
Sam and Dean Winchester laid passed out in an alley on a Spring afternoon, two people looking down on them with no expression. Of the two, the woman spoke first.

"Sir," she began, reaching back to put her silky, platinum hair into her usual messy bun. "Never assign me with a job like this again."

"Now, Dorrie," the red-haired man said, his voice playful. He looked up at Dorrie, no longer expressionless; a mischievous smile had grown on his face. "Don't you think that was fun? Our acting was on point, if I say so myself."

"Vincent, I've asked you to not called me that." Irritation crept into her tone. "It's Dorothy."

"And I've asked you to call me Vince. Everyone knows you as Dorrie anyways, so why do you bother?" Dorrie closed her eyes and rubbed her temple.

"I'm serious, though. I would appreciate not being assigned to a job like this again."

"Why? Is it the dress? Not your thing?" Dorrie smoothed the front of her tight-fitting maroon dress.

"I don't mind wearing a dress for the appropriate occasion. What I mind is playing the stereotypical damsel in distress to lure two innocent boys into a trap and the fact you ordered me to wear a dress to do so." Vince chuckled.

"Take it easy! We're only having a little fun. Besides, we both know you're a badass whether you're wearing a dress or not." Dorrie's hands clenched into fists at her sides.

"This is not 'a little fun'. This is a job. Treat it like one. We just injected children with heavy narcotics. Why is this fun?" All traces of amusement left Vince's face and was replaced with a dark look. He approached Dorrie so he was towering over her form, yet she locked eyes with him, refusing to back down.

"Are you forgetting who's in charge?" Vince's voice boomed. "Show me some respect. You want to create a better, safe future, yes?"

"Of course I-"

"And you remember the contract you signed that stated the consequences of backing out of this or resisting those in charge of you?" Dorrie's strong eyes faltered, looking away briefly.


"Good." Vince's smile returned to his face. "Might as well have fun while getting the job done, eh?" The blonde only nodded, looking down at the unconscious Winchesters.

"Let's get them in the van before the police show up."

"Good idea, Dorrie. Are you going to take care of placing the imposter bodies in the motel room?"

"Yes, sir."

"And you'll start the fire, hm?"

"Yes, sir." A maniacal look flickered across Vince's face, but it went unnoticed by Dorrie.
