And here it is! I actually prefer this one (and the third one) to the first installment. I hope you guys enjoy it as well!

Her eyes were narrowed in concentration as she focused on her task. In her mind, this was a life or death chance. She was only a short distance from safety and the spoils of victory. It all came down to this one moment.

The infant crawled towards her mother's waiting arms, and Meg cheered her daughter on. "Yay!" she said as Hebe crawled into her mother's arms. "Good girl, Hebe." She scooped up her daughter and sat down on their couch, which was a much nicer one than they'd had before.

True to their word, the Capitol had given them riches beyond their wildest dreams and two palatial homes in the newly constructed Victor's Village. Since they only needed one, they gave the other to Herc's parents. It was a wonderful arrangement-Hercules and Meg had more than their own room. They had their own kitchen, bathroom, living room and lounge. And Hebe had a proper nursery now, one that they painted rosy pink and decorated just for her.

Their life had certainly taken an upgrade. Meg looked down and laughed at her daughter. She had thrown a layer of Meg's dress over her head, and was chewing on the blue satin with a little gurgle. "Hey, you little stinker," she said, pulling the fabric out of her daughter's mouth. "I finally have nice things for once. Don't you ruin them."

"Who are you talking to?" Hercules asked with a smile as he walked downstairs. Meg stood, balancing Hebe on her hip. "Who do you think?" she asked with a smirk. "Just because she's crawling, she thinks she can destroy property now." Her husband laughed as he took his daughter. "Uh-oh, I think we have a felon on our hands," he said, looking at her with a smile.

Hebe giggled at the sight of her father's goofiness. He pulled her in for an Eskimo kiss, and her laughter increased when she felt his nose on hers. Meg laughed at the sight of them. It had been months since the games, and they had never been happier. Of course, they did still have problems with the things they had seen...and then there was the upcoming Victory Tour...but Meg tried not to think about those things if she could help it.

"Knock knock!" Eilonwy said brightly, opening the door. She and Taran came over frequently ever since they'd gotten engaged, to plan the wedding and the reception, which of course Meg had insisted would happen at their house. Eilonwy had never been happier and Meg couldn't wait to see the two of them happily married. "Hi," she said, hugging her friend. "I brought over the dress," the younger girl said with a squeal. Meg beamed. "We'll be in the parlor, muscles," she said to her husband, pulling her friend into the other room.

Hercules laughed at the confused expression on Hebe's face. "Mommy's crazy," he told her with a smile.


Eilonwy did a little twirl in the dress. Of course, it wasn't anything fancy, but it was sweet and it suited her perfectly. Meg clapped her hands at the sight. "You look amazing!" she exclaimed, hugging her friend tightly. Eilonwy returned the hug, and for a moment the both of them squealed at the pure happiness that was involved with weddings. "Do you think Taran will like it?" she asked nervously. Meg rolled her eyes playfully. "Honey, the way that boy looks at you, he'd like it if you wore nothing but a miner's hat and a coal bag."

The girl laughed at Meg's sarcasm. "I'm so excited," she said dreamily. "I just wish you didn't have to leave so shortly before the wedding!" Meg concentrated on undoing the zipper. "You won't even notice I'm gone," she said distractedly. "Besides, we'll only be gone for two weeks. At least that's what Snow promised me. Twelve days, twelve districts, two days in the Capitol and home in time to see your lover boy's jaw drop when you show up at the courthouse."

Truthfully, Meg was worried about the Victory Tour. They would have to stand up in front of the families of the fallen tributes and talk about the games as if they meant nothing. She didn't know if she could do it. "Well, as long as you're there," Eilonwy said warmly. She tried to take a step and tripped over her skirt, falling to the ground. As Meg watched her fall, she suddenly became Pocahontas, collapsing with her eyes closed forever. Meg gasped and raced forward like a crazy person. "Are you okay?" she asked with fear in her eyes.

Eilonwy was giggling as she sat up. "Yes, Meg, I'm fine, just clumsy," she said, laughing. Meg breathed a sigh of relief and hugged her. "Well, don't scare me like that," she replied, putting a hand to her heart to calm it down. Her friend looked at her curiously. "It wasn't that serious of a fall," she said. "Are you all right, Meg?"

She was about to reply when there was a knock on the door. "Let me get that," she said, taking a deep breath. She stood and went into the foyer to open the door, expecting it to be Herc's parents or Taran or even another Twelve citizen who just wanted a hot meal and good conversation. She and Hercules remembered the times when they were struggling to make ends meet, and their door was always open to their community. To her surprise, it was none of those people.

"Mayor Hades," she said in surprise. The blue man twirled his cane nonchalantly and kissed her hand. "The lovely victor," he said with a smile that oozed fake sincerity. "May we speak in private?" The fire in his eyes suggested that it wasn't a request. Meg nodded and opened the door wider. "Come in," she said warily. He took the invitation without hesitation. Meg was about to close the door when two burly and gruff peacekeepers strode in behind him. She was now much more apprehensive. She looked down the hall, but didn't see Hercules. He must have taken Hebe to her nursery.

Eilonwy poked her head out. "Meg?" she asked. Hades turned. "Ah, a bride to be. Simply lovely," he said, bowing. The girl was taken aback by his charm and flushed. "Thank you, Mayor." He smiled at her. "I just need to borrow Meg for a moment. Would you mind whipping us up some tea and cookies? You're a doll," he said as he led Meg into the study and shut the door on a very confused girl.

He sat comfortably at the largest chair, putting his feet up on the desk. Meg sat in another chair nervously. "So, nutmeg-can I call you that? Little pet name-nutmeg, your little stunt with the berries has caused a bit of a problem for our esteemed President Jafar," he said. His attitude was laid back, but his words suggested that Meg was in a lot of trouble.

She knew that what she said had sounded rebellious, but she really hadn't meant to start an uprising when she said it. Hades smirked at her face. "I didn't think that's what you had in mind either, but the boss man...not gonna lie, he's pretty upset. Wanted to firebomb you, your hubby and your little sunspot into oblivion. But he's willing to give you another chance."

Meg's heart was in her throat at the words. The President had wanted to kill her family. "What do I have to do?" she asked, looking up at the Mayor. He grinned. "Here's the deal. You're gonna go on this victory tour. You need to sell this love angle-a lot. Make the whole country believe that you really did the whole thing just out of love. No rebellion, just love. Think you can manage that, nutmeg?" She forced herself to nod vigorously.

A timid knock at the door sounded. "Mr. Mayor? I've got the tea and cookies you asked for," Eilonwy said through it uncertainly. Hades smiled and waved his hand lazily. The door swung open to let Eilonwy, back in her regular clothes, enter carrying a tray. Meg noticed her hands were shaking slightly-no doubt the peacekeepers standing guard outside had rattled her. She set it down carefully. "Meg, I'm off to go find Taran," she said, wringing her hands nervously. Meg nodded and tried to give her friend a reassuring smile.

Eilonwy left quickly and Meg couldn't blame her. Hades smirked as he waved his hand again, shutting the door behind her. "Sweet girl," he said as the tea poured itself. "Makes good cookies. She'll be the first one the President offs." Meg's eyes widened. "What?" she breathed, hardly believing his words. Hades sipped his tea nonchalantly. "Oh, yeah, you slip up, he'll off her so that you know he isn't messing around. This applies to everyone, nutmeg. Everyone you care about will die if you don't play ball."

She could feel panic setting in, but she pushed it down. "All right," she said. "I understand. We will sell it." Hades grinned. "Wonderful."


That night was the last night before they had to film their spot and commence the Victory Tour, so Meg was making a special dinner. Hercules was struggling to get Hebe into the high chair. "What is it with babies?" he asked with a playful sigh. "They get to be one and a half and they think they rule the world." Meg laughed as she chopped carrots. "I think that's just our daughter, Wonderboy," she quipped. He finally won his battle with Hebe and sat down with an exaggerated sigh. "Need any help, honey?" he asked. Meg shook her head. "I've got it," she said, twirling the knife in her hands. It was a completely unnecessary habit, but she'd picked it up in the games and couldn't seem to get rid of it.

She sliced through a carrot and suddenly it was Aurora on their kitchen counter, gasping as blood ran from her throat. Meg shrieked and threw the knife aside as if it were made of fire. Hercules was up in an instant, pressing his wife close to his chest as she gasped and shuddered. "It's okay, honey," he said soothingly. "You're here, you're safe. Nothing is going to happen to you." Meg knew he was right, but part of her wasn't sure if she could get through this victory tour. It was going to take everything she had and then some. She just hoped she could do it, because the lives of her family depended on it.

I know things are a little slow now, but they'll pick up, don't you worry. Drop me a review if you loved it or even if you didn't.