Red and Blonde Fairy Masters

The Crime Sorcière

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail.

Previously on Red and Blonde Fairy Masters,

It was later that the guild members had finally decided to give in to the children's pranks and begging that they pulled of missions for another day.

"Dai Matō Enbu?" Gray asked, now that he had finally recovered from his defeat to Droy. Juvia just won't leave him be while he was getting healed. Natsu nodded,

"Surprised you haven't heard of it before. I happens once every year." Natsu started to explain. "Every legal guild in Fiore are asked of the magic council to set up teams to participate in duels that will earn points to the winning team. By the end of the Dai Matō Enbu, the guild who earns the most points will be recognized as the strongest guild in Fiore. And the winner will also be granted 30,000,000 jewels as an additional prize."

A lot of the guild members from Tenrou looked like a gift horse in the mouth and jewel signs in their eyes. "Yes, yes. So far, we have been trying to maintain our place as the top of the list but we are unsure about this years." Natsu said and everyone outside of Tenrou nodded which go the others confused,

"Why? With S-class mages like those three…" Gajeel said and pointed at Team Shadow Gear who happened to have Kurosun as the member who kept the spot for Levy warm for year years. "We should win this Dai Matō Enbu, no sweat." Gajeel tried to be convincing but instead he got glares form most of the guild members and including the couple in charge.

"We are serious Gajeel, we are not the only guild in Fiore. There is Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale and Mermaid Heel there too. They all tried for our spot in the seven years you were gone and they have good members themselves." Natsu explained and everyone nodded all the way, Erza and Gray just recognized the first two guild names but not the third but they were never able to voice that confusion until Natsu started to talk again. "There is our rival and the second best guild in Fiore, Sabretooth. They also have their own S-class mages too, including Dragon Slayers."

Now it was clear that Natsu was weary of entering the Dai Matō Enbu this year but it seemed that Natsu nearly forgotten about how stubborn most of his old friends were, "So? We will show them that we can still beat them! We are Fairy Tail!" Gray tried to get the spirit up but was only able to get the Tenrou Team while everyone else just stared at them with indifference.

"If you really want to show us that you are not weak," Natsu started to say after a grand moment of silence. "Then you will need to get back to training. Sabretooth and any of the other guilds are not just lazing around doing nothing but waiting for the next Dai Matō Enbu. They train themselves and they get stronger every year. We only got the crown by a single point and it was too close."

"…" No one spoke until Erza brought up something really important. "How much time do we have before the Dai Matō Enbu? When does it start?"

"In three months. That is the time that the next Dai Matō Enbu starts." Natsu answered them and the Tenrou Teams cheered. They had plenty of time to train! But when Makarov was about to run off with them, Natsu told them something else important about all this. "They don't allow Guild Masters in the Dai Matō Enbu Gramps…"

"But you are the guild master!" Makarov yelled back, thinking that Natsu was being his usual silly or stupid self. But it was not to be,

"You didn't let me finish Gramps, I was about to say that anyone still alive and with a history as a guild master are not allowed to be in the Dai Matō Enbu either." Natsu finished his explanation and the guild members understood, "That is why I need you to decide who to go with and be their coach, we need someone of real veteran skill to help us. The Magic council doesn't care about who trains the guild members. It doesn't matter to them." Natsu then moved his head to a man who was trying to be all lovely dovely with a teenager in his hands. "Let her go Gildarts, I need you for something."

To help with that request, Gildarts felt some kind of intimidation that made him hesitate and drop Cana on the ground. "Thanks Master…for nothing."

"No problem Cana, now Gildarts get over here." Natsu said while motioning his head in his direction. Gildarts just wanted to see what was up that he had to stop his 'family' time. "I need you to not enter the Dai Matō Enbu." Everyone was about to protest until they remembered on how destructive Gildarts can be most of the time and left him hanging high and dry. He just looked down, muttering something about 'traitors' and 'heartless jerks'.

And exactly three months passed and Natsu was waiting in the guild hall for the team assigned to the beach. The ones form the mountains and grass fields had appeared on time but the one from the beach is late. After another half an hour waiting, Fairy Tail was confused to see the beach group arriving looking down.

"What's wrong? Wasn't three months long enough?" Natsu said everyone's thoughts and wasn't going to like the answer he was given.

"It is not that, The Celestial Spirits had recognized us from seven years ago and invited us to a party in their world. We enjoyed it for an entire day but when we came back to Earthland, we found out that time moves differently in the Celestial Spirit World." Erza muttered and everyone wanted know,

"Yeah, the entire day we spent at the party actually had caused the three months to pass." Gray finished up with what little life he had left in his body and soul; they had spent three months for nothing! But Natsu was not worried and just sighed, "The Dai Matō Enbu actually doesn't start in five more days. You have that much time to train and there is something else we can do about this situation."

"What is it!?" Gray was glad to hear that all hope is not lost but ultimately regretted it when he got his answer.

"We are going to meet up with a bunch of our enemies. They have the key."

"Are you sure they are out here Natsu?" Gray said, seemingly for the umpteenth time judging by the annoyed looks on the face of the salmon haired Guild Master.

"Yes Gray. I am and if you are going to keep that up then I am going to have to send you back to the guild and you will have to forget about this special gift I want to give to all of you." Natsu responded and that was enough to get Gray to finally silence himself.

They then came across a bottomless trench that showed a broken bridge, making it nigh impossible to cross. Gray was about to ask again before he remembered what Natsu could do to him when the latter is annoyed, but something had beat him to it when the bridge itself had seemingly been repaired in seconds. "Looks like they were here like they said." Natsu said and took his wife by arm across the bridge, showing to the rest of the Fairy Tail Guild that it is safe.

They went in deeper into the forest until a trio of cloaked figures came into view and soon, what is under those hoods almost became clear.

The one in the middle, acting like the leader, was a young man whose most prominent features are his blue hair and a red tattoo above and under his right eye. Underneath his cloak with heart like designs running down the sleeves and sides of the coat, he wears plated armor, which covers his abdomen, and dark pants bearing the symbol of some kind of demon with a witch's style hat above while a some kind of beard beneath.

The one to his right was a young woman that has a more curvaceous body. Her hair reaches down to the middle of her back, is a quite wavy ponytail, and is accompanied by a dark brown set of earmuffs. Her outfit after consists of a red dress with a golden trim around a deep neckline that exposes a large amount of her now ample cleavage with a short skirt and a belt tied around her waist and black colored stockings and brown boots.

And the one to the left of the leader was a pale-skinned woman with dark purple hair and brown eyes. How she wears her hair varies from time to time. She did have a rather voluptuous figure that was a lot like Lucy's or even Erza's and Juvia's. Her outfit consists of little more than a tabard-like garment that exposes her back. The attire is open on both sides of her body except for a small attachment at her waist, and she dons long black boots that leave her upper thighs bare.

All in all, these three people are still recognized by the Fairy Tail party. "Jellal! Meredy! Ultear!" They, except for Natsu and Lucy, braced for any attack but nothing happened.

"This better be good Master, we had to get out of our way and even collapse a bridge to make sure no one followed after us." The youngest one with the pink hair, even more than Natsu's, said with discontent for this development.

"It was a last resort Meredy. And I believe you know what happens when you spend an entire day partying in the Celestial Spirit Realm." Natsu said, brief and to the point. So much that this trio just nodded and then sighed.

"Okay Master. We will make an exception this time." The leader said,

"I know you would Jellal and after this is over with, you may go on with your business. So as long as you are around once the Dai Matō Enbu start. Understand?" Natsu said and the trio nodded again.

Meanwhile, the party who hesitated was just in the dark from all this. "Natsu." Erza said in her usual tone of wanting to be filled in. "Just what is this bullshit and crap?" Natsu said nothing until he and Lucy turned their heads painfully slow while showing some sadist smiles that creeped the witnessing Fairy Tail Mages out.


Sometime later, on the beach, "Why is Gray-san in pain!?" Wendy panicked which was something of an improvement since it was as clear as a well washed mirror from the expressions on the other mages that they felt the same. They were just watching as Gray twitched, groaned and moaned like he was in immense pressure and pain. It could be accounted for all red markings that looked like they were burning Gray all over.

"I told you already Wendy, this is the last resort I was talking about. Some new development had happened by accident while you were away." Natsu said and Lucy was just clutching her husband's arm very tightly, as if she was watching a horrific scene play out. "Gray is under way of the spell, Houshutsu no Shunkan Innen. His body is receiving magic from another internal source all at once. It is like all the pain from a harsh training camp you spent several months at were all coming back to you in a single burst. That is why Gray is in immense pain."

The reason this spell was being placed on Gray was because Ultear of the cloaked trio said that she has found it to been a spell that grants a mage an increase amount of magical power. This can allow them to cast higher-level spells that were previously hard to due to the amount of magical power they require to consume. But then there is the side effect as the spell is casting its said effects on the target.

Everyone cringed at the thought of it all as Gray reached for Juvia but she was ordered not to interfere with the process by exposing her magic while the spell is in place. It will produce some nasty consequences as a result. All they can do is wonder if all this is worth the pain in order to make up for wasting three months on a single day partying.

Soon, he same moans and groans turned to screams while inside a storage shield that was conveniently found on the beach. It was to make sure that no one else interferes with the process by accident but while Gray, Juvia, Wendy and Levy were inside withering in pain, Erza was not. She somehow endured the pain and was able to be outside the shed and with the trio who were part of an Independent Guild named Crime Sorcière.

Crime Sorcière was formed by the trio because they wanted to make up for all the crimes and suffering they had caused seven years ago by becoming an independent force that will fight crime and all dark guilds. Still, they were calling Natsu 'Master' which Jellal said was because why they call themselves independent, Natsu still feeds them intel on any Dark Guild to be destroyed and even helps them evade the Magical Council if they promised to help look after the guild and the guild members if trouble should find them both.

But while Jellal was catching up with Erza, Natsu was still watching the shed filled with his own guild members moaning pain. Still, they wanted to do this so all Natsu can ever do is hope that they will endure all this. Lucy, who was getting very comfortable in Natsu's arms, had succeeded in calming down the Master of Fairy Tail to a very slight margin since she was worried too; being the wife to the guild master has given her the feeling of responsibility for the entire guild somehow but she did complain. After all, it helped Lucy keep her relationship with Natsu stable and still strong despite what the other woman of her age say about their own husbands being distant because of their own jobs and responsibilities.

The evening just ended when they both heard something like a slap, a smooch and then a really mean kick. It also helped to see a blue color comet in the size of a certain cat that sprouts wings from his back. "And I always remembered on how I made Happy take after me." Natsu muttered but this time with a smile instead and Lucy just nodded. "If I have to start it all over again, I am going to need more than six years of help to pull that off."

"It took seven years to make this far Natsu-koi. You can do it again, you are my husband, my master and my Dragon Slayer." Lucy said before ultimately snuggling in as her husband did the same. Who said that even the grown up and mature don't have problems like the ones that kids usually do?


The next day,

"Come on you guys. That is no way to show yourselves back in Magnolia." Natsu said in discontent while Lucy just looked on in pity, both seeing their guild mates on the ground a knocked down sack of potatoes.

"But master, we're tired. We can't even feel our legs." Erza said while the others were moaning in agreement.

"I am sorry about all this guys but remember, there are five more days starting tomorrow until the Dai Matō Enbu begin. That is truly all the time you have left." Natsu said, "So you have over twice the amount of magical energy, train it. I expect you all to have piled in the training by the time it start. Understand?"

"Yes Master Natsu." They all said among the groans and finally feel to the ground, completely out for the rest of the day. It is going to be one long week for all of them to explain how they let all this happen to the rest of the groups.

End of Chapter 6.

*What do you think?*


Dai Matō Enbu – Grand Magical Games

Houshutsu no Shunkan Innen – Second Origin Release (My Name for It)