POV: Greg

The night air is crisp and chilly as I make my way through the streets of Beach City. I'm just trying to calm myself down. In retrospect, I should have put on tennis shoes because my feet were freezing in my flip flops but I didn't think about it. Better yet I should have just drove instead of walk but I knew that if I had I would have went straight to that bastard Lance's place and kicked his ass. Just thinking about the prick brings back the anger I'm trying to walk out and my cold feet were once again forgotten.

A few hours ago-

It took a good hour for Dawn to calm down enough to tell me the whole story. I listened quietly as she told me how he put his hands on her and tried to take advantage. She hit him across the face with her tool box and made a run for the door, which thankfully she did make it but the thought of, 'what is she didn't make it?' did cross my mind and it made me want to wrap her up in my arms again.

"I…I've never been a situation like t-that. It was terrifying." She spoke in a whisper. Her eyes were glued to the floor and she was going through the motion of petting her cat but I had a feeling if the little guy was to move her hands would continue to doing the motions, which made me uneasy about leaving her alone.

"Hey. Why don't I drive you home? And if you want I can sleep on the couch?" I offered. Her eyes finally came up to meet mine and for the first time since I found her in her truck looking scared shitless there was a little bit of hope shining through the tears.

"Are you sure? I-I don't want to bother you more then what I already have." She added meekly, looking away from me once again. I felt my shoulders slump. I've never seen this part of Dawn, looking so helpless and meek. I wanted to do nothing but protect her with everything that I had but she didn't seem to understand that.

"Hey." I whispered. She still didn't look at me so I slowly reached over and placed my hand over hers. She finally stopped putting her cat, who gave me a thankful look, she wouldn't raise her head.

"You are not a bother Dawn. You're scared and I want to do everything I can do to help you. That is only if you want me to though. Do you want me to come stay the night at your place? You don't have to say anything, just nod or shake your head."

After a few moments of nothing Dawn nodded her head and I let out a small sigh of relief. Truth be told if she wasn't going to let me stay in the house I would have parked my van in her drive and slept there. There was no way I was going to let this young woman feel afraid while I'm around. I left for a moment to grab a few things out of my van, while I stepped away Dawn settled herself into the passenger seat and we were on our way to her place.

As I drove I stole a few glances at her and saw that the cat had fallen asleep on her lap. The blank look on her face was unsettling. The idea that some scum bag could make a woman act that way my blood boil but I kept my thoughts to myself, as I least I thought I did until I heard Dawn whisper.

"If your careful Greg you might break my steering wheel." Looking down at my hands, my knuckles were white from holding the wheel so tight. Loosening them, I gave Dawn a small smile and chuckled.

"Sorry about that. I guess I was spacing out." I was afraid I made her upset from behavior until a small smirk graced her face.

"It's okay. I tend to space out while driving too."

I let myself relax a little bit, she was starting to act like her normal self. Still feeling the rage running through my veins I tried to take a calming breath hoping it would help me calm down. It didn't.

Upon getting back to Dawn's place. I parked the truck in the garage and walked her inside, giving her plenty of personal space. The cat was now wide awake and bounded ahead of us. If it wasn't for the circumstance I would call him cute but it just wasn't the right time or place. As we slowly made her our way through the kitchen to the living room I saw that dark made Dawn uneasy, so I turned on all the lights in the living room. She sat down on the couch and instantly that cat of hers was by her side.

"Listen Dawn." Kneeling I gently took her small hands into mine. Her eyes locked onto mine and I was happy to see she was looking better by the minute. "Would you like me to turn on the rest of lights in your house?"

"Yes. Please." She softly said with a genuine smile. It was small but it was something.

"Okay. I'll be right back." I pushed myself up and started for the stairs. Going room to room I turned the lights on while checking each one as I went but that was more for myself then for Dawn. It only took a few minutes and I was right back down stairs. I stopped short on the last step, the sight before me melted my heart. The cat at some point must have brought Dawn a toy of his because she had a ribbon in her hand, the cat was acting wild for it and for the first time that night Dawn looked happy. She must have felt my eyes on her because her gaze looked on mine.

"The lights are all on my lady." I said, taking a seat beside her.

"Thanks for doing that Greg. I really appreciate it." She smiled at me, not once faltering from the game she and her cat were playing. I rubbed the back of my neck and felt my cheeks heat up.

"Awe. Shucks. I just turned on some lights."

"That's not what I was talking about but I do thank you for that too. No, it's just that you could have walked away from the situation but you didn't. You helped me feel safe after something so scary. You really are a great person Greg." Dawn leaned her head against my shoulder and I sat there not sure what to do. I wanted to put my arm around her but thought twice of it. Here she was baring her soul to me and there was no way I was going to take that granted.

"I think I'm going to bed. But before I do I'll go get you some blankets." Dawn stood and walked upstairs without another word. The cat surprising didn't go with her but instead he sat facing and looking up at me with wide eyes.

"What? I'm not going to hurt your girl. I'm just trying to help out so don't give me the fifth degree here." I told him, feeling stupid for being somewhat intimated by a cat. Thankfully Dawn reappeared with a tower of blankets, I was surprised that she could see where she was going. She laid the bundle on the couch and took the cat into her arms.

"If you need any more blankets or pillows they are in the hall closest upstairs. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. And I hope you sleep well on the couch."

"Don't worry about me. I'm use to sleeping in a van so I'm good." I chucked. This pulled a smile out of her so I called it a success.

"Goodnight Greg." Dawn said before making her way up stairs.

"Night Dawn. If you need me for anything don't be afraid to ask."

"Hey. That's my line but thanks." She smiled softly.

I got my bed ready with the blankets Dawn gave me and by the end the couch was quite comfy. Settling down and just about to get comfy I heard small footsteps on the stairs. Looking over my shoulder I saw Dawn now in short shorts and a big baggy t-shirt looking at me sheepishly. Getting up faster than what I thought I could, I rushed over to her worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I hate to ask but would you mind staying with me until I fall a sleep?" She asked. Even in the dim light of the living room I could see her blushing. I smile softly at her, trying to ignore how adorable she was acting.

"I wouldn't mind. Come on. Let's get you to bed." I said while gently guiding her back upstairs. When we got to her room, I saw she had a small table lamp on and her cat was sound asleep at the foot of her bed. She laid back down and I sat down on the edge of the bed. As she got situated in her bed I let myself take a glance around her room in the dim lighting I couldn't make out much except that she had two full book shelves filled to the brim with books.

"Nice little library you have in here." Dawn followed my gaze and smiled.

"Yeah. I love books. Ever since I was little I was collecting books. My dad always said its easy for a girl to look good but it takes practice to be interesting and have her own mind." She explained.

"Your dad sounds like a smart man."

"He is. I love him. He's my best friend as pathetic as that sounds."

"That's not pathetic. If anything, I think it's sweet that you think so highly of him." I added smiling down at her. Dawn gave me a sleepy smirk back and yawned. "Why don't you go to sleep and I'll be right down stairs when you wake up."

"Okay. Thanks again Greg. I don't know what I would so if you weren't here…." Before she could continue she fell asleep and I felt my heart melt for the second time that night. The peaceful look on her face almost made me forget about what had happened to her. Almost. Taking a deep breath, I stood up, made sure that she was tucked in tightly and turned to the cat, who was now watching me like a hawk.

"Watch her until I get back. And if you let anything happen to her I will skin you myself." I mumbled. The meowed softly and laid his head back down. Taking that as a sign that he had things covered I grabbed my jacket and started on my long, cold walk.

That's how I find myself outside in the streets of Beach City well past midnight trying to figure out if I should take this situation into my own hands. The only thing is though I don't know where the prick lives I meant to ask Dawn but I didn't want upset her more. I'm so caught up in my thoughts that I don't even notice the figure in front of me and I walk right into them.

"Ouch. Sorry about that." I mumble. It isn't until I look up that I see that it is Garnet. "Oh. Hey Garnet. What are doing out so late?"

"I could be asking you the same thing but I already know. Greg what you're feeling right now is completely valid but you should be back with Dawn. I know that you think you can help her by hurting the man that hurt her but that won't help. Get back before she wakes up and sees you gone which will be in a few hours."

"How can I go back to her knowing that I'm not helping her?" I asked. Feeling helpless.

"You honestly don't think you're helping her?" Garnet asked while putting her hands on my shoulders, I looked up at my old friend and saw a fierce look on her face. In the street light, she looked intimating.

"You are being such a great comfort to her right now Greg. You don't even know. Please go back to her and I will take care of the prick that hurt her personally. Please. Trust me on this."

"I do trust Garnet. Okay. I'll head back."

"Good. And don't worry we won't hurt the guy, we'll just make sure that he knows he's no longer welcomed in our town."

"Thanks Garnet. I owe you one."

"You won't owe me anything if you hurry on back to that woman of yours."

"Wait a minute she's not…" Before I could continue Garnet literally jumped away into the sky. Chuckling softly to myself I made my way back to Dawn's place.

Sorry it took me so long to update but I took a bit of a break from writing for various reasons but I am back. I can't promise I'll update often but I'm not leaving this story or any of my stories unfinished. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to see you all later. Thank you to every single person who is staying with this story it means a lot :)