Author's Note:

Well folks, it's time for another adventure starring everyone's favorite bionic policeman, Inspector Gadget!



Here he comes right now. Here he comes right now, coming to save the day.

Here he comes right now, here he comes right now, coming to save the day.

Who do we call when danger is afoot? Who do we call?

Inspector Gadget (that's right)!

Inspector Gadget (oh yeah)!

Here comes right now, here he comes right now, coming to save the day.

Penny and Brain will join him to save the d-a-a-a-a-y-y-y.

Here he comes right now, here he comes right now, coming to save the day.

Today's Inspector Gadget story will be a pretty interesting one, I think you'll like it. I'm not so sure about it, but I think it won't be so bad.


Our story opens today at the Metro City Bowling Alley, where we see none other than the great Inspector Gadget, himself playing a game of bowling with his dear niece, Penny, his dog Brain, and his stupid sidekick Corporal Capeman.

Penny just hit a strike.

"Ruff!" Brain gave Penny a thumbs up.

"A strike!" Penny cheered "All right! I did it! I did it! Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh."

Penny closed her eyes, puckered her lips, and started moonwalking and krumping, while gloating.

"Go me, go me, go me." She chanted. "It's my birthday, it's my birthday, I'm gonna party like it's my birthday!"

"Penny!" Gadget stopped her "No krumping, moonwalking, and gloating. Now, it's Capman's turn."

"Time for Corporal Capeman to bowl." Capeman said. "Lemme show you how it's done."

Capeman tried rolling the ball, but it got caught in his cape and he rolled both the bowling ball and himself into the pins. Gadget came to Capeman's assist.

"Capman, maybe you should take your cape off next time." Gadget picked up his partner.

"I'll take note of that great Inspector." Said Capeman.

Just as Gadget was about to pick up a ball, his phone rang. He answered it.

"Is that you Chief?" He spoke into the phone "You're where? Right!"

Gadget went to the bowling ball conveyor belt and saw Chief Quimby's head pop out of it.

"In here Gadget." Chief Quimby handed Gadget a piece of paper "Read your instructions."

Gadget read the paper "Our sources have intel that Dr. Claw is sending his minons to break into the Metro City Storage Unit and open storage unit number, 198. Your mission is to find out what he's after and why. This message WON'T self destruct."

"You must get there Gadget," Said Chief Quimby "We don't know why Claw is sending his agents to that particular storage room, but we have a strong feeling it is a serious matter."

"Don't worry Chief, I'm always on duty." Gadget crumpled up the paper, threw it in a trash can, and pulled the Chief out of the bowling ball thing.

"Thanks." Said Quimby "I was getting uncomfortable in there."

Gadget went over to Penny, Brain, and Capeman to tell them the news.

"Sorry Penny," Gadget told her "I'll have to cut our family time short. I have a very important mission. Come along, Capman."

"Coming, Inspector!" Capeman followed Gadget.

"Uncle Gadget has a secret mission Brain, we'd better help him." Penny told Brain.

"Ruff!" Brain nodded.

Capeman and the Gadget's got out of the bowling alley and went into the Gadgetmobile.

"Finally, I thought you'd never get out." Said the Gadgetmobile "Where to, Gadget?"

"To the Metro City Storage, Gadgetmobile." Gadget said "And step on it!"

"You got it, buddy." Gadgetmobile drove off at breckneck speed. "I hope this is a big case and not a plan to clean out your old junk."


Dr. Claw was having a video conference with his MAD Agents, who were on their way to the storage.

"MAD Agents!" Claw pointed to his henchmen "Gadget is on his way to the storage unit! You must get there before him!"

"Yes, Dr. Claw." The MAD Agents bowed.

"You'd better." Dr. Claw slammed his fist "Gadget musn't reach that storage room."

"But why do want that dumb, old storage unit anyways?" Asked an agent.

"You'll see." Claw stroked MAD Cat "You'll see."


Gadget and Capeman finally arrived at the storage.

"You stay here with the Gadgetmobile and Brain, Penny." Gadget told his niece "Capman and I will meet you back here."

"Bye Uncle Gadget, good luck." Penny waved to him.

"I'm always on duty, Little Nugget." Gadget kissed Penny's nose.

As soon as Gadget and Capeman left, Penny and Brain got out of the Gadgetmobile.

"Where you going, Penny?" Asked Gadgetmobile.

"Brain and I are gonna follow Uncle Gadget, he might need our help as always." Penny said.

"Well be back here before Gadget does." Gadgetmobile said "I don't wanna get in trouble with your uncle."

"Don't worry, we'll be back." Penny ran into the storage building with Brain.

Meanwhile, Gadget and Capeman searched all over the place for the door they were looking for. Finally, they found the very storage room.

"There it is Capman." Gadget pointed to the storage room "The very room the Chief was talking about. Room number, 198."

"But it's locked." Capeman pointed to a lock "How are we gonna get inside."

"Like this Capman," Gadget pointed his finger at the lock "Go go gadget, skeleton key."

A skeleton key came out of Gadget's finger and he unlocked the lock.

"All together, now." Gadget and Capeman lifted the door "One...two...THREE!"

Gadget and Capeman lifted up the storage door, they went inside (with Penny and Brain secretly following them), and they couldn't believe what they saw...

"WOWSERS!" They all gasped.

It was a whole forest as far as the eye could see. There were trees, magical creatures, and so much more on every corner.

"It's a whole forest, as far as the eye can see." Penny gasped.

"Ruff." Brain nodded.

"Capman, I think I've figured out why Claw wanted to break into this storage." Gadget told Capeman. "This is amazing."

Just then, a strange, old tiny creature with pointy ears, large gray hair, and a cloak appeared in front of them.

"Excuse me, who are you? What are you? What're you doing here?" The strange, tiny creature asked.

"Look at this thing, great Inspector." Capeman picked up the strange, tiny old thing "It's a cute, little toy. Let's give it to Penny."

"Capman!" Gadget pointed at Capeman "Put that creature down! She might have some important information about this."

"Okay." Capeman put the old, tiny thing down.

"So, who are you and where are we?" Gadget asked the tiny elder.

"Greetings, I am Obsidan, an ancient of the Troll Planet." She introduced herself "And who are you?"

"The name's Gadget." Gadget showed his badge "Inspector Gadget."

"And I'm his partner, Corporal Capeman!" Capeman saluted.

"You still haven't answered my question," the Inspector pointed out "Where are we?"

"Follow me, I'll tell you when we get to my shop." Obsidan led Gadget and Capeman to wherever she was planning on taking them.

Penny and Brain, who were eavesdropping, naturally thought this was important and part of Gadget's mission.

"We'd better follow them Brain," She said "This seems like our biggest mission yet."

"Ruff!" Brain saluted.

Author's Note:

Wowsers! This looks like Gadget and Capeman have stumbled onto something pretty big here. They've found a portal to another dimension. No doubt Claw will try to take over this other dimension. And it looks like Penny and Brain want to get in on the action. Stay tuned folks!