Harry looked gobsmacked by the revelation. Of course, that would be a perfectly natural reaction to learning that one was in a marriage contract with a goddess. A goddess, that James Potter had somehow, in his infinite wisdom, decided to enter into a marriage contract with his only child.
How James got Kronos of all people – yes the TITAN Kronos, to enter a marriage contract the goblins knew not. Griphook, who was delivering the news to the young Potter, assumed that it was a lot of alcohol and strippers. No, Griphook didn't know Kronos at all, other than the legends, and James he knew very little about since they had a strict business relationship, but that was generally how marriage contracts were formed.
The other reason was to make sure whatever house they belonged to didn't go bankrupt, which clearly wasn't the case considering how vast the Potter fortune was, and how the other person in the contract had no need for mortal currency. Or fame, now that the short goblin thought of it.
Still, it was rather funny seeing the wizard's face gape like a fish's. It looked like his brain was melting, and – Griphook admitted – that was a fair reaction. Especially since there was no clause that caused any backlash whatsoever should the two murder one another, which meant that the only living Potter would likely be killed. Assuming he got any goddess that didn't like him, which considering his personality (brave, selfless, neither smart nor stupid) made it so very few goddesses would even bat an eyelash before striking him down.
Griphook – a ruthless goblin – actually pitied the boy. There was simply no way he was going to live through this. Not likely in the least. Griphook actually considered moving to a different room, or making the boy stand on newspapers to lessen the blood stains, before realizing that there probably wasn't going to be anything left after whatever goddess was out there vaporized him.
Now Kronos only had three daughters, Hera – whom would simply vaporize the boy – Demeter – who would likely turn the boy into a plant – and Hestia – who Griphook knew was the boy's only probable chance at survival. Now Griphook wasn't worried for Harry's safety, but if he died the goddess would get the gold in the Potter's vaults, and both Hera and Demeter were cruel enough to take it.
Of course telling the boy that if the marriage contract wasn't completed by the time he was fifteen he would implode and go to Tartarus probably didn't help him worry any less.
Then, with a flash of light, Griphook sprinted out of the room. What, did you think he was going to stick around for the probable bloodbath? No, he would also run the risk of dying should he stay. So he decided to give the – ahem – new fiances time to work out their differences.
Harry shielded his eyes from the bright flash as he heard his bank manager dash out of the room. Coward. Then again, he was basically facing his death by woman. Harry idly remembered Ron once calling Hermione 'brilliant, but scary' and felt that perhaps that would persuade the goddess to not gut him alive.
Harry just thanked whatever cosmic being that was listening that Artemis wasn't a possible fiance. That would simply be frightening.
Lowering his arm, Harry saw quite possibly the cutest girl he had ever laid eyes on. Now this wasn't an overly attractive girl, or even just a pretty girl, it was a girl that looked like she was eight. Chestnut brown hair cut short in a bowlcut, lightly tanned skin, rich dark brown eyes...
And Harry felt incredibly guilty he had forced a little girl to marry him, completely forgetting she had enough power to wipe him from the face of existence.
"Um, hello. I'm Harry Potter," Harry greeted the girl holding out his hand for a handshake. He was quite guilty and awkward, not knowing what to do. So he did what Harry did best, sacrifice himself for everyone else.
"I know you may not want to marry me, so you can leave if you want, you'll be fine!" He told her with a fake smile on his face and hope she bought it. He really didn't want to see such an innocent face hurt by being forced to marry someone she didn't like.
Of course, she was Hestia, goddess of the Hearth, Family, and Homemade Meals. She almost cried when she felt her fiance's presence. It was so...cold. No family to speak of, friends yes, but no family to hold him. His godfather too far and fleeting, his parents dead, no siblings. Oh god, his aunt and uncle! No warmth of the hearth from the boy, no homemade meals aside from the ones he cooked himself and the few he got at the Weasley's.
Then, after almost hugging him and telling him it would be alright, that she would give him a family – she refused to acknowledge the Dursleys as family – he told her that if she didn't want to accept the contact everything would be fine. She knew it would be fine for her, but he would die and be subject to Tartarus! He was going to let her go knowing that he would be in agony for the rest of existence? He was going to sacrifice himself so she wouldn't have to be forced to marry someone she might not like?
She lunged at the boy who clenched his eyes in preparation of dying. Only to find himself being wrapped in a tight hug, not uncomfortable like a Hermione Hug, but a warm, tight hug as she sobbed into his robes. Harry simply stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do due to him never receiving any proper hug – or any show of affection – in his short life. Which was quite sad.
"How," Hestia hiccuped through his robes as she nuzzled her face into his chest, "how can you go on? How?" She demanded as she sobbed on her contracted fiance. Harry stood shell shocked as he realized what goddess he was contracted to, and why she had such a bad reaction. She was Hestia goddess of family something that Harry had never had, and had only seen at the Weasley's.
"I've never really known what it would be like" Harry admitted as he awkwardly wrapped his arms around Hestia as she stiffened at his answer. She pulled back, her arms still around Harry's midsection, but her arms having enough reach to look up into his eyes, her small barely four foot stature looking at him. Her eyes were rimmed with red, slightly puffy despite the few minutes she had been crying, red blotches where tears had flown down her cheeks. She looked so sad Harry went to apologize.
"I'm sorr-" Harry began before being cut off by the small girl still in his arm, her misty eyes hardening into a glare as he started to apologize for making her cry.
"Don't you, don't you dare apologize Harry Potter." She told him, he cringed at the use of his full name. "Don...don't you dare," she looked like she was about to burst into tears again, and Harry felt absolutely awful at causing her to be like this, "you need a family, I'm going to give you one whether you like it or not." Hestia told him, before crashing back into his taller frame and squeezing him. He squeezed her back lightly, not knowing how hard to squeeze.
Hestia apparently knew the reason because she shuttered as he did.
Harry wasn't exactly sure how long the two were like that. It could have been minutes, hours, maybe even days. He didn't feel like moving, he felt content to just stay and reassure the goddess of family that he was completely fine, and that if she wanted to go she could. When he told her that, she slapped him hard before crying into his chest again, hugging him even tighter without making him uncomfortable.
Soon enough he felt the little goddess go limp in his arms, making Harry pick her up bridal style and place her in a chair gently. He then walked out of the office and stage whispered Griphook's name. The goblin came running back quick enough now that he saw his customer was alive and well.
After discussing what had happened – and Griphook being thoroughly disgusted by what his aunt and uncle subjected him to – Griphook told him to use the floo to take him to Hestia's Temple. It had worked because he had Hestia with him (quite literally) and had her permission. At least Griphook told him he probably did.
So, after heaving the lithe goddess to her temple, finding her bed, laying her in said bed, Harry went to look around.
While Hestia was a modest goddess, words that very few other beings of power could attest to, her temple was beautiful and Harry loved it. In contrast to the stark white marble and gleaming gold of Olympus, Hestia's temple was made mostly of dark wood and small amounts of dark brown metal. It was like a cottage, a small kitchen, a single bedroom that was large, an altar that was clearly never used (though Harry made a mental note to pray to her form here-forth), and a modest living room.
The dark brown wooden walls and the warm carpet made Harry smile as he sat down on the couch. A small coffee table in front of him, a television hung on the wall above a hearth. Harry felt the warm rays coming off the hearth, welcoming him, making him feel at home. Harry smiled genuinely as he removed his shoes and placed them under the coffee table, before lying across the couch. While Harry could have slept in Hestia's bed, he felt it would be rude to do so, and so resigned himself to stretching across the couch.
And for the first time in a long time, Harry had a nice, peaceful sleep without Dursleys or Housemates, or Voldemort waking him up.
Hestia stirred in her bed, before snuggling back into the covers. She didn't really feel like getting up, the covers were-
She shot up abruptly as she realized she had fallen asleep in the arms of Harry Potter, and that she was now in her bed in her room in her temple. She was actually curious where her young fiance was, because there was simply no way she was going to let him die. Not after he attempted to make sure she was happy, knowing he would go to Tartarus for it.
Slowly rising from the bed, she quietly made her way to the living room where she found his shoes discarded under the table. She then started to smell cooking coming from the kitchen and smiled at the thought of a nice breakfast. She strolled into the kitchen to see the youngest Potter in front of the gas stove scrambling eggs and cooking bacon, making more than enough for simply two people. She greeted Harry with a hug, making him look down at her beaming face confused.
Then, she kissed the only living Potter on the lips, in a chaste short kiss. Harry didn't respond to it, so it couldn't be said that he kissed her, though that may have been because he had never kissed anyone before. So, Hestia sauntered back to the kitchen table, and patiently waited for breakfast to finish being cooked by Harry Potter.
When he finished, he gave her a plate, made himself a much smaller plate to her displeasure, and they ate in comfortable silence. Hestia did pester Harry into eating more, and he obliged after being glared at with his half-hearted protests.
"So...want to meet my family?"
For the first time ever Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, fainted in dread at meeting his fiance's three older brothers and two older sisters, who no doubt loved her.
Hestia found it amusing.
This was written for the Celestial Contract challenge by Dis Lexic on the DZ2 Challenge Forums.
Fourth year or above.
Harry must be contracted to marry an immortal. This can be a Spirit or a goddess. How the contract came about is up to you.
Harrys Bride to be must be unaware that the contract exists. How she reacts to finding out is up to you.
Harry must move in with her to her palace/realm.
Wedding must take place before the end of the year.
Immortal Harry.
Harrys bride being protective of Harry and making life difficult for those who hurt him.
The Dursleys getting there just deserts.
Weak Harry.
The contract being broken.
Anyways, yes, I felt like Hestia and Harry would make the perfect pair. Don't worry, the DS/HP Crossover is still on, I just saw this and I love Hestia so...yeah.
Anyways, Hestia is the goddess of family, and Harry only knows one family; the Weasleys. He doesn't have one, the closest he has is his Godfather who is on the run from the aurors and is unable to be by his side all the time. Seeing how bad his life is, Hestia breaks down in tears when he offers to die for someone he doesn't know, just because they may not want to be married to him.
His backstory plus his selflessness makes Hestia simply want to give Harry a family. Also yes, James and Kronos are drinking buddies apparently. No one knows how the contract was signed, so it should be noted that James somehow knew Kronos existed.
Also, if you've ever read fanfiction in the Harry Potter section, you know how most Fourth Year stories go...