Chapter 1 - Migi's return

The unusual buzzing rang loudly in his ears, causing the hallucination he has been living in for almost 12 months come crashing down on him. The weight mercilessly forced his shut-tight lids to lift open, taking a glance at his surroundings. The emerald pair of eyes glistened under the sunlight that baked through the glass door, raining its golden arrows upon his pale skin and long silky grey hair. It took him seconds to lift his unusually heavy body sat propped up on his own, and a few more seconds for his brain to register the current situation he is in.

He lifted his arm, emerald eyes gazed at his slender fingers before he tried to move it.

Strange, he thought.
This place is so familiar, yet this body is a total stranger. What exactly could have happened?

The same loud buzzing brought him out of his thoughts, bringing both of his hands up by his ears instantly to shut out the loud noise from his sensitive ears. His face scrunched up in pain while struggling to keep his eyes open, directing his vision towards the side of Shinichi's bed. The buzzing came from the alarm clock by the side of the sleeping boy's bed. Shinichi in his half asleep state brought his lifeless limb out from beneath the blanket, using the tip of his appendage to reach for the object that shook him awake from his sweet dreams. With a gentle tap on the alarm clock, it stopped its continuous buzz.

"It's still so early, what the hell..." Hazel eyes slowly revealed itself beneath the pair of heavy eyelids that reluctantly opened, groans escaping the sullen parted lips of the human boy. For a moment, their gaze met, emerald ones locked its vision on the hazel ones.

Both shared a moment of absolute silence.

Shinichi took his time to understand the situation, until the sudden realisation hit him, leaving his mouth gaped, eyes widened in disbelief and face turning pale.

"WOAAAH!" Shinichi unintentionally let out a surprised yelp, certain that his voice had echoed throughout the house. He jabbed his index finger at the grey haired man- no, intruder, and immediately started questioning the stranger that seemed to be having difficulty attempting to stand up with both of his legs.

Are his legs numb? What is he trying to do? Nevermind that, what matters is how did he even got into my room in the first place!? Is he a parasite? Migi, where are you when I need you the most! Thoughts flowed endlessly through his mind until he gathered enough breath to calm down and loosen his tightened throat to finally speak proper sentences.

"W-who are you? Why are you in my room?" His voice trembled a little, showing fear in his eyes and vocal in which he regretted portraying in front of the unknown man.

The pair of emerald eyes glanced around Shinichi's body, its gaze fell on the boy's right arm, raising an eyebrow as he spoke up with an emotionless tone.

"Why is your right arm still attached?"

That caused Shinichi to flinch from his defensive posture.

"I- Uh, how did you know about Migi..?"

"Looks like I have to start working on my knowledge soon, my memory seems to be faulty as well."

"Hah?" The pair of hazel eyes fixed itself onto the emerald coloured ones. He was full of confusion and doubt at first, but he began to realise that something seems too familiar about that pair of eyes. It's emotionless, along with the tone. It's as if that guy is a copy of the companion he had been missing for a year.

"Shinichi, tell me, how long have I been asleep?"

The question from the grey haired man had almost cleared his doubts, but he needed an assured answer. Shinichi swallowed the saliva that pooled in his mouth from the nervousness, parting his shivering lips to form words that's barely a whisper.

"Are you..- Could you perhaps be.. Migi?"