Lee woke up and stretched his back. He then realized he had to shit, however, he wanted to go on Facebook, so he got his phone and went into a dark area of the barn where Hershel might be watching him.
Lee Everett: I think I just had a dream last night. I dreamed my wife was sleeping with a dingus and I killed the dingus. Then she screamed because I got blood on the carpet. I got an earful and I decided to go to the station and ask to be arrested.
Carley Crackshot: 1. Why would you want to be in jail because of a bitchy wife, 2. Blood on the carpet is in fact a bad thing, and 3. WHAT IS A DINGUS?!
Lee Everett: A enemy of the Gov.
Carley Crackshot: The Gov-
Carley Crackshot: I'm now hoping we never meet.
Carley Crackshot: Oh yeah, there's a creepy old guy staring at you.
Lee noticed Hershel staring at him with a look that said: "Don't you fucking shit in my barn". Lee took this opportunity to run out of the barn with his pants still around his legs.
Hershel Greene: I was never a molester dumbass, I have kids.
Shawn Greene: He does not.
Lee Everett: LIAR!
Later, Lee got a friend request from three people. A man with a sexy mustache, a woman who looks like the author's mum, and a kid who's dumb as a bag of hammers.
Lee Everett is now friends with Kenny Boatman, Katjaa Boatman, and Duck Boatman.
Lee Everett likes this
Kenny Boatman likes this
Katjaa Boatman likes this
Duck Boatman likes this
Clementine Marsh likes this
Lee Everett: YAY FRIENDS!
Clementine Marsh: I got a friend!
Duck Boatman: Maybe more...dehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Clementine Marsh: That escalated quickly, but sure!
Clementine Marsh and Duck Boatman are now in a relationship.
Duck Boatman: It was a joke!
Clementine Marsh: :(
Clementine Marsh and Duck Boatman are no longer in a relationship.
Later, Lee finds Shawn trapped underneath a tractor and Duck being grabbed by a walker. Lee saves Duck and Shawn is killed. Hershel then comes by and gets mad. Not only because Shawn died, but also because he saw Lee shitting in the barn and he stepped in it while moving hay.
Hershel Greene: GTFO OFF MY FARM!
Shawn Greene has joined "Deceased in Heaven"
Shawn Greene has changed his status to: Chilling in Heaven with God (And planning to get revenge on Lee).
Lee Everett: There's a group for that?
Hershel Greene: If you don't get off my farm then I'll put you in that group.
Kenny Boatman: We should go, come on my boats.
Lee Everett: Alright…
Hershel Greene and Lee Everett are no longer friends.
Hershel Greene likes this
Maggie Greene likes this
Arnold Greene likes this
Billy Greene likes this
Rachel Greene likes this
Susie Greene likes this
Shawn Greene likes this
Larry Caul likes this
That dingus that Lee killed likes this
Maggie Greene and Lee Everett are no longer friends.
Lee Everett: Wait, when have we been friends?
Maggie Greene: DAMMIT BILLY!
Lee Everett: Wanna be friends now?
Maggie Greene: After what happened with Shawn? No.
Lee Everett: Ok. :(
Dingus: No booty for you mister.
Lee Everett: Oh I'll get booty, YOU'LL SEE!
Carley Crackshot: ;)
Lee Everett: :D