Chapter 5:

Tap. Tap. Tap. Her pencil hit against the table in front of her. She had been sitting in History of Magic Harry next to her, behind Ron and Ginny. This was the longest class she has ever sat through and she couldn't pay attention at all. Harry's hand was on her thigh caressing it, pushing up her skirt ever so slightly. The class was almost over; soon she can get out of there away from prying eyes.

The thought of what she wanted to do to him made her shift slightly in her chair. She couldn't help it; he just made her feel things she never thought could be so intense. It's been a few weeks since they decided to give their relationship a try and it has been nothing but bliss. She never imagined Harry to be so affectionate she figured he was more of the reserved type. Maybe he was before the war ended, but this Harry was so open and wanted to show off. He didn't like it when they hide and he took every opportunity to make that clear to Hermione.

Much like now as Harry's hand pushed further under her skirt, so close to where they both wanted it. Professor Binns shut his book loudly in the front of the class, making her jump slightly, effectively ending class for the day. She rushed to gather her things, her barely marked parchment and her bone-dry quill.

"Where are you off to so quickly?" Ginny inquired as Hermione hurriedly shuffled the tote over her shoulder.

"Just have to get my spot in the library before it fills up." Her eyes flickered over to Harry. "I like to get the alcove near the restricted section it's the most secluded part of the library. No one knows about it really, and I would like to keep it that way." With a quick nod at all of them and a lingering stare on Harry she fled the room.

She barely made it into the library before Harry caught up with her. Her hand clutched his and drags him to the section, but the opposite from where she said. She couldn't have anyone walking in on them.

Hermione pushed Harry into the alcove and onto the cushioned seat. He made a grab for her, but she stopped him and reached for her wand casting a silencing charm and a disillusionment charm on the space in front of them.

"You are one sneaky man, Harry Potter." She straddled him; she was already so wet as she pushed her clothed pussy over his bulge. She brought his mouth to hers and their lips moved together, her arms encircled themselves around his neck and she pushed her chest up against his. "Are you gonna give me what you teased me about?" Her lips hovered over his ear; her teeth slightly grazed the edge. "Or am I just going to have to take it?" She ground her hips into his lap, Harry threw his head back, his hands quickly gripping her waist.

Hermione's hands furiously worked at the buttons on her shirt, but they just wouldn't work. Harry frustrated ripped the shirt open, the buttons flew everywhere. She giggled at his impatience. Harry mouthed her clothed breast. Her giggles turned to moans in a matter of seconds. She pushed down the cloth; she wanted his mouth on her. "Harry," She breathed. "I can't wait anymore."

His eyes darkened and she quickly got off his lap and pulled down her knickers as he almost ripped his pants open. She straddled him. She was dripping and his cock grazed her so softly she couldn't help but shiver. She sank down on his hard cock. The groaned loudly together and Harry's hands grabbed her waist. He pushed her up, almost off of him before slamming her back down.

"Fuck." Up and down she moved on his cock, each thrust was deeper and deeper each time. His mouth stayed on her peaked nipples, she gripped him to her. God, she was so close. Her fingers moved to her clit rubbing wide circles around it. "Almost, almost-" With two more thrusts she came. Her body writhed as she moved against Harry; her hands clutched his head to her chest a moan ripped from her chest. He followed shortly after groaning into the breast in his mouth.

The two sat there silently, chests heaving, arms wrapped around each other. Harry released her breast with a soft pop. Harry chuckled slightly as he looked over at the sight of the space around them. They weren't the most careful of lovers in the world; clothes were strewn all over their little space. "We probably should've done this in a different place." Hermione climbed off of him and he tucked himself back into his pants as she tried to salvage her clothes with charms.

"If you weren't touching me in class maybe we could've made it to the Room of Requirement." She quirked an eyebrow at him, fastening the last button on her blouse and fluffing out her hair and tying it into a bun on top of her head, before sitting next to him on the bench.

Harry threw his arm around her shoulders and tucked her into his side. "Maybe if people knew about our relationship we wouldn't have to sneak around."

She pulled back and looked at him with an amused smile, "I'm sure even if people know they won't want to see us have sex."

"You know what I mean Hermione." He completely pulled away from her, his arm falling from her shoulders, "I want to be able to hold your hand when I want and kiss you when I want in front of whoever I want because I want to show them we're together and that you're-" He cut himself off.

She knew what he was thinking; she always knew what he was thinking. "Say it Harry. That I'm what?" He stayed silent. She pushed him back against the window and straddled his lap once again. "That I'm your girlfriend? That I'm yours?" Harry's eyes darkened, "That I belong to you? Is that what you want them to know?" Her fingers trailed down his arms to his hands. "That this-"She placed his hands on her chest "-is all yours?"

His thumbs grazed over her clothed nipples. She mewled and pushed her chest closer to him. "Let them know, right here." She pointed to a spot on her neck where she knew everyone would see. She was his, in every sense of the word. He was right, people should know; she wanted them to know. He buried his head and his teeth latched onto her neck. She held his head to her; she reveled in the feeling of his mouth against her skin.

He eventually pulled back from her and admired his work. She brought her fingers up to touch the spot the skin there was slightly bumpy, marking the spot where his teeth indented her skin. She gave him a small smile, "Perfect." And she pressed her lips against his in a drawn out kiss.

"Merlin, I love you." Harry breathed. Her body stiffened. He loved her? Did she love him? Of course she cared for him and the way he made her feel was amazing, but was she in love. After all these years he loved her. She pulled away from him and her eyes locked with his. There was nothing but absolute love there. Was this what love was? The way he made her feel? She couldn't imagine being with anyone else, she didn't want to be anywhere else. She was happy, happier than she had been in a long time, and if this was what love was then she didn't want to let this go.

She grabbed his face in her hands and smiled softly, "I love you, too." She kissed him feverishly. She loved him and that was all that mattered.

The whole marking thing seemed like a good idea at the time, Hermione just didn't seem to think out what would happen after. She didn't think about how there would be questions she wasn't sure she was ready to answer, but they needed to be. So that is why she's sitting with Ginny in the Girl's Dormitory on her bed being bombarded with questions of when did you get that and who gave it to you.

"Ginny-" The girl mentioned stopped mid-sentence. "-I'll tell you who it is, just don't get mad."

Ginny raised an eyebrow at the girl. "What could be so bad?"

"I'm dating Harry-" Hermione stared at her hands as she continued talking "- and I know you two have had a past and I should've talked to you before we ever did anything. It wasn't really ever supposed to happen, but it did and I don't regret anything other than not letting you know before-" Ginny grabbed her hands causing Hermione to look up at her.

"It's okay, Hermione." She smiled softly, "I kind of figured something was going on between you two when you went to talk in his dormitory.

Hermione stared at the younger girl for a moment. Ginny looked resigned almost sad, but sincere. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Ginny squeezed her hands before letting go and getting off of the bed, "I guess I always figured after the war was over, me and Harry would get back together and we would be happy." She smiled sadly, "But if we're not meant to be together then so be it, as long as he's happy. He is happy right, Hermione?" Hermione nodded, "Then I'm happy. Just give me some time, okay? Just a little bit of time." And that was all before she walked out of the door leaving Hermione on her bed.

Hermione had to admit, that went a lot better than she expected. In all honesty, she expected a blow-up or some sort of resistance but it's not the first time a Weasley has surprised her this year and it probably won't be the last.

Draco flew around the empty Quidditch field. This was the time he was undeniably allowed to come. He was no longer on the team so there was no reason for him to be on the field the same time as the Slytherin team or any team for that matter. The wind flew through his hair.

"It's getting close to curfew; you won't want Hermione to catch you." A familiar voice echoed from the pitch below. Standing on the pitch was his newest companion, arms crossed, a smirk on his lips.

Draco flew down to the boy below and hovered next to him. "I'm sure you could talk to your girlfriend for me, get me off the hook for once." Harry looked slightly surprised. "Yeah, I know. You two aren't as subtle as you would like to think. I mean honestly, in the library, really?" Harry's cheeks reddened. "What do you expect when Granger leaves with a hickey she didn't come in with?"

Harry cleared his throat and ran a hand through his unruly hair, "We didn't really think that one through."

"Don't worry no one would notice unless they were paying close attention."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "So, you were paying close attention?"

Draco ignored his question and asked one of his own, "What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be with Granger or Weasel?"

Harry snorted, "Some things never change, huh?" He plopped down on the ground under him. "Hermione's doing her rounds and Ron isn't really speaking to me at the moment. It turns out telling your best mate that you're shagging his ex-girlfriend isn't the best idea."

Draco snorted out a laugh as he dismounted his broom and sat down next to Harry on the cool damp grass. "You really are an idiot aren't you?"

Harry shoved Draco's shoulder lightly, releasing a laugh of his own. "Oi! I thought we were at a truce here!"

Draco laid back on the ground laughter still pouring out of him "That doesn't stop me from knowing how bad of an idea that was! What were you thinking?"

Harry rubbed his eyes, still chuckling. "I don't know, I guess I figured honesty was better than nothing." Their laughter began to die out and they were left with silence.

It's been a while since Draco had laughed that much and the last person that he expected to make him laugh was Harry Potter. Honestly, who would've thought Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter sitting on the Quidditch field chatting like old mates? Draco looked over at the silent boy, who was now looking up to the night sky. This companionship was so new and so honest, there were few, if any, of his old "friendships" that were this carefree, this open. This was more than any "friendship" has ever offered him and it was coming from the boy whose life he made a mission to make miserable.

Draco turned his eyes away from the boy and to the sky. It wasn't only his new friendship, but Granger's too. The two he torture the most over the years were his newest friendly contact, his only if things continue to go on as they were. But he couldn't feel disappointed about this. Undeniably, he felt saddened when thinking about the past and the things he had done to them, but their openness made him want to fix his wrongs, to at least try to make amends for what he had done.

The two Gryffindor's seem to disregard what happened in the past and go from now. They seem to make sure that the life that they live is what's happening now and that includes disregarding everything he had done. He rolled his eyes silently. Stupid Gryffindor's. Only they would be stupid enough to ignore the past, to trust so easily. History quite often repeats itself and ignoring what happen is just asking for him to resort to his old ways. It was ridiculous how trusting they were, but it still didn't make any sense.

Sure they were Gryffindor's and sure they have that hero-complex thinking they could fix everything because they're so "brave" but why forgive Malfoy? They were the only Gryffindor's in the entire school that talked to him and allowed him to make amends, but why? What was in it for them? So Draco asked Harry.


Harry hummed in question, turning from his star gazing. "Why what?"

"Why are you and Granger so forgiving with me? We have a truce, but that never entitled you to be nice to me and welcome me into your little circle. I am the last person you should be laughing with, but you are; so why?"

"Why not?" Harry raised an eyebrow, "People change and obviously you're one of them. The war is over and I'm tired of fighting, I just want to have a normal life without having to look over my shoulder every few minutes. It gets old quickly."

Draco nodded in agreement. He knew that mindset well; even now after the war is over he still has that mindset. Even now as he talks to one of his only companions, he's looking for the ulterior motives behind his actions. Never before had someone done something that had no strings attached, there was always that lingering debt they hung over the person's head until they saw fit and used it against that person. He would know; he was one of the main ones instilling that policy.

Maybe Harry was right. He inwardly scoffs, never did he think he would be crediting Harry Potter for anything, and then again he never thought he would ever be in this situation. "So what now Potter? We all become best mates and fly into the sunset together? I'm not so sure Weasel would like that very much."

Harry rolled his eyes at the blonde boy's sarcastic tone. "You could start by calling me Harry." Draco smirked at the other boy. "Then you can come sit with me and Hermione tomorrow at breakfast."

It was official, Harry Potter was a complete lunatic. In what world would that be a good idea? He is officially the king of bad ideas and Draco told him exactly that. "Do you really expect anyone to be okay with that?"

Harry stood up from his place next to Draco and nodded towards the entrance behind them were Hermione was standing. She gave a small wave and a smile to both of them. "Well I know for sure two people will be quite excited about it."

Draco nodded towards the girl before addressing Harry. "You are a bloody idiot Harry Potter."

Harry rolled his eyes at the other boy. "Yeah, yeah. Are you going to sit with us or not?"

Draco stared at the boy towering over him. Was he really considering doing this? He really didn't want to go another day sitting alone at his own house table and honestly how much more can people hate him for? Sitting at the Gryffindor table wasn't going to get him on anyone's good side but was anything actually going to? "Just to prove how bad of an idea this is, fine, I will sit with you two. But let the record show how much I'm against this idea." He sighed as the couple walked away through the entrance; maybe it won't be so bad.