace their fingers. Turning her head, she locked eyes with her younger brother. Nico gave her a look, a knowing look, as though he understood exactly how it felt to helplessly stand by as the chance for true love and happiness jumped down a cliff into almost certain doom. Bianca's eyes drifted a little to see the boy standing on Nico's other side. The way Bianca had met Percy Jackson so far, Nico most likely knew exactly what Bianca was feeling at that moment.


Immortality was the best thing that had ever happened to Percy Jackson. At least in Nico's humble opinion. No more worrying about Percy getting killed on a quest or by a monster or by running head-on into danger as he normally did. It did wonders for Nico's health, really.

"You're having silly thoughts about me again."

Nico turned to look at the source of the teasingly whispered voice. A beautiful azure-blue merman grinned up at him from the throne next to him. Percy Jackson, king of the ocean, god of the seas and storms. And Nico, albeit being the god of death and ghosts, obviously lived under the sea with his consort. Wherever Percy went, Nico would always follow. Being gods, they theoretically could have stayed in human shape, but being merpeople was a) far more effective for living under the sea and b) a hell of a lot more sexy. Percy, with his single, sleek tail, the ice-blue fins at the end of said azure-blue tail and the soft-blue skin. Merboy Percy had already been sexy two years ago when the rift in time and reality had caused a temporary change for the son of Poseidon, but now two years later, Percy seemed to be even sexier. Nico ran an absentminded hand over Percy's tail.

"I love the face you make when you think about me", mused Percy with a teasing smirk.

He grasped Nico by the neck and pulled him in for a kiss. "Just thinking about how incredibly sexy you are, my love. How lucky I am to have you. To be here, with you, my mate."

Nico's hand slipped from Percy's neck over his chest to cup the slight bulge of his stomach. Maybe the main reason why they had chosen the merman form. With merpeople there were both, males who could carry children just as well as females who could impregnate. As in; it was their chance at having own children. And now that they had saved the world – again – and came into their new roles as gods, they deserved this chance at happiness. True happiness, their own families and love.

"You're such a smooth-talker, Mister di Angelo", grinned Percy amused, kissing Nico again.

"Only with you, Mister di Angelo", whispered Nico, hands wandering even more south.

"Nico", groaned Percy, leaning into the warm touch. "You know I have a meeting on Olympus later. I don't want to limp and squirm all throughout the meeting. Clarisse will make fun of me again."

"...Clarisse always makes fun of you", pointed Nico out, kissing Percy softly. "Now be good and let's enjoy what time we have left before you have to leave, love."

Sea-green eyes darkened as he looked at Nico. It was entirely impossible to deny his mate. Not that that had anything to do with their new natures; even though Percy was Nico's submissive mate, it wasn't that Percy was bound to obey his dominant. It was more that when Nico looked at him with hunger like that, all Percy wanted was to bend over for his mate because it got him hot and bothered. He loved the way Nico looked at him. Like he was the most precious thing on this entire planet. Rolling over, Percy braced himself against the mattress, craning his neck to look at Nico. The two mighty black tails eagerly wrapped around Percy's own blue tail to hold him in place, one hand slipping between their bodies to prop at the soft patch of scales on Percy's backside. It easily eased open a greedily gaping hole that eagerly sucked in Nico's prodding fingers.

"Sh, babe, I got you", whispered Nico as he caught Percy's whimpers with his lips.

"I—I know", groaned Percy, thrusting back against the intruding fingers. "B—But gimme more!"

Nico laughed, a throaty and thoroughly amused sound. "Your wish is my command."

He was already rock-hard, his cock having exited its hidden sheath. Sex with Percy had easily become Nico's favorite thing over the past two years. Nico caressed Percy's stomach with one hand while coaxing Percy's cock out with the other. Hopefully, within the next year, Nico and Percy would find one thing they would love even more than sex with each other. Spending time with their child. Raising their baby girl – according to Will, at least. Part of the reason why Nico was eternally grateful that Will and Jake had chosen to join the underwater council instead of living on Olympus, because having the god of healing and medicine in this very palace while the love of Nico's life was pregnant. That and because Jake had taken over as the god of forges and took care of the former forges of Poseidon, since his older brother Charles had taken over their father's forges.

"I—I love you, Nick", murmured Percy, fisting the sheets beneath him.

"I know", whispered Nico with a fond smile. "I love you too. So very much."

"T—Then move", ordered Percy, teeth clenched.

Chuckling softly, Nico pulled out some before thrusting back in. After all, they really didn't have too much time. Percy had a meeting on Olympus and Nico had other things he needed to do too. He still remembered how all of them had received their godly powers...


The light coming from the Grand Canyon had been blinding, the ground beneath them shaking as though the worst earthquake in history was going down. They all crouched down, as far from the cliff as possible, waiting helplessly until the tremors passed. Nico had his arms wrapped around the two people he cared about most – both Bianca and Percy clinging onto him. Only when it passed, both the light and the tremors, did they cautiously get up. Bianca and Percy were practically drawn to the cliff in eager and fearful anticipation. Annabeth was important to the both of them.

"It's... gone", whispered Percy hoarsely. "The rift. It's... closed."

"She... did it?", asked Clarisse stunned. "I always knew she had balls, but... wow."

"I—Is she...", stammered Bianca anxiously, desperately staring down the canyon.

Percy rested a reassuring hand on her shoulder and gave her a small smile. "She's tough. I know... she wouldn't... she wouldn't leave us like this. She's gonna be fine. I just... know."

"Uhm, she looks more than just... fine", stated Luke stunned, motioning at the canyon.

They all followed his line of sight and gaped stunned. There was Annabeth, floating in mid-air, long curls wavering behind her body, a silvery shining surrounding her as she held the scythe, eyes glowing. That definitely didn't look all too good. Or at least not all too normal.

"A—Are you...", started Bianca anxiously, unsure how the question should end.

The silvery-glowing eyes slowly turned back to their storm-gray as she zoomed in on Bianca. "A... goddess. I think. The power of the scythe was enough to close the rifts in some kind of domino-effect, but the last impulse that went out hit me full-force. I think... I am a goddess. A... new kind of goddess though. Maybe... the start of a new... era...?"

No one expected it as a silver light impulse seemed to come from Annabeth, hitting them all before Annabeth practically collapsed on the ground with them. She was obviously not even in control of what had happened, it had been more of an instinctual reaction. The world needed gods. Nature needed to be kept in balance. They could all feel the strength and power surging through them.


"Are you ready to come, my love?", whispered Nico, voice dark and filled with lust.

He was jerking Percy off roughly, his other hand still caressing Percy's bulging belly, the knowledge that his seed was growing within his mate already send tremendous jolts of pleasure and pride through Nico's body, directly going to his (still rather new) primal dominant side within. Percy whimpered as he tried to move into both directions at once; thrusting into the hand choking his dick and pushing back against the dick fucking him. Nico growled pleased by his mate's whimper, kissing Percy's neck before biting and at the same time picking up his speed. Just as Nico bit down hard on Percy's willingly bared neck, Percy came as if on commando. Nico grunted at the feeling of Percy clamping down on him. His tails tightened around Percy, as though he was trying to make sure his mate couldn't slip away from him, so he could make sure his mate was safe. Only moments later and Nico came, deep inside his mate and consort, filling him up with his hot seed. Percy moaned, long and pleased, snuggling up into the blankets.

"Turn human, love", ordered Nico softly but firmly.

Percy humpfed displeased, rather just staying in Nico's arms for the rest of eternity right then and there. He still obeyed the command though. The first thing he did was wiggle his toes and spread his legs a little. It was always a little odd for him to be back in his human body, because he had gotten so used to his merman body – and he loved it. Very much.

"What did I do that for?", asked Percy curiously, raising one eyebrow.

Nico hummed, a nearly wicked sound as he reached for their nightstand and pulled out a very large, black butt-plug with a sapphire at its base. Percy blushed darkly as he stared at it, only getting a smirk in return. Closing his eyes in mild embarrassment, Percy clenched down hard as Nico pulled out of him. He relaxed a little so Nico could ease the plug into him. Nico was that much of a possessive jerk when it came to council meetings. He may hate to attend them himself, but he also hated when Percy was alone there. Percy suspected that to be the primal dominant side Nico was still getting used to. He could handle it though; he somehow enjoyed it a lot.

"I have to leave", sighed Percy upset, kissing Nico softly. "I'll see you after the meeting."

"Yes, my little Olympian", chuckled Nico teasingly.


They have had their powers for two months and had started to try and rebuild the world. They all knew it was more than that though. They were gods now. They needed to establish their own rules and hierarchy. So by the time the newly made gods had made sure humans knew the world was not going to end after all, they eventually met up on Olympus again.

The first thing that happened was that Annabeth made an actual list. A list of powers, of what realms who had ended up with. Granted, it was a good idea and rather helpful.

"Okay. First things first. We have three realms to cover", stated Annabeth gravely. "The underworld, the ocean and Olympus. We... need a new set of Big Three."

"Not it", chimed Thalia and kicked back. "I'm the new Artemis. Not up for father's responsibility. I plan on carrying Lady Artemis' legacy. I want to leave Olympus and travel the world. Collect a new hunt and clean up the monsters that still roam our planet."

"Well, I ended up with the sky and lightning kind of deal", grunted Jason displeased, shifting. "But I don't know if I'm truly fit to be... king. King of Olympus. I think Luke would be a better fit."

"Oh no", grunted Luke and shook his head wildly. "I'm a trickster. Me, Chris, Connor and Travis make up the realms of our father and honestly, I don't think either of us are fit for king."

"I think Jason could be a good king, with Reyna's help", offered Nico casually. "Reyna is a goddess of war now, of strategy and leadership. Who would be a better fit for a queen?"

"Yeah. Together, maybe...", nodded Jason, blushing a bit as he looked at Reyna.

"Okay. Moving on. Now, the problem", stated Annabeth, clapping her hands. "We have two candidates for the underworld and two candidates for the ocean. Any volunteers?"

Tyson looked utterly mortified and shook his head wildly. "I'm not a king kind of person! Besides, I'm only like a minor sea god! My realm are sea creatures and all! Percy is currents and storms and all the major stuff! My big brother would be a great and awesome king!"

Percy blushed at the praise and sank in his chair. "But... you'd still... come with me?"

"To the ocean? Sure!", exclaimed Tyson excited, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "I wanna be on the underwater council of gods! We're doing something like that, right?"

"Just the two of us?", asked Percy doubtfully.

"Three!", corrected Ella, looking from Percy to Tyson. "Oracles are on islands. Islands are in the ocean. So since I'm the new goddess of oracles, I should live in the ocean too, right?"

"Four then", corrected Nico without missing a beat, earning stunned looks. "What? I don't care about the power. I don't need to be king. I don't need the underworld. I spend four years living there basically on my own. If you're going to live in the ocean, so am I, Percy. I won't waste any more time. I finally have you, I want to spend our godhood and eternity with you, Percy."

Percy blushed and stared over at Nico adoringly, smiling. "So, does that make you my queen?"

"...Wow. I go and make some grand romantic confession and you sass me", muttered Nico.

"You just chose him as your eternal consort. Your own fault", chimed Annabeth amused and shook her head before turning to look at Bianca. "So... are you... up to being queen of the underworld?"

"I don't know. Are you?", countered Bianca, one eyebrow cocked.

Annabeth sputtered and blushed. "W—What? B—But you and I and we and-"

"Oh my gods, I think you actually broke Wise Girl!", exclaimed Percy and laughed before pausing. "Wait, we're now my gods. Do I need to say 'oh my us' now, because that's weird?"

"Percy, please, just stop thinking, it gives me a headache", groaned Rachel amused. "Well now, Annabeth. What's your answer to this very unromantic proposal?"

"It wasn't a proposal", complained Bianca and blushed a bit behind her glare. "I just mean that... I would like to give this a try. Us a try. A serious try. If what we said before everything went down truly means something to you. I am going to the underworld, with Hazel, because it's our element. And she loves you, as her mother, just like she loves me."

"Y—Yeah", replied Annabeth after a moment. "Okay. Let's... try this. Yes."

"Wonderful!", exclaimed Luke and clapped loudly. "So, I'm gonna join that experiment. I wanna see how this goes down. Besides, the underworld and tricksters sounds like something that can work, right? And since Tavy here is... our new Fates united he should go to the underworld too."

"As long as I won't have to witness those", sighed Octavian, motioning at Nico and Percy.

"Does anyone here actually believe we are really fit to be gods?", inquired Ethan doubtfully.

"Yes. Totally. This is gonna be good!", exclaimed Alabaster excitedly. "And we're so joining in on Bianca's dark side, right E? Since the old judges of the underworld are kinda gone, you being the new god of balance and judgment qualifies you for that underworldly job, right?"

"This sounds like the underworld council definitely needs a Wise Girl", snorted Percy amused.

"This is going to be... interesting", muttered Reyna curiously.


Percy loved and hated meetings on Olympus to equal parts. While both the underworld and the sea had ended up with smaller councils of six gods each, there were ten gods on Olympus. The Olympian council however was made up of twelve gods – the ten living on Olympus as well as Percy, king of the ocean, and Bianca, queen of the underworld. The new twelve Olympian gods.

As Percy entered the meeting hall, he saw that Bianca and the ten gods of Olympus were already gathered. And that was the reason he loved the meetings, because he got to see them all.

Jason, the new god of thunder and lightning, sat at the head of the table with his queen Reyna next to him. Even though Reyna, like her mother, was more a minor goddess of war, her powers laid in leadership and sharing strength, just as it had before she had received godhood, and it was what made her the perfect queen. Her powers however exceeded to the peace achieved by war not so much the battles and fights themselves. Far better than a jealous, bitter goddess of marriage.

Though marriage was still covered on the Olympian council, in the form of Peter. Back in his days as Piper, he had made the Aphrodite Cabin stop their heartbreaking ritual because he was for monogamy. And now, married to Calypso the new goddess of the hearth and home, they made up the epitome of family and home, truly. They sat on Jason's side of the table, though between the two married couple sat the new goddesses of moon and sun – Thalia and Rachel.

On Reyna's side sat Clarisse, the new Ares and main goddess of war and fight and battle, as well as her consort Chris, who had taken over as the messenger god between them all. Next to them sat Silena, the new goddess of love and beauty, with her consort Charles, who had taken over for Hephaestus and was now also the blacksmith for the gods.

And then there was Bianca, at the head opposite Jason and Reyna, smiling at him knowingly. Percy blushed and ducked his head. Of course she knew that Nico was the cause for Percy being late. Honestly it was a blessing that Nico hated those meetings and had more than gladly dismissed the idea of him having a seat on Olympus – Percy doubted he'd be able to stand the teasing if Nico was there to take it up another notch and get into riling the others up in their teasing of Percy.

"Look who decided to grace us with his presence", grunted Clarisse unimpressed.

"Uncle Percy! Uncle Percy! Uncle Percy!"

Right. Since it was a meeting on Olympus, with all ten Olympian gods, their kids were there too, because there was no way either Chris and Clarisse or Charles and Silena would leave their kids alone. Frank sat on a small child-chair between Clarisse and Silena, attentive eyes on Percy. He was already eight by now and proved to be a clever boy even that young. The little boy who was supposed to sit on the other small child-chair between the two women had already bolted off his chair. Leo, seven years old and even more energetic than ever before, ran right up to Percy and threw himself at the king of the ocean. Percy smiled fondly and hugged the little one. He still had vivid memories of his time as a child when he had been a big brother to Leo.

"Hey there, firebug", greeted Percy with a smile, ruffling Leo's curls. "How are you?"

"I missed you. Lots", declared Leo, hiding his face in Percy's stomach. "How is the baby?"

Percy laughed softly. "Good. She kicks sometimes, but she's mostly well-behaved."

"Really?", asked Frank eagerly. "Because my baby-siblings are behaving no good! Mommy says they kick her bladder and turn around all the time! But when they're born, I'll teach them how to behave and how to be good and how to get mommy to make her awesome waffles."

Clarisse groaned and rolled her eyes, both hands resting on her very prominent pregnant belly. She was not just farther along than Percy and she also expected twins. And no one – not even Clarisse and Chris – was as excited as Frank was. He really wanted to be a big brother.

"That's good", nodded Percy amused.

"Can we now get this meeting over with?", suggested Bianca, one eyebrow raised. "Because Annie promised me chicken Parmesan for dinner tonight."

"...Isn't that a reason to let the meeting run late?", asked Thalia suspiciously. "Because the last time you guys invited me and my hunt for dinner, three of my girls had food poisoning."

Bianca averted her eyes and cleared her throat. "She... means well."

"I can only assume that 'she means well' translates to 'I get incredible sex from her for eating her hellish meals'", snorted Rachel, receiving a look from Bianca. "What? Just because I'm a virgin goddess doesn't mean I don't know how you pervs work."

"Mom, what's sex?", asked Leo curiously and turned wide eyes on Silena.

"Thank you for that, Rachel", sighed Silena exhausted. "A conversation I don't need."

"Sex is like alcohol. It's something only adults can have", replied Clarisse simply.

"Ah", nodded Leo in understanding. "Okay."

"...That was... good", praised Calypso surprised.

"Okay. On to the meeting!", interrupted Jason, clapping once loudly. "Sit down, everyone."

Grinning, Percy obeyed and sat down next to Bianca as the monthly meeting to check in on how everything was going and how the underworld and ocean were doing.

/Omake – One Year Later\

"I don't want to go to that dinner", groaned Nico in a whiny voice.

"Your sister invited us", reminded Percy sternly.

"All the reason not to go", huffed Nico, grasping Percy by the waist and pulling him down on the bed. "Because it implies that Annabeth may cook. Please, Percy, don't make me endure this!"

"But... you love me. You said you'd go through hell for me", pouted Percy.

"Already did that. It wasn't as painful as the aftermath of the last time Annabeth cooked", muttered Nico, burying his face in Percy's hair. "That half-raw chicken was worse than Tartarus."

"...Point taken", sighed Percy and turned around in the embrace to face his husband. "So... how about you do some sibling-bonding and hijack dinner by cooking with Bianca?"

"That... is actually a good idea. It's been a while since Bia and I teamed up in the kitchen", agreed Nico with a thoughtful look on his face. "I would enjoy that."

"And you know how much your nieces adore your cooking", added Percy with a small, playful smile before resting one hand on his stomach. "And your kids love your cooking too."

"Papà cook!", agreed a small, excited voice next to them.

Nico turned to the little girl, who had been napping a second ago and seemed wide away right now. The brightest smile possible lit up Nico's face as he grasped his daughter and pulled her close so he could kiss her nose, because that always made her giggle in that delighted way.

"Hello there, my little princess", whispered Nico eagerly. "Okay. Your vote was the final one."

"Bianca Maria's vote always sways you", grinned Percy knowingly. "Right, princess?"

Bianca Maria yelped enthusiastically and clapped as she was tugged between her parents. Nico teleported them right into the kitchen in the underworld palace. The scene in front of them was endearing. Bianca was obviously trying to distract Annabeth from cooking, which was actually an easy task, because Annabeth was kneeling in front of a baby chair in which their daughter sat. Sethea Danah Chase, a brain-child just like Annabeth – sprung forth from her mothers' minds. And while Annabeth was distracted with the toddler, Bianca and their older adopted daughter were preparing everything to start dinner. Hazel, by now seven years old, was very eager to help.

"Hello, Chases!", called Percy out to announce their arrive.

"Tee-ah!", yelped Bianca Maria with sparkling eyes, making grabby-motions for the other toddler.

"Seaweed Brain!", exclaimed Annabeth and hugged her best friend tightly.

"Ciao, fratellino", greeted Bianca with a smile, pulling Nico in for a hug.

"Ciao, sorellona", countered Nico, returning the hug tightly before turning over to where Annabeth and Percy were hugging. "Why don't you two take Bianca Maria and Thea out to play while Bianca and I are going to cook dinner for us? You could catch up some."

Percy smiled knowingly and nodded in agreement. Annabeth seemed more than eager as she gathered little Thea up in her arms and motioned for Percy to follow her. He could hear the cheerful voiced of the di Angelo siblings as he and Annabeth left the kitchen with the little ones. Those family dinners always made Percy incredibly happy, mainly so because they made Nico so ridiculously happy. For years, Nico had settled with never getting to share such moments with his sister again and then the near end of the world had given them a second chance.

"Oh, uncle Percy! You brought the mini Bia with you!"

With that, Percy and Bianca Maria were stormed by the three Simmons-Castellan kids. Connor and Travis, by now in their 'troublesome teens' as Octavian liked to call it in an aggravated voice, as well as the newest addition to their family. A couple months ago, they had found one of the last demigods having been born to the Olympians – Danny Aykan, a daughter of Apollo. Luke had been more than pleased when this time around, it had been Octavian to take in a stray. And in all honesty, the six-years-old daughter of Apollo was a heaven send. More than literally brought to them by Fate. She was mischievous, but also kind and sweet and having the little girl around gave Connor and Travis the chance to be big brothers and look out for the little blonde. They loved it.

"Ah. You people again", sighed Octavian with a scowl.

He looked up from his book and put down his wine glass to watch how Travis, Connor and Danny were circling Percy like he was Santa Claus or something. It always annoyed him when Percy was being so magnetic that all the kids fawned over him. Luke called it the most adorable jealousy ever.

"For not being underworld gods, they really do spend a lot of time here", chuckled Luke amused.

While Travis and Connor pulled Percy along toward the couch, Danny dashed past them and jumped right onto Luke's lap, staring up at him adoringly. He smiled and smoothed her hair down.

"Does that mean uncle Nico cooks tonight?", asked Danny hopeful.

The adults laughed at that as they all settled down comfortably to pass the time until dinner.

~*~ The End ~*~

Author's note: Well, it took a vastly different turn from what I had originally planned, but I'm actually quite pleased with it. I hope you are too and that you enjoyed this fic ^^ Thank you all for reading and even more so for reviewing, it's what fuels me as an author ;3

The next update on my part will be "Life at Novus Olympus Academy" on Saturday - I hope to see you there, or in whatever story may come next *grins*