
When Jack first saw the place, he immediately was turned off to the prospect of having a tattoo parlor right next to it. He asked the realtor about the issue, and they just laughed off the question, saying that it wouldn't do anything bad for business.

It would be pretty ironic, Jack thought, putting his hands on his hips and staring up at the sign of the shop. The walls were yellow-ish and cracked in places, as if the owner just bought it and didn't care about how it looked on the outside. It actually added to the effect. Jack looked over to the property next to the shop and imagined how it would be, baby blue paint with a sign out front in cursive. He hadn't decided on a name yet.

Jack wasn't entirely sure if it was the right place, but when he imagined what it would be like, there was a tug in his gut that told him. It was the one.

"I'll take it," he said, turning to the realtor, who smiled and shook his hand amiably.

It took a lot of work to start a business, as Jack soon found out by all the stuff he was doing. Hiccup and Tooth helped at times, but mostly it was just Jack painting the walls or designing the website or ordering the business cards. After a long, well-thought-out brainstorming session, Jack had finally decided on a name.

When the sign came in a huge box in the mail, Jack was thrilled. After about an hour or two of figuring out how to piece it together and hooking up the electrical wires, Jack was finished.

"Frost Blossoms" was written in decorated lettering across the top of the doorway, with a little frozen bloom design suspended next to it. A rush of excitement filled Jack and he fist pumped into the air in his jubilee.

Tomorrow would be his first day of work.

Elsa first noticed that the empty space next door to the parlor was getting renovated and turned into something when the walls had been repainted a light blue. From the seat of her motorcycle she admired it, then walked to the shop next door to unlock the door and flip the open sign over.

She was inside all day, working, and when she got off she saw that the place next door was now being repainted inside as well. Wondering for a moment who was doing all this, Elsa got on her motorcycle and left for home.

About a week later, Elsa closed up the parlor and walked outside to see someone standing outside of the renovated place, looking up and admiring something. His eyes shined, and there was a grand smile on his face, so Elsa could only assume that this was the owner.

Before she got to her motorcycle she walked closer to the man and looked up at the sign as well. "Frost Blossoms" Interesting name for a flower shop. She snorted a little when she realized her tattoo parlor looked positively ghastly against the delicate beauty of the flower shop, then found that she did not care one bit.

The man looked over at her and said, "Oh, hey. Are you from Frozen Heart?"

Elsa was confused for a moment, then she realized that he meant her shop, "Frozen Heart Tattoo."

"Oh, yeah. I'm the owner."

"Nice to meet you; I'm Jack." He reached his hand out to shake hers, and she accepted it a little hesitantly. Why was he being so friendly? Usually people took one look at her and deemed her unfit for social interaction. She couldn't really blame them.

"Elsa," she replied, a small smile forming on her face. The guy was brown-haired and blue-eyed, with a friendly smile and chill vibes. Elsa was tentatively curious about him.

"It's kind of funny isn't it; a flower shop next to a tattoo parlor?"

Elsa gave a small chuckle before saying, "Yeah, it really is. Though I don't really mind. Gives people a real shock."

His eyes trailed along her collarbone, then quickly back up to her face, an almost unnoticeable action. But Elsa recognized it. She liked that her tattoos got her attention; it gave people something to think about.

"Like the tats? I can give you some if you like. Call it businessperson's welcome," she said, her smile turning into a slightly devious smirk. He probably didn't have any tattoos at all. Elsa could do a lot with him, and the prospect excited her.

Jack looked positively shocked; his eyes open wide. So he was one of those people. Oh well. Maybe he wouldn't become as good of a friend as she once thought.

"Um, I think I'll pass. Needles are kind of a sensitive thing for me."

Elsa's slight contempt for him left immediately. He was just afraid of needles; what a cutie. She shrugged.

"Well, it was worth a try. Nice meeting you, Jack. Maybe I'll see you again sometime." Elsa turned around and walked to her motorcycle, catching his 'Yeah, maybe sometime' and raising her hand to acknowledge it.

Interesting enough.

A/N: Sooo here's my latest thingy! Don't worry, I'm still working on A Shock of White Hair XP I just read Possibility by zulka (it's great, you should check it out!) and got inspired by the whole telling-a-story-through-drabbles type thing. Yes, Elsa is OOC and Jack is a little too, but when you do an AU don't characters always end up a little OOC? If you guys really don't like it, tell me and I'll try to get them a little more normal. So yeah, flower shop/tattoo parlor AU; those are always fun. I hope you guys will enjoy it!