It was a quiet afternoon and my brothers were all doing their normal activities. Mikey was reading his comics on the couch, Raph was watching TV, and Donnie was surfing the web to find new information for his inventions. Me, I was training, something I loved doing because it didn't involve my eyes. You see, ever since I can remember, I've been blind. When we were all mutated, all those years ago, I guess something happened to me that made it so I couldn't see. Of course, back then, I was still the oldest and didn't want to frighten my brothers or my new father and worry then even further then they already were from being mutated, so I kept it a secret. At first it was hard, trying to find my way around a world I couldn't see. Sensei believed it was just normal child behavior to stumble and crash into things, which made the perfect cover up.

As I grew older, I learned to use my other senses to see. I was able to use touch and feel to map out pictures in my head and 'watch' peoples movements, and I could use my hearing during training in order to avoid my brothers weapons. I eventually became so good at this, I was able to step onto a surface and map out all the areas around me, able to step near my brothers and make out their face structure, even able to sense things people with eyes couldn't see. It was like I could see without eyes. I think part of this ability came from being mutated. Even though I was mutated blind, it made my other senses extremely hyper active along with keeping my eyes normal, which aided in keeping my one 'disability' a secret.

I've considered telling my family, many times actually, but I fear in what that might lead into. I don't want to be treated differently because of my blindness. I can still live my life with my brothers normally because of my other hyper active senses. Sure, there are sometimes when I am asked questions or told to do things that might I would not be capable of doing with my eyes, but I've learned to adapt. It was just like the other day when I went to Donnie's lab to tell him to go to sleep.

It was late at night and Leo was about to head upstairs to his room, when he heard a slight buzzing noise coming from Donnie's lab. He sighed and walked to the entrance of his lab, leaning on the door and crossing his arms. As soon as he stepped close enough, the image of the lab popped into his head like a mental map, and sure enough Donnie was sitting at his desk tinkering with one of his inventions.

"Donnie, what did I tell you? Staying up this late isn't good for you." Leo sighed as he walked towards Donnie.

Donnie jumped out of his shell when he heard Leo, almost dropping his invention. Once he calmed down he looked with a sheepish smile to see a very stern looking Leo in his lab. "O- oh" he stuttered as he put the machine down, "Sorry Leo, I guess I just, um, lost track of time. Heh." He gave a nervous laugh

Leo sighed "Come on Donnie, let's get you to bed." He smiled lightly.

Donnie nodded "Sure, just help me clean up first ok?"

Leo nodded, "Sure, what do you need me to do?"

Donnie looked at his tools, "Here, will you put these back in the tool box? The ones with orange tape go in the big box, and the ones with the blue tape go in the small box inside of the big box." He said as he started putting his inventions away.

Leo 'looked' at the tools on the table. "Yah sure, can you separate then for me while I grab the tool box?" He said as he started walking away towards where he 'saw' the tool box in his mental map. He knew it wasn't his best cover up to get out of these situations, but he hoped it worked.

Donnie gave his older brother a puzzled look, which Leo didn't see, and said, "yah, sure." He started sorting the tools by the color tape, not understanding why Leo would need him to if the tape was already on the tools.

Leo returned with the tool box and put the tools away, figuring the ones that were smaller in one of the piles were the ones that went in the smaller box. "Ok, is that it?"

Donnie was so caught up in his thoughts he almost didn't hear Leo, "Huh? Oh yah, yah that's it." he yawned and stretched as he turned off his lab equipment. "Night Leo" he said as he went to his room, still thinking about the tape incident as he fell asleep.

"Night Donnie" Leo said. He was sure that he hadn't caused any suspicion as he walked up to his own room, and fell asleep.

I normally just cover up my actions like I did that night. If my family ever found out, I don't know what would happen.