
Author's Note:

Well that was quick.

This is probably the fastest I've ever written a chapter, and I'm quite proud of it. It is probably one of the most well written chapter in this story so far (which isn't saying much, but still…).

I have been doing quite a bit of planning for this series and even started dividing the heroes into two teams for Civil War. Trust me, there are a lot more new characters that I'll be introducing.

Until then, enjoy this chapter.


Clint glanced at the reflection of the team he was stuck with on the windshield in front of him.

Two assassins, a pair of WWII veterans, and agent of SHIELD, a STRIKE team, and a tin man. It's not much of an army, but I'll take what I can get. Can't be worse than Moscow at any rate.

"What the hell is that?"

Looking up, Clint saw what his copilot, Bobbi, was asking about. Above Stark tower, a massive blue field of swirling energy appeared in the sky, creating a portal above the New York skyline.

Out of the blue portal, hundreds upon thousands of alien speeders were pouring out, along with the occasional giant snake alien thing.

While Clint and Bobbi were watching their enemies emerge from the portal and begin their assault on Manhattan, the rest of the Avengers were climbing to the front to see for themselves what they are going up against.

"Aright, sit down kids, things are going to get a bit hectic." Clint ordered to those behind him before turning to Bobbi. "Activate all weapon systems on this garbage."

"But these things aren't built for dogfights, much less this!" Bobbi protested while activating whatever the jet's weapons.

"Believe it or not, miracles do happen sometimes." Clint informed her as he steered the jet towards Stark Tower.

Turning backwards, Clint told the team. "We're going to get you as close to Stark Tower as possible, so get ready to jump when I give the signal."

"What about you two?" Steve asked with a concerned frown.

"Doesn't matter how you slice it, this thing is going to crash. Whether we crash with you guys on board or not, we'll catch up to you." Clint replied as he turned his chair back to the front to continue flying. After a brief moment of consideration he adds, "If we make it."

"Incoming!" Bobbi yelled as she grabbed the controls for the built in rocket launcher on the jet.

Ahead of them, three alien speeders were charging towards them, full steam. Each speeder had two aliens on them, one pilot and the other wielding a plasma gun on its hands. Wait, is the gun a part of its hand? Clint observed.

The alien craft resembled a jet ski and is about the size of one too. It didn't have any built in weapons, so the plasma gun must be their only weapon on board. Must be powerful if they place so much trust in it.

Also, the craft didn't provide any protection for the pilot or the gunman, which is quite stupid, but Clint didn't mind. The easier the better.

With the push of a button, Clint activated the guns on the jet and, taking only a split second to take aim, fired three short burst of bullets at each speeder's pilot, hitting all three of them in the head.

All three speeders started spinning out of control and crashed into one another, killing all the gunmen.

"Damn." Someone from behind commented, putting a smile on Clint's face.

"You haven't seen anything yet." Clint boasted with a grin and fired at more speeders that just turned around a corner, sending them crashing into the hard concrete ground.

Behind him, the rest of the Avengers gaped at the archer's accuracy and efficiency; except for Agent Wrekk, who muttered "show-off" under her breath.

That's when two plasma blast from behind flew past the quinjet, barely missing the ship.

"Buckle up, kids!" Clint ordered as he made a sharp turn to avoid more blasts.

"Can none of these weapons shoot behind us?" Clint demanded after scanning the dashboard for any options for fighting back.

"These things weren't built for combat!" Bobbi replied as she took control of the guns to fire at more speeders that were approaching from the front while Clint was steering the jet.

"I can help." Agent Wrekk offered, with her sniper rifle in hand.

"Shut up and sit down, it's too dangerous." Clint ordered. He knew who she is, the "all-new Hawkeye". Hell no, he's not giving his mantle to some new kid who uses a sniper rifle. So what if she has beaten his record? That was an old one anyway, from when he was not as good of a shot.

That is when a blast shook the jet.

"We're going down!" Bobbi yelled.

"Sit down and buckle up, kid!" Clint yelled at Agent Wrekk as he struggled to reclaim some degree of control over the jet so that he could land it with minimal damage.

The sniper in question quickly buckled herself with the help of Captain America while the jet charged towards the hard ground below.

Bobbi and Clint were furiously pushing buttons and pulling at levers in hope of getting the ship to land without taking too much damage, but they weren't able to produce results.

"Brace for impact!" Clint yelled right before the jet hit the ground.


"Should've taken the bus." Peter muttered, totally out of breath as he landed in front of a barricade the New York City Police set up on the Queensboro Bridge.

"I've not yet seen a bus driver that'll be crazy enough to drive you here." Captain Jean Dewolff, the new replacement for Captain Stacy (bless him), replied as she walked over to where Spiderman had landed.

She was a redhead police officer with a tough aura about her that reminded Peter of Captain Stacy himself.

"Have you checked Arkham? I heard they have all kinds of psychos there." Peter quipped over his own heavy breathing.

"I'd recommend you sit this one out." Captain Dewolff told him as she turned her attention back to the barricade, where several offices were preparing to fire at the first sight of aliens. "This is above your pay grade."

"I don't get paid."

"Exactly my point." Dewolff countered. "This isn't you usual criminal, this is an alien invasion. A freakin' real life alien invasion."

Peter glanced back at the giant blue portal above the city. "That explains a lot."

"Iron Man is in there with some kind of special task force that the government managed to throw together. They'll handle this and get paid for it." Dewolff told Spiderman.

"Hey, I didn't sign up for this to get paid." Peter told her. "I have a responsibility to save people, so I'm going in, whether you like it or not."

Captain Dewolff looked Spiderman up and down with scrutiny, as if inspecting him.

Finally, she replied. "I was expecting a quip. You're stressed out."

"Well, it's not every day that you get to protect the earth from an alien invasion." Spiderman told her as the two of them walked over to the barricade. "Hope that it's as fun as everyone makes it out to be."

"Hold you fire men, we're letting Spiderman through." Captain Dewolff ordered as she led Spiderman to the edge of the barricade, completely ignoring what Spiderman told her.

She watched intently and silently as Spiderman jumped over one of the barricades. She knew that he may not return back alive, and she knows that he knows that too, the moment he saw the blue thing in the sky.

How does someone as young as him handle all of this?

"You aren't going to kiss me goodbye?" Spiderman asked jokingly.

"Be careful." Dewolff told him softly, throwing Spiderman off.

"I-I will. I promise." He replied, making the promise to not only the Captain but also to Aunt May and Gwen, although they weren't there.

"So no goodbye kiss?" Spiderman added, just to lighten the mood.

To his surprise, Captain Dewolff actually genuinely smiled and countered, "I have a boyfriend."


"Off you go to save people." Dewolff waved him off. "And give one of those alien bastards a good punch for me."

"Will do!" Spiderman called back as he ran and jumped atop an abandoned car so that he can swing to the other end of the bridge.

Although Captain Dewolff was the first officers to accept Spiderman's help without shooting at him first, they never really warmed up to each other. There was always something between them that made their relationship cold.

Peter didn't really understand what happened, but he did saw, for the first time, respect in her eyes when she sent him off.

I can think about that later, right now, I need to focus. Peter told himself in his head as he saw several civilians fleeing towards the bridge.

"Hey, any one of you know where the aliens are? I wanted to see if any of them know where to catch Mewtwo." He called out as he landed on a car at the edge of the bridge.

"Spiderman!" One of the women shouted as she ran towards him. "It is horrible! They're going to kill us all!"

"Alright, err, what's your name again?" Spiderman asked as he patted her on the back.

"Rachel." The woman replied, out of breath.

Rachel, right, of course. Look, Rachel, I don't want to sound pushy or anything, I know this experience is quite traumatic and all, but do you mind elaborating?" Spiderman asked kindly.

"They-they have these ships that they fly in and shoot at us. They jump of their ships sometimes too. It was horrible, they were so hideous. And then there are those eel things that destroy everything. Oh my God, they are going to kill us all!" The woman blurted out.

"Hey, it's going to be fine. Everything will be alright." Spiderman murmured comfortingly. "Iron man is there too, we'll take care of this.

"Now go to somewhere safe. A nice officer is waiting for you at the other end of the bridge." Spiderman told her as he lightly prompt her to go across the bridge.

Silently, he watched as Rachel and several other civilians cross the bridge. More civilians were coming from every direction to get to safety. Some were pointing at him and others were whispering about him.

With a sigh, Peter turned and looked at the pillars of smoke rising from the city, the words of Rachel returning to his mind. They are going to kill us all! Her face, a picture of pure horror, crossed his mind, and he questioned this decision to help one more time.

Gwen and Aunt May were worried sick about him. If anything were to happen, they will not be able to forgive themselves. They didn't choose this, Peter did. He willingly put their hearts on the line so that he can do his thing. Am I being selfish?

Taking a deep breath, Peter reminded himself again why he does this. He could see Uncle Ben bleeding out on the concrete floor. His blood staining Peter's hands forever.

"Your father believed that if you could do great things for other people, you had the moral obligation to do it!" He could hear Uncle Ben tell him that again. The whole scene replayed in his head. "That's what's at stake here. Not choice. Responsibility."

He remembers watching Uncle Ben take on the responsibility of stopping an armed thief even though he could have let him go free without getting hurt. It wasn't any of his business, but he the ability to do something that could, potentially, be good. And he did. He took on the responsibility without thinking about the risks.

I have to do this. I have a responsibility to all the innocent people in that city. No one is going to lose their Uncle Ben.

With determination, Peter started running. He ran towards the city, where everyone else was running away from. He ran and jumped on top of another car. From there he took off into the air; swinging ever close to the battle.

New York, these people, they are my responsibility.


Thor smashed a Chitauri warrior through a store's glass window with Mjolnir right before it could fire at several fleeing civilians.

A Chitauri Chariot, the aliens' speeder from which they rained terror upon the inhabitants of Manhattan, came speeding up the street, blasting away at everything that is still on it, including civilians.

"No!" Thor yelled as he swung Mjolnir around and threw it at the Chariot, which exploded upon impact with the hammer.

From the smoke and ashes of the destroyed Chariot, three more emerged that blasted Thor relentlessly.

With gritted teeth, Thor covered his face with his arms, enduring the onslaught of plasma blasts.

The Chitauri weapon was unlike anything Thor had ever faced before; the blasts weren't strong enough to kill him, but he could feel light burns forming on his unprotected forearm. The rest of his body that was covered by armor weren't in as much pain, but the impact of each blast still held him back.

With a yell, Thor pushed with all his might against the impact and pain of each blast, and reached out with his right hand to call Mjolnir back.

The hammer came flying through the Chariot in the middle, decimating it, and rested itself firmly in Thor's hand.

Almost immediately, the Asgardian reflected on of the blasts back to the Chitauri, destroying one of the Chariots. He followed that up by swinging his Mjolnir around and using it to pull him up towards the last Chariot.

Although the pilot tried to pull away, it was too late, and Thor landed on the front, tipping the craft.

Thro swung Mjolnir and sent the pilot flying off of the Chariot. He then proceeded to grab the gunner by its neck and smashing it into a nearby building.

Up ahead, a four more Chariots were coming to take out Thor in a diamond formation.

Just before Thor could take off in their direction, the lead Chariot turned into a black of ice, and crashed into the one behind it. The other two were thrown off by the unexpected attack and flew straight into a wall of ice, sending them all tumbling ten floors down to the hard, unyielding ground.

"Jack Frost!" Thor called out with joy upon seeing his old friend.

"Thor!" He shouted back as the wind carried him over to the Asgardian.

Jack landed a few feet in front of Thor, but he was looking at something behind the Asgardian.

"Get down!" He ordered as he fired two blasts of ice at Thor.

Thor instinctively ducked under the blasts and watched as it consumed two Chitauri warriors behind him.

Thor has known Jack long enough that he could trust him to have his back, sometimes literally. This isn't the first time such a scenario has played out, and usually Thor would get annoyed that Jack didn't think he could handle the ambush by himself. This time, however, he was grateful for the save; he didn't fell like getting blasted again after the previous onslaught.

"Where are the others?" Jack asked, his head turning around to see if he can spot the other Avengers. "That agent said that the rest should be here."

"I know not where the other heroes of Earth are," Thor replied with a confused frown on his face. "I was under the belief that they were with you."

"Wait, what happened on Helicarrier?" Jack asked with worry.

"I do not know either, my friend. Loki tricked me into falling from the sky ship." Thor replied, now curious about what happened. "What happened to you?"

"I fell too. Look, it's a long story and we don't have much time. We'll talk about it later." Jack told Thor as he starts to walk towards Stark tower.

"Aye," Thor mumbles in agreement. "We need to stop Loki."

"Where to first." Jack asked as he turned around to look at Thor.

"How about you come with me?"

The two immortals turned to see that Iron Man was flying over them. "Be quick, though, I have a couple of freaks chasing my ass."

Sure enough a couple of Chitauri Chariots were flying towards them, guns blazing.

All at once, Thor threw Mjolnir, Jack shot blasts of ice from his staff, and Iron Man fired his repulsor beams at them, destroying all the incoming Chariots.

"Fantastic teamwork guys." Stark complimented absentmindedly before diverting his attention. "JARVIS, where are the other Avengers?"

"I'm sending coordinates right now, Mr. Stark." Tony heard the A.I. butler answered. Jack and Thor, meanwhile, couldn't hear a thing and were just staring quizzically at Stark.

"Alright guys, follow me." Tony ordered as he took off flying. "I won't wait behind."

Jack and Thor looked at each other, shrugged, and took off chasing after Stark.


Clint let loose a barrage of arrows, hitting the foreheads of all the aliens surrounding the jet. Behind him, Agent Wrekk was firing at a slower rate, but she hit all of the alien crafts around them at tiny weak points that exploded upon impact.

In less than a minute, the entire area was clear of aliens.

"Check on the others." Clint ordered his fellow sniper. His eyes were scanning the sky for any sign of approaching aliens while he spoke.

Soladat, although royally pissed at Hawkeye, nodded and complied.

She jumped down the hatch back into the crashed quinjet, where the rest of the Avengers were either unconscious of recovering.

"How's everybody?" She asked Natasha, who was standing guard below the hatch.

"Everyone's recovering fine." The assassin answered as she looked around at the team she will be fighting alongside.

Only one or two STRIKE team soldiers were unconscious, the rest were either attending to wounds or preparing their weapons. Wolverine and Captain America were both fine and were talking about strategy. Mockingbird was helping to attend to the wounded.

"Good, that's good." Soladat mumbled absentmindedly. Her thoughts were still trained on Hawkeye and the way he has been treating her coldly.

"How are you?" Natasha asked. She was able to tell what the sniper was thinking about, it was actually quite easy to tell from the circumstances.

"Pissed." Soladat replied honestly with a sigh.

"He can really get on nerves sometimes." Natasha agreed. "You'll get used to it."

"I know, but…" Soladat trailed off.

"You idolized him?"

Soladat nodded.

"Happens every time he works with another sniper, you people all look up to the legendary Hawkeye." Natasha told the fairly new recruit. "He likes being the special one. It's why he prefers bows and arrows instead of guns."

"So, he's like insecure or something." Soladat asked incredulously.

"Nah, he's just proud." Natasha replied while waving off the idea of Clint freaking Barton being insecure. "A little too proud."

"I'll get used to it." Soladat finished.

"You'll get used to it." Natasha repeated. "But trust me, he tends to warm up to ladies quicker. It's why he doesn't have any guy friends."

Soladat couldn't help but snort at what Natasha was telling her. "Thanks."

"Anytime, sister."

"Alright men, Stark has just contacted us and we are meeting with him just down the street." Steve announced to the Avengers with a wide smile. "He has Thor and Jack Frost with him too."

Immediately, everyone brightened up. Thor and Jack Frost are alive! They can turn the tides of the war!

"Once we meet up with them, we'll split the work, but for now, here is how it will probably work." Steve told them.

"Me and the STRIKE team will help with evacuating citizens. Mockingbird has connections with several local heroes, so she, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Wolverine will be helping them out. Stark will be securing the perimeter, while Thor and Jack Frost stay on the offensive. We are also expecting help from the X-men, so once they arrive, they'll take over evacuation and we'll go on offensive."

"I know we're spread thin and the odds are stacked against us, but if we help each other out and work together as a team, we may be able to pull this off. We'll win when we close that portal or send the aliens in full retreat. You may diverge from the plan as you see fit, this is only a guideline, but do communicate with the rest of us if you do."

"We'll be moving out in 2 minutes so get ready to leave by then."

"Wow, he's hotter when he's in full on war mode." Soladat whispered in Natasha's ear.

"Oh, shut it."


Professor Charles listened intently at the news report concerning the invasion of Manhattan by otherworldly forces, but his eyes were looking out the window of his office where he could see the school lawn.

"Should we help?" Ororo asked with concern, her eyes fixed on the television in the Professor's office.

The Professor sighed and closed his eyes. His powerful mind thought through the matter over and over again, and for the first time in a long time, he didn't know what to do.

"The X-men are only children, Ororo." Hank reasoned as he took off his glasses and ran a hand over his face. "We can't send them to war."

"People are dying, Hank." Ororo replied. "The X-men know what they can and cannot do. They'll be safe under our supervision."

"I'm sorry, Ororo," The Professor finally said. "I won't put the live of these children at risk until I know for certain that the Avengers cannot handle this by themselves."

"The X-men were trained to protect themselves if anti-mutant sentiment grew too strong." Charles told both of his friends and fellow instructors at the school. "They aren't ready for war. Not of this nature."

Ororo sighed sadly at the Professor's final verdict.

"Please excuse me, I don't think I can take any more of this." The weather witch told the other two occupants of the room as she finally tore her eyes away from the carnage onscreen.

"Of course, my dear." The Professor replied kindly. "Why don't you check on the other students and make sure that they are not losing their cool over this matter either."

"That's a good idea." Ororo told the Professor as she exited the room and into the hallway outside.

There she stood on the spot for a few moments, trying to regain her composure.

She had never been this shaken before in her life. She has seen many wars in Africa, to be sure, but none was as horrifying as this. Even the abuse that she has seen many mutants suffer couldn't be compared to what is happening to Manhattan.

I need to keep it together. She told herself. The students need me to be strong.

So after taking a deep breath, Ororo walked down the hallway towards the stairs that lead down to the foyer.

I know it is horrible for me to want to send these children out there to fight such a horrific war, but the Avengers need us. The whole world needs us.

Ororo's mind waged war as she thought of the consequences of sending the X-men to fight this war. They might be traumatized forever, scarred for life! They will definitely sustain injuries, but to what extent? What if one of them dies?

"Miss Monroe?"

Ororo looked up in surprise to see that one of their younger students was curled up in the foyer, looking very afraid.

The sight softened Storm's heart. They trusted her. As their instructor and guardian, they trust her to keep them safe. And here she wants to send them to war.

"What is it Jamie?" Ororo asked kindly as she rushed down the last couple steps to reach the young boy.

"Are the aliens going to attack us?" The little boy asked, his voice shaking with fear.

Ororo sat down beside the boy and held him close to her side like a mother would to her child when he's frightened by thunder.

"Not on my watch they won't." She answered comfortingly.

"Why did the aliens attack New York?" He asked fearfully. "Why do they want to attack us?"

"I'm afraid that I do not know everything, child." Ororo replied, although she wished she could ease his fears, she knew better than to lie to the boy, especially on such a grave matter.

Then again, is her promise that he'll be safe a lie too?

"I'm scared." The boy told her.

"I know you are, child. We all are." She told him as she rubbed his back in an attempt to comfort the young one.

The two sat in silence for a while, at the bottom of the stairs, in a corner of the foyer. Scared, but scared together, which makes it much more bearable.

The two of them stared out the window beside the huge, wooden double door that is the entrance to the Institute. They sat and waited for aliens to jump down from the sky and start shooting up the place.

When Ororo finally tore her eyes away from the window it was because her mind had just registered the presence of another person in the room: Jean Grey.

The older student watched Ororo and Jamie with a sweet smile on her face, clearly touched at the compassion of her instructor.

"Make him sleep." Ororo mouthed to the telepath.

Jean nodded and reached out her hand and Jamie's breath slowed down. His eyes fell shut, even though he tried his hardest to stay alert for aliens. Soon, his body was limp in Ororo's arms.

"Thanks." Ororo said to Jean with a smile.

"No problem." Jean replied with a smile of her own as she walked over.

Using her telekinesis, Jean lifted the boy in the air. "I'm going to put him in bed."

Ororo nodded. "Where is everybody?"

"Watching the news." Jean told her instructor. "I had to leave the room, I couldn't stand it."

"Me neither." Ororo told her star pupil.

"Warren isn't there either." Jean told the Weather Witch.

"I'm not surprised," Ororo replied sadly. "I'm sure he's following the news on his own, he'll know if we are needed, probably before any of us would know."

Jean nodded. "Ororo, you're a good teacher."

"Thank you."


Author's Note:

That is all! Thank you all for reading remember to do what you usually do (I really do appreciate reviews).

I would like to mention that any and all of the x-men will be based on the movie version unless I say otherwise. For example, Jamie is actually an older person in the comics and movie, but I'm using the X-men Evolution version because I can't think of any other kid mutant. Also Angel would be different from the movies, I don't think my plans for Angel will sit well for the movie version of himself.

Also, the next chapter might not come out so soon, so stay tuned!

Now to reply some of your reviews!


darck ben: great chapter thanks for letting my oc being this story can i have more scenes with the hulk

Reply: Thanks man! I'll see how he can fit into this story, but I'm afraid he might have to wait.


YokaiAngel: Wow!~~~

Reply: I know right… I can't believe I just wrote that chapter, it was actually not bad… But I like this chapter better.


huskielover94: this is great.. cant wait for more

Reply: There you go. Not as much waiting as you usually have to do! :)


Guest: Random idea for Suicide Squad fic villain: Peridot from Steven Universe :) or at least something similar. And she looks more human-like with long pale-green hair.

Reply: I'll have to see how it plays out. I was thinking of doing something darker with that story and I'm also not familiar with Steven Universe, so I may not use this idea.

Thanks for giving a suggestion thoug!


Guest: Agent Wrekk is a member of STRIKE? She's not with HYDRA in your universe is she?

Reply: Hehehe, maybe…


That is all for the reviews, I think I have a pretty solid plan for my series so far so I may not be as open to suggestions as before, but if you have any great ideas, do share (it might inspire me). Even if I don't end up using your idea, you can write your own story using it.

That is all for now. Once again thanks for reading!