To End It:

Reverse of Sword (Caralee – Chapter 1)

Jason had found him, found Dick, he was certain of it!
He let himself into the apartment which belonged to Dick Grayson and waited. He didn't have to wait long. The door opened in an almost cautious manner and the cop from the other day walked in.

"What do you think you're doing?" Jason asked, confused as to why the cop was here. A quick movement and Jason was looking past the barrel of the cop's gun.

In a reflexive move, Jason brandished the knife between them.

The light of the apartment highlighted the cop's short dark hair and blue eyes.

The realisation hit Jason like the buffet of wind from landing on a train. The cop was Dick! He barely recognised him without the long hair-mullet-thing.

"Excuse me?" Dick questioned, "I'm not the vigilante who broke into a cop's apartment. What do you think you're doing?"

What? Didn't Dick recognise him? Jason knew he had grown and his outfit had changed but surely Dick's skills hadn't slipped so much that he couldn't see it was him?

Maybe… maybe Dick didn't want to know it was him. Maybe Dick didn't want anything to do with any of them and that's why he disappeared.

Dick lowered his gun. Did he recognise him now?

"Are you here to take me up on the offer of helping you find that guy you were after?"



"You said you came here looking for someone. Did you want my help?"

Was this really Dick?

"You're Dick Grayson of the BPD, right?" While Jason was surprised to see Dick as a cop, he could make himself sound knowledgeable and maybe get Dick to tell him what was going on. "And is Dick short for something?"

Dick looked lost. That was the only way Jason could describe the expression as Dick tilted his head.

"Not that I know of. People tell me it's short for Richard but…" Dick shrugged and Jason's heart constricted.

Amnesia? Was it possible? But… Dick remembered his name. Maybe, just maybe he remembered other things too. Maybe his memory just needed a little jolt.

"You've cut your hair."

"I, what?" Dick's hand went through his hair and Jason hoped Dick was recalling something as he stepped back. "What are you talking about?"

"Dick?" Please, Dick, please. Jason silently begged as he reached for the red domino mask he was wearing. He pulled it off in one motion, heart dropping as Dick turned away.

Like he couldn't bear to look at Jason.

"What? Dick?" he gasped, hoping he hadn't somehow hurt his brother. They were brothers right? Dick had been trying to get to know him before he vanished. They went on trips together.

"I'm sorry! I'm supposed to arrest you. That's what we were told to do. But, I won't do it. And I don't want to know who you are in case they figure out that we've been talking."

Jason's eyes widened at Dick's gasped rant. That wasn't what he wanted to hear. He didn't want this!

He grabbed Dick as if the force of his grip could bring his brother's memories back.

"Oi! Look at me! Tell me if you know who I am!"

Dick rambled something about their height difference and Jason didn't have time for that nonsense. This was important!

"Focus. Do you know who I am?"

"You're the Red Hood." It was stated calmly but it felt like a physical hit.

"Dick? Tell me this is a joke." If it was a joke, he could be angry. He could punch Dick. They could get angry. Then they could forgive each other and move on.

Jason wouldn't have to lose the brother he had just been getting to know.

"Okay, you're really starting to annoy me. You come in here with a knife, ignore my offer of help and then start asking me questions?" Dick scolded, "not to mention, you've put me in danger, now that I've seen your face. I could describe you to anyone now. Even people out for your blood. Does Batman endorse that kind of rash action? Just explain what you're doing here."

It sounded so much like Dick, Jason wanted to punch something. Punch him.

"M-maybe I made a mistake," he lied, bolting for the exit. He was going to hit some criminals and then think about what to do about Dick.

Umbrella (KodiakWolfe13)

Dick woke and stared at the white ceiling. He could hear a heart monitor beeping away off to the side, the beeps growing more and more rapid.

Where was he? His body ached to move. It jolted violently with the effort.

The door slammed open and hands grabbed for him.

"No!" he bellowed. "Let me go!" The room stunk of antiseptic and why could he only recall an umbrella?

He couldn't recall anything else. The person holding him down said something about him being shot and Dick shuddered.

He curled on his side as best he could, gasping for air with tears running down his cheeks.

"No, no, no, not again, please no."

Dick had finally fallen back asleep. Alfred and Tim shared relieved and haunted looks.

"We won't be informing Master Bruce about this, will we, Master Tim?"

Tim got the picture. He had walked in to find Dick awake but pale and panicked with Alfred holding him down. Dick's cries as he fell asleep were broken whimpers. Tim wondered just what kind of nightmare was making Dick break down but honestly didn't want to know. He just didn't want it happening to his big brother.

"I'll go erase the security tape," he said, leaving the room.

"My name is Dick Grayson, I'm," Dick made a rough estimate of his age and then continued, "years old, I think." He recounted his birthday and continued, ticking off on his fingers. "I live at Wayne Manor with my family. Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown."

"I don't think Stephanie officially lives here," Tim joked and then regretted it as Dick looked horrified and heartbroken to have gotten it wrong. "It's a joke. She has a room and everything. Somehow."

"O-okay," Dick stammered, although he didn't look convinced. He then estimated the date.

Tim was hesitant to correct him but tried to explain first.

"You've been unconscious for three days," he said before telling Dick the actual date.

Dick nodded, looking at the wall instead of Tim.

"Are we done?" Tim asked. Dick nodded. "Now, why did I have to sit through this?"

"Because I needed to know if I was wrong… or… if… I forgot anything," Dick said, rolling away from Tim. "They're the answers to the questions the nurses would always ask me when I first woke up." The questions Dick had been unable to answer, aside from his name.

Tim didn't know what to say.

"Why me?" Tim asked. Everyone in the household was visiting Dick to make sure he was alright after Penguin shot him with his umbrella gun. As far as he knew, Dick hadn't done this with anyone else.

"Because I didn't want to hurt Jason or Bruce if I didn't remember, Damian's too young and I didn't want either of the girls to remind me of the nurses. Which is a stupid reason, I know."

"Not stupid." But Tim didn't like the implication that Dick didn't care if he hurt him.

"And I knew you would listen and not interrupt or ask questions until the end," Dick added with a small smile.

Bamboozled (CaraLee)

"I have been…" Jason searched for an appropriate word. "Bamboozled. Thoroughly bamboozled."

Jason was doomed. Dick had abandoned him and Tim had the good sense to flee with Dick.

Three evil glares stared at him.

"So, what shall we do with our prize?" Steph asked her co-conspirators, holding up the tub of Neapolitan ice-cream.

"Isn't it obvious, Brown?" Damian responded snidely as Cass pulled out a spoon. Jason didn't know where she had got it but it horrified him.

"You're not really going through with this? Are you?" he questioned, tugging against the restrains around his arms. He had no idea how Steph had convinced Damian to modify his chair. The moment Damian pressed a button, restraints snapped around Jason's arms.

If only he had his gloves. Then he would have a lockpick or something to get himself out.

Jason slouched as Damian and Cass both pulled out spoons. He had really been looking forward to devouring that ice cream too. Maybe he really should have thought twice before running off to fight the League of Assassins without the family backing him up. He hadn't guessed that Damian, Cass and Stephanie would take offence and punish him.

Suddenly, Dick's face dropped down, causing Jason to blink in surprise. Dick was hooked to the ceiling and stretching down to unlock Jason's restraints. The coward hadn't run away after all.

The restraints clicked open, the noise alerting the victorious.

"Grayson!" Damian gasped in a betrayed tone.

"You traitor," Stephanie added for dramatic effect.

Dick did an upside-down shrug of his shoulders before flipping to the ground.

"Jason's a big boy. He can take missions by himself," Dick explained.

"You're not mad?" Jason questioned, recalling the Joker incident that no one talked about. Dick had been furious that Jason had gone after the Joker by himself.

What made this different?

"No. Like I said, you're a big boy." Dick had a smile and said the words 'big boy' rather mockingly. He was teasing him. Joking with him. It was reminiscent of the time back when Jason was Robin and Dick was Nightwing.

"Of course," Jason responded with an equally mocking smirk. "And what about you, 'Batman'?"

"Oh, I'm totally a big boy." Dick shifted into a fighting stance. "So, should we show these children how it's done and get your ice-cream back?"

"Does anyone else notice how often fighting is used to solve problems in this house?" Tim questioned as he walked in. He went to the fridge, took out a carton of orange juice and walked back out. "Just saying," he commented before leaving for the sanctity of his room. War cries and the sounds of hits came from the room Tim left.

And that's all (Ending notes):

You read that right, this is the final chapter of 'One Little Change'. The idea was to end it after I used all the words people sent me. This was also a long story and I'm glad to end it here. If you want more for the end, Tim finds Bruce and they both watch the fight unfold while questioning everyone else's sanity.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this and please leave a review!

(There was more I was going to add here but I don't recall what... oh well.)