
What's up guys, I'm back and with a new story too. I'm hoping to regularly update on Saturday and maybe the random update any other day if possible. This story takes place before Peter becomes Spider-Man and Avengers with Avengers coming before Spider-Man. Without further adieu, welcome to Arsenal.

(Symbiote or Demon talking)



(New York 2003)

The night sky lit with stars as a young couple and their child drove home from the hospital.

The father looked to be in his early 30's to late 20's with short and ruffled blond hair with bangs while the woman looked to be in her early to mid 20's with long red hair. The child in the backseat had 3 whiskered lines on both sides of his face with the same blonde hair as his father, just a bit shaggier with his mother's purple eyes. The child in the back animatedly talked about the show he watched in the waiting area, jumping up and down in his seat, his eyes filled with joy and excitement. His father just nodded his head while the mother listened intensely almost jumping up and down with the same childish excitement.

The car pulls into the driveway and the father with the boy in his arms,opens the door. The house was encased in darkness, so the woman flicks on the light and gasp in shock. The father,with the boy now on his back, gasps too and stares in shock at the figure sitting in the middle of the room, with two figures with pistols at his side.

"Welcome home."The figure said. His voice was cold and his figure demanding respect and giving out authority. He walked up to the father, the boy off his back and behind him looking on in fear. Who was this man?

"Minato Namikaze," the man began," do you know why I'm here?" The voice was dispassionate as the man got closer to Minato.

"Th-the money sir." Minato stuttered out. His wife turned to him in shock, he went to the mafia for money. She recently had needed money for a much necessary surgery on her leg. She wouldn't be able to walk and she knew they didn't have the money to pay for it, but he said he made a loan. She didn't think he would've resorted to this extreme though.

"Yes, I'd appreciate it if you could, repay your debt to me, I'm a very busy man." The man flexed his hand out in front of himself before continuing

"You do have it, right? I gave you an extra week and you promised double the original amount." The man at this point gave a small hand wave to the two slouching figures behind him. They rose up and grinned, knowing what was about to happen.

" listen all I need is ano-another we-week and I'll have your mon-money, I swear!" Minato was terrified at the moment and he was horrified of the massive power this one man had.

'Mr-Fisk' however, just waved his hand and angrily muttered as he walked past him towards the door

"Thats what they all say!" He turned back towards them, his expression showed his anger as he pointed towards his two men.

"Well then, Minato Namikaze, Kushina Uzumaki, and of course little Naruto Uzumaki, I bid you adieu."He tipped his white fedora to them. His guards raised their guns as William Fisk walked out the door.

And that was when the screams came.

Kushina was immediately shot dead and Minato tried to fend off the two men. He held both of them back and screamed to Naruto the last words he would ever hear from his father.


And Naruto ran and didn't look back. The yell of his father shattered him as he tripped a little before he got back to running. The shots rang down behind him before he managed to shake the two men.

When he stopped, he didn't recognize where he was nor did he care, he had bigger thoughts on his mind. He started tearing up upon one sudden realization.

His mother and father just were killed. His loving father and caring mother just got killed. Over some stupid money. His fist clenched and tears just didn't want to stop coming down his face. He turned his back before realizing something else.

He had no where else to go. No relatives in this country or in Japan would be able to come help him.

He was all by himself.

Naruto fell down to his knees and his fist hit the ground.

And he screamed.

Elsewhere, in space, a meteor was about to crash into Earth's surface.

If you did enjoy this new chapter and this new story, remember to click the follow button and leave a review. It really means a lot to me and tells me what you like and what you don't so please review.