Well, I'm back. Kinda. Send me a PM if you want to see anything else.

ED Note: All MCU property is owned by the MCU and those powerful enough to hold

it till Lee Pace explodes

He couldn't explain what it felt like to be the Hulk. After years of his curse, he still couldn't exactly describe the empty feeling that sunk into him when the succumbed to the bright ball of great green anger. Which is why he didn't trust himself, he trusted very few, but he himself was at the top of that list.

Tony always said "Can't trust your friends, they'll try to sweet talk you, can't trust your enemies, they'll try to lie to you, can't trust yourself cause sooner or later you'll end up as either a friend or enemy." Tony knew about the monster within, more than most, one of the reasons why he liked Tony, one of many in fact.

After Betty, he had sworn never to tempt fate again. He knew that the monster inside was more than even the strongest and mightiest on earth could bear. He felt less guilty about lashing out on Thor or the Captain, these days at least. Not guiltless, just less guilty about pounding on others that are less fragile than Brooklyn had been. But Natasha, with her big round doe eyes, waves of red hair in her face and a smirk on her lips. The lullaby method they had concocted had been on a whim and the team had instantly put their faith in it utterly, save for him. One day, it wouldn't work, some day he would hurt someone else, more than he'd ever had before. That day would come. He had hurt Betty, he had hurt Tony, and he would hurt Nat. It all came down to time. The more he tempted fate with being around people so much the more risks they all took, the more often he lashed out into the other guy, the deeper into the depths of darkness he strode, until there would be nothing left of the scientist. He just wanted to be Bruce. Wanted to sit on a beach and study biochemical structures and solve equations for fun.

He couldn't be Just Bruce from the Avengers tower, he couldn't be Just Bruce with the Mightiest Heroes on Earth. He couldn't be Just Bruce with Natasha needing so much more than he could give. Despite her proclamations, he knew she would need more, she would need a depth of affection that he couldn't give; he had learned that with Betty, and with the need for Veronica.

The jet shifted and tossed as he moved to the pilots seat, as Bruce once more, the Greenness finally disappearing completely. His mind full as the echo's of Nat's voice brought him lower, tugging on what emotion he had, but he quickly stomped on it. The guilt of leaving would not replace the guilt of hurting her more, hurting them more.

"Fiji, or Bora Bora, which one is further away."